
DxD: The True Sekiryuutei

Karma_198 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Human vs The Lucifer's Descendant.

There was a clear difference of power level between him and his opponent, but despite being the weaker one, Issei was giving a tough time to his opponent, Vali.

Vali dodged the blow to his head by using his speed, but he didn't expect Issei to shift to his footwork and sweep his legs off the ground.

Vali grumbled in annoyance and dodged the foot slam by rolling away from his position. He quickly got up and took a fighting stance to intercept his enemy with his Aura rising to an intense level.

Issei matched the Aura while maintaining an blank expression on his face. He was more focused on reading Vali than his thoughts, his movements were faster, attacks stronger, and body more sturdier than his.

Issei did not have the lean muscular physique that Vali possessed, because he had never worked out a single day in his life. All his power came from his inner strength which he had refined through continuous training and spars with his Grandpa.

"Woo!" Bikou cheered as he did not expect the brunette lad to give Vali a tough time. He knew that the only thing stopping Vali from using his Devil magic was his pride, because his opponent was an human.

"Come on, that's all you got?" Wukong stated in disappointment by getting closer to them, "I guess I expected too much from the Hakuryuuko and Jiren's Grandson. Stop holding back, both of you."

"You're holding back?" Vali immediately frowned at his opponent.

Issei couldn't stop the silly smile coming to his face, "Yeah, Kinda." He rubbed the back of his head, "I'm not using my Touki as I wanted to test how strong you are."

"That's it." Vali stated an with an stoic glare. He didn't like being looked down upon, especially not by an normal human.

"Divine Dividing!" Albion's voice resounded through the training field as a pair of light wings emerged on Vali's back.

"Whats that?" Issei asked in astonishment, "Is it the Longinus Bikou was telling me about?"

"Yes." Vali responded reluctantly with an scowl, "It's the time that I show you your place."

"Quite arrogant, aren't you?" Issei remarked with an relaxed attitude, "Fine, I'll enjoy destroying your insignificant pride."

Issei's aura slowly radiated from his body with an tinge of red on his white, making it look slightly pink.

Issei clenched his fist and took an fighting stance while facing Vali.

Vali used his wings to rush towards Issei and attacked him first. It was clear that Vali had no martial arts knowledge, but he still knew how to hold his ground against an well trained martial artist.


Issei parried the attack but he felt a sudden sense of weakness at that exact moment. Vali grabbed this opportunity to close his fist on Issei's face, who barely dodged it by leaning back.

Vali didn't stop and continued with an barrage of attacks to land an hit on his enemy. Where else, Issei's mind was partially busy understanding what was happening. His body was so used to dodging attacks by now that he could subconsciously move away from an incoming attack.

[You have learnt the Skill Evasion.]

Vali used his wings to gain an higher ground advantage and dived at Issei from the sky. Issei knew he couldn't dodge, so he redirected Vali's body towards the ground at impact, but at that exact moment.


Issei felt the same sense of weakness, as if his strength was being sucked away.

Vali had crashed against the ground, but he looked stronger than before.

Issei wasn't an idiot to not connect the dots.

"That thing, your Longinus." Issei called out, "Its taking away my strength when you make an contact with my body, and transferring it to you."

"At least you're not an fool." Vali praised for realising his Sacred Gear's ability so soon.

"Thats so fucking absurd." Issei cursed with an annoyed scowl and clenched his fist, "If that's the case.." His aura radiated dangerously around his body, "I'll win."

"Does he not realise he'll still be making contact when he hits him?" Bikou muttered to Wukong, who was standing next to him.

"The Dragon is peeking out of his Den." Wukong replied with an meaningful smile.

Both the fighters clashed again with both of them being on the offensive this time. Issei didn't hold back and allowed his Touki to explode to vitalise his body with more energy.

Touki was an form that increased his Strength, Agility and Endurance beyond their base stats. He could go upto two to eight times of increase depending on the output of his Ki.

Issei landed a solid punch on Vali's face.


Vali raised an high kick and slammed it down on Issei's chest, which was dodged by the latter by crossing his arms.


