
Chapter 131: Pawns

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Turning to Raito, she said, "Good job, Raito-kun. Your job is done. You can leave now."

Raito gave a little nod before disappearing in a magic circle.

With the base now secure, it was time for Rias to perform her next task.

Rias quickly dug in her pocket. She pulled out a slip of paper which was inscribed with seals.

She needed to hurry. She needed to find her target quickly.

Currently a group of four was watching from the tree line as Naruto trapped his three opponents in his seal barrier. "It appears we were correct on this being a trap."

"Yes, Ravel-sama. Not that there was much doubt. Such a bold challenge would only be made as bait for a trap," another replied stoically.

The first speaker was a small girl with dark blue eyes and long blonde hair done up in large, drill-like curls.

She was wearing a pink dress with white frills that looked like something a princess would wear. She was Ravel Phenex, the younger sister of Riser.

The second was a girl of average height. She truly fit the bill of a Yamato Nadeshiko with her traditional Japanese looks. She was even wearing a fancy kimono. She was a bishop.

The two behind them were twins, although their color schemes seemed reversed. One had blue hair and red eyes, while the other had red hair and blue eyes. Both were wearing modified schoolgirl outfits.

The main modification being the tops, which only covered their shoulders down to their nipples.

Their stomachs and under part of their breasts were bare. The two also had leopard or cat ears on their heads. Both were pawns.

The bishop quickly suggested, "I'm sure I can bring the barrier down if I attack from the outside. All barriers have a certain level of power they can take. If I surpass it, it should come down."

"No need to put in that much effort," Ravel claimed calmly. Pointing with a hand, she added, "I saw those tags tied to the end of those knives light up when he erected the barrier. They must be some sort of catalyst or stabilizing component of the barrier. They are vulnerable from the outside. We just need to remove them, and I'm sure the barrier will come down."

"Of course, Ravel-sama. We can then reinforce those three to defeat this uncouth rook quickly," the bishop stated.

"Yes. He'll stand no chance after that. We'll show him the folly of insulting Onii-sama and the House of Phenex," Ravel announced, obviously not pleased with said insults.

From behind the two, Ni and Ri waiting patiently. They were simple soldier types.

They didn't bother trying to participate in the strategy discussion. They let others handle that, and just followed orders.

It was their lack of participation that made them the first to realize something was wrong.

A simple direction change of the breeze brought a new scent to their noses. They were beast girls, after all.

They have much more sensitive noses than the average person. So they quickly detected the traces of cat and…sugar on the breeze.

Acting by instinct, both tried to turn and dart away.

They were just a second too late though. They both found a small, but strong hand latched on to each of their heads.

They were helpless then as their heads were brought together with dreadful force.

Their heads gave a crack as they connected. The impact was enough to crack their skulls, knocking them unconscious in the process.

The crack of the two heads colliding was what alerted the other two. Both spun around to see Ni and Ri fall limply to the ground.

They also saw the culprit. The small form of Koneko was standing between the two.

[Riser-sama's two pawns, retired.]

The bishop immediately raised a hand, wind swirling around her hand. Before she could launch the attack though, Ravel sensed something.

She sensed someone appear ten meters from them, as if from air. They weren't there, and then they were.

No warning or previous sign. She also sensed the person heading straight for the bishop.

Yuuto appeared at the bishop's flank. His sword already in the middle of a stroke that would cut open her side. The bishop had no chance to dodge.

Ravel managed to interfere in time though. Jumping forward, she managed to shove the bishop out of the way.

Instead of carving into the bishop, Yuuto's sword sliced through a good half of Ravel's waist.

And Ravel didn't even blink. As soon as the cut appeared, flames started licking at it. The unique regeneration of the Phenex Clan made the cut irrelevant, healing it entirely within three seconds.

The bishop was briefly left exposed after the surprise shove of Ravel. An opening Koneko attempted to take advantage of.

It was Ravel's quick action that once again saved the bishop. Throwing both her hands out, one for each opponent, two separate streams of fire were launched.

Yuuto jumped out of the way, but Koneko tried to dodge in a way that didn't put her off course with the bishop.

Leaning out of the way, the rook flinched as she felt the intense heat of the flames burn her right shoulder.

Stumbling slightly, she tried to press on and land a punch on the bishop. That stumble proved all the difference though.

The bishop had recovered. Wind swirling around her fist, she launched it at Koneko when the small rook was just feet away.

Koneko couldn't dodge out of the way in time, and took the magical attack straight to the chest. It had enough power to send her flying.

It was only after Koneko collided with a tree that her impromptu flight ended. Cracking it in half, Koneko ended up going down with it as it fell to the ground.

"Koneko-chan," Yuuto called out urgently. Making sure to watch his opponents, Yuuto moved towards the wreckage resulting from Koneko's crash. After searching helplessly for several seconds, he spotted some of the debris being lifted. He looked in relief as Koneko stood up. He quickly asked, "Are you okay, Koneko-chan?"

Koneko nodded, but Yuuto easily caught her flinch. Her uniform near her right shoulder was burned off completely.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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