
Chapter 70: The name Jin Hwechook

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The mana that she had sensed was at least two times as powerful as that which her husband possessed. It was really insane.

As soon as they got to their feet, both Sirzechs and Sairaorg stared down at their hands. And they were shaking with fear.

Sairaorg broke into a broad grin, which lit up his entire face. That was truly incredible, and he ought to square up with that individual at some point.

Sairaorg switched his attention to Maou as he was thinking about it, and he was shocked beyond words to see Maou smiling when he did so.

But it wasn't what stunned him in the first place. But more than that, it was because of the smile that he was giving, which Sairaorg knew very well was a smile that he only gave when he met someone powerful who could push him to the edge of his capabilities in combat.

Issei mumbled, "O- What was that...?" as he slowly rose up from the ground where he had been sitting.

When he was fighting Riser, he was suddenly knocked out by an incredible amount of pressure that was applied to his back, and Riser was also knocked out.

Riser yelled in a furious tone, "And-E-I there I go... know..." as he laboriously attempted to stand up while panting.

In contrast to Issei, who was protected by his armor and didn't feel nearly as much pressure, the blond felt his entire body slowly crumbling as the seconds passed. Issei, on the other hand, did not feel as much pressure.

And that caused an unbelievable amount of suffering.

It would appear that the two of you are getting along swimmingly... As Altair emerged from the cover of the woods, he made a remark, which drew the attention of the other two.

As soon as they saw how dangerous Altair could be, the devils began paying significantly more attention to him right away.

The question was posed in a feeble manner by Riser, who asked, "Are you... still standing?"

"Yes, in a roundabout way." Altair smiled broadly as he responded to her question.

After a few seconds, Riser, who had been gasping for air, resumed her usual breathing pattern.

Next to Riser, Issei, who was also standing, maintained a vigilant vigilance.

Even Altair kept vigil while he awaited their initial move and stood guard.

A tense atmosphere prevailed throughout the location.

Then Altair vanished before suddenly materializing in front of Issei and delivering a hit at him with his spear from above. However, Issei quickly thought on his feet and protected himself by utilizing both of his arms.

The force of Altair's blow resulted in a number of fissures appearing in the ground below Issei.

Upon noticing this, Riser moved in for a punch, which he had previously prepared.

But after that...

He felt something sharp pierce through his belly, which caused him to spit out a significant amount of blood as he was tossed on a rock behind him in the process.

However, the spear that had been lodged in his stomach abruptly fell out of his body, and while he was still in the air, he felt a strike on his back that launched him high into the air and caused him to spit up blood again due to the force that the blow imposed.

Taking advantage of the fact that Issei was distracted, Altair took advantage of the situation by putting his left leg under the brown man's arms and lowering them. This caused Issei's eyes to expand while they were covered by his helmet.

Hoe-Hook, an updated form of Taekwondo

After that, Altair delivered a strike to Issei's chin with the same leg, followed by a blow to the right side of his skull, and finally finished with a kick to the back of his head with his right leg. All of these blows were struck with the same leg.

Hwechook is the Third Posture.

Issei's head only slightly throbbed when he experienced all three hits at the same time.

Altair's blow had not acted as he had hoped it would, causing him to click his tongue in response.

Even though Issei was unable to use all of his power, Altair had a difficult time breaking through the armor that Issei was wearing since it was of a high quality and despite the fact that there was a scary being inside the gauntlet, it was still difficult to break.

But Altair was aware of something, and he understood that if one strike wasn't enough to break it...

How many blows does he think he can take?

While Issei was thinking these things, Altair gave him another kick to the face, which sent him stumbling toward the main arena.

Issei continued to climb, and when he had reached a particular height, Altair came and kicked him in the chin once more.

Taekwondo with a novel twist: the air sword

Issei was knocked unconscious by the force of the strike, which forced him to crash into a concrete pillar with such force that it fractured.

Issei coughed up some blood as a result of Altair's knee to the stomach, which he delivered in one swift motion to take advantage of his advantageous position.

The Reborn Art of Taekwondo, Baek-Du

After that, he delivered another knee to his ribs with his other leg, which caused him to be somewhat elevated.

Taekwondo that has been updated: Baek Du x2

After that, he struck him with a double elbow utilizing both of his arms, which sent him tumbling to the ground.

Sticking with Taekwondo Despite the Changes

Issei was about to fall to the ground when Altair twisted his body to the side and delivered an elbow to his face. This caused Issei to strike the pillar with such force that it fractured even deeper.

Low Spin, the Reborn Art of Taekwondo

Issei coughed up even more blood as a result of these punches, but Altair still managed to land three more fast kicks on him while only using his right leg.

Ko-Ryeo, the reborn form of Taekwondo

Altair then delivered a powerful high kick to his chin with the same limb, lifting him off the ground with the impact.

The Reborn Art of Taekwondo, Baek-Rok

''U-Ugh!'' Issei retched blood once more as the damage to his armor progressed further and further.

Altair put his right leg on the ground and a small whirlwind of air enveloped it as he cracked it with the pressure that was being applied.

Altair's voice trailed off as he stared intently at Issei and mumbled, "Original Jin-Tae Jin."

Issei was only able to watch Altair approaching slowly before the latter kicked him with such force that it destroyed the top of his armor. Altair was the one who delivered the blow.

The name Jin Hwechook

The force of the hit was sufficient to compel the pillar that was located behind Issei to begin to crumble and fall apart.

Issei thought to himself in a state of terror, "Shit!"

As Altair watched Issei make his way slowly towards him, he inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly.

After bending his knees on the ground, he landed a hard punch to the face of his opponent, which was followed by a kick to the ribs... A hook to the side of his chin... One right hook to his stomach... He took a blow to the face...

Issei took a significant amount of damage from Altair's barrage of punches and kicks, but Altair was only concerned with winning the fight for himself and not the other person's life.

When Altair delivered the finishing blow, he was nearly out of breath because he had pushed his body to an extraordinary extent. He had just completed an incredible feat.

Issei had taken a significant number of strikes, but despite the fact that his condition was dismal, he was still able to stand. This was the thing that amazed Altair the most. Even though he was standing, Issei had taken a significant number of blows.

"So, that's the fabled Plot Armor," the speaker said. As Altair readied himself to continue the fight, he said something in his head.


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