
Dxd True Dragon of Annihilation

A young teen "Fuck why do all fanfic about the Annihilation Maker involve other animes, none have even make a subspecies of it!" "Kid WATCH OUT" *BAM* "Ugh where am I" shaking my head I try look around and *Bong Bong Bong 'HOLY MOTHER OF TITS' I can't focus on anything else. "Hi there cutie" the massive ti-- massively holy women said "I read your memories before you died and I thought your right! None of the people who wrote about my world used the one OP thing to it's potential without other worlds" "Wait your world... Your the world of dxd" "Yep and that's why your going their but I'll give you three wishes from my world only so don't try to cheat on me okaaaaay" got it ______________ I DON'T OWN COVER, if the artist wants the cover down let me know, it should be fine i look up free dragon art sooooooo yeah yeah so here the synopsis, could just upload this so I took over my Naruto fan fiction updates will try to be at least 1 a week but we'll see how it goes

DaoistUxPrwu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Start of highschool

() without a/n will be thought communication

'Time flies' I think, thanks to my talent from my wishes and hard work I've mastered 6 different weapons and even breached ultimate class in control which is exceptional for my age

(Anni-chan its time to come alive you ready?) I ask (NO I'M IN THE FINALE EPISODE OF REDO OF A HEALER)... 'are you kidding me?' she turned down having more room in my soul to watch hentai... what have I created...

Half hour later

(Ok i'm ready now release me) I release a sigh, (ok now that the hype is down, no not down now that you've kicked the hype in the balls then repeatedly beat it even after it died we can release you)... (HEY it's not that bad you're exaggerating).

(Exaggerating, its been 15 years since i was born, 15 years I've trained to become stronger so I can show off my real ability's of you and what we make, but instead of you coming out at that optimal point of tension you told me no so you watch porn) sigh

(Ok ok, calm down drama queen let's just do it now) anni-chan replies, sucking it up i make my way to my soul space to release her and then the orb "melts" and my soul absorbs its and what came out of the orb is Setsuna?

Anni-chan: "what do you think of my new look" she says while going through different poses " Don't i look really cute, after all from now on i will be known as Setsuna" she says while doing a all might pose

Image here

Kagu: "you have issues, the biggest one is that you're into hentai that you've changed your appearance and name to a hentai character", 'I guess she is gods mistake for a reason'. "So now that you've awakened me when are you gonna make your dragon heart?" Setsuna asked

"I'll wait till Issei joins Rias's club after all i don't want to meet dumbo when i distracted with my new heart, so I guess we can relax for the day before we head to school tomorrow" i replied, "Sounds good to me"

One day Later...

Me, koneko, and akeno all teleport to the occult clubhouse that Rias owns, "what's good" I asked my creepy king and perverted queen "AWWW i missed you my cute little servants" pause, "Ara Ara I see your as handsome as ever kagu" akeno says while licking her lips

"Yeah you know how I am ha ha" I say while rubbing the back of my head thinking 'why's she always this forward, if it wasn't for the fact i want this cute kitten as my first i would of tapped that all summer long'

Little did i know that exact kitten had a jealous look in her eye after seeing our interaction.


So yeah im alive sorry for the short chapter its only 500 words, ive lost tract of time with me being lazy school work and sports made me lose track of time for this, ill try to get back to a chapter a week but no promises but there'll be one at least once every 2 so yeah have a good one