
Chapter 124: Escape

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Everyone once again nodded. They all knew this already. They'd put a lot of time into examining this battlefield during the training trip.

They were repeated all this just to get the basics of this field down pat.

"So we all remember the plan, right?" Rias asked the entire group. Once everyone nodded, she looked at each person as she gave orders, "Yuuto and Koneko. Summon your familiars and place magical traps throughout the forest. Keep the objective in mind. Make a map as well. I'll copy it and pass it to everyone so we need not worry about triggering them ourselves. Raynare, you place the barrier around the building. Akeno, summon a mist over the forest. Naruto, make a clone to do you know what. Asia and the real Naruto will stay here for now."

Everyone nodded and moved to follow her orders. Naruto created a clone, which immediately opened the window to jump out.

Akeno followed after it. Yuuto, Koneko, and Raynare just used the door to leave conventionally.

The trio that remained took seats on the couches. Naruto then lifted a hand, summoning both Kareha and Chikyu. They both faced him as he asked, "You both know what you need to do, right?"


"Yeah, yeah."

Those were their respective replies. Naruto nodded and removed his armored gloves.

Placing them on the table, Naruto sat back and watched as Chikyu started flying over them in circles. Kareha perched on his shoulder.

Asia followed by summoning Raito. The baby sprite dragon quickly cuddled up to the nun, who returned the affection. Rias just watched calmly, waiting.

"I've placed the barrier, Buchou," Raynare announced a minute later over the magical transceivers they had all placed in their ears.

"Good. You can come back in and wait with us," Rias said in reply. She then asked, "Akeno, progress?"

"I've summoned the mist, but it needs to be thicker. Five more minutes," Akeno explained.

"Got it. Yuuto? Koneko?"

"On schedule. Fifteen minutes, probably," Yuuto answered back.

"Good. Take your time, and make sure there are no noticeable gaps," Rias cautioned.

After that all they did was wait. Raynare entered in a minute, and Akeno five minutes later.

They waited till Yuuto and Koneko both arrived, and then waited even further.

It wasn't till twenty minutes later that Naruto perked up as memories popped into his head.

He quickly announced, "Everything is in order, and Riser has sent his force to the gymnasium."

Rias nodded with a smile and said to everyone present, "Everything is going according to plan then. We'll wait for our opening move to finish. We'll then move out."

They all nodded and waited.

"What is she planning?" Sona muttered as she watched the screens in front of her with scrutinizing eyes.

Sona was sitting in the student council room with her queen, Tsubaki. They had been given permission to watch the match live. Sona would be showing this to her peerage afterwards.

She had to admit to being confused right now. Screens had shown both groups planning.

Rias had sent several servants to do basic tasks, but they had returned and proceeded to do nothing.

Riser had sent a force to guard the sports field, and designated another group to take the gymnasium once Rias' servants entered.

They'd sat waiting for over half an hour though. No servants of Rias' entered the gymnasium.

Riser had finally ordered the group to take it anyway, not willing to wait for Rias to move.

"It seems Rias-sama has decided to take a defensive and reactionary approach," Tsubaki commented, her eyes watching the screens as intently as Sona was.

Sona just shook her head in response before retorting, "No. Rias doesn't have the manpower to defend her base. She has to go on the offense. She's definitely made the first move. We just haven't noticed yet."

Tsubaki didn't refute her king's thoughts, instead focusing on a blank screen and pointing out, "It must be that clone of Uzumaki-san then. It is the only aspect unaccounted for."

Sona nodded in agreement. It was almost eerie. Those broadcasting the match use magic to survey every participant at every point so that spectators can watch everything.

This is accomplished by marking them with a magical signal when teleporting them to the battlefield.

The clone of Naruto seemed to lack this signal, as it was just a copy. This meant they couldn't watch what the clone was doing.

It definitely put a different flavor into this match. Spectators are used to being able to see everything that is going on.

To have something hidden from even them is a unique experience. It was keeping them guessing.

Now they just have to wait.

The Naruto clone grinned as he watched the small group through the windows.

He recognized them as a rook and three pawns. Not as much as they hoped, but still an acceptable catch.

They were walking through the covered walkway towards the gymnasium.

It took them an annoying amount of time to move on their own. They were obviously waiting for Rias to make a similar move.

Please. The clone was easily able to sneak into the gymnasium without being seen.

He is a ninja. The Transparent Escape Technique made it too easy. He then snuck out as well. Right now he was perched in a tree nearby.

He had accomplished his task, and now he just needed to pull the trigger.

"In almost every battlefield used for Rating Games, there is a center point.

A point where the two halves of the field meet. Just like the center of the chess match.

And just like in chess, the one who controls the center of the chess board has the advantage in positioning.

They are able to cross into enemy territory easier by using this route. It is typically the area where the two sides first clash," Rias explained to the group.

"Because it is essential?" Naruto asked with a tilted head.

"It isn't essential. It is very useful to hold though, so both sides almost always make a play for it," Rias answered.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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