

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 81

"My sister, Rebel Phoenix, has always been spoiled by her family. She may be a bit willful, but she is not a bad child..." Riesel hesitated, "So, if She offended Your Excellency unintentionally, and she hopes to be forgiven."

The only information that Berel sent back was that she was safe at this time.

So he didn't know anything about how this little girl became Su Mu's maid, and thought it was Rebel who offended Su Mu inadvertently and was taken away as a maid as punishment.

"Don't worry, Rebel is still very well-behaved with me."

"Ah, that's it..."

Hearing this tone, Rebel didn't become a maid because she offended her.

Risel thought in his heart, and tried to speak again.

"Then, I wonder if you can return Rebel? If you need a maid, then the Phoenix family has a large number of excellent maids to provide."

"And, if your Excellency needs anything in the future, the Phoenix family will never be stingy to help."

The Phoenix family has the confidence to say such a thing. After all, just relying on the healing elixir of "Phoenix's Tears", the Phoenix family can become the leading family in the underworld in terms of wealth.

"No need, I'm not interested." Su Mu said lazily, "If you're just talking about these boring topics, I'll go 0.2."

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Su Mu seemed to be about to get up and leave, Reisel hurriedly stopped him and gritted his teeth, "Your Excellency is also a student of this school, right? So do you know about Rias Gremory's engagement?"

"Slightly heard."

"Then, if I can cancel the contract with my sister-in-law and return Leibel, I will offer to cancel the engagement with Rias Gremory in exchange, how about that?" Risel said with a somewhat ugly expression, "In that case. , can also make the woman who always wants to break up the engagement do so?"

"It's weird." Su Mu shook his head, feeling a little funny, "Why should I throw away my maid to make others happy?"

Saying that, he stood up directly and turned to leave. .

Chapter 138 Seraph who delivered to the door

Seeing Su Mu standing up and preparing to leave, Reisel suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

He originally thought that his engagement with Rias should be a trump card that he could hold in his hands.

As far as he knew, Su Mu seemed to have a good relationship with the younger sisters of the two demon kings when he stayed at Kuwang Academy.

So in his opinion, as long as this is thrown out, then Su Mu will definitely agree to bring his sister Rebel back.

After all, the engagement with herself should be Rias's biggest headache.

Unexpectedly, Su Mu didn't care about it at all?

At the entrance to the rooftop, Seraph closed his eyes slightly, with a slightly mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

She had known for a long time that Su Mu was definitely not the kind-hearted type. If she guessed his thoughts from the perspective of "human nature is inherently good", she would definitely be disappointed in the end.

Therefore, it was within his expectation that the Phoenix boy would be rejected when he proposed such a condition.

Although she appeared here, she represented the underworld to help the town.

But this is just what she needs to do out of her own identity. If she wants to bother to help Raisel get her sister back...

Forget it, she still has a handle that Su Mu holds in her hand.

Even seeing someone slumped on Su Mu's side, she couldn't help but become extra happy.

"Wait a minute! In that case—"

Seeing that Su Mu didn't seem to be interested in his own words, Reisel gritted his teeth and showed a ruthless look on his face.

"If that's the case, then I challenge you, do you dare to accept it?"

"Oh?" Su Mu's footsteps paused, a malicious look flashed in his eyes, "Challenge, are you serious?"

Even though he knew that he had power that would not be inferior to that of a Demon King, he still chose to challenge himself.

After seeing the third son of the Phoenix family with his own eyes, Su Mu didn't think he would be such a fool.

Even the Phoenix family's proud rebirth from ashes is useless under the absolute power gap.

With Su Mu's strength, he was completely able to obliterate him countless times until his soul and spirit reached the limit and collapsed.

Or, directly use absolute power to wipe him out in a crushing manner.

"That's right, it's my challenge, you shouldn't have the courage to take it, right?"

Noticing Su Mu's condescending gaze, Reisel subconsciously felt a little scared.

Those eyes that shone with pale golden light, with an undisguised mockery.

In addition to that, there was more indifference in those eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that he was leaning against the underworld at this time, and there was the Demon King Leviathan standing next to him, he didn't know if he would still have the courage to stand here.

However, thinking of his sister who was bound by a contract for some reason and lost her freedom, he still daring to stare back without giving up.

"If I can win the challenge, then please release the contract on my sister-in-law and let her return to Phoenix's house—"

Risel said, but then added another sentence.

"After this, the Phoenix family will not do anything to forcefully interfere with Rebel's wishes or restrain her freedom."

This can be said to be the negotiation bottom line of the Phoenix family, and it is a very low requirement.

In other words, it's not that they can't accept their little princess as someone else's maid, but they want to be able to fight for a fairly equal position for Rebel.

Contractual relationship, meaning "master-slave".

If the contractual relationship is lifted, then even if she still works as a maid, her status will be closer to that of the "maids" of Su Mu's family, just like Grefia's in Gremory's family.

Now the situation of the three tribes in the biblical mythology has begun to deteriorate again, and the relationship between them has deteriorated sharply, and it can even be said that a war is imminent.

Under such circumstances, it might not be a bad thing if he could send his beloved daughter away—the Phoenix family might still have such an idea.

Moreover, Su Mu's strength and future are also worthy of the Phoenix family's investment.

Of course, the premise of this condition is still Rebel's own will.


With a faint smile on Su Mu's face, he raised his hand and gently rubbed his eyebrows.

"If that's the case, then, what if I win?"

