

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 117

There is no need to go into too much detail on this point.

After all, whether it is Samuel the Dragon Eater who shines brightly in the original world line, or the incredibly powerful god-killing tools.

And, the system that still maintains the heaven after her fall can show how good this master is as a researcher.

A researcher, who represents knowledge.

And knowledge is always at the forefront of what Su Mu desires.

Su Mu's emphasis on this point is far higher than the importance of the identity of the cross god.

It can be said that if she encounters 10 strong enemies in the future, the identity threat of "Cross Religion God" will bring a crisis to her existence.

Then, Su Mu has absolutely no objection to stripping the personality of "Cross Religion God" from her to ensure that her role as a researcher can continue to be played.

"I don't seem to have room to refuse this kind of question, do I?"

The God of the Bible, who looked like a petite girl, heard the words, tilted her head slightly, and smiled pleasantly.

The golden hair that slipped from his ear swayed playfully.

At the beginning, he was clearly not used to the girl's posture, or the appearance of a human being.

But in just a few minutes, she has become quite proficient in human performance in daily life.

At this time, in the face of Su Mu's invitation, it seems that there is no intention to refuse, the reason is that even refusing will not help...

Yes, it seems so on the surface. With Su Mu's power, she can be included in it with the power of the Golden Supreme Heaven.

In this way, even if there is dissatisfaction in his heart, he has to obey Su Mu's orders.


For Su Mu, the god of the Bible and Shiva, Di Shitian, Sazex, etc. are completely different roles.

The latter's words, in the final analysis, are nothing more than war slaves in the magic city.

The former is the core around him.

It was also encountered in this world, an extremely rare existence that could already act as the core in his eyes.

You must know that even Orpheus's main role now is just a spiritual sustenance, a cute thing.

Therefore, even if he can directly control the other party, Su Mu still hopes to really obtain the other party's consent.

"You are very useful."

Su Mu still stretched out his hand and spoke simple words.

Facing his insistence, the God of the Bible still maintained a soft smile at first.

But soon, those smiling eyes...

It gradually became empty, and it became as silent as stagnant water.

At first glance, it seems a bit like the Orpheus you first encountered.

However, there is a marked difference.

Orpheus is wandering in this world, obviously not caring about anything.

Even though someone told her to help her defeat the Infinite Dragon God, in fact, she didn't have much hope for those who were greedy for her own snake.

Therefore, the eyes of that Infinite Dragon God at that time were truly empty.

However, this is not the case with the biblical loli god in front of me.

The reason why his eyes were empty was because he was too focused.

These are the eyes that are always staring at something, so all kinds of things have never entered the line of sight.

"You know me very well, and since that's the case, you should know that I'm someone from a different path."

The god who created the world is not an evil god, nor a good god, but a kind of law, as silent as the sky.

Is God good? no.

Is the sky evil? no.

The rain falls on the righteous as well as the unrighteous.

Thunder will kill saints who shelter from the rain under trees, but it will also spare wicked men hiding in their homes.

He himself is a certain truth in this world. Follow him and you will prosper; disobey him and you will only perish.

Shunchang rebelled against death, that's all.

If you have to give a definition to this absolute god, you can only say that... He does not follow the concept of mortals, but follows the concept of God.

This is the Lord described in the Bible.

There may be differences due to different worlds, but the essence is the same after all.

He loves human beings and focuses on human beings, so whether they are angels, demons, fallen angels, or the gods of other mythological forces, they are nothing but rubble and gravel in His eyes.

He is not displeased by the fact that the devil is his enemy, nor is he surprised that the angel betrays him.

For Him, the response to things other than human beings is probably the word "no harm".

I am afraid that it is precisely because Michael and the others have noticed this that they have no interest in continuing the battle of the three clans, and do not want this Lord to return.

He thought that he was fighting against the devil for the Lord's sake. He suffered heavy casualties and lost countless companions, but he realized that the Lord's attitude towards this was...

You are no different.

Your actions are meaningless.

Noticing this, without immediately falling into the sky, Michael can be regarded as mentally tough.

