
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs

Waiting for Riser

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Time skip 2 more years (Kiba is 12 years old. Rias 13.)

Word Count 1210


*Tap. Tap. Tap*

That was all that could be heard inside the room. Rias was tapping the floor with her foot nervously.

We were all waiting for Riser to come. This would be the first time these two actually meet. Rias has reached the 'minimum' age. Which can mean so many different things I decided not to waste precious brain cells to understand devil idiocy.

Raiser is like 5 years older than her I think. So he would be 18 right about now. They will be getting married once she is an adult or if they both agree they can do it earlier. Well, that's not going to happen.

This is kind of like a play date for kids. They get to meet and get a feel for each other.

Which Rias totally ruins with her predetermined views of him. She sees him like he is evil incarnate. When he is actually a normal devil doing his job. Devils are low on numbers. Pure-bloods are encouraged to have harems so they increase the chance of new devils getting born.

The only real devils who break that norm are the Satans.

Ajuka is Asexual.

Falbium is too lazy to have sex

Serafall can't do it because of her image. And it's looked down upon if female devils have harems.

And Sirzechs has Grayfia as his wife. And no other devils want to go near her in fear of her reaction to her new 'sisters'.

Well, that's the official reason for Serafall and Sirchechs. The real reason is that they're major Sis-cons. And would love nothing more than to bed their siblings.

I mean he only married Grayfia to get a better standing as the Satan of Domestic Affairs.

How he got Grayfia pregnant is beyond me. They barely spend time with each other.

Such a pity too. Grayfia is a beauty when she isn't wearing that stupid maid costume. Maybe she has a maid fetish or something.

*Tap. Tap. Tap*

"Rias how about you go out for a bit of fresh air. There is still time until Riser arrives" Akeno the 'Onee-san' in training advises

"Sigh That's a good idea. Actually, let's be late. it will show that I have no interest in him and it's a very rude thing to do in general." Rias brightens up at that

Rias stands up quickly "Akeno, Koneko let's go. Kiba you coming?"

"Nah go on without me. I will be here to welcome the guests. Don't want your mother yelling at you for not letting someone stay here do ya?" I wave her off. My laziness clearly showing.

I try to satisfy all my sins in one way or another. I obviously can't do lust yet. It will have to wait for when I enter Japan. But I do try to indulge the other

"Suit yourself" With that, they walk out of the room leaving me alone. Peace at last

I have been just laying around this week. Trying to take it easy. Experiment with new swords and stuff like that.

At age 12 I am currently at the beginning of High Class in terms of strength. A level that most 'High-Class Devils' haven't even reached because they are too lazy. They get that title automatically if they are born in a Noble Family. They will reach it eventually, by the time they are 400. Since their magic grows as they age.

And just last week I unlocked my Balance Breaker.

Now to explain what is a Balance Breaker?

It's said to be a Forbidden Move. A bug in the System.

Or as Draig famously said it. And I quote:

"Sacred Gears change and evolve while using the feelings of the possessors as a key. But there is a different territory to that. When the feelings and the wishes of the possessor does a dramatic change that it changes the flow of this world, the Sacred Gear reaches it. Yes. This is...Balance Breaker."

Now with me it's different.

Instead of some bullshit Nakama or the power of feelings or whatever is used to unlock Balance Breaker.

I forced my Sacred Gear to evolve. How I did that is pretty simple. I trained like hell. Used the Sacred Gear to its maximum potential. I constantly made new swords.

Until it got to the point that the Gear had to forcefully evolve to keep up with me and the swords I was trying to create.

As for how I got that strong? Well in the past two years I have been secretly training in the most dangerous parts of the Underworld against magical beasts.

Sirzechs once took us there for a 'lesson'. Whether his goal was to motivate Rias to train more or to show me my place in the world. I don't know nor care.

I got inspired by the 'Hiraishin' in Naruto. And let me tell you that was a pain in the ass to create.

I first made small Daggers 'which are just small swords basically' to act as Markers.

Then there was the teleportation sword. I could have gone with a teleportation spell. But then they would know. They can track the Germory Sigil/Magic Circle. There are two. One for the Masters and one for the Servants.

First of all the purpose of a Magic Circle is to decrease the cost of Magic Spells. Devils don't really need them in the first place. Since their magic relies on Imagination. But that takes a heavy toll on their reserves. So they made Circles to lower the cost.

Different families have worked hard on lowering the cost as much as possible. But so that the other families don't discover their method they hide it behind a Family Sigil or Mark.

The Servants of course use a bastardized version which is like half as efficient as the one Rias uses for example. In any case they know when a teleportation spell is used.

I made it so the Sword can be charged up and then used. Because if I teleport long distances like I plan to I would arrive exhausted and drained. Which would be suicidal.

Once I am there I have to Charge the Sword again to get back. Which I do at a much slower pace. Thankfully I already expressed my desire to go out and train near the Gremory Territory. At first, they followed me and kept a close eye on me. But as time went on they just made sure I was in the area. So I left a Sword that would have my Aura on it. And went to fight against magical beasts.

Do that for 2 years. There were a few close calls but the experience only made me stronger.

So last week when I was experimenting with new swords. I wanted to start making a few unique swords but it wasn't going so well. So I pumped all my magic into it. The Sword Shape started forming, but it was unstable. This happened a few times before so I just kept on feeding it magic power until the Sacred Gear literally 'snapped' from the pressure and forcefully evolved. Awakening the Balance Breaker.

Now because it was a 'rough' awakening both on the Gear and on myself. I'm taking it easy so I can recharge in a way.

An orange magic circle appears in the center of the room. Breaking me from my thoughts.

Man this is going to be so much fun to watch.


Next chap is Riser Chap. Fun arguments and mostly amusing I hope


Told you I was going to steamroll through the timeskips. There is no point. It's just repetitive training. The real shit starts when they enter Japan in 2 years.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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