
DxD: Return Supreme King

Judai's adventures had matured him considerably. He had become a full-grown adult, burdened with immense responsibilities. As the vessel of a primal force that gave birth to the universe, he bore the weight of maintaining the balance over the darkness until his next reincarnation. Or so he had believed until the last moments of his life. Now he found himself thrust into an unfamiliar world, trying to live the life of an ordinary teenager... A Yu-gi-oh/DxD/Multi Crossover

Demon_King22 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter - 10


Chapter - 10: Leyline


Miki Hyodou Pov

Morning light filtered gently through the windows, illuminating every corner of my kitchen. The silence was almost surreal, a rare moment of tranquility before the day kicked into high gear.

Unfortunately, my husband had been forced to work late, aiming for a promotion that would make things easier for us. The long hours at the office had taken their toll, leaving him exhausted and us with little time together.

Meanwhile, I was preparing to enjoy two days off with our children. It was a special occasion since we hadn't spent much time together lately due to our busy schedules.

But it was a natural progression that couldn't be avoided. Both teenagers were eager to live their lives to the fullest, and I certainly wasn't going to clip their wings. After all, I absolutely wanted adorable grandchildren to spoil and pamper with all my might.

Issei spent most of his time with his friends, and though I couldn't help but worry about their influence on him, for now, I had decided to observe and see how things would unfold.

He hadn't received any suspensions from the student council yet, so things must be okay, right?

I wasn't entirely sure of that, but I had accepted this wild side of him as a part of who he was. However, it didn't mean I would ever forgive the perverted piece of trash who had corrupted my beloved child...

As I held my little one to calm him down, I couldn't help but think about my younger son, Judai. If he wasn't busy training with his soccer team, he was out somewhere with his friends.

He didn't spend much time at home, but I trusted him completely. I knew he wouldn't get into trouble he couldn't handle. He was a responsible and determined young man. Although I missed his presence at times, I was proud to see how he was growing, becoming more independent and mature.

As I prepared breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and I took a moment to sip a hot cup, reflecting on how fortunate I was to have such a family.

We weren't the perfect Japanese family, but it was more than enough. I had a faithful husband, albeit a bit perverted, and two children with different personalities but hearts as big as the sky.

I knew they would make me proud as they continued on their paths in life. My thoughts inevitably wandered to my younger son. Every time I looked at him, my heart filled with indescribable joy, an emotion only a mother who had struggled to have children could truly understand.

His presence was a miracle, an unexpected gift after years of difficulties and disappointments. My husband and I had spent years trying to have children, enduring a tough and painful journey that tested us in ways we never imagined.

I still remember the endless doctor visits, the costly and invasive treatments, the hopes that rose and fell with each failed IVF cycle.

Every negative pregnancy test was a stab to the heart, a tangible reminder of a dream that seemed increasingly out of reach. I felt lost, trapped in an endless nightmare, watching enviously as other women seemed to conceive effortlessly.

Insensitive questions and comments only added to the burden on my already heavy heart. But despite it all, we never lost hope. Every tear shed, every sleepless night, every desperate prayer brought us closer to our dream.

And then, one day, the news we had longed for: I was pregnant. The joy and disbelief of that moment are indescribable. We were overwhelmed with emotion, and every sacrifice made finally seemed worthwhile...

But this was just the beginning of what would be a beautiful happy ending, as just a year later I became pregnant with my second child. It was something the doctors had said was impossible, but here it was happening right before their eyes.

The excitement of receiving such news is something I will never forget; it felt like a true miracle. Every doctor's visit confirmed that our children were growing healthy and strong.

I couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate and grateful for this new opportunity to be a mother.

Now, as I set the table for breakfast, I heard small steps approaching. I turned and saw my younger son, still sleepy-eyed and with tousled hair, looking at me with a tender smile.

His presence always reminded me of the miracle of life and the power of hope. I approached and hugged him tight, feeling a deep connection and unconditional love that only a mother can understand.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said softly. "Up early today?" He nodded with a smile that I couldn't help but return.

I cuddled next to my younger son, savoring his warmth as I held him close. "Are you ready for a family day?" I asked, smiling.

He nodded again with his usual sunny smile, but then his face lit up even more. "Can I wake up my brother too? Then we can all have breakfast together."

I couldn't help but notice Judai's smile growing even wider, almost radiant. It was clear how happy he was at the idea of teasing his poor brother.

I shook my head with a mix of amusement and affection. "Alright, but try to be kind," I replied, already knowing that his idea of "kind" was quite relative.

Excited, Judai quickly ran up the stairs. I watched him ascend with impressive speed, knowing that soon there would be a rude awakening for Issei.

It didn't take long before I heard a scream from Issei's room, "No, my pornos!!!" he exclaimed, followed by sounds of confusion and then laughter. I smiled to myself, shaking my head. My sons could be so different, yet the love and camaraderie between them were palpable.

I approached the stairs and called up, "Boys, breakfast is ready! Come down before it gets cold." I heard heavy footsteps and grumbling from Issei as he descended the stairs, followed by Judai's laughter.

