
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs

Deal with the Devil

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There will be Daily Releases for as long as I can keep it up. Chapters will be released around this time each day. Oh and if you'd like the daily releases to continue drop some Stones to put this fic on the ranking. I'm entirely motivated by praise. This is a joke the releases will continue as I can keep up the pace. But seriously consider dropping some stones

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Word Count 1290


"So let me get this straight. I died. This girl revived me as a devil and now I'm her slave" I already know everything of course. But fake it till you make it.

"That's right, and it's NOT Slave! You are my servant and a devil now." Rias defends herself aggressively. She must not like the word slave. Then again she is still a child

Sirzechs is a different story. He is closely observing me.

"You are quite different than most reincarnated devils. They are mostly in denial or become aggressive. At least those who were reincarnated after their death" he speaks softly looking for any reaction from me

"Just because I died doesn't mean I'm stupid. You are the only adult in this room. Obviously, you are here to deal with me if I turn aggressive. I know that if I so much as glare at her you will kill me." I point out blankly, not bothering at all to hide my thoughts

Sirzechs is a Super Devil. I'm not stupid enough to lie in front of him. He will be able to tell that I'm lying and harboring negative feelings. This way he won't be so on guard. Honest simple-minded people are much easier to deal with than the scheming type

"No that's not true. The Gremory treats their servants just like family" Ahh so naive, so stupid. Shame she will stay like this throughout her teenage years. One of the reasons I dislike her so much.

I just stop her rant and point toward Sirzechs "Ask him, he will tell you if it's true."

"Nii-san tell him it isn't true" She rushes and stands in front of Sirzechs, on her face was an unspoken 'Tell him' 'Tell him' 'Tell him' 'Tell him'

Sirzechs just sighs and massages his temples. "You are partly right, I am here to make Rias isn't hurt but I wouldn't have killed you"

Rias just puffs out her chest in pride. Her expression was saying 'See I was right'

"So what happens now?" I ask Sirzechs not even looking at Rias.

"You will be living with us. You will learn about the Underworld and your new duties" he answers calmly

"So I will be a slave. Well what if I don't want to" I just ask right back

"What you want to leave? Whyy? I promise I won't make you do things you don't like. I will take good care of you" Rias says pleadingly

This is what I don't like about her. She treats her peerage like dolls or pets. All of them have one sort of trauma, and she did nothing about it. She just went to school and played human

"Well, that's an issue. See the artifact used to reincarnate you has a drawback. If you don't stay near Rias you will turn into a mindless monster that would need to be put down" he said with a sad expression on his face

He is not a bad actor. Any normal person would think that he is actually sad. Thank you plot knowledge. I would be so screwed without that

"So a suicide switch if anyone decided to go rouge then." I say right in his face, which makes his eye twitch a bit. He probably isn't used to people talking like this to him.

But this is a calculated risk. He is a HUGE SIS-CON. I'm in Rias's peerage, there is no changing that. And if he would never make Rias sad, if he could help it.

"So how long do I have to be her slave? If you think I will be doing this for the rest of my life, because 'I should be grateful she saved my life' you have another thing coming. I didn't ask to be saved. She did it on her own accord, and by doing so denied me from ever getting the chance of going to Heaven. Am I right?" Rias just looks down to the ground with a guilty expression. The Akeno and Koneko know that this isn't a conversation that they can join in so they just keep quiet

Sirzechs just sighs "That's right, as a devil, the Doors of Heaven are forever locked to you:"

"So tell me. Why should I accept being a slave to a spoiled princess?" Rias looks insulted by that comment, while Akeno and Koneko looked angry at me for insulting Rias

Sirzechs looked like he had a giant headache, usually he would have used his power to force people to do what he wants. But now he is forced to 'argue/negotiate' with a child

"How about this. Devils can live up to 10 thousand years, you will be Rias's servant for only a hundred. What do you say?" he says with a smile (10 or 100K forgot?)

Smart sneaky bastard. If I live up to a hundred years is still questionable. Most devils never live past 500 years, and even 100 years is a miracle for a reincarnated devil. Since they are used as cannon folders in fights. Plus he must know about Rias's engagement by now. So there is a chance that I will be Raiser's slave later on, thus nullifying the 'deal' I'm making with him now

"I will not be a servant. I will fight for her, only that. I am not a butler, nor a toy. I will not follow her around like some lost puppy or go to parties with her. I will only fight for her for 100 years. Should something come up from her side that changes this deal I will be set free. I only want one thing. Revenge for my fallen comrades. I want teachers and facilities where I can train."

What do you say about this, you bastard. Sirzechs eye twitches slightly again. Ouu must have hit something major that he was planning with this deal. Honestly, it was only speculation up until this point.

I think he is betting on the evil piece slowly changing my opinion of Rias. And increasing my Obedience. Of course, I know about that function. Thank you fanfics. It's logical if you actually think about it. Even now I can feel it trying to make me obey Rias.

Well, it would be bad if you had no idea about it. But now that I do, I can use it to temper and strengthen my willpower. Sacred Gears rely heavily on the willpower and desires of their hosts. So it will be very useful in the long run.

Sirzechs just stood there for a full minute. Thinking, calculating the odds. Making future scenarios. Then he looks up at me with a bright smile.

"Good, we have a deal. I have decided my own Knight 'Souji Okita' will train you. He is very strong and can teach you swordsmanship. You don't have any complaints about this right?"

I don't know what he is planning fully, but I'm guessing is to make my fist 'bond' or open up to my new 'teacher'. Okita will be closely monitoring me. And I assume he will try to be very friendly with me in hopes of me accepting the Gremory Family.

Which I have to do, or fake at some point. Because right now it can be excused I am a recently reincarnated devil. They are very emotional and have strong denial about these sorts of things. But if I keep it up they might just cut their losses, and just kill me, extract the Knight piece from me and go look for my replacement.

"Well Isaiah welcome to the Gremory Household" Sirzechs says with a small smile, which lights up the mood in the room, making the others excited

### A/N

A little unrealistic, but hey that's what a fanfic is in the first place. And in all honestly, Sirzechs was just playing along. He could totally just threaten our MC in private. Which is always an option if our MC oversteps his boundaries


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