
Dying light lone survivor

Guy dies saving children in a fire get reincarnated with three wishes

heathen · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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3 Chs

Chapter one awakening

When I woke up a stream of memories were unleashed I felt a head splitting pain when it finally finished I remember the previous persons memories he had overdosed himself due to depression of being alone he was an orphan like me after that was finished I weakly sat up in my bed inspecting my surroundings seeing a small one bedroom apartment surprisingly it was in decent shape only a little trash around I decided to go and shower from what I remember I'm in Los Angeles and tomorrow I had school so I went and got water out of the fridge then I started cleaning when I was done I went and had a bath after I looked at myself in the mirror my body being slightly toned with neck length black hair and ruby red eyes I was surprised due to the unique color of my eyes and slightly tan skin I was happy with my overall appearance when I finished getting dressed I laid down to rest and listen to music after and hour of relaxing I realized I hadn't eaten at all so I grabbed my card and walked down the street looking for something then I noticed a place that accepts card it was a small Mexican restaurant I decided to get three tacos and a drink once paid I waited for the food 5 min later it was ready while eating I realized it was and au due to Seeing a GRE pharmaceutical commercial after that I started walking home on the way I saw some bangers bothering some person I decided to ignore the due to my past I grew up in the ghetto so I know to avoid them when I finally got home to my small apartment I started testing how to use my inventory it was simple all I had to do was think of what I wanted stored after that I grabbed my backpack and looked through it to find some paper and a pen once I had that I started to write down some short term objectives first on the list was to acquire some motorcycle armor next on the list was to find out how much money I had when I checked my bank account I was surprised to find that I had a about 25k due to life insurance that this bodies parents left behind next on the list was to learn part core last on the list was to relearn my surrounding after I ordered the motor cross suit online I started checking the clothes in the closet and found a good amount of clothes I liked in my previous life I preferred combat boots over sneakers and the color black I checked the time and saw it was getting late so I set the alarm on my phone and put it on the charger then went to sleep when I woke up the next day I stretched and did a light workout after that I cleaned my self up and went to school when I got there I remembered that the previous host had a rather bad reputation as an outcast I didn't mind and put my earbuds in and started listening to music once class started I wrote down some notes I didn't really try to socialize and just listened to music in my next class the teacher simply said that we have a group project we had to get in groups of three I didn't really know anyone so I waited to get paired up with a duo 3 min later I got approached by two classmates I took my earbud out and asked em what their names were one was a girl with dyed hair her name was Susie while the other guys name was Robert then I told em my name which is Ethan we started talking and quickly became friends due to similar music taste we agreed to meet up at the library after school and simply waited for the last class of the day to be over once class was over I headed to the library and we all met up and started typing the project was a presentation on past civil rights movements we actually all agreed on the subject and finished it within three hours all of us doing separate segments we all we're pretty hungry so I asked them if they wanted to piece up for some pizzas they agreed so we went and ate after that we exchanged numbers then I went home and started planning for the future