
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Six years Gone...... 2

Alice:" does that mean anyone can use magic."

Alex:" well that depends on the race of that person, naturally every living being can use magic, but different races have different advantages, humans are mostly born without mana, the key requirement for magic, but they also have more variety of affinities than let say devils, devils are all born with demonic power which is basically a different type of mana but mana nonetheless, their affinities are mostly on the negative side of the scale or balance as I like to call it, such affinities include darkness and curse and so on, while they also have basic elemental affinities, they usually fuse it with their curse affinity to create things like cursed fire, while angels on the other hand, are on the positive side of the balance as they fuse their affinities with holy affinity to create attacks such as holy lightning, holy water, and holy fire. All angels like devils have a very high affinity towards light, only those that are blessed by the god of the bible(gob) can use other elements, there are also some types of magic that don't require affinity but rather knowledge or bloodline, this affinities include things like creation, destruction,enchantments, runes and alchemy, these are all classified under magic, alchemy is usually considered to be a very little part of creation as one is using other ingredients with his/her mana to create something new, this gives the user a very small insight on how creation works."

Alice:" you also said something about turning me into a Caelestis".

Alex:"Yes, I wanted you to be the first person I turn into a Caelestis, but that's your choice to make."

Alice:" Okay I will have to think a little before I decide".

Alex:" sure go ahead and take your time." I said. After which I start to meditate and go through a lot of new spells Raphael has created for me including a ritual to create a living body with no consciousness. I specifically asked Raphael to create that ritual as it will be used to create her body, she is currently working on a magic that condenses mana with spirit energy to create souls, when I asked her to create the ritual for creating a living body, she was ecstatic, she has been growing conscious with the passage of time, my goal right now is to create her body and name her before highschool, I was pulled out of my thoughts as Alice gave me an answer.

Alice:" as your guardian, I need to be able to protect you, so yes turn me I to a Caelestis." She said in a firm voice.

Alex:" then we shall do that tonight after dinner if you don't mind "

Alice:" Okay, but how do you change me from human to Caelestis?"

Alex:" as the first of the race I have the ability to not only change others to my race but also determin their level in the hierarchy, I divided the hierarchy into five levels, the highest is me as the progenitor of the species, the second are what I call Royal Caelestis, they have the ability to command any other in my race except me and have two of my special bloodlines, the third being necessary for all Caelestis, the third are noble Caelestis who have one special bloodlines such as the pheonix, eastern dragon or western dragon, this also makes their true Caelestis form lean towards their bloodline, the fourth are pure Caelestis, who have no bloodlines except the unicorn bloodline in me which is compulsory to have for all Caelestis except the fifth level, they can transform into my true Caelestis Form but with no special features, the fifth level Caelestis are the grunts and are made up of my enemies who I have captured from battles, they don't have any bloodline and cannot transform into my true Caelestis Form, they only have Caelestis wings to prove that they are indeed Caelestis, so to answer your question, I will give you drops of my blood containing the bloodlines I want you to have before casting an innate racial spell that turns you into a Caelestis according to my will."

Alice:" That's weird, but okay, after dinner." As she said that she stood up and went to the kitchen to cook dinner while I went back to my room before moving to Alpha, which I have decided to rename using th naming magic of tensura, but that's for another time, I am currently in the process of mapping Alpha, I can use magic to map the whole of Alpha quickly but where's the fun in that, I have already mapped around 30km radius of my house and I found all sorts of animals and beasts, including dragons 🐉, pheonixs, crows and unicorns, according to Raphael it should take hundreds of years before such legendary creatures start to form, but the aura of those beasts I used affected the planet and primordial Mana is also potent speeding up the process of their creation, strangely enough they all respect me because my bloodline is the combination of the peaks of all of their races combined and evolved into something better. The first creatures to naturally appear are actually dryads and elementals, the dryads are caretakers of the forests while the elementals are the masters of nature as the take care of their corresponding elements. I walk around d the forest meeting a few dryads and wind elementals before going back for dinner.


After dinner, I was in the backyard with Alice, ready for her transformation.

I first bit my finger and concentrated on the two bloodlines I want to give her and the unicorn bloodline, the two bloodlines were chosen by herself, they are the pheonix bloodline for its regeneration which will Increase ths Caelestis already exaggerated regeneration to another level, the second bloodline surprisingly is the Eastern chaos dragon bloodline which gives her affinity to everything in existence while also strengthening her body and mind, add that to the unicorn which is the physical representation of Magic and purity, I wonder how strong she will be.

After drawing out the three bloodlines in atleast a quarter litre each I gave it to her, which she drank promptly, As she drank the last drip of blood, I cast my racial spell which comes from my title, and immediately she was engulfed in a rainbow fire and her body started to change at the cellular level, after about an hour of waiting, the flames died down revealing Alice In her birthday suit, To be honest she is damn hot, she has blonde hair with blue eyes, large bust, slim waist and wide hips with pink nipples, her wings are also on fire but the fire is of four colours mixed together,they are blue, red, white and yellow, when she came to her senses she was surprised by her wings until she saw looking at the surprisingly interesting grass on the floor, she looked down at her body and seeing that she was naked, she screamed.

Alice:" kyaaaaaaaaa" before running into the house and straight to her room,' luckily for me I wasn't slapped like the anime trope' I thought until I remembered that this was dxd where nakedness is the new normal.

I didn't see Alice until next morning where she asked me a few questions.

Alice:" How do I hide my wings like you do?"

Alex:" Just think of it inside your body and it will disappear but it feels weird and takes a little getting used to."

Alice:" why are my flames different from yours?"

Alex:" That's because I am different, you see my body is made up of Primordial Energy, the very every that creates universes and because of that my flames evolve in the highest possible grade known as primordial Origin flames, they can burn anything in existence yet they can also heal anything in existence."

The questions kept coming for a while as she'd about anything she's curious about, from how I created a whole new race to why I chose those five beast, I did warn her not to tell anyone I can create new races or take any bloodline I want as it will put a large target on our backs.

This went on for the first half of the day with me teaching her the technique for cultivating Mana and creating a core and veins from her heart, also teaching her how to create magic circles for her heart when she reaches its limit, which led to her asking me their effects and i had to tell her that each circle is not just an extra storage for mana but also an Ascension or evolution and that by reaching ten circles she will become a god.

I also provided her with basic spells for cleaning which made her job easier, but what made her happy the most was the fact that she looks ten years younger.

The next thing to consider is to take her to Alpha, which will be soon but only after I rename it and the other planets.

*****Flashback End*****