
She can't be for real, right?

Another boring day in my everyday life in Kuoh academy...

You would think... "Oh, you mean you're the smartass kind of OC who doesn't take notes because you're a genius of a sorts", right?

Actually, that's not the case. I'm just bored because I just gave up on learning those stupid formulas...


My name is Tsukino Ichijou, and apart from being one of the few boys in Kuoh academy, I have... Nothing to stand out. No Royal lineage, nor super-athletic skills or super intelligence, nor tragic past. I'm just your average high-school freshman trying to live my everyday life.

Do you think I enrolled in Kuoh just because of the girls, and that I'm a pervert? No, I'm enrolled here because this is the closest school from home. Not that I swing THAT way, but... Girls scare me. They're moody, swingy, cruel, talk about you by your back and ask for strange things. If living with four big sisters is not experience enough, I don't (and want to) know what is.

But, here I am, your average highschooler with brown hair and green eyes and whose frame resembles a girl's. Another thing: since I'm just like a girl in appearance, the guys usually hit on me. Again, another reason why I don't have many friends...

But the worst thing that ever happened to me was when the school bell rang: when I was about to pick my lunchbox to another lonely recess, that... Girl, with red Crimson hair, illegally large breasts and unholy body reached for me, picking me by the arm from where I was sit and dragging me out of the classroom. Before I could protest, she opened the door to an empty room, tossed me in there and then, a finger pointed at me, screamed...

"You! Tsukino Ichijou! Be my queen!"



Yeah. Like in "what the hell?". I mean... What does she mean saying "Be my queen"? Is she a crossdresser? A boy in disguise? And I'll become his drag queen? Or she's saying to

me to become a singer? I don't have that much of a voice. Or maybe I'm the lost heir of the british kingdom? Nah~... I'm don't even speak english that well(Eheheheh...). So

what's with this girl?!

Very, very frightning indeed...

"Excuse me, princess?" I repeated, her green, emerald eyes still staring at me. Is this real life or it just fantasy? A cute, hot girl dragging me nowhere and saying she'll make me her queen. I dunno, I just don't know how to deal with this... And I'll be really disturbed if someone out there has any idea how to.

"Yeah! You, my queen! Into my peerage! My sidekick! My partner!" She said it again. Is this how we are saying those things nowadays? I should really make some friends to keep up with those. But I'm still confused. And letting her speak for herself won't do any good for me.

"Again... 'Excuse me, princess?."

"Imma King!"




"Okay... King. But, really lady, I don't have any idea what are you talking about. Care to explain, for the sake of my sanity?" I don't think any kind of explanation would do me any good, but It's worth a shot.

"Oh, right! It's your first time, right? And they usually don't make the King show up and say things all-out headfirst, too. They build things up and BOOM!, you're a devil in the second chapter or so! Ahahahah! Soooo cliche!"

Someone save me! She's craz-... Wait. Did she say "devil"? Like... Those prosecutors of God from the bible? And she's planning to turn me into one of them? What the hell... I head that Kuoh is kinda haunted and stuff... But devils? Hardly believable.

"A devil? Lady, what are you talking about?" I asked her. She snapped out of her stupor and turned to me.

"Oh, yeah! First-timers!" Stop calling me that! That's... Dirty and suggestive! "Well... As you heard...!"

Yeah, let's Skip things a little BIT. If you're reading this fic, you probably know the lore and stuff...


"*CAHAM!* So, let me get this straight: you're Berolina Gremory, a descendant of the Gremory clan of devils, and with the lineage of both the Bael clan and Gremory's own from your grandfather, the Grandmaster Devil Millicas. And, since the numbers of devils has dropped a lot since the last great war, you're using a 'Devil-recruiting' device called 'evil pieces system' to turn humans and other mythical creatures into devils to avoid extinction." And I sighed, still digesting everything she just said to me.

"Yeah... Pretty much it." She spoke, now sitting on a chair and drinking some tea she picked out of her ass.

"Okay, Miss Berolina Gremory, I have two questions, being the key-words 'Why' and 'what'." She nodded in understanment. She's pretty calm about it now. I took a deep breath and let the first question out. " 'why' as in: Why me?"

