
Love is in the air

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Word Count 2150

Romance really isn't my strong suit. So I'm being careful not to screw it up. I think this chap is funny


My relationship with Valerie is progressing. We made out a few more times. And now we were on a date.

At first, I had no idea where to take her. But Valerie was fine with everywhere. It's not like she has seen a lot due to her life with the Tepes Faction.

So I decided to keep it simple at first. We went to see a movie. And since Valerie isn't one for Romantic Movies we went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean.

A classic. It was good to see it again. Valerie liked it as well.

Now we were walking hand in hand in the forest under the moonlight. Both of us were so strong that animals just avoided us.

"Jack Sparrow was very funny" whispered Valerie

"Capitan" I reprimand jokingly making her smile

"So did you have fun?"

Valerie nodded "Umu..."

She closed her eyes and let me and her senses guide her "This is nice"

And it really was. She is part vampire and I'm a devil. Both species thrive in the dark. Walking in the dead of night in a peaceful forest like this is really calming.


I noticed something right on the edge of my perception zone. A group of fireflies.

"Valerie suppress your power as much as you can. I found something interesting"

"Hmm?" Valerie tilted her head but said nothing and suppressed her power.

After a few minutes, we arrive. I engraved the look of surprise on her face in my memories. Her face lit up when she saw them.

"Beautifull" She looked at the fireflies as they moved around. A natural light show

I picked up my phone and put on some slow music

"May I have this dance milady" I do a little bow with one hand on my chest and my other still holding Valeries

Her smile was the only answer I needed.

We joined up, I put my free hand on her back. While she put hers just below my shoulder.

We slowly started to dance.

A slow dance in the middle of the forest. Our eyes locked. With the fireflies around us, shining like little orbs, adding to the mood. We kept dancing in silence for 5 minutes.

"Isaiah.." Valerie spoke softly


"I want to sleep in your room tonight" I could barely hear her voice, her face and ears were red

"Sure. If that's what you really want"

Valerie nodded slightly and we continued to dance until the song ended.

Tonight was a night to be remembered

( Opinions? I hope I didn't make it too cringe)

~ Girl talk with Valerie.

All the girls were gathered up in one of their rooms.

"So how was it" Meredith being the one that loves gossip could barely contain her excitement

"Unbelievable," Valerie said with a satisfied smile

Tiamat, Asia, Koneko and Kuroka were very jealous

Misaki was unsure on what to feel.

But that didn't stop them and they quickly bombarded Valerie with other questions.

How long did it last? Was he big? Was he gentle?

Until Tiamama couldn't hold it anymore

"I'm going next" Tiamat announced and got up, going straight to Isaiah

"Well someone is certainly eager" Meredith teased

"Well I would be too~nya" Kuroka noded "Isaiah promised her a date. Come to think of it, didn't you say he promised you one as well Misaki?"

Everybody turned to the girl who found herself in the center of attention.

"Well yeah.. but I'm not sure I'm interested anymore" Misaki awkwardly scratched her arm

"Ehh" "But why?" "Didn't you like him?"

Question after question followed

"I did. But I was a simple high school student. And I had a crush on the hottest guy in the school. Everything was normal. Then I was almost kidnaped and Isaiah was the one to save me. But I'm not fine with sharing him. I'm not from the Supernatural world. Sharing the same guy and harems doesn't make sense to me." Misaki started to blab, it looks like she was keeping it in for a while

"Wait" Meredith stopped her "So let me get this straight. You don't like Isaiah anymore because you don't want to share him?"

Misaki nodded unsurely "Well I still like him, but I don't want to be part of a harem. I want a guy to love just me"

The girls looked at her with understanding "I understand Misaki. You don't have to feel bad about it. It's natural in a way."

"Yeah we support your decision a 100%~nyaa" Kuroka noded

"I'm going to go chase after Senpai" Koneko said resolutely

"Shirone?" Kuroka was surprised

"So am I" Asia smiled as well

Valerie had a small smile on her face "Good luck" She said with the best possible intention. They had to make one of the strongest people in this world fall in love with them.

"Hmm maybe I should chase after him too~nyaa? He can give me many strong kitties" Kuroka put her hand on her chin looking thoughtful

"Nee-san. If you jump Senpai he will smack you." Koneko shook her head

"True. Isaiah doesn't look like the type to accept just anyone. He looks like the guy who will only sleep with the people he chooses or seduces" Misaki commented

"You are right, during my 'rehabilitation'. Isaiah had me go through some imaginary scenarios on what I should and shouldn't do. I was curious and asked him what he would do if a woman threw herself at him.

He replied that he would reject her and throw her away. His words were 'Only a fool would trust a stranger, especially a woman or a man, who wants to 'date' with you all of a sudden. He/She is either going to rob you, rape you, kidnap you, or kill you" Asia explained to the rest who all had thoughtful expressions

"He does have a point" Xenovia noded

"I agree" So did Ingvild

"Well he is the leader for a reason, he has to be smart, anyway did you girls see the new fashion magazine" Meredith said with excitement

And so the subject was changed and they talked about fashion all night.

~ Isaiah Pov

Hmmm, my date with Tia. I already promised her one. But what is interesting for a Dragon that has seen it all.

Wait she said she hasn't had any partners because they weren't worthy.

In that case she has never danced with anyone either. I know the perfect place


"Where is this?" Tiamat looked around.

