

MissDaphneGonda · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Davinah's POV

It was a cold summer night in the capital of the Ordic Empire. Every maiden is tucked away in their homes sound asleep while I'm here in an old bar on the outskirts of town. I looked at my hideous reflection on my beer cup; I looked like a man. Well, I suppose I shan't be surprised since I am dressed like one.

I sighed, taking a sip from my beer. A woman dressed up as a man in order to help people in need; is tragic! Why must a woman hide in order to do good? Why must men be portrayed as "great" when a woman can do the same? People of this time must realize that a woman can also be worthy of greatness! That a woman such as myself can also bring something to the table.

My thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of a man I'd never seen before. He was tall at five foot eleven, and his appearance was covered by armor and a hat. He sat next to me ordering a shot of vodka.

I stared at him. He had golden hair peeking from his hat, and his body was medium-built. He must be at least twenty.

He noticed my stare, and I received a nod from him. "And you are?"

"A person," I replied, raising a brow. "Who might you be? You smell like fresh blood." He literally did.

He took his shot, staring me down. I wonder what he thought of me for he sure took his sweet time before replying, "A person." He smirked at my reaction.

"Why do you hide?" I asked curiously, taking a sip from my beer.

He shook his head, ordering a bottle of vodka. He poured me a glass.

I accepted his gesture and cheered. Chugging down the alcohol, I felt the sting burning down my throat. I didn't hate vodka, but I was not too fond of it either.

"To answer your question," he says, pouring me another, "I don't hide. I simply like to keep to myself."

I nodded as we took our second shot. "So what's your name Mr. I don't hide."

He smirked, pushing back his hat a little higher. He did have wavy golden hair. Not only that, he also had a pair of icy-blue eyes. I suppose he wasn't ugly after all.

"I'm Blaze," he says, extending his hand to me.

I accepted it, shaking it in turn. "Afik."

I've heard of a man named Blaze. He's a bounty hunter. Rumors spread about people like him everywhere.

He raised his brows. "Afik?" he asked, "The Afik? The hero of the poor? Defender of the weak? The Fox of the Capital?"

I felt the corner of my mouth curl up into a smirk. He's heard of me. "Yes, sir. You must be Blaze, the homeless assassin?"

He chuckled at my statement. "Homeless," he says in between laughs.

"That doesn't offend you, sir?" I arched a brow.

He poured us another round, very much amused. "No. In fact, I'm flattered you've heard of me."

"Well," I say, eyeing him from head to toe, "You don't look like what I expected. I thought you'd be taller, muscular; well more of a man."

"I could say the same thing about you," he replied, "You're certainly not what I expected."

"And what did you expect?" I asked curiously. This is getting interesting. He must've expected to see a bigger man; that's understandable as I am a woman. He, however, didn't meet my expectations.

He pressed his lips together. "I thought you'd be taller and muscular; much like what you expected of me. It surely is a disappointment."

I poured us both another round. "So, Blaze, where are you from?"

"Nowhere," he replied, "And you?"

"Nowhere," I mimicked his voice. "This conversation won't lead anywhere if you don't answer my questions."

"Why must it lead to anywhere?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, folding my hands over my chest. "Why not?"

He smirked. "Apologies, Afik, but I'm not gay. Truly, you seem like an interesting fellow, but I simply am not interested."

What the bloody hell? Did he think I was flirting? I would never in a million years flirt with such a man like him! He's so full of himself.

"You look like a tomato," he points, laughing at me. "Apologies for hurting your feelings."

The audacity of this man! I cleared my throat, taking another shot. "You're mistaken, sir. I am not at all gay. Perhaps you are since you're the one who engaged in such topics," I accused.

It was his turn to become a tomato. He laughed sheepishly at my remark. "You really are something, Afik; I'll give you that." He took my hand, shaking it. "We should be friends."

"I don't do friends," I say.

He laughed at me. "Then why did you engage in a conversation hoping it would lead somewhere?"

He's clever; I'll give him that. "Sure," I say, "Friends. We must see each other again someday."

"Of course," he assured, "Until next time."

"For how long will you stay?" I asked.

"Uncertain," he responds, "But I'm sure we'll cross paths again."

"I shall bid you farewell then," I say, waving. With that, I left the bar and slipped into the dark of night. I snuck back into the castle where my household awaited my return.

"Where have you been, young lady!" Lady Eda, my grandmother, questioned. She was hiding behind the main door, waiting for me all night. "You, child, know better than to wander in the night!"

I smiled. "Mama!" I greeted, kissing her cheek, "I am Afik! You know I was trained to fight since I was born; don't be too worried."

She shook her head in disapproval. "Davinah, I let you do as you please. Now, I want you to at least leave a note whenever you leave the house."

"I met Blaze, Mama," I say.

She furrowed her brows. "What the devil is that name?"

I chuckled at her statement. "He's the infamous assassin. Some people say he's a hero, some don't. Honestly, I don't know. He didn't meet my expectations, Mama; that's for sure."

"What did you expect?" she spat, "A prince charming? As you've said, he's a bounty hunter. He must be an old fool."

I shook both my head and hands. "No, mama," I corrected, "In fact, he looked like a boy. Well, at least in his twenties."

"I am not interested," she glared, "Go to your room! And don't think this conversation is over. We shall talk further in the morning."

I gave her a nod and skedaddled to my room. I took off my hideous disguise and slipped into my nightgown. Being a woman in a man's body is surely tiring. If I were selfish, I would quit this in an instant. Sometimes, I hate myself for having a heart too big. Sometimes I forget about my own priorities in life.

If my family could have it their way, they would've married me off to some random duke or a man of title. Thank God Eda forbade them of it.

My thoughts continue to wander back to Blaze. Maybe he could help me with some tasks for the organization I've built. My people help the poor. Maybe he has it in his heart to help people in need. I shall meet him soon again.

Before I knew it, I felt myself slowly drift into slumber.