
DXD: Kuuga's Revival

An ancient tomb uncovered, monsters are revived, but so is the hero that sealed them. The world has changed from what they've known, how will they cope? Will it take the hero becoming the Ultimate Darkness that the prophecy foretold would happen or shall the hero become the light to guide? Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool Dxd nor Kamen Rider Kuuga, which are owned by Kadokawo corporation and Toei Company. I also do not own the image.

Icliptic_Horizon · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

The next day, during school, once classes were over there was a squeal of fan girls outside, there's usually some due to me. But there's more than usual and as I look to see who it is. It's Yuuto Kiba, heading towards Issei. When Kiba arrives at Issei's desk I overhear them talking about, how Kiba's president, Rias wants to talk to him. Issei who hears this is confused but agrees and follows him out, but not before I see Kiba's eyes trail back to me before leaving. (You know what happens with Issei)

Sighing to myself, I put my class items into my bag and I leave the school. Leaving the school grounds. I notice a black cat looking at me on the other side of the sidewalk, it looked quite weary of me yet curious too. Wondering what it could be thinking, I decided to approach it. The cat seeing this got into this crouching position ready to leap at me, seeing this I couldn't help but smile wryly as I stop dead in my tracks, and use my right hand to signal it to come towards me. Hoping it would come towards me. I rummage through my bag, to see if I have anything that could be used to fed the cute cat. I managed to find leftover chicken from lunch. Waving it around, the black cat slowly but surely approaches me.

Seeing this I had a smile on my face, as the cat finally got near me I stretched my arm with the chicken towards the cat's mouth. The cat seeing this slowly opened its mouth as it slowly nibbled away at the small piece of chicken. Watching it I couldn't help but use my left hand to stroke its head slowly as it ate the piece of chicken. The cat seemed to like being stroked as it purred a little, after it finished eating away at the piece of chicken. The juices from the chicken still remained on my right hands fingers, as I was about to wipe it on a handkerchief I always carry around. The cat as if sensing my intentions licked my fingers before I could get my handkerchief. Seeing this I couldn't help but say out loud "Well aren't you just the cutest cat ever" as if understanding my words the cat meowed as if telling me with pride 'Of course i'm the cutest' Seeing this I couldn't help but like the cat more as I scoop up the cat with its back laying on my arms near my chest.

I could see the cat's tail twitch a little, almost as if it was embarrassed as its golden eyes stare at my face. Looking at the cat, I thought 'maybe it's uncomfortable in this position' so I ask it "Are you uncomfortable?" to question the cat responded with a shake of its head, seeing this I couldn't help but be surprised saying "You're also a very smart cat too I see, I don't think I can ever let you go now." hearing my words the cat's tail twitched again as it meowed multiple times as if saying 'trying to court me, hmph, just because you're a little strong doesn't mean i'll like you', Hikaru who was listening to her meow said "Its quite nice talking to you, even if I don't really understand your meows, I don't really have someone to call a friend, since I was awakened from my slumber."

The cat hearing this had her eyes widen a bit, Hikaru didn't notice this as the cat sent out a meow that sounded confused as if saying 'What?' almost as if sensing its confusion Hikaru says "Waking up into a world with these different races, and factions. It's quite strange, as I thought i'd be with only my descendants of my fellow linto tribe. I only thought i'd be fighting against the Grongi. But now I have to fight against all of those who stand in my way. To achieve the peace my linto tribe wanted, and for the future. I as the supreme warrior must overcome all that defy me even if I have to become the ultimate darkness" Hikaru who was so charismatic with his speech made the cat in his arms quite entranced with him almost as if having some thoughts towards some possibilities. But was pulled out of this trance from his words "Thanks for listening to me, listen I've gotta go but I really like you, I hope to see you here again. I'll bring some fish next time, and as a reward for not just upright leaving me and not having any fish for you today, i'll give you this" hearing this the cat couldn't help but wonder what I could give it, only to see my face coming closer towards it, knowing what I was going to do it meowed as it struggled in my arms. Not caring about that I just kiss the top of its head, before slowly placing the cat down onto the ground.

"I'll see you here again tomorrow hopefully, oh and seeing as you're a smart cat, you should try to find me." As I gave it a little pat on the head as I turn around and leave the cat that was still dazed. Once I was around the corner I left for Akeno's home.

The next morning, I went out earlier than usual since Akeno's teasing has come to a point where even my self-control wants to fail, like seriously is she a seductress or something, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a succubus in disguise. Taking a walk with no destination in mind to gain my self-control again. I stumble upon what appears to be a nun walking with Issei, as usual Issei's being a pervert but discreetly while the nun doesn't seem to notice, as I was about to walk away the nun suddenly rushed towards a child that had scraped his knee, even though I knew she was going to just check him because he was hurt, I couldn't help but be curious and take a look back, but to my shock there was this green light that enveloped the child's scraped knee. I watched as his knee was being healed. I could tell that she was fully human, so how could it be possible? Could she also have something similar to the arcle, but for healing?

