
chapter 5

Serafall looked back at him in shock, "Seriously? Last I heard they were still in a happy relationship."

"Oh they sure are." He said sarcastically, "Rias is still with him for the time being."

"So what exactly are you waiting for?"

"I'm going to steal all the girls that Issei shows to take the slightest interest in and I will eventually reveal this to him. As well as all other men I do this to."

Serafall grinned, "How devilish of you~."

"Glad you like the plan." Naruto grunted as he finished inside her for the nth time, "You got some pretty good stamina."

"As do you. By the way, I'd like to ask you something."


"I have a show in the Underworld in which I star in and me and the staff want to take it to the next level by having a main villain."

"And you want me to play this villain?" At Serafall's confirmation he continued, "And what exactly would I get in return?"

"Well, quite a few benefits actually. You'll get paid, become very popular in the Underworld and get to fuck me tons! The villain will get to have his way with the heroine many times after all~."

"That does sound very tempting." Naruto nodded to himself.

"I was also thinking of convincing Sona to make an appearance but I had been holding off from doing so because I knew she would never join. But she definitely won't care when she knows it'll be you fucking us." Serafall looked down at Sona as she stirred awake, "What do you think sis?"

"Hmm? About what?"

"Coming on my show! Naruto's agreed to be the villain! So he'll be having tons of opportunities to fuck me or us if you agree to come on it."

"I'm not sure..."

"No worries, you don't need to rush!" Serafall quickly reassured her, happy that she didn't outright deny her request.

"Really?" Sona looked hesitant, "I would've thought you'd be more pushy with the subject."

"Normally yes, but the fact that you haven't denied me is already great." Serafall thought before smiling, "I'm quite content just having Naruto for myself but it'd be a lot more fun if it was the three of us. Perhaps we'd make you his sidekick and that way you could both have your way with me~."

"T-That does sound kind of fun..." Sona admitted reluctantly.

"Oh I knew you'd think so too!" Serafall smirked as she got off from Naruto and presented her leaking pussy to her sister, "Be a dear and clean me up?"

"Of course..."

"If we were ordinary women you surely would've gotten us pregnant with all of this." Serafall noted.

"What are the chances you get pregnant?"

"Well it's not very likely but it can still happen.'

"Here's hoping that I can still go on for some time before becoming a father..."