"That's easy! Because you're the current host of the boosted Gear! The Welsh Red booby dragon!" A vein of rage popped on my head, and my fists won't stop shaking to the urge of punching that girl. Calm down, Ichijou. She'll have to wait.

"Forget it. Instead of saying 'excuse me', I'll just shrug in confusion and wait for some explanation!" And I proceeded to do just that.

"Oh right! First-timer!"




"Sorry! Sorry! Well, as I was saying, the Welsh red dragon of destruction, aka Ddraig to some, is one of the two legendary heavenly dragons sealed in the artifacts of God known as Sacred Gears, the other being the Vanishing white booty Dragon Albion, being sealed inside another sacred gear. Legends says that any of the two, if enough potential is unlocked, are capable of killing even God! Or... A God." Well, isn't that great? I have the power to destroy an omnipotent being. To think I can't even lift a fly. But, I have to admit, for such powerful creatures, they sure have strange and stupid nicknames. "Another thing... A descendant of mine... Or a relative of a sorts... Was married to the previous user."


"And the least I can do after their deaths is... Well, keep the current user safe." She lifted her little head to smile at me. No doubt about it now, I blushed. "Yeah! You're the keeper of the Red booby dragon legacy! Isn't that great?"

"Can I answer your question with the second key-word?"

"Oh! Sure! The second was... 'What', right?"

"Yes, as in..." And I couldn't take it anymore! I flipped that goddamn table around! Are you kidding me?! Devils?! Hellish recruitment?! Booby red dragon?! Holy shit! I don't know if I should be amazed by her vivid imagination or pissed that I just lost my precious lunchbreak hearing this bullshit! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING, WOMAN!"

"Kyaaah...!" She covered her little redhead, dodging the flying table. It hit the window and crashed out of the building. When she saw no more threats, she spoke again. "But I'm telling the truth, Ichijou-kun! I'm a devil! I have wings and... And I can fly... And I can talk with others from other countries! And I-...!"

"No! I'm not hearing it anymore!" I covered my ears with my hands, chanting gibbish to shut her up in my head. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and took my way back to my classroom. "Thanks for nothing and Have a good day, freak! I'm goin-...!"


"Pwease! Iffiyou-kyun! Pwease bewieve in mee~!" And now I have a little monkey attached to my belt and waistline. I turned my head to face her and regreted it deeply: her face was a mess. Her nose was running, her face was swollen and she was crying buckets. It should be illegal to have a body that fine But an empty head! "Pwease! I'll do anything! I'll be your whore! Your mistress! Your cum-dumpster! Your dutch-wife! Your...!"

"Don't you have any Shame, Gremory?!"

"Pweeeease! Pweeeease! Pweeeeease!"

And now our classmates are staring. They're staring. A feminine boy dragging himself out of one of the classrooms with his pants Falling down to his knees and a hot redhead talking nonsense while crying like a spoiled child. Things can't get any worse!



And with one final pull and the extra force of my right foot, I finally break free from her grasp! Due to the momentum, she hit the back of her head in a wall. Well, excuse me, King,

But you deserve it! I guess is time to go back to class and forget everything that just hap-...


Why can't I feel the ground under my feet?

Why I'm seeing the school building from the outside?

Why I'm facing the sky?

Why is the sky getting farther and farth-...?


Answer: I pulled myself out of the window.

This can't be good... I can feel my blood being sapped out of my body, I can feel the hard ground under my wasted body. Despite the deadly wounds in my body... I can't feel a thing. It's still spring, yet I'm cold. I can't feel my body, my body can feel...

... Is this... How dying is? Cold, lonely, tiring?

Yeah... Is death alright. The world is getting darker, everything is a void of Nothingness. To die... Because I fought with a crazy girl. That's ridiculous... But I guess it could be worse. Like... No, there's nothing worse than that. This is the worst way of dying ever. Mama, I don't wanna die...

I just Don't want to die...

"Oh my Lucifer! Ichijou-kun!" But before I could finally bite the Dust, that same strange, unsufferable girl appeared out of nowhere, kneeling next to me. But... Wait, is she crying?

That's... Kinda weird. After all, we just met... I guess is because I'm the reincarnation of a husband or something. "Oh... I'm sorry, Ichijou-kun! This is all my fault! This is... This is...!"