They were outside some club. On the door, it wrote [Begginers Tango Night]

"Umm Isaiah?" Tiamat said with a little panic in her eyes.

"You said you wanted a date like Valerie had. Me and Valerie danced" I already knew her struggles but I kept a good poker face

"But.. I can't dance" Tiamat said with a bit of shame

She was a Dragon. She was rarely in human form to begin with. And what kind of Dragon dances?

"Come on. I'm sure you are a quick study" I grabbed her hand and guided her inside the club

"Hey! Wait!"

~10 minutes later

"One, two, three. One, two, three" Tiamat was counting the steps while looking at her feet. She was so focused. The gap moe was so cute. The serious and strong Karma Dragon Empress was fumbling on a simple dance.

Waltz was used as a warm-up before the Tango starts.

"You are doing great" I encourage her

"Thanks, I do admit, I am enjoying this" Tiamat smiled

"Okay everyone it's time for the Tango"

"Tango?!" Tiamat looks at me with a panicked expression

"Don't worry. You will be fine. Just copy the others and follow my rhythm."

The next few minutes after the 'instructors' who were basically a couple who knew a bit of tango thought us the steps.

Tiamat stepped on my feet a few times. I'm glad I used magic to protect myself there. And judging by the pout on her face I guessed she noticed. But said nothing since she was at fault.

After a few turns she got the hang of it and we really started to dance.

"This is nice." Tiamat said as we were spinning around. Moving together as one

She loves it. She was a fast learner.

"Yes it is" I twirl her around

But time passed and the song was ending, it was time for the last move.

I grab her by the waist and pull her in and Tiamat snaps her head backward and arches her back.

Both of us were panting a bit.

Her eyes were filled with lust. She only spoke out three words "You, Me, Bedroom"

I was trying not to rush it. But what the heck? Enjoy life while you can.

We left the club and I teleported back to the bedroom.

Thankfully it was completely soundproof.

I got a feeling it will be a wild night

~Next day. Back at the villa

"Isaiah. Isaiah" Veldora and Dino came rushing in, I would have been worried. If not for the grins on their faces. Plus we had protocols for emergencies.

"Yes" I raised an eyebrow

"Listen you know how we were talking about secret hand signals and stuff like that right" Dino was full of smiles.

Something must be wrong if he is not asleep

"..Yeahh,,," I looked at Dino then at Veldora "What about it?"

"Well, we might have just found the best one yet" Veldora grinned before he took a step back to demonstrate.

Veldora claped his hands, made a peace sign. then an OK sign, before putting his palm to his forehead as if he is looking at something.

👏,✌,👌, 🧐

Then Dino jumped in

"Your underwear is showing" (Pan tsu maru mie)

"Yeahh!!" Veldora yelled.

They both claped their hands then continued on with the secret handshake which was fist and forearm bumps. And they both took a deep breath



Time stopped. Well, I wasn't affected but that was on purpose.

Gasper quickly made his way behind them and let time go back to normal


And he joined in with them.


Looks like Dino and Veldora have discovered Jojo's.

Veldora I expected, he is a manga fan, he was bound to find out about it. But Dino I didn't see coming at all.

"Dino how did you even find the energy to watch Jojo's?" I'm extremely curious

"Well I was going to go to sleep after one episode. But one turned into two, two into an entire season. And the next thing I know it Part 3 was ending and it was 1 pm." Dino awkwardly scratched his head

"You stayed up the entire night?" Impossible

"Yeah I'm surprised at it myse-" *THUD*

*Zzzzzzz. Zzzzzzz*

He fell asleep while he was still standing and talking. It makes more sense now. But still, Jojo was so good that a Sloth like Dino forgot to sleep and focused on watching it instead

Jojo really is something special.

Veldora started to poke him in the arm "Oi Dino you dead? If you are dying then can get some of your stuff?"

"Zzzzz. Fuck..Zzzzz.. Off..Zzzz"

"Tsk. Cheapscake" Veldora walked away leaving Dino to sleep on the ground. And I sure as hell ain't going to move him

I just pick up the phone and call Meredith

"Why are you calling me Isaiah? We are still in the house. You can come and get me"

"Your boyfriend is collapsed on the ground from sleep deprivation"

"Haaaaa? Sleep deprivation? Him? The physical embodiment of laziness? AND HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Meredith yelled out

"Meh. Don't care if you are dating or not. I just know I'm not the one that's going to move him. Bye"

"Hey Wai- Beeep"

I leave the room and go back to my research. Ingvild needs more time to get control over her power. She also needs to learn a bit od diplomacy to take control over the Leviathan territories.

Now..What are the most likely secret entrances to Asgard should we need them?

~ Team Vali

"Ahhhhhhh" Vali or leader Valena was screaming her throat out

"Oh don't be such a wuss. It's just your period. I have been having them ever since I hit puberty" LaFay sighed

"Isaiah! I'll kill you!" Velena screamed out with eyes red from anger

"Sister, don't you have potions for this?" Arthur asked calmly

"Yeah, but I already used mine up. Those potions expire quickly. They don't even last a full month. So they are usually ordered a week before your period comes. He.. she, will have to bear it. Honestly, I dont get what the gid deal is. I didn't start using potions until I was 15."


~~~ A/N

What do you think? Opinions on the romance. Romance isn't really my strong suit. Some feedback would help out

Oh and there won't be any smut in this fic.

If you want smut, wait for DxD. Necro... That one is all sorts of wrong.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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