
Chapter 135: Elegantly

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Naruto immediately felt a small pain on his chest when he landed.

Looking down, he was shocked to see a long cut across his chest.

It was shallow, but there was also a light burn around it.

The entire front of his shirt was cut open. Naruto lifted his head to look at Karlamine seriously.

She had managed to cut him in midair with that flourish. She had predicted he would jump to avoid escape that assault.

She had managed to adjust to the knowledge of his acrobatic side so quickly. That's some honest to god talent there.

Naruto's shock and slight admiration was used against him. It was only when he spotted a descending shadow that he became aware of an impending attack.

Spinning, Naruto saw Siris had recovered and was descending with one of those powerful overhead strikes.

Too late to dodge, Naruto had to lift his hands and block the attack. The large blade was forcefully stopped when it came into contact with Naruto's armored gloves.

Siris was obviously astonished at the block, and Karlamine even exclaimed in shock, "He stopped Siris' sword?!"

Naruto grinned a bit smugly at that. The special aspect of Chikyu's dust was that it could greatly enhance the durability of any object it was used on.

If Naruto learned alchemy he could make the effect permanent, but he isn't quite there yet. Right now it was only temporary.

Chikyu had applied it before in the clubroom.

Right now Naruto's gloves were practically indestructible. With his rook strength backing it up he could stop even Siris' large blade.

Karlamine moved as soon as she got over her shock, attempting to take advantage of his position.

Naruto swayed to narrowly avoid the thrust that was suppose to hit his chest, and removed one hand from Siri's blade. Grabbing Karlamine's sword, Naruto used chakra to firmly grip it.

He ignored the flames running along it entirely. With both the enemy blades in his hands, Naruto spun.

Using his rook strength to drag the swords with him, the two knights were given the option to let go of their blades or be dragged along.

Both chose to hold on to their blades. So with that Naruto used his spin to lift both of them into the air and throw them away. Neither landed elegantly, expected given the way they were thrown.

They did manage to avoid skewering themselves on their own swords though, and were on their feet before Naruto could act.

Naruto took several deep breaths as he watched his opponents. He simply couldn't finish them. They were covering each other too well.

He wished he could use his strength to break the ground up.

Doing so would ruin the flatness of the field they were fighting on, messing with their footing and lowering their speed. Unfortunately, the ground here was soft and loamy.

Any strike of Naruto would simply sink that limb into the ground, not cause the earthquake type result he would need.

Fine then. Brute force tactics it is.

Crossing his fingers, Naruto created seven clones around him. That was the most he could make right now. Sending four at Siris, Naruto joined the group of three to attack Karlamine.

The two knights were surprised by the large numbers. Siris immediately fled from the clones chasing her, unwilling to face four opponents at once.

Karlamine stood firm, and even managed to dispel one of the clones. She couldn't keep it up though, and failed to dodge a punch from one of the clones.

She instead had to block with her sword, and the blade broke before Naruto's strength. It was enough to prevent the punch from landing though, and she quickly retreated.

Throwing away the broken sword with a tsk, she pulled out the short sword that was behind her hip. She then declared, "I am a member from the House of Phenex that rules over wind and fire. Taste it! The wind of fire."

Her blade immediately lit up with flames. She had been doing the same previously, but this time it was to a far greater level.

The fire was actually lengthening the short sword, and Naruto could feel the heat. She was using wind to enhance the fire.

Karlamine jumped forward, swinging her blade at Naruto and his clones.

Naruto was shocked when the fire extended from her blade, basically throwing a wave of fire at the group.

Naruto and the clones scattered, but one dispelled from being too close to the heat.

Karlamine didn't let up, attacking furiously. Each strike released a blade of flames that dispelled the clones from the intense heat.

Naruto was forced to replace himself with one of the clones chasing Siris to avoid getting a blast of flames to the face.

Karlamine immediately moved to attack the clones chasing Siris. Siris quickly fell in to support her fellow knight in eliminating the clones.

Naruto had no choice but to disengage. Damn, he hadn't expected a knight to have such good control over fire and wind.

It was no doubt quite taxing for Karlamine energy-wise, but it was still an unexpected skill. Not just good with a sword, but also good with utilizing her demonic power.

Naruto would still place Yuuto as stronger than her due to his sacred gear, but Karlamine was clearly ahead of Yuuto in pure skill.

Karlamine could probably be considered a hidden ace of Riser's peerage. She might lack the raw power of Riser, Ravel, and Yubelluna, but her pure skill wasn't to be underestimated.

With the last of his clones dispelled, the two knights turned to the remaining Naruto.

Karlamine was panting heavily, proving Naruto's belief that this 'wind of fire' technique was draining for her.

It reassured Naruto that in a stamina battle, he would end up victorious. No question.

Catching sight of something, Naruto straightened. Relaxing, Naruto shot his opponents a grin and exclaimed, "This was fun, Karlamine-san. I'd like to spar with you in the future, but this is the end today."

"What do you mean?" Karlamine demanded.

"The four minutes is up," Naruto informed her simply. Smiling, Naruto pointed up.

Karlamine and Siris looked into the air, gaping at what they saw. Raynare was hovering above the area they were battling in.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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