Well, at least I can die now with no regrets. I mean, I don't want to die, but maybe dying next to a girl isn't that bad. She might be a little crazy, But she's alright. I hope she can find some friends to share her chuunibyou with...

"That's... That's...!" Man, it sure takes a lot of time to die. I heard once that your head still works for four or five minutes after the last heartbeat, But this is ridiculous. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers, and smiled brightly. Hey, I'm dying here! A little more of consideration would be nice! "That's perfect! Oh my! That's exactly how lady Rias ressurected the previous Boosted Gear user! Althought his death to-be was a little less ridiculous..."

Geez, thanks...

Wait, did she just say "ressurection"?

"Good thing I stole some evil pieces from big sis before leaving the house." And, from the pocket of her jacket, she pulled a red-crimson queen chess piece. My vision is finally failing, as the cold hands of death reached me with a freezing whisper. But then my chest suddenly feels warm... It's... A good sensation. "Tsukino Ichijou... I, Berolina Gremory, am your King now! I'll now reborn you to love me, with every single beat of your heart. I'll reborn you to care of me, every single day of your life from now on. And vice-versa."

And now... Darkness.

Am I dead?




"Oww~... My head hurts..."

I said to no one, because I'm just like MF, I love the sound of my voice. Aside from that, yes, I woke up with a head-cracking headache. I'm not a morning person, But today the

Sun was harsher than usual. It's like its trying to suck me dry from my will to wake up. The Wind, however, feels great, as I was Feeling the cool breeze agaisnt my naked bod-...

Why am I naked? What the hell happened?! Wait! Didn't I die yesterday?! Falling down the school building?!



It was a dream!

Yes! Just... Just a dream. Maybe I caught a cold or something, and I was just hallucinating from it. Still doesn't explain why I'm naked, but, Oh well, I guess my fever was that high. But, man, it felt so real...

Better forget it. I still have to make breakfast for me and my sisters. I used my hands to crawl on my blankets, slowly coming to the edge of the bed...



Soft... Cute... Erotic... My hand landed on something soft... And an indecent moan was heard under the blanket. I slowly turned my head to the direction that sound came from, and I found the head of a certain redhead girl popping out of the fluffy layer, and she was also naked, as her pointers were indicating...




"I need an adult!" Without thinking twice, I kicked that girl out of my bed, while covering myself with the pillows! Holy shit! What the hell?! Did we... Me and her... Oh god...

OUCH! What was that?

"H-Hey! What's the big idea?" She said, recovering herself from the fall. She scratched her eyes a little to probably get rid of the remaining sleepiness, and turned to me. I blushed, due the fact that we're both naked on my bed. "Oh, good morning."



" 'Good morning' my ass!" She caressed the massive bump on her head, which was still oozing steam from my fist, and cried a little because of it. "What the hell were you doing...?! In fact, what the hell are you doing here?!"

"Meanie. For your information, mr. Grumpy bear, I saved your life, and turned you into my queen! Now, you're my servant, and I'm your King! I was just... Using my healing magic to cure your wounds..."

"Wait... You're saying that... Yesterday... Everything... Was real?"

"Yep~... You're devil now, Ichijou-kun!" Recovering from her pouty form, she smiled, and suddenly, a pair of... Bat wings? Emerged from her lower back, the low-end of her spine.

Those were... Too real. Too real for me to say anything against their reality. I was left dumbfounded, the massive amount of information filling my brain in seconds, while the

Gremory girl was just smiling at me...

So... I'm a devil now?



"Ichijou! Bro! What happened?! 'You having dirty, kinky sex with a stranger in there?!"

"Wha-... No, sis! Of course not!"

"Hahah! Loser..."

OMAKE: Things can, and will, always get worse!

Rina - Yep! You're a devil now, Ichijou-kun!

1 - Seriously?! Huh~... Now, i'm a servant of a hotheaded redhead and with four sisters on my tail, I'm doomed the moment I open that door... *SIGH*, at least, from now on, things can't get any worse...


1 - Well, shit. I stand corrected...

Rina - It's even more jarring in retrospective, now that I think about it...


1 _ Okay, that was unnecessary...