
DxD: Tragic Hero

It's one thing to suddenly find yourself thrust into a world filled with devils, and everything you considered fantasy. It's another to find out you are a being that disregards all laws, and rules, that people believed in. An anomaly. But who can say anything when it's a place without God? Unfortunately for the poor boy, his power to rend everything useless may or may not present himself in situations he could not dare to imagine. --- Kamijou Touma in DxD 2000~3000 words per chapter.

FabledInk · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

[1] Prelude to Disaster

Chapter 1: Prelude to Disaster


Kamijou Touma is a man who is anything but ordinary.

Suddenly finding yourself get bird shit on your head - that fell from the roof of the building - or accidentally finding yourself in the changing room of the Kendo Club before getting attacked by a series of bokkens. He can be someone you can proudly point at and say, "Hey, isn't that the unlucky guy that always got bad things happening to him?"

For a reason unknown to him, and everyone that is familiar with him to some extent, Kamijou Touma is an unfortunate man. Unlucky to the point people started to call him the incarnation of misfortune.

Although, some may disagree with that statement. Especially with the scenarios Touma had found himself with the ladies - which most boys found enviable.

Luck aside, Touma didn't expect anything different today than any other days - apart from his usual encounters of getting in a compromising situation that wouldn't be all that serious.

That is why he was quite astonished to find himself laying down encircled by his own blood.


[Tuesday, September 1st.]

A young boy, walking quite leisurely, could be seen treading towards a considerably colossal school. The youths spiky black hair - that somehow defied gravity - made him stand out like a sore thumb. Already receiving glances and giggles as he studded into the start of the second term in the prestigious school - Kuoh.

Occasionally smiling and waving back to the ones that called out his name, the boy continued to walk as if there was nothing that could break his stride. That was until another voice, quite familiar to him, called out.

"Yo, Touma! Hold up, stop walking so fast!"

The boy in question turned his head to look at the man that called out to him before sighing at the inevitable conversation.

"Such misfortune..." Touma spoke while dramatically closing his eyes, seemingly going unnoticed by the brown haired student waving a magazine with a woman as the cover.

The people around the hazel eyed boy began to walk back, horror etched into their eyes as they pointed at the student.

"One of the Perverted Trio had already arrived?"

"It hasn't even been an hour and he is already waving a porno?!"

"How disgraceful!"

"The lady in the cover is quite beautiful though, I mean look at that smile and pose! I dare say, Issei does have amazing taste in women."

"Shut up, you pervert!"

All these comments and insults didn't faze the youth one bit, on the other hand it seemed to brighten and widen the smile that was etched on his face.

Touma saw this and decided to ask the boy as to what he wanted, as he was running out of time. Especially since he was told to come early and talk with the president of the Student Council for a reason unknown to him.

"What's up Issei? Is there anything you need?" The brown haired boy in question just shook his head and present a disgustingly eerie and lecherous smile that send shivers down Touma's back.

"Not really, I was just wondering if you wanted to read this holy scripture with me, Matsuda, and Motohama." The ravenheaded youth gave Issei a blank stare, making him giggle as he knew the reason why.

"You do realise that if I were to touch that, it might rip into pieces - or suddenly get taken by the School Council President that somehow decided to go out." Issei gave a snort at what the blue eyed boy had said and shoved the magazine into his hand.

"Your acting like that would actually happen. There's like a 0.00001 chance of that becoming a real-"

"Kamijou Touma!"

Issei's speech was suddenly cut down by a woman's scream, making the boy go pale with fright. Touma on the other hand looked as if all life had escaped from his eyes, his hand letting the magazine drop onto the ground as he rigidly moved his head to look at the incoming behemoth.

"S-such misfortune..." The boy stuttered while Issei gave him a pitying gaze filled with guilt. He quickly picked up the porno and patted the spiky-haired youth's shoulder as a sign of encouragement before getting ready to run away.

'I guess I shouldn't bet around luck with Touma around.'


"-and then I was about to enter the school but Issei needed help with something so I decided to stay back to help him."

Inside of the Student Council room, were 3 individuals. One of them, a boy with spiky black hair, seemed to explain himself to the two bespectacled women in front of him.

The beautiful stoic woman with short black hair and slim figure was the Student Council President - Souna Shitori.

The elegant woman behind her looked almost as if she was her sister. Having the exact black hair that reaches down to her waist while looking into Touma with her heterchromatic eyes (one being violet, the other brown.) This was the Vice-President, Tsubaki Shinra.

Both of the woman in front of the youth were considered to be one of the most gorgeous women in school. However, currently all they were in Touma's eyes are towering beasts that promised to punish him to the depths of hell for whatever sins he had committed.

As Kamijou Touma finished his explanation with slight anxiety and trepidation, the bespectacled girl with short hair started to nod. This started to give Touma slight hope, which was thoroughly broken with her next words.

"Right, so you decided to talk to Issei about vulgar and inappropriate topics. In front of the school, while knowing that you had to come to the Council room before school started."

Touma started to panic, waving his hands in a gesture of trying to say that wasn't what happened, but Souna cut him down and gave a sigh.

"That's not-"

"Okay, we can talk about this later." The youth noticing that she wanted to speak to him about something, gave her a quick glance and saw her have a slight smirk plastered on her face. Realising she was teasing him the boy shook his head in resignation before calming down, waiting for her to say whatever she wanted.

The woman noticed this and put down the teacup she was drinking from, and asked him a question.