These questions filled my head, but one thought in particular was a priority. Did other humans possess these abilities? Stopping dead in my tracks, if she knows other ability users than couldn't I somehow convince them to group up together, to protect humanity from these other humanoid creatures that weren't Grongi? But at the same time, I shouldn't force that responsibility on them, as the humans of this time aren't exactly warriors with everything so peaceful. Sighing to myself about how it seems, I won't be able to make friends with any of the modern people. The only people I could think of right now that I could be able to make friends with are Rias's friends, but I don't know about Rias, seeing that she isn't human. But she doesn't seem like a bad person, my thoughts were disrupted as I noticed that the nun and Issei, were walking away. Deciding to follow the nun, I stealthily followed, but I would notice that Issei would sometimes look around as if sensing my presence somehow.

It was at this time I realized Issei isn't human anymore, even more revelations came to me as I followed them, whatever it is that changed Issei has to do with Rias. If she's changing humans into different beings, i'll have to do something about it. Even if you're likeable, if you do something to the humans of this time, i'll have to destroy you, even if you're not the Grongi, you're a threat. As I resolved my resolution of whether or not I should kill Rias, the nun and Issei arrived at a worn down church. I could sense a barrier the aura felt similar to that woman who killed Issei but not entirely. I could clearly tell Issei felt some discomfort around the church, but I couldn't understand why, but I had my assumptions. I could clearly see the nun walk through just fine. But Issei seemed to not want to go further beyond the barrier. I had my assumptions of whatever Issei is now, it is conflicting with whatever attacked him yesterday. I came to a theory that whatever these beings are, they were part of a group, that are in conflict with whatever Issei is now, but now the only question is why did they attack Issei?

Issei decided to leave as school was going to start soon, I also decided to go back to school, but I would later on return to the church tomorrow. I could feel something uneasy about it. School occurred, nothing but the usual. Night fell, I decided to follow Issei, I believed that whatever Issei is now he's part of a group that consists of whatever beings, that made him that way. Oh how I was right and I wished I was sometimes wrong, as Issei made his way towards the old school building. Which was where Rias and her friends hanged out. Where they later came out all together, heading towards this facility that looked quite abandoned. They opened the door where this stench of decay and blood entered my super enhanced nose. I could also sense that there's something in there and whatever it was it felt similar to what Rias was.

I could hear Rias say "Rogue Devil Vizor, we're here to destroy you!" as a massive creature appeared from within the shadows that hid whatever was in the dark. Revealing a upper body of a naked woman, as the bottom half was that of a quadrupedal animal, with fur and tail. Either it was lion or dog, she was also quite tall as compared to Rias and her friends. You'd have to stack them on top of each other to get the same height of the abomination standing in front of them. But what really caught my attention were Rias's words.

'Devil?' I thought, like the one from the bible? But it suddenly hit me. Those bat like wings on Rias's back when I saw them. She's also a devil, but she also said that this abomination in front of her is rogue. Then that means that whatever she did to Issei means he's also a devil. If she can make people turn into devils, doesn't that mean Rias's friends are devils themselves? To this thought, I decided I needed to confront them. I watched them battle as Rias explained what chess pieces her friends took in and what effects it gave them. I felt saddened by the fact, the people who I thought I could be friends with weren't human, turning others into them. I was saddened even more as I couldn't really know how to act normally with Akeno anymore once she goes home, as I watched them surprisingly pummel the abomination with ease. The only scary part was when Akeno started abusing the abomination with lightning as she had the look of ecstasy as she continued torturing the poor thing.

I felt bad for it really I did as I could understand, Akeno's quite kinky, which I quite liked *Cough Cough*, lets get those thoughts out of my head. I watched as Rias went towards the now fallen monster as Rias said "Do you have any last words?"

"Kill me" the Abomination said, once that was said Rias whose eyes darkened with killing intent said "Well then" as she continued on "Dust to dust" as a red-blackish mass appeared condensed into this ball as energy continued swirling within. With one hand she launched said ball onto the abomination , once it settled down. There was nothing left but a crater, of where the abomination once laid.

Seeing this, I knew they could potentially kill me, they even outnumbered me. But I still need to confront them, as I did my transformation pose. "Henshin" I muttered. The sounds of the "Breet" came until the "Shing" fully transformed into the Mighty form(red). I made my way towards them, as they heard the sounds of footsteps. The little conversation they had came to a halt, as they looked towards the entrance only to see. Two glowing red eyes in the dark, his belt which also lit up red(only the jewel in the center). I was a few feet away from them when I stopped walking. Rias who saw this stepped up and looked me in the eyes. Seeing this I said "We need to talk."

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