"But don't say that you don't have to pay anything after you lose, or I'll think you're playing tricks on me."

"Personally, the only thing I can pay is the engagement with the Gremory family." Reisel sighed and shrugged slightly, with a helpless look on his face.

"Looking at some stereotyped images and showing different sides, I have to say, it's really very interesting."

The corner of Su Mu's mouth curled slightly, and he sat down on the railing on the edge of the rooftop again.

He didn't immediately agree.

Even if he is strong, it does not mean that he will become an arrogant idiot who thinks he can maintain victory no matter what kind of bad situation.

"So, what do you want to challenge me in? It's a friendly reminder. If you want to fight me, I'm not optimistic about you."

"If there is a collision of forces, then even if I estimate optimistically, I don't think that I may have the possibility of victory." Risel bowed slightly, and performed a standard noble etiquette, "If I propose such a disapproval Chi's request is irresponsible to the family, to the younger sister, and even an insult to Your Excellency."

Su Mu didn't care about his remarks, just watched his performance calmly.

The other party will say such a statement, which can be said to be within his expectations.

"Although I call myself an aristocrat among demons, I cannot ignore the fact that humans are more and more able to influence the entire demon race. Therefore, I will naturally not ignore the research on human beings on weekdays. Therefore, I know that human beings have always believed that wisdom is the Your greatest weapon is what sets you apart from the rest of the species."

Riesel tried his best to slow down, suppressing his nervously beating heart.

After all, he didn't know whether his words would anger the guy in front of him who was far stronger than him.

"So, the field I want to challenge Your Excellency is precisely - wisdom!"

In Raisel's hand, a black demon chess piece appeared quietly.

"The demon chess piece in the underworld is a product inspired by human chess, and I think both of us should be involved in this."

"And, once the princess of the Sidi family, also relied on the victory of chess to dissolve the marriage contract that she did not want."

"So, I hope that my challenge to you can be played in the way of chess!"

ps: The reason why I go round and round is because I feel that the normal way of breaking up a marriage contract, I almost vomit. . . Ugh. .

Chapter 139 The Light of God

Raisel lowered her head and silently waited for Su Mu's decision.

For the sake of his younger sister, Rebel, he could say that he had done his best.

First of all, she reduced her request to just breaking the contract on Rebel, not that she had to return to Phoenix's house.

Secondly, when talking to Su Mu, he also deliberately urged Su Mu to accept his challenge by saying, "Humans believe that the only way to distinguish them from other species is wisdom."

To be honest, he is quite clear in his heart that it is not impossible for the strong to use such an unreasonable attitude even if they are shot to death on the spot.

However, neither himself nor the Phoenix family could accept that they would not make any effort and just watch Rebel being bound by something compulsive like a contract.

If Su Mu really refuses his challenge... then there is nothing he can do.

In the case that the strength is not as good as people, anything is in vain.

At this time, he was just doing his best to fight for something for his little princess.

"It's really a good performance. With all due respect, you are much better than some guys in terms of knowing how to advance and retreat..."

Su Mu said in an inexplicable tone, with a chuckle in her words.

Without explaining to Raisel who "some guy" was, he just stood up.

Even if you lose, it doesn't seem to do any harm to yourself.

After all, in the current situation of the three clans, even the Phoenix family may not be able to guarantee that they will be safe and sound in the future changes in the situation.

In this case, if Leibel stayed with Su Mu, it might be safer than returning to the family.

Moreover, if the relationship with Su Mu can be closer, the Phoenix family is also happy to see it.

In addition, the little girl at this time did not have any bad feelings towards Su Mu, but had a good degree of goodwill.

At that time, as long as her parents tell her interests, the little girl will eventually come back here obediently.

Oh, there are still disadvantages.

That is, if there is no contract, I am afraid that some of the fun will be lost.

not to mention--

Compete with a strong person who is based on occultism and considers himself a scholar, and competes in intellectual projects...

Su Mu thought that the guy in front of him might have misunderstood him.

And the fun that this misunderstanding can bring, I think, can make him live a good experience.

As for the issue of Rias's engagement... He didn't bother to think about it at this time.

"In that case, I agree~".

Su Mu said in a flat tone, and her figure disappeared in place.

"Phew." Seeing Su Mu's figure disappearing in front of him, Reisel was instantly relieved.

To be honest, facing a guy who is far stronger than himself and who is obviously more willful at the same time, it is really a torment for him.

In particular, he usually relies on his own identity and has always been a domineering type, which makes him even more uncomfortable.

Although he still has a lot of confidence in his own talent, at most he has the strength to approach or reach the Demon King level at the peak of his strength.

At this time, he still has no idea how many years away from that time.

Therefore, in the face of Su Mu, who has been able to steadily possess demon king-level power, and even injured Sazex, he can feel the pressure quite a lot.

"Thank you for your help, Demon Lord Leviathan."

When he came back to his senses, Raisel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and turned to bow to Serafel behind.

Although Seraph didn't say a word the whole time, it was a lot of support for him.

If it wasn't for such a "self" powerhouse standing behind him, he might not have the courage to say those provocative words in front of Su Mu.

Seraph's eyes drooped slightly, and her pink-purple eyes seemed to be distracted.

In the face of Raisel's thanks, she was obviously too lazy to respond, and just glanced casually.

Without even a nod, her figure disappeared in the light of the magic circle.

Raisel was not dissatisfied with this either, she just bowed slightly cautiously and watched Seraph leave.