
Dxd True Dragon of Annihilation

A young teen "Fuck why do all fanfic about the Annihilation Maker involve other animes, none have even make a subspecies of it!" "Kid WATCH OUT" *BAM* "Ugh where am I" shaking my head I try look around and *Bong Bong Bong 'HOLY MOTHER OF TITS' I can't focus on anything else. "Hi there cutie" the massive ti-- massively holy women said "I read your memories before you died and I thought your right! None of the people who wrote about my world used the one OP thing to it's potential without other worlds" "Wait your world... Your the world of dxd" "Yep and that's why your going their but I'll give you three wishes from my world only so don't try to cheat on me okaaaaay" got it ______________ I DON'T OWN COVER, if the artist wants the cover down let me know, it should be fine i look up free dragon art sooooooo yeah yeah so here the synopsis, could just upload this so I took over my Naruto fan fiction updates will try to be at least 1 a week but we'll see how it goes

DaoistUxPrwu · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


Listen, I like the concept I made for this novel, but I don't have the ability to continue it. It's free game if anyone wants to use what's been done so far to make their own fic or just use the premise. I just ask can you leave a comment so I can see the potential this had. Thx