The path Su Mu took at this time was obviously different from the purpose of the God of the Bible "loving mankind".

Therefore, I want him to fight for Su Mu's affairs as if he once fought for mankind, and show the attitude that he used to burn himself as firewood...

is not possible.

Su Mu was not surprised by this.

His purpose is really just...

"Since you say I'm useful, I hope I can get paid worthy of my usefulness."

The god of the Bible who loves mankind to such an extent that he can't wait to use himself as a firewood and burn it to ashes, said so.

He played a role for Su Mu.

Then, Su Mu naturally needs to meet some of his needs.

For example, letting him go, and even assisting him in doing something for mankind.

"As I said, you are very useful."

"Then, the contract is established."

A tentative agreement has been reached.

Even if it's just for human beings, 440, the god of the Bible, will at least do his best for Su Mu.

Although the original intention was not to stand on Su Mu's side, Su Mu was already satisfied.

It's just, thinking of his fanaticism for humans...

"Obviously I'm human too..."

Su Mu couldn't help sighing.


He found.

The biblical loli god, who had just become numb, was instantly frozen like a sculpture.

Just a few seconds.

The eyes that had been silent before suddenly became bright and full of brilliance.

No, the look in these eyes is a thousand times stronger than before, and I am afraid that only fanaticism can describe the emotions.

He almost burns what he looks at to ashes, but he can't wait to close his palms tightly and take care of his eyes.

If it is said that he has been staring at something all the time before, so the eyes of all kinds of things have never entered his line of sight.

Well now...

Just staring at him.

"I really said something strange. There are some things that don't need to be asked at all."

The Bible Lolita tilted her head slightly, smiling and brows full of eyes.

"Isn't it a matter of course that I stand by your side?"

Su Mu was speechless for a while.

Intuition told him that he should be grateful that he has the power beyond the biblical loli god at this time.

if not...

The situation may be bad in some senses.


ps: High School of Demons, my favorite, and the most writable characters for the current protagonist, are Menglong and the Bible God. I want to summarize at the end of the chapter, and each character is a little bit, but it feels so difficult. . . .

Chapter 189 Infinite and dreamy! Chickens peck each other?

Su Mu was slightly silent.

He said so many things before, or so many conditions that he had made openly and secretly.

In terms of effect, it may not be as effective as his own sigh of "obviously I am also a human being".

He quickly realized the reason for this reaction from the God of the Bible.

Before that, she should have never regarded Su Mu as a human being.

As for what it is, it doesn't need to be explored, it doesn't matter anyway.

However, after hearing Su Mu's emotion, her attitude changed significantly.

This huge contrast, like the level boss that once made players sick to death, was suddenly installed.

From something that gets in the way, to a coveted rare card.

Because this God of the Bible really loves mankind.

However, the way she loves may be unacceptable to many humans.

Support is love, help is love, bystander is love, and destruction is love.

Therefore, it is difficult for her to accept that non-human beings other than herself want to hijack the development of human beings.

She also couldn't let go of Su Mu's control of the human beings in this world in her own hands.

However, if Su Mu is a human being...

Then this matter belongs to human beings.

Su Mu is no longer an outsider who interferes with her favorite things, but an existence that she loves.

Moreover, a powerful and ultra-rare "ssr" like Su Mu should be her favorite.

In other words, it is the most desired among the human beings who have witnessed it in endless years.

Su Mu, who was feeling unwell because of the burning emotion, silently scratched her arm.


Being loved is something to be happy about most of the time. However, this does not mean that how many people can remain calm after feeling the frenzy that they want to grind themselves into powder and then carefully sprinkle them into their bodies.

Noticing that Su Mu's eyes fell on his face, the God of the Bible showed a soft and gentle smile at the right time.

Just looking at it, there is a feeling of being healed from the heart.

This is not an exaggeration.

Because there was a fallen angel, she couldn't even see her face, she just accidentally touched the atmosphere that filled the air.

However, the black wings on the back had turned into the pure white of an angel in an instant.