
DxD: The Lucifer Heir

Razevan Livan Lucifer was the shittiest Devil King Descendant, but now with a DxD Superfan Reincarnating into his body gives him a new chance at life and the opportunity to create a greater legacy

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

3: Seeds of Rebellion

(Razevan Livan Lucifer's Personal Estate, Lucifaad, Satan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD/ Draconic Deus Universe)


(Euclid Lucifuge POV)



Pure and unbridled excitement filled Euclid.

His Father had decided that he would send him as an attendent to Lord Razevan. Grayfia was to marry Razevan and Euclid would be their faithful right hand.

''Lucifuge must always stand beside Lucifer.'' His father's words echoed in his mind.

Euclid felt so much Excitement he was struggling to maintain his Clan's traditional stoicism as he was lead into Lord Razevan's Personal Estate within Lucifaad.

It was just one of several Estates maintained by Lord Razevan's Household. Lord Razevan kept homes in the Territory of Belial, Abaddon, Belphegor, Gremory, Astaroth, Glasya-Labolas, Bael, Sitri, Vepar, Phenex, and Agares, but he also maintained no less than a Dozen homes in the cities of Lucifaad, Lilith, Dis, and Samael, as did the other Three Satan Clans.

Each one held complete dominion over one of the four Cities. The Leviathan Clan commanded from Dis, Beelzebub from Samael, and Asmodeus from Lilith. Lucifaad was the Lucifer Clan's Capital.

And it would fall to Euclid to defend qnd serve its future Master's.


(POV Change: Razevan Livan Lucifer)


Razevan sat alone in his parlor, he sat at his piano, he was playing Sinnerman by Nina Simone, technically the piano hadn't been created until the 18th century or so, but Every aspect of the Supernatural world had gotten ahead of the human world by at least two or three Centuries on an average.

Razevan planned to have a front row seat to the entire history of the world past the year 1600.

He'd create a veritable Empire in the Human World...


(POV Change: Zekram Bael)


''How bad?'' Zekram asked his friend.

''Bad, Ever since Lucifer humiliated him in front of the other Devil King Descendants and the Pillars, Vlidraied has been stirring up trouble with some of the Leviathan and Asmodeus Heirs. We lost three Pillars.'' Replied Barnerius.

''And what of Razevan? Has his stance changed in response?'' Zekram asks.

''I can't really say anything for certain, from everything Lord Sylas and I managed to gather, Beelzebub and the others are keeping it qiuet. They know that so long as they do not attack Lady Grayfia, Lady Anna, or the young Prince Vali, the longer they can keep things hidden. Sadly there is very little advantage in informing Lord Razevan of it.'' Barnerius notes.

''Then we must press Lord and Lady Gremory for an answer. We need to be prepared.'' Says Zekram as s servant appears and whispers something in Zekram's ear.

''Don't keep him waiting.'' Says Zekram with some urgency.

''Zek?'' Barnerius says in question.

''Lord Razevan Livan Lucifer has been spotted making his way to the castle, with The Lucifuge Children and his own. We vest prepare for the worst.'' Says Zekram.


(POV Change: Euclid Lucifuge)


Euclid was confused, but bit his tongue rather than risk offending his - Lilith willing - future brother-in-law.

Grayfia had introduced them, and no sooner had pleasantries been exchanged than Lord Razevan had decided to Visit Lord Zekram Bael.

Euclid was instructed to stick close to Young Master Vali and though he was admittedly Sligh disgusted by the Hybrid, both the kid and his Master had Lucifer Blood, so Euclid would swallow his outrage at Lucifer Blood sullied by Human Blood.

Euclid noticed his Master sigh, before nodding to Grayfia. ''Euclid, with me.''

''Yes, My Lord.'' Euclid says eagerly.


''Vali will be the Greatest Lucifer of all time, because he is the White Dragon Emperor. Tell me that won't be a kick the Feathers for The Seraphim?'' Razevan asks Euclid.

''I know outrage when I see it, just remember that Vali can easily kill you if you piss on his heritage.'' Razevan says before walking away.

'Did I do something wrong?' The thought lingers long and loud in Euclids mind....


(POV Change: Razevan Livan Lucifer)


Razevan sat alone with Lord Zekram.

Zekram didn't show it, but he was undoubtedly nervous.

''In the next few years, I expect your little seeds of Rebellion to bear significant fruit. Don't bother trying to claim otherwise. I'm simply here to inform you that at the end of the day, I would rather see a Non-Descendant sitting in the Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus Thrones. I'll need to maintain appearances when it happened, but when Beelzebub goes too far, Lucifer, Lucifuge, Satanachia, Algaliarept, Fleurity, Sargatanas, and Nebiros will withdraw all support and join you.'' Says Razevan.

''And in exchange?'' Asks Zekram.

''My son and his mother will be protected. But I will handle that. I want Five Thrones. Keeps a deadlock happening. Abolish the rule about No Satan Harems and I'll take the Lord Twits firstborn as a disciple. In fact, I'll give him a Satan Bride. But that's the distant future. Here's the full list. The non-negotiable ones are marked with Red.'' Says Razevan.

''I never expected this I must confess.'' Says Zekram with a light Chuckle.

''Unsurprising. Unimportant. But this conversation never actually happened. Goodbye Lord Zekram.'' Razevan says.


(POV Change: Zekram Bael)


Zekram wasn't sure how to react to Lord Razevan.

Honestly, The man was as Dangerous as his father, but had a far greater amount of interest in The Underworld's Future than he let on.

Honestly a Lucifer willing to let a Non-Satan Descendant co-lead the Underworld as a Devil King? That carried a lot of weight with Zekram.

But it also set off a lot alarms within Zekram's mind, and Zekram knew he'd need to keep an increasingly closer eye on Razevan.

And the Lucifuge Children and Prince Vali was probably an extra safe bet, even if it angered Razevan, Zekram needed additional assurances against a trap. Such machinations were not beneath his father, but was the son any different?


(POV Change: Grayfia Lucifuge)


Grayfia had been trying not to focus too much on Lord Razevan having her examine her him naked in the bath.

But Grayfia hadn't had much luck. Especially since her Lord had been ''innocently'' showing off his body to her ''accidentally''. But Grayfia knew that even if she wasn't sure she loves him, she was still in for competition, especially if what she found in the morning was any indication....


(Brief Flashback: The Morning)


Entering to wake him, Grayfia's nose wrinkled at the intensity of Sweat, Sex, Semen, and BO.

But as she approached she noticed that he had company. She killed the brief flare of jealousy inside her.

''Master?'' Grayfia spoke up.

''I'm awake Grayfia. Nnn, Is she alive or dead? I can't really tell.'' Razevan spoke.

Swallowing a sigh, Grayfia moved to check on his bedwarmer.

Moving the Covers she found Katerea Leviathan with Sperm on her face, breasts, stomach and puddling between her legs.

A larger wave of jealousy swells inside Grayfia at this revelation, yet she does her duty and checks for Katerea's heartbeats...


(End of Flashback)


Grayfia refused to believe it was love or something. She had already been rather fond of him, then she was attracted after seeing and examining his nude form.

But seeing Katerea like that....she didn't like it.

But just why she didn't like it continued to elude her.

Standing at the door, she heard Katerea and her master loud and clear. But then it all stopped. And the door opened.

''We should talk.'' Razevan said to her. ''In the morning, you and I will have lunch privately. I'll handle it all, just dress casually.'' Razevan tells her.

What was going on? Nothing made sense anymore.....