
I want freedom

My name is Princess Mei. I am turning fifteen years old tomorrow. I am living in the most beautiful prison in the world, the imperial palace. I am not allowed to leave without my servants and guards following me. I am not allowed to eat anything unless they were tested for poison. I am not allowed to appear in public without an official decree. I am not allowed to do a hundred other things. All I can do is to wait for what my father wanted me to do.

Yes, I am a princess. I have every material thing that a girl could dream of. I have five handsome brothers but I also have countless stepmothers. I was never mistreated but I was never asked how I wanted to be treated either. I have countless maidservants serving me but I have no true friend beside me. When the outside world looked at me, they only see a beautiful, fortunate young girl wearing the most expensive clothes in the whole kingdom but no one dared to see the loneliness in my eyes.

My mother is Empress Zhen, who passed away after giving birth to me. I heard a rumor that someone killed her because she married my father. I think that's ridiculous. Who wouldn't want my mother to marry my father, the king? He is a loving and caring man until I reached seven years old.

When I was seven years old, I started to notice strange things that only I can do. I tried to ask my brothers to do them but they just can't. When they told my father about it, he started to observe me. At first, I like the attention he is giving me but every time I do those strange things, he would have that devilish expression. I did not understand them at that time but now I do.

You see, I am quite different from other people. Aside from my high status, I also possess certain qualities that my father described as gifts from the gods. He also told me that it is my responsibility as the vessel of the gifts from gods to use them for the benefit of the kingdom. And so, I believe him. I wanted to impress my father so I did everything he asked me to do until I learned the truth...

Tomorrow is my 15th birthday celebration. Everyone is busy with the preparations and I am told to stay in my room but I am bored. Then, an idea comes to mind, I called my maidservant.

"Yes, your highness?" Chuntao asked the moment she entered my room. She is a little older than me but she's been serving me for three years now.

"I want to go out."

I saw Chuntao's eyes widened with panic.

"Your Highness, you know that you are not allowed to go out, especially today."

I looked at her with my puppy eyes trying myself to be pitifully adorable but she just looked at me with indifference. So, I just forget acting cute since it has long lost its effect on her.

"Why am I not allowed to go out? Tomorrow is my birthday. Why can't I enjoy myself before I turned older?" I grumbled.

"Princess, please don't use that trick on me again," Chuntao said embarrassed. She covered her eyes.

"Come on Chuntao, please. I've been stuck here for three days. I want to stretch my legs." I have to touch my legs and massage them to convince her. Chuntao rushed towards me and massage my legs.

"Are you really hurt, your highness?" there's a worry on Chuntao's face. I have to suppress my laughter. Chuntao is really gullible. But then, I realized this simple request will not work so I moved on a different direction.

"Just a little. Chuntao… can you prepare my bath? Since you will not allow me to go out, I think I'll just take a bath to ease my boredom."

Chuntao looked at me suspiciously. She really knew me but I will not allow her to see through me.

"Okay, princess," she said after a while.

When Chuntao left my room to prepare my bath, I peeked outside. I saw a few guards in front. There is no way I can use the front door to leave this place. I went back to my chair and waited for Chuntao to return. After a while, she returned with my clothes.

"Your bath is ready now princess," she bowed.

"Thank you," I stood up and walk over my bathroom.

I am soaked in a warm bath with rose petals. Chuntao is still standing there waiting for my orders.

"Chuntao, please leave the clothes first. I will call you later when I am done."

"Yes, princess,"

I waited for a couple of minutes before I looked around. I am alone now. I quickly stood up and grabbed the towel. I walked towards a small hidden cabinet at the back of my bathroom and pulled a common blue robe that an ordinary man wears.

"I am sorry Chuntao, but I promised to return early,"