
DXD: The Game of Dragons

What does it mean to be a Dragonlord? “Some claim It means being the best, leading the world, making the people of the world live and die for you, protecting the world and the innocent from harm, and fighting for justice and peace.” At the same time, others are eager to inform you of its negative aspects. That it makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn. “Many Dragon Lords are tyrants. Some even refer to them as demons because they are a race of beings born from a mix of Dragon and human blood. These wise and powerful beings who have dominion over the beasts and wield enormous magical powers, which they use for evil and conquest” But the answer is simple; “It means to be the best, it means to rule the world, to make the people of the world live and die for you, it means to protect the world and also crush any opposition, it means to conquer the land and the sea.” What is justice? When could you make your own laws and decide how you wish to run things? Or is justice to serve the whims of another and to do whatever they ask of you, regardless of the outcome? So how does a broken boy, with no friends and no one who loved him, fit in all of this? Kaida Fukumoto is now on his path to becoming a King. But not in the sense of being the leader of a country or kingdom, but in the sense of being a Ruler. His role is one that has yet to be defined, but he has been called upon to become one. This is his destiny, and this is the path he must walk. He has no other choice. But for now, he can only see his way forward. For now, he must learn the ropes of this world he was reincarnated in. Link: p@treon.com/HannibalApple

Hannibal_Apple · Anime & Truyện tranh
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20 Chs

Signs Of A Yandere 101

"Huh?" Kaida dumbly blurred out, seeing the reaction he was expecting, not receiving to him. "But I kissed an innocent maiden and forcibly at that!" The words tumbled off his tongue, even though they sounded more like a question.

"What about you? You should be angry! Aren't you even interested in me? I am the only one, then?" With each time, his voice began rising. He wasn't sure what to even think anymore. He wanted to see Dany angry, he wanted her to slap him, he wanted to see even a slight reaction, to see if she even was interested in him. But before he could say anything, he froze.

Kaida widened his eyes as they met with hers, feeling the warmth in them. Her soft, almost plump lips pressed softly against his. It was just a peck, but it was enough for his mind to explode with a million thoughts racing through his head, thoughts he couldn't quite put together yet. Before he could say a word, Dany grabbed onto his arm, pulling him closer to her.

The kiss grew stronger and longer. His body shivered, feeling electricity running up his spine. Kaida closed his eyes as Dany continued kissing him, taking over his whole face.

He opened his mouth, allowing her in, tasting her sweetness, wanting to taste more of her. She pushed her hands down, grabbing his shirt and ripping open the front buttons. Kaida didn't stop her. In fact, he felt his own hands reaching behind, pushing her dress upward so he could feel her skin. He can smell the rip of her panties and feel the cool air of its wetness.

Kaida pulled away from the kiss, panting hard as he stared at her, admiring how much her breasts looked bigger than before. She was looking at him, too, staring into his soul. They were both breathless and unable to speak for a moment. Finally, Kaida managed to squeak something out, "D... Dan... ny..." he stuttered.

She nodded, a small smile forming on her face. She placed her hand on his cheek, gently rubbing it with her thumb, and leaned forward again, this time pressing her lips to his. He responded immediately, kissing her passionately.

They broke apart for a moment. Kaida was surprised by her sudden shift and by her bold action.

"Wow," was all he could manage to say.

Her cheeks flushed slightly pink, but otherwise, she remained calm and composed.

Kaida had always thought of himself as shy and timid, but right now, he found he liked the feeling of being bold and dominating someone else. This time, he decided he would do the same thing to her. As soon as the idea crossed his mind, he moved forward, placing his hands on her shoulders and bending her backward over the table. He brought his hands up, pulling her hair away from her neck. Then, Kaida leaned forward, planting a deep passionate kiss.

As their tongues intertwined, he noticed the faint scent of lavender. A light blush covered her cheeks, which made him feel even bolder. Without warning, he pulled back and slammed his body into hers. Kaida moaned as she lost balance, toppling backward onto the couch cushions. He sat next to her and pulled her into his lap. She giggled as she laid across his thighs, her long silver hair cascading around them both. Their chests touched as they lay side by side.

He took hold of her wrists and pinned them above her head, using her hair to tie them together. He kissed her again, this time harder, and ran his fingers along her bare shoulder blades. She moaned, giving herself completely to him. When they parted, he saw her blushing deeply and smiling happily. He loved watching her when she smiled like that. He was going to take care of that grin forever.

