Ending up in a new world by accident, Naruto's mere presence has shifted the flow of events. So Naruto is sent to Kuoh Academy to ensure peace will eventually be reached in this new world. Can he ensure peace in a second world? He'll sure as hell try,
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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There are actually a lot of methods that could successfully kill you. The problem is that these methods would be very difficult to manage if you were fighting me at the time, but you just so happen to be immobile and helpless right now. So those options are complete feasible right now."
"Don't worry though. I don't want to kill you," Naruto stated with a shrug before elaborating, "After all, I just need to make you give up. Seasoned torturers are supposedly able to make victims wish for death after just a few hours. I once knew a guy who managed to managed to make a room full of soldiers with years of experience run away with just words. Good for you, I'm not a seasoned torturer. Bad for you, I am a fuinjutsu expert. Which is just as bad because it means I can do this."
Crouching down, Naruto ripped Riser's jacket open. With Riser's chest now accessible, Naruto moved to sit down beside him.
Pulling out a set of sealing tools, Naruto quickly started writing on Riser's chest with elegant brushstrokes.
"Hey. What are you doing? Stop that!" Riser protested futilely, completely helpless to stop Naruto.
Naruto ignored Riser completely, focusing on the seal he was creating. Rias, Akeno, and Asia had all sat down to rest.
They had nothing else to do. This battle was won. Riser just hadn't made it official yet.
Ravel was still trying to scream from around the gag, but gradually fell silent when all that achieved was to exacerbate how much she was drooling around the ball gag.
It took fifteen minutes for Naruto to finish applying the seal. Letting out a relieved sigh, he sealed up his equipment. He then stood back up.
"What the hell did you do to me?" Riser demanded angrily, clearly not happy about his position or being ignored.
Sending him a smile, Naruto made a hand seal as he replied cheerfully, "Why would I tell you when I can show you?"
"What do yo-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Riser started before cutting off to let out a scream of pure agony. The seal was lit up on Riser's skin.
Naruto let it go on for about five seconds before dropping the hand seal.
Riser immediately stopped screaming, his face going slack as he panted heavily from the excruciating ordeal.
His body hadn't moved at all when he was screaming, but that was just the paralysis seal at work. Riser had clearly been in agony.
"Yep. This is a torture seal. This is actually my first time using it.
It synchronizes with your nervous system to send signals that your brain interprets as pain.
Nasty, isn't it? That was actually a pretty mild usage.
The full power ones tend to leave the victims as vegetables," Naruto explained clearly.
He really hated using this seal. Not even Riser deserved to be tortured, but this was the best way to force him to surrender.
Very little was more intimidating than an opponent capable of causing you agonizing pain by a hand seal.
"Ha…ha…I'll kill you," Riser muttered out, clearly still affected by the pain he had just experienced. His anger apparently surpassed that though as he spat at Naruto furiously, "You dare treat me like this?! Do you know who I am? I am a mighty member of the Phenex Clan? A high class devil with an honorable bloodline and inherent talent you can't even contemplate. You are just a low-class devil. A human who was lucky enough to be reincarnated. You are below me! You will always be below me!"
Naruto didn't flinch away. He actually chuckled as he replied with a wide smile, "Keep telling yourself that, Riser. I don't care because…It doesn't matter…It doesn't matter if I'm a low-class devil and you are a high-class devil. It doesn't matter that I am a reincarnated devil and you are a pure-blood. It doesn't matter if I grew up an orphan while you are from a pillar family. Those things might matter in that little fantasy world you believe to be true, but the real world doesn't work that way. What matters is what we make of ourselves. With enough effort, anyone can become great. Even a low-class devil like myself can defeat a high-class devil like you."
Naruto kneeled down there. Gripping Riser's neck in his hand, he straightened. Naruto easily raised lifted Riser into the air with a single arm. As Riser dangled helplessly, Naruto continued, "And I did defeat you. And you want to know what that means? It means that right now…regardless of what station in life either of us occupy…in this instant…I own you!"
With that ominous statement setting in to Riser, Naruto formed half a hand seal as he finished bluntly, "So I'm going to tell you your two options. Either you can surrender now…Or you can refuse, and I activate the seal a few more time. And then you surrender…Make your choice."
Riser glared at Naruto while gritting his teeth. Naruto just met his eyes sternly. Riser finally backed down by lowering his eyes meekly, finally being forced to accept his defeat.
As soon as those words came from Riser's mouth, Naruto dropped him. Leaving the defeated opponent behind, Naruto turned towards where Rias, Akeno, and Asia were standing. Naruto immediately shot Rias a grin. He then gave her a peace sign as he declared gleefully, "There you go, Rias-chan. Uzumaki Naruto for the win. One engagement, broken."
Rias actually looked like she wanted to cry. The years of stress.
The years of fear. The years of knowing she might be forced to marry someone she doesn't love.
It all seemed to drain out of her as her eyes started to overflow. Trying to hold it in for several seconds, the dam finally broke.
The tears running down her face were offset by the beautiful smile of relief that spread across her face. Delighted laughter bursting out of her mouth, Rias moved suddenly.
Running at Naruto, she jumped to catch him in a hug. Naruto was shocked, but managed to stay upright.
His own laughter quickly joined in with her own. Asia and Akeno stayed back, smiling as they watched the scene.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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