
DXD: Reincarnated as the descendant of barbatos

[Welcome to your new life!] One day in my life I just slept and woke up in another place, I don't know how I got here, I never saw anyone or asked for anything but I won't waste my new opportunity. [See you in a few decades, enjoy your new childhood!] And that's when my problems started... Note: The main character won't have the level of 'Aha! I'll kill big red in one blow and fuck ophis at the same time' His race is demon and he will remain a demon with the advantages and limitations of a demon, if you don't like the idea anyway I invite you to give the book a chance. Disclaimer: I OWN NEITHER HIGHSCHOOL DXD NOR THE FATE FRANCHISE, CREDITS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ANY ORIGINAL CHANGES ARE MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

axelrod_43 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


[Welcome to your new life!]

'Eh, what's this?...' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes, or at least tried to because the light was bothering me so much that I couldn't open them properly.

"Congratulations it's a boy!"

'I heard a female voice in the distance... Where was I supposed to be? In a hospital?'

My body feels very heavy, I must have had too much to drink yesterday.

I open my eyes again for a moment and I see a HUGE man in front of me, I could only make out his thick beard and black hair before I close my eyes again.

'My head hurts so much... what happened yesterday?'

I went to a... party? Yes, I had managed to graduate from college after a lot of hard work, I remember my parents and siblings congratulating me and going to the most amazing party I had ever attended. 

The pain of the hangover comes to my head and I feel like crying.

Cry? Strange, I never characterized myself as someone who cried a lot...

" He looks pretty healthy too!" Yeah, I have to concentrate, where the hell did I get myself to stand next to someone giant? I think I mentioned to Antonio that I didn't want any kind of strange drugs.

'Beautiful!' I momentarily opened my eyes again and see the most beautiful and attractive woman I have ever seen, even though she was also someone giant.

Shit... once again I find myself tremendously drunk in front of a beautiful girl...

"What do you want to call it dear?" Dear? Of course she has a partner! It's always the same for me.

But once I recover from the hangover maybe I could... .... No! Bad Alessio, it's never a good idea to mess with someone with a boyfriend, not again at least!

'However...' Another time different from the one I was talking about so far interrupts my thoughts.

"A strong name for a strong man, you my beloved son will be called Leonardo" Hmm? That's my first name, and because I feel someone lifting me up with affection, this is strange.

[Open your eyes idiot] Hey! Again I see this strange message and it's a little offensive to me [You're not drunk, just open your eyes so I can continue my work].

It's ok it's ok... Rude voice

"Ugaaa!?" 'What the fuck!??' I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a giant man, like the previous one, but this one didn't have a long beard, just a simple Dali style mustache and VERY dark red hair, it almost looked black.

"Hoho, I see this little guy here certainly has energies!" The Dali man laughs like saint Klaus? And who do you say little guy?

Yes, I was the smallest of my friends but just because they are tall doesn't mean I am small!

"Hehe, he has your eyes dear" A kind female voice, the one of the beautiful woman, says to I guess this man.

[Look at your hands already...] My hands? What's wrong with my hands...? [Finally!]

'What the hell?!?' My hands are dwarfs! Like a baby's!

A... baby... Wait a minute!

The giant beings, my strange desire to cry, the affectionate way I'm treated... 

[Yes... you're a baby, get over it] I'm a baby!? [This host is very dumb...]

B-But why?! Is this a dream!? Marcus spiked my drink!?!?!?!?

"UWAAAAAAA" Damn and now I start crying uncontrollably....

"Huh? What's wrong son? Are you in pain?" I turned into a baby you....Stupid Santa Claus... Yeah, that! Of course I'm in pain! My heart hurts!

My life was perfect! Loving family, great friends and I finally got my college degree! GIVE ME BACK MY YEARS OF SUFFERING AS A STUDENT!

"Give it to me Darling, you must be hungry" No woman! I am not hungry! I want to go home! Bring me back home!!!!

[The system is currently forced to lower its nervous system activity].

What does that mean? My vision starts to darken and my eyelids feel heavy.... Oh, sleep, you mean that....

[Sweet dreams host]


"My dear Leonardo, who is the most beautiful baby of the underworld? Yes you are" It had been about a week since I woke up as a baby and I am currently being pampered by my beautiful mother.

Vittoria Cinzia Barbatos was her name, or so my system told me. She was a woman with perfect features, clear blue eyes and blonde hair that shone like gold, in every way a simply stunning woman.

"You shouldn't spoil him so much" And the one speaking now was my father.

Ovidio Niccolo Barbatos, the system also told me. As I saw when I was born his hair was dark red, almost black but at the ends you could see the red tone, his most notable facial aspect was his mustache as if he were Salvatore Dali.

"Hehehehe" And finally me, who laughed innocently for the joy of being spoiled by such a beautiful woman.

Leonardo D'Alessio Barbatos, This if I heard from my father's mouth a couple of days ago.

Anyone would think that I was born again in my beautiful Italy, in a family of some famous politician or something like that, but my dear and hated system told me the opposite a couple of days ago.

I am in the underworld. 

Not in the poetic or figurative sense of the sentence. I am. In. The. Underworld

Hell, Sheol, whatever you want to call it, I currently live in this place. 

How is this possible, you may ask? Me, the great and well-known Leonardo in hell? 

[You are neither famous nor great] Shut the fuck up!

Ahem! As I was saying, it turns out that the night of my graduation party Marcus and Antonio decided to go to the Roman Colosseum to climb it, and I stupidly followed them.

Normally doing that was already illegal, but doing it drunk? Damn, we really went too far. 

But I didn't get here by falling from the top of the colosseum and surely becoming famous on the internet, oh no way.

It turns out that we arrived in front of the colosseum and when I crossed the street a truck ran over me.

Yeah, a fucking truck killed me, is this a Japanese cliche? 

Long story short, I died immediately and for some reason was resurrected in the world of Highschool DxD. Oh how can I forget when I was 14 years old and decided to watch the first season of that anime? Never before have I seen a world with so much potential wasted simply because the author decided to write the story while masturbating.

I wouldn't classify myself as an 'Otaku'. Sure, I watched basic stuff like Dragon Ball, Naruto or Bleach, and recently Kimetsu no Yaiba and Jujutsu Kaise caught my attention, but that's as far as it goes.

In fact I always liked cartoons much more! But Highschool DxD was different, its world and concepts caught me and I made the mistake of reading all its story.

And now I was here. One of the most dangerous worlds and with beings that have powers beyond imagination.

And I was reincarnated here.

And although I was laughing happily in the arms of my mother I saw the counter that marked my system.

[9 years, 350 days, 10 hours and 40 min left to unlock the System]

The system explained the basics, told me he would go to sleep while I was a baby and come back when I was old enough to talk to him without my head hurting.

Yep, I was definitely screwed.


Well, now that my other story reached 10 chapters I decided to start a new one, I always wanted to do something with this franchise because of all the Lore it has but I never gave myself time. I hope you enjoy it!