Kaida felt very comfortable and happy. All Kaido wanted to do was say "I love you" to her, but he wanted to become worthy of her first. Instead, he whispered in her ear, "I don't know what came over me. But thank you." He gave her a warm, reassuring smile.

Dany replied with her own, "My pleasure~" She winked at him.


Kaida was in heaven, knowing that he had finally won the affection of the person he adored. He had never imagined this day coming, and the reality of the moment overwhelmed him. He knew that Daenerys cared for him, and Kaida wanted nothing more than to show her just how special of a person she was.

"You are too perfect," Kaida thought, staring at her sleeping face.

"Too beautiful."

Kaida wrapped his arms tightly around Dany's waist and held on for dear life, burying his head into Dany's shoulder, breathing in her sweet scent, which was mixed with a hint of lavender.

Dany's heart beat rapidly, and she felt her chest flutter as she slowly awoke. She tried to keep her mind still, not letting her excitement to be awake to show on her face, lest she frighten Kaida.

Kaida's hand lightly brushed her face, sending waves of tingles throughout her body.

"Oh my, Dany," Kaida said, turning her head to look at Dany, "you have no idea what you did!"

Kaida stood there silently while continually staring at her face. Each second he can feel an overwhelming urge, urge to kiss her, touch her, caress her, and most importantly, love her with all his heart and soul. An overpowering need, an irresistible impulse, one that is driving him insane, to make her understand that he loves her with all his might. He wants her to be the only one for him, the only one who will complete him, and the only one to fill the hole inside of him. Each and every thought he could feel was being replaced with a burning desire to be with her and only her.

Kaida shifted his head, he could feel himself becoming light-headed by staring at her perfect face.


─ Name: Kaida Fukumoto

─ Level: 50 -> 58

─ Total Runes: 2207

─ To Next Level: 15102

─ HP: 537/537 (+15) - 100%

─ FP: 91/91 - 100%

─ SP: 112/112 (+7) - 100%

─ Attributes: [VIG:15] ♦ [MIND:14] ♦ [END: 15] ♦ [STR:18] ♦ [DEX:23] ♦ [INT: 11] ♦ [FTH:20-> 28] ♦ [ARC:13]

─ Skills: <Quick Slash -Rank D> ♦ <Helmsplitter - Rank C>

─ Sacred Gear: Alphecca Tyrant (Subspecies); <Holy Nail Thrust - Rank C> ♦ <Holy Strike: Rank C> ♦ <Crucify: Rank A>

─ Right Hand: Uchigatana +4; <Thunderclap and Flash>

─ Left Hand: Godslyaer's Seal +3

─ Talisman (2/2): <Erdtree's Favor (HP (3%), Stamina (6.75%), and Equip Load (5%))> ♦ <Ring of Unheeding>

─ Memory Slots (3/3): <Black Flame> ♦ <Lightning Strike> ♦ <Lightning Spear>

Though he had spent almost a month in the game, it wasn't as productive as he had hoped. He hasn't defeated any Remembrance Bosses, and he was too ridden with guilt to even attempt to go in their direction.

So what did he do?

Half of the time he had embarrassingly spent trying to clear the dungeon near the Standard Graveyard, earning himself into a powerful summon, Dragon Communion Seal, which will boost any Dragon Communion Incantations, a good talisman(Erdtree Favor) which increases his overall Health, Stamina, and equip load, but also a golden seed to increase his flasks.

While the remaining time he had spent with Azalea, learning her skills. He was surprised to see her with an annoyed face near the babbling Kale.

'Next time, it would be better to meet Witch Renna before I trash her mother.'

Snuggling deeper into Dany, Kaida thought of what he should do with Melina. Thankfully "D" was able to help him get inside the Roundhouse Table, or god knows how long it would take for him to go there. But there was something more important that Kaida needed to do right now.

Not only had he missed school for almost a week, but he also had been missing, but first, he needed to ask Dany why the hell there was a monstrous cacoon next to his bed.

"I found her snooping around and learned she was the one who had hurt you. So as punishment, I had turned her into a... helper." Dany whispered, seeming to understand his internal thoughts.

"And how exactly were you able to do that?" Only Blood magic can even come close to what Dany had said, so he was curious about how Dany was able literally to create a cacoon.

