
Chapter 127: Siris

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Finally," Naruto grunted out as he saw three figures walking onto the field from the trees closer to the new school building.

He stood up and started approaching them. He also took a bite from his snack…He had gotten hungry waiting.

He quickly observed the three as they approached. The one walking in front Naruto recognized as a knight.

She had brown hair that was partially obscured by the bandages she wrapped around her head, and green eyes.

Her main feature was the armor she was wearing. It was light armor, but still more than what Yuuto had put on for the battle.

She had a longsword on her left hip, and a shortsword behind her hip.

The next one to draw Naruto's attention was the one he recognized as a rook. She had short brown hair with several red streaks in it.

Her left eye was gray, but her right eye and part of her face was covered by a silver mask.

Her outfit was a black jacket that left her midsection exposed, and jeans with one leg cut off. The jacket was open in front, displaying part of her large breasts.

The final one was Riser's other knight. She was a wild looking woman with her dark blue hair in multiple thin ponytails.

She was wearing a tight shirt that had a diamond cut out to reveal her cleavage, and she was wearing tight red shorts.

Her shins were covered by armor greaves. On her back was a very large sword.

Two knights and a rook. An expected response. They know this is a trap. So they sent a very strong group.

Plus, if it was another explosive trap these three would have a decent enough chance to escape.

The two knights by using their speeds to run, and the rook to endure it with her defense.

Too bad it is a different kind of trap this time.

"Yo. So you guys finally worked up the courage to come here," Naruto said flippantly, still eating his snack.

"We have come to answer your challenge to Riser-sama," the rook declared. However any other words were cut off when she saw what Naruto was eating. She then choked out, "A-Are you e-eating…yakitori?"

"Yeah. Well, you guys kept me waiting so long I got hungry," Naruto replied casually. Taking another bite, he moaned in exaggerated happiness. Holding one of the sticks of yakitori out, he continued, "You guys want some? It's really good. Unfortunately, I don't have enough for everyone. That's not an issue though, as I'll be barbequing Riser's ass in a little bit. So eat as much as you want."

"Are you serious?! Are you trying to insult Riser-sama?" the knight in front demanded in an affronted voice.

Naruto just stared at her with blank eyes for several moments, the two with her looking at her in the same way.

"I didn't realize I was being subtle about it," Naruto commented frankly. Shrugging, he added, "Well I hate to be unclear. I'm an upfront kind of guy, you know.

So I guess I can kick it up three or four notches. Just to make it completely clear," He then took a deep breath, no doubt to yell even more insulting things at Riser.

He was cut off by the rook, who declared as she swiped her hands through the air, "Enough with this nonsense. This is a battle."

"I guess you're right," Naruto admitted reluctantly although he muttered, "I was really looking forward to some of the insults I had cooking up here. Too bad. Maybe another time."

His eyes suddenly turning serious, Naruto unsealed four kunai from his wrists.

The three opposite him tensed. Naruto didn't go at them though. Instead he lobbed two of the kunai over their heads.

The two kunai flew in a arc before sticking into the ground behind them quite a distance from each other.

Naruto then threw the last two behind him. Someone looking from above would notice the kunai had fallen in a way to form a square.

"Ninpou: Four Pronged Sealed Barrier," Naruto called out as he made a hand seal. The four fuinjutsu tags that had been tied to the ends of the kunai lit up.

Four orange walls immediately sprang up between the kunai, forming a square boxing the group in.

"It's a trap," the more naïve knight exclaimed in shock.

"No kidding," Naruto remarked sarcastically. He then shrugged as he said, "At least this one doesn't explode. You are just locked in here with yours truly.

This barrier won't fall until I'm defeated." Naruto desperately hoped they didn't notice the barrier didn't have a roof.

They could just fly out, not that Naruto would just allow them to do that.

"This appears to be a situation that favors us more than you," the rook pointed out calmly.

Naruto just gave a mischievous grin as he replied easily, "You'd think that, wouldn't you."

The rook frowned at his relaxed response, but couldn't comment before the naïve knight drew her sword and declared, "Alright then. I usually prefer one on one combat, but I seem to have little choice. At least we shall engage in honorable, direct combat here. No tricks. I am Karlamine, knight of Riser Phenex. And you, rook of Rias Gremory?"

Taken aback a bit by the proper and honorable manner of the knight. So she's one of those knights that actually considers herself a knight. Code of Honor and all that.

Shrugging, Naruto gave a bow towards her as he returned, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Pleased to meet you, Karlamine-san."

Nodding happily, she remarked, "Good. At least you know how to behave honorably, Uzumaki-dono."

The rook sighed but added in, "My name is Isabella."

Naruto looked at the final knight, waiting for her to do an introduction. All she did was give him a harsh glare. Seems she wasn't going to be forthcoming.

Karlamine quickly pitched in by claiming, "Her name is Siris." That earned her a glare from the woman, but Karlamine ignored it.

"I actually like you, Karlamine-san," Naruto stated with a smile. "So I'll give you a little warning. I'd say…four minutes. If you can't finish me in four minutes, you'll all lose."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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