Both appeared in the living room, Issei with disheveled hair and a sleepy expression, while Judai looked pleased with his success in waking his older brother.

"Good morning, Issei," I said with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Issei muttered something incomprehensible, but a smile spread across his face as he sat at the table. Judai joined him, still laughing. I sat down too, watching my sons as they began to eat.

Family breakfast, with its little dynamics and bickering, was one of the moments I cherished the most. Every sacrifice, every difficult moment, had been worth it. Every smile, every laugh, every hug reminded me how lucky I was to have them in my life.

We exchanged looks of understanding and love, sharing gratitude for those precious moments that made our life so special. As we ate and chatted, I couldn't help but think about how fortunate I was.

Every smile, every laugh, every small moment of everyday life was an invaluable gift. I was determined to savor every moment of those two days off, enjoying the simple joy of being together with my family.


Judai stepped off the bus, his gaze fixed on the majestic mountain looming before him. Its snow-capped peaks were still visible despite the sun having set, casting the landscape in twilight.

It was the last bus to this remote location on the outskirts of Kuoh city. The evening silence was interrupted only by the gentle rustling of the wind through the trees and the distant song of nocturnal birds beginning thei rwake-up call..

Without hesitation, Judai veered off the beaten path and ventured straight into the forest. Tree branches arched overhead like a canopy, further dimming the already faint twilight.

Yet Judai felt no fear. He needed neither map nor directions, for the beast within his soul (Sacred Gear) was alert, efficiently guiding him toward a precise destination that would lead him to his goal.

Each step seemed guided by a simple yet profound connection with nature. He felt his heart beat in rhythm with the forest, listening to the calls of nocturnal animals and the rustle of leaves underfoot.

He walked for what seemed like an indefinite time, crossing babbling brooks and traversing clearings illuminated only by moonlight filtering through the trees. Occasionally, he paused to orient himself, yet each time he felt a clear direction to take, as if an inner compass were guiding him.

The Leylines spanned across the planet, carrying most of the natural Ki. This was Judai's primary objective, as he urgently needed a new energy source, considering the park was not sufficient for his needs.

He knew the risks were high, but so were the potential benefits. The Leylines held an almost unlimited reservoir of Ki, far beyond anything he could hope to obtain. For Judai, it was worth the danger.

He had discovered this by browsing Devil.net, where, among the various pages and forums, he had found numerous Yokai discussing and detailing how dangerous Leylines were to someone who was not a Yokai.

It had surprisingly been easy to gather this information thanks to pupular trand with several high-class devils who completely underestimated the Yokai race. Among them were even some fools trying to add Yasaka and her daughter to their Harem (Peerages).

Promising them all sorts of wealth just to have them as sex slaves, ready to fulfill their every desire whenever they ordered them without hesitation like good girls...

However, Judai was not looking for a normal Leyline that might not be enough for the weakest Duel Monster, but something that would make him make a leap forward with his power.

In Judai's view, there was a long giant trail of light that crossed the entire city before dividing into different directions, but at some point, there was a separate trail of light in the forest outside the city.

The separation from the original vein is Judai's goal this time. Unlike the main vein, the separation does not have that great energy, but for Judai, it is more than enough, and since the Ki in it is chaotic, no one will come looking for it.

Judai stood before the cave, sensing the powerful and chaotic Ki emanating from it. The air was thick with energy, and he could feel the vibrations coursing through his body. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his mind and focus his thoughts.

With each step he took, the Ki grew stronger, more intense, as if the cave itself was alive and reacting to his presence. The walls seemed to pulse with a life of their own, shadows flickering and dancing in the dim light.

"Very chaotic..." Judai frowned as he measured the Ki inside the cave. "This negative and malignant intention reminds me of when I faced the three Sacred Beasts."

"Not for nothing are they called Evil Gods, although they are much weaker than the Egyptian deities since you managed to defeat them without even awakening your true power." Yubel commented with obvious contempt.

Yubel approached Judai, her gaze turning serious. "But this situation seems different, darker and more complex. We must proceed with great caution."

Judai nodded, feeling the gravity of the situation as he continued to scrutinize the turbulent Ki surrounding the cave. The atmosphere was tense, and his instincts told him there was something deeply corruptive.

Although it wasn't as exaggerated as Armityle the Chaos Phantasm, for the current Judai, this Ki was very dangerous, since it was just a separation from the Leyline, so it lacked the usual purification function that cleanses the Ki before returning it to nature.

All the negative emotions had accumulated within that space in the cave, forming a vortex of dark energy that posed a threat to anyone who ventured in. This was why no one dared to use the Leylines separately, fearing they would be overwhelmed by its innate malevolence.

But fortunately, Judai was not an ordinary person; he was the Supreme King, the one who had conquered the power of darkness and made it his own. His experience and ability to command dark forces gave him a unique advantage.

As he adapted to the new flow of Ki, Judai began to absorb it without concern for losing control. Assimilating Senjutsu within his body, it was finally time for an Evil Hero to make his appearance in this new world.


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

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