"Before my arrival here, I was already taught the uses of Blood Magic and a Necromancer. Using your <Blood Bind> through the bond wasn't difficult. I used the blood of the few Fallen Angels, Stray Devils, and ashes of hers to create her body. When she is reborn, all you need to do is bind her bloodline to you, and you gain a powerful servant who not only has information about the world but also carries the blood of the Angel and a Devil. But I neither have the talent as you nor tried to create a body before. So i am not sure how she will end up" Dany replied, still looking like she was proud of herself.

"But, why take such a risk? We don't need help and definitely not a servant who-" Kaida tried to argue, but a sudden peck from her cherry lips turned him into a blushing rose.

Dany smiled softly, then nibbled Kaida on his neck like a cat. "It was simply because I wanted to keep someone else by your side while you travel to Lands Between, someone who is unquestionably loyal."

Kaida couldn't say anything, he did what he loved, smelling her lavender scent.

"Fine. But you have to teach me how to access your power from the bond. That Dragonfire is crazily powerful!" He pouted and earned a short kiss from Dany.

"Well," Dany began, "I wanted to teach you since the beginning, but you have been spending a lot of time in the Elden Ring. So how about tonight? Not only will the servant wake up, but also you will be spending time with me~" She winked, and he nodded, excited to learn more about his powers.


*Ding* *Dong*

Groggily fluttering his eyes, Kaida released a sigh. The doorbell ringing has been annoying him constantly for a few minutes. Can't sleep in Dany's blossoms?

"I will take care of it, Kai. Sleep well." Dany whispered as she stretched her back, closing her eyes for just a moment before walking out the bedroom.

Walking through the living, Dany lost her smiling face as she started coming near the door. She doesn't need to open the door to say the one standing outside is powerful, the most powerful person she has seen, other than Black Dread.

"Yes?" It took Dany a second to get out of her daze seeing women similar to her, with beauty infinitely closer to hers. Dany's beauty is referred to as "unworldly" and "inhumane," so it was definitely surprising to see the woman standing outside the door in a maid costume that her master so obsessed with.

The woman, with the same silver hair as her, bowed slightly and greeted her.

"Excuse me, I am Grayfia Lucifuge, under Lucifer-sama, and I came here to investigate the background of an unknown dragon living in his sister territory without permission. This will only be a brief mandatory check." The woman's voice sounded calm yet strong as if she knew the importance of her words.

'Lucifer?' Dany pondered as she learned a little about the culture of the world, she was familiar with the devil, who was cast out of heaven.

"I am unaware that we need permission to live in a house we bought with our own money. From the legal side, i promise you that we are satisfied. You neither have a warrant nor proof of what you claim. I am sorry, please leave, or I will call the police." Dany said, acting oblivious to the supernatural world. With her Frankenstein monster in the bedroom, there is no way she would invite a person, especially one with power, to her master's house so carelessly. If worst comes to worst, she could call upon the Dragonfyre to turn this place into ash.

All it took was a brief second to turn the surrounding into cold, and Dany could see Grayfia releasing her waves of magic, trying to intimidate her, as well as confirm her knowledge of the supernatural world.

If Dany says something, that would prove to her that she is aware of the supernatural; if Dany doesn't do something in response, succumbing to the pressure and falling on her knees, it will show this woman that she is supernatural. In both options, she is getting the bad end of the deal.

"I would warn you to stop this maid. Those petty tricks won't work on me, so shut up and le-"

"Is there something wrong, Dany?" Kaida suddenly interrupted Dany, stopping the situation from escalating. He had followed Dany and saw what had occurred. So knowing Dany's dragon pride won't let this weird Dany doppelganger leave, he chose it would be best to intervene.

Almost immediately, he could see a hidden frown on this woman, sensing his 'disgusting' holy power being released in waves. He knows this won't scare her, but it would keep this woman in check. After all, "Lucifer-sama' is a big giveaway giving her the identity of a devil.

"I was told that the unknown resident in this world wasn't registered by Rias-sama and Sitri-sama. I merely came here to double-check and clear and clear any misunderstanding."

Kaida narrowed his eyes and finally said, "Please come in."

As he was still being clueless about the world and how the hierarchy works, Kaida thought it would be best to act clueless and make the others lessen their guard.

A slight smile appeared on the cold face of the woman as she said, "Excuse me, then."


A/N: Sorry for not uploading for the past few days. College work is getting stressful. If you want to want to read head, there are chapters in my p@etreon in google drive.

But don't worry, this is NOT a payment wall. Just give me some time to write and edit those chapters :)