Issei grabbed the same leg and twisted it over, before slamming Vali's entire body on the ground.


"Wooooo!" Bikou cheered while clapping his hands. He was rooting for the Issei boy to win, but he knew that the fight was soon going to be over.

Despite landing more blows on his opponent, Issei was the one who got on his knee while Vali stood back up with no visible injuries on his body.

Vali scoffed as he looked down upon the younger human boy, "You've lost."

"As if." Issei clenched his teeth as he stood back up and got ready to fight, "It's not over until one of us says it's over."

"Then I'll make you scream it." Vali narrowed his eyes at the persistence of the boy, because the result of the fight was inevitably in his favour.

'If I have to make contact, then I'll make more than one at once.' Issei thought while mustering his Ki to raise his fighting spirit, "Aaaaah! Aaaahhhh! Aaaah!"

"What's he doing?" Bikou scowled in confusion with an serious expression.

As the boy screamed, his Aura was touching the sky, stronger than ever. The power caused gusts of wind to sweep the dust around the training field, causing a small storm around them.


Vali subconsciously took an step back at the intensity of the Touki radiating out of Issei.

"This reminds me of how Ddraig would fight me." Albion stated in an nostalgic voice, "I wonder why this boy reminds me of him?"

"What are you trying to say?" Vali scowled.

The Sekiryuutei was revealed to be in Kuoh, studying in Kuoh Academy as an student. Vali had watched his fight against Riser Phenex in the Rating Game through the Devitube, so he knew that the boy before him couldn't be what Albion thought him to be.

"I'm ending this." Vali stated seriously and raised his own power level by harvesting all the Divides he had earned from Issei.

Suddenly, Issei disappeared in a flash from his spot and reappeared before him like an actual Devil. Vali's eyes went wide, but before he could respond, a barrage of punches were launched on his body by Issei's fist.

Issei aimed for all the vital spots to bring down his opponent as soon as possible. He knew Vali was stronger than him, so he didn't hold back anymore as the result of the fight won't be his death.


Vali stood his ground while enduring the continuous strikes, but he was too slow to respond to the punches. No, he wasn't slow but the faster of the two, its just he couldn't react to how Issei moved.

While he would try to apprehend Issei at the next punch, he would disappear like an blur and strike him somewhere else.


Issei grinned as his theory was working right on spot. It wasn't how many times he makes contact, it's how many contacts he could make at once. He knew that Vali's Longinus would divide his powers no matter what, so the better option was too injure him as much as possible before the next one.


Vali was knocked back by an uppercut.


Issei landed an solid kick on Vali's solar plexus, pushing him back on the ground.


Issei jumped.. He tried to jump, but his legs gave off, leading him to drop on his knees.

"Is that all?" Vali grinned as he wiped the blood off his lips, "You're stronger than I thought, I'll give you that. But do you know what? you'll never win against me."

Vali appraoched Issei and grabbed his hair into his fist to make him look up in his eyes, "You've lost." He remarked with an annoyed scowl.

Issei didn't hear a single word uttered by Vali due to the trance he was brought in by expending all his Ki. His eyes lost their light for a moment and right after, something appeared in his hand.

Wukong moved at an unnatural speed and pulled Vali back with him, before.. The Hakuryuuko could lose his life by the hands of the Juggernaut.

The area they stood on was sliced with an deep cut that looked like an unnatural abyss opening on the plain land.

Bikou was too astounded as the entire thing happened within a second. The only reason Wukong could react faster was because he was the only one present in the area, who knew what that sword was capable of.

Issei opened his eyes as he regained his senses and looked at the eerily glowing black sword in his hand. He searched for his opponent and saw him laying on the ground with an terrified expression, while Wukong was standing right next to him.

It was only after, that he noticed what he had done as the last effort to defeat his opponent.

"Fuck me..." Issei cursed a groan with his eye lids getting heavy in exhaustion before he finally fell asleep.


AN: The Story is not getting much attention. Should I drop and start a new one after a break?