

freakofntur · Tranh châm biếm
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Ranking up

A/N: my stories are more in the style of journal than a scene/play. so most of the time I will be paraphrasing dialogue instead of writing charcters. if any of you think of a dialogue line that would fit my paraph

asing to be either funny, badass, dramatic or cool in any way or form, please set the dialogue (quote) in paragraph comment.



Time skip - 9 Years (MC- 19 year old)

I've reached top 10 in rating games in the first year I Started playing in them. I'm such a rising star that TRP of rating games increases by 30% when I'm playing. Even the first rank King cannot pull numbers like this.

High popularity is also why I'm getting a great run at the ladder, with me often bypassing ranked players if they refuse my challenge. Top 3 are eager to fight me to show me my place, while others in top 10 are trying to avoid me.

That is the reason I got a direct shot at Top 3 when Bedeze Abaddon accepted a challenge from me.

My whole marketing team started our campaign, promoting the match between third ranked player and my team. My peerage has 3 siblings of current Satans. After kuroka i have added my cousin Latia Astaroth and friend Eneely Vassago as my 2 knights.

Latia is from the branch family of my clan and the house of Vassago, despite being one of 72 noble clans is a vassal of my clan. Hence, they were put in my team by my family after seeing the growth of Rias and Sona, who are already one step away from ultimate devil at 16.

Although both of them would better suit as bishops, I didn't have any to spare and the training as the knight piece will help them build a good physical foundation for the future.

My fight for the third place started with me setting up a throne in the arena and sitting down. I will sit this one out and let my peerage show off a little.

It's a beatdown from my team as nobody but their King stands a chance. I had asked both kuroka and Valarie to rest too, as soon as the king was the only piece left.

It became a legendary fight among followers of rating games. 4 teenage devil's, against a Satan level devil. Individually they stood no chance, but with team work, they were able to push Bedeze Abaddon around like he was nothing.

Eneely Vassago, one of my knights was crucial in this fight as her clan's power of clairvoyance allowed her to direct my team into a well oiled machine that was able to mitigate, Dodge and counter anything Bedeze could throw at them before he ever made a move.

Rias and Sona were superior in strength, pace and magic , but it often came down to latia to mitigate or redirect enemy attacks using her own version of maths and logic to manipulate the attacks, especially with forewarnings from Eneely.

When they had the enemy down, upon my signal, Sona froze the target while latia started reinforcing Bedeze's ice prison with her math. If he was about to break out, Eneely would be first to know and warn others.

I levitated off my throne and approached the frozen target. I called out the referee , Calling for my opponents disqualification on grounds of cheating. Everybody was stunned that i would want my other disqualified after beating him so badly.

Enter the dragon/referee -Tiamat. we argue a bit, but I even put my place in ranking on the line , going so far as to say that if I'm wrong than i won't participate in a rating games for next 100 years.

This got everyone worked up, but me and kuroka had this planned all along. Just as Tiamat started going along with it, she asked Tiamat about what I would get if I'm right. I have already won the match despite my opponent cheating and the referee was so incompetent that they didn't even notice the cheating.

Tiamat asked us what could we want , she didn't have much money or treasures as d'draig the red dragon emperor had scammed her out of her treasure. I responded by saying that she could serve in my peerage for 50 years.

She had already checked everything from her side and was confident in her abilities as referee. She agreed, saying that she will need the proof of cheating from me as she couldn't find any.

I looked at the frozen devil King and started chanting a particular spell. A Chees piece-King levitated out of Bedeze Abaddon and landed in Tiamat 's hand.

She asked me what it is and said that I don't know, but I can sense how much it is powering my opponent. I asked her to ask my brother to check it since it looks like something related to the peerage system he created.

Ajuka was already on his was as he had seen everything go down and surprisingly Tiamat even got a ping from Diehauser Belial, the current rating games champion, asking her permission to teleport inside the game .

Once Ajuka confirmed he knew what the piece was and that it was illegal, he got curious want Diehauser had to say to Tiamat and asked her to allow him inside.

Diehauser Belial entered in a flash of black and had a satisfied smile on his face as he approached my brother and Tiamat and revealed 2 more king pieces that he had been investigating after his sister's death.

He opened up about the conspiracy from the great king faction and revealed that he didn't know whereabouts of most of other pieces, but he did know one more, it belonged to 2nd place holder in rating games Roygun Belphegor.

After realising that despite Tiamat's power, she didn't have the knowledge to find this out, he told her that the favour she owed him is considered payed for her time as referee of the rating games, but the new development required his own additional involvement. thus, freeing her to become a member of my peerage if she wished.

Tiamat looked like she wanted to back out of our bet and my brother liked like he was not willing to enforce it either considering nobody officiated it. I was able to call out her honour saying that the whole devildom has witnessed it. the whole world will know her words as worthless if she backed out now.

She put her head down and asked me to get it over with, what's 50 years to a dragon. I may be a Satan class devil now, but she was still a bit stronger than me. It took both my room pieces to bring her into the fold.

Eventually we all dispersed with me now holding 3rd rank in rating games until further investigation of Roygun Belphegor, after which i may jump to 2nd spot. Before leaving i challaned Diehauser for the No.1 spot and he happily agreed, telling me to just wait until all the known King pieces are sorted out.

After the event we had a huge party where i introduced Tiamat to all our friends and let Rias, Sona, Latia and Eneely promot to higher class by becoming kings of their own peerage. they each had already broken the limits of their pieces, granting me 8 mutant pawn pieces and 2 mutant knight pieces. Furthermore , my inferior Ai in they evil pieces had collected a lot of data on their clan's magics.

All of them were one step away from being Satan class themselves, hence nobody could force them to do anything if they went back to their families.

Rias and Sona were even planning to go to the human world and live out their high school fantasy, especially after the non-stop training i put them through. Latia and Eneely just decided to follow them.

Nobody would say i stole their childhood, considering how much fun we usually had, but childish rest sounded tempting, even to me after having one track mind of wanting power.

After the party, both Rias and Sona decided they would spend the night at my house and take over their clan's responsibilities the next day.

That night while sleeping with kuroka, she suddenly woke up and opened our door revealing 4 well built tall ladies, my former peerage members.

All of them entered our room and let their gowns drop to show their naked bodies. Rias looked like a taller and slightly more fit version of herself from anime. while Sona looked very different from her anime counterpart. She looked very closely to bayonetta from the games of same name.

They joined me in my bed while kuroka took to the couch. They started teasing me how disappointed they were that I didn't take advantage of them being my servants and wanted to show their gratitude for everything I have done for them. I wasn't one to turn down such an offer and took 4 Virginities that night, while kuroka masturbated while watching us.

By the time i had exhausted them all, kuroka lunged at me asking her piece. i ofcourse obliged



I have books based on :-

Warhammer fantasy (x2)

Percy Jackson

Harry Potter

One piece

Game of thrones