"We need your help in tutoring Hyoudo-kun to pass his exams." Touma found himself looking at the Student Council president weirdly as he began to speak, his actions perceived clearly by the two women in the room.

"Not to be rude to Issei or anything, but why would you ask me out of all people to help him?" Not that Kamijou Touma would refuse, after all he would accept any help that someone may need.

Souna, almost as if she had waited for this question, pushed her glasses, the light reflected from the room blocking her eyes from sight.

"You are the best person suitable for this. Not only are you well acquainted with Hyoudo-kun, but you also do quite badly on the exams, not to be rude to you or anything. As for your luck..."

Kamijou felt a sting in his heart as he heard the ruthless words coming from the president, that didn't seem to care about his emotional well-being. On the other hand the president continued to talk while glancing at his eyes, playful emotions dancing in her eyes as if only her and a few others understood what she was going to say next.

"I wonder if it can influence the luck of the Devil? Fufu.." Touma looked at the woman in confusion, wondering what his luck had to do with the Devil while she laughed and continued to speak.

"Although, I do remember that you are quite smart, you just don't have time to study. So I was thinking that if you both studied together, then maybe you will both will do well on the upcoming exams as you would be forced to study along him. This was also a request from a certain friend of mine. We'll also make sure to pay you since its a personal request. Win-win situation, right?"

Touma sat on his chair and processed what Souna had just told him. His brain raced to see if he had enough time to do such things at all, before throwing caution to the wind and accepted. Money was just an extra, it's not like he is broke or anything...right?

"Alright then, I'll try my best to help Issei to pass the exams. Kaichou." The boy used his hand and lightly scratched the back of his head while closing his eyes at the incoming trouble with the pervert.

On the other hand, this immediately elicited a response from the seemingly emotionless president, a smile filled with gratitude plastered on her face as she nodded at his words.

That was all he needed to know that he made a correct choice, for he found a sense comfort in the smiles around him. Something he wasn't around to much when he was younger due to circumstances.

Putting needless thoughts aside, Kamijou lifted himself out the chair and thanked both of the women for the hospitality, before walking to exit the room. However, that stride was quickly stopped by a unexpected question from the president seated gracefully upon her chair.

"Kamijou-san, I was wondering what you thought about Devils?"

The boy who had his hand on the door knob, turned to look at the woman questioningly at the incredulous question.

"Devils? As in the ones in the Bible?" At his question filled with confusion, Souna gave him a nod while smiling amusingly at him.

Touma thought about it for a while, his brows frowning, an unconscious action he does when he thinks too deeply about a matter.

"Well, I don't really have an opinion on them, after all im not the religious type. Although, I do believe they are fictitious, why on Earth would a world filled with creatures like that exist, right. If they did then the world should've been destroyed already." Touma gave a reply and crossed his eyes before glancing at the president. "Why would you suddenly ask about that Kaichou?"

The woman in question just gave him a funny smile and shook her head gently. The long-haired woman behind her also looking to be holding back a laugh, making the poor boy wonder if he had said something wrong.

"It's nothing Kamijou-kun, thank you for answering my random question. It was just something I wanted to hear another's opinion on." She spoke in a tone that started to shake from time to time.

Touma just nodded absent mindedly, and once again politely said goodbye to the women before exiting. Leaving only the two of them in the room, whose atmosphere seemed to suddenly shift.

"Fufu, fictitious he says?" The Student Council president spoke while sipping on the tea that Tsubaki had poured again for her. "...I wonder what his reaction would be, if he found out that all he thought was fantasy was actually a reality."

The woman placed a hand over her mouth and found herself smiling once again, something she had been doing a lot lately. Tsubaki, on the other hand, has been looked at her president in confusion. Wondering why she had asked a person who's a part of the 'normal' side.

"Sona-sama, why did you ask Kamijou-kun a question about devils? After all, I'm quite sure he isn't part of the supernatural world, or wields a sacred gear." Whilst the long-haired woman voiced out her curiosity, the short-haired woman gave her dear friend, and comrade, a smile while continuing to sip leisurely on her tea.

"It was just a budding curiosity toward his namesake."

Tsubaki looked at her friend in confusion, not knowing what she was talking about. This urged Souna to put down her tea and explain the thoughts running around her mind. Especially since she found it was quite nice to talk to someone about her ideas.

"His name, Kamijou Touma holds several meanings if put together in a certain way. I was

puzzled by that peculiar name, and decided to indirectly ask him about the supernatural. Judging from his reactions and body language he is either truly unaware, or a really good actor." Tsubaki gazed at her King, raising an eyebrow at the woman at the implication of her words, which the latter gladly answered.

"Hmm, Tsubaki. Tell me, what will 'Kamijou Touma' translate to in Italian?"

Tsubaki looked at her friend that was gazing to the rush of students outside, before repeating her words.

"'Kamijou Touma' in Italian. La Persona Superiore a...Dio?" The long-haired woman thought for a while before the thoughts started to settle in.

Souna, who saw her expression, gave her friend a smile and walked to her seat. Continuing with the pile of work she had to do due to her position as Student Council president.

As the woman sat down and picked up the pen, she started to talk once again. Voicing out the surprise she had first felt when reading his name. Especially since it holds a heavy meaning inside the supernatural side.

A gleam found itself on her eyes as she leaned back on her chair, wondering about the future.

"Yes, La Persona Superiore a Dio - The One Above God."