
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 81: Caged Bird

After thrashing the guards of the Astaroth clan's estate, Mo-chan was seething in rage.

Xenovia also decided to get serious. "I'll be relying on you." A blue sword appeared out of a pocket dimension.

It was chained down and she quickly unlocked it. A holy aura came from it. "So you're using Durandal huh?" Irina nodded at her.

Jeanne also used her blade blacksmith and the whole estate began to get encased by a fence of holy swords.

Individually, they weren't that strong. Unlike Alphecca Tyrant's nails. But it did the job and they boxed in everyone inside.

"Hah, hah, I'm gassed out." Jeanne used the majority of her mana and holy power to overclock her sacred gear.

"We'll take care of the rest, balance breaker." Siegfried whispered.

And his sacred gear that isn't quite special on its own, gave him a good power up.

His twice critical that can only boost his stats a 100% turned into metallic arms behind his back.

Four of them appeared, and every single one increases his strength twofolds.

Equipping Gram lite, along with the holy swords from Jeanne's blade blacksmith.

Siegfried shot up to low ultimate class in strength immediately. Balance breakers really did embody their names.

"We'll take care of the devils, aneki!" Freed shouted.

"Ohh, I'll leave them to you then." Mo-chan quickly ran with mana bursts.

Lint then made a team with Siegfried and Freed. While Arthur and the church trio teamed up.

"Let's kill them." Siegfried heard footsteps and he ordered them to not leave any survivors.

"Kids? Come on! Attack them!" The guards of the Astaroth estate released an onslaught of magic.

But their shit magic couldn't even leave an abrasion on their armor. It was rock solid.

"Filthy devils, we will be absolving you off your crimes through death! Amen~" Irina started hacking them.

Siegfried acted as the team's shield, absorbing stray, demonic magic with Gram lite.

"Oi, oi! You better put up a fight!" Freed taunted them like a yankee and they made quick work of the devils with their holy weaponry.

With just a slash and a stab, every devil in the vicinity died pretty quickly. Purified in agony as they turn to ashes.

Meanwhile, Mo-chan was blazing through the estate with her sword. Red lightning arcing all over her.

"Ora! You can't hide from me you shitty devil! I already found you!" Mo-chan had a twisted grin on her face.

"What's with this commotion?" One Diodora Astaroth was annoyed that the guards can't seem to deal with an annoyance.

He stopped torturing one of his pieces to break their minds and he reached for the door.

But it was suddenly kicked in and it hit his face with breakneck speeds.

"Hello, shitty devil~" Mo-chan licked her lips and she was emitting a ton of bloodlust.

"Y-you... You're Mordred Pendragon's knight." Diodora didn't expect her to show up there at all.

"Clarent Blood Arthur!" Mo-chan swung her blade instantly and the estate's upper half exploded.

"Tch, why is she here? Are they here too!?" Diodora dodged her blow and he immediately took in a black snake.

"I just need to buy some time. Cousin Ajuka will deal with them." Diodora made a plan.

And it would be a pretty good plan that would work for the majority of enemies.

Unfotunately for him, Mordred's group does not include that.

"You cowardly bitch!" Mo-chan suddenly appeared behind him in a flash of red lightning.

Diodora didn't have any time to dodge, so he quickly put up a barrier with pure demonic mana.

Mo-chan's Clarent had much more demonic energy though.

He was sent bouncing around to the ground like a pinball and Diodora groaned in pain.

"You! YOU BITCH! HOW DARE YOU!?" Diodora was in an outrage.

"Fuck you!" Mo-chan spat on his direction and she charged once again.

Diodora tried to cast magic, but in Mo-chan's eyes. It was extremely slow.

"Come on! Entertain me more you devil bastard!" Mo-chan blew away all of his magic with her sword.

"Stay away from me! Don't you know who I am!?" Diodora started to back off while shooting magic at her.

"I know exactly who you are, you're a dead bitch walking." Mo-chan disappeared in a red flash.

She was intent on bisecting him in half. But her sword was stopped and even with all her strength. She couldn't move her sword.

"Brother? Why are you protecting this scum?" Mo-chan furrowed her brows.

"You are mistaken, sister." Mordred squeezed his hands and an irresistible force acted upon Diodora's limbs.

He screamed in agony as all of his four limbs crumpled like paper.

"Oh..." Mo-chan said dumbly as she saw Mordred crush Diodora's limbs like it was a glowstick.

"Let's see, we should wait for Ajuka to arrive." Mordred shrugged.

What came first though was the lord of the house Astaroth.

"Mordred Pendragon!? What is the meaning of this!" Lord Astaroth was flabbergasted upon seeing Diodora's state.

He was being stomped on by Mo-chan and all of his limbs were twisted like a twizzler.

"Hello there, Astaroth's lord." Mordred waved at him nonchalantly.

"Explain yourself! This is a crime against the underworld!" The man exerted extreme self control.

He knew he couldn't do anything to a genuine ultimate class. Or so he thinks Mordred's one.

"Your spawn here has been dabbling in unsavory business. And what luck he has, trying to target someone we know." Mordred stared at him coldly.

He shut up immediately, Ajuka was already contacted and he was on the way.

And after a few, tense seconds. Ajuka teleported to the territory of the Astaroths.

"Mordred?" Ajuka can't be surprised by small things. But this takes the cake.

"Why are you attacking the Astaroth house?" Ajuka raised a brow.

"See for yourself." Mordred lifted up Diodora through his hair and Ajuka squinted his eyes.

He almost gasped when he felt it. "The dimensional gap..."

"Umu, at least you noticed." Mordred shrugged and he slammed Diodora on the ground once again.

"A-Ajuka. Are you not going to punish them for this transgression!?" Lord Astaroth shouted.

"Hmph, they've done a good job really. Diodora is an international terrorist." Ajuka snorted.

"I'll take it from here." Ajuka was about to grab Diodora, but Mordred took him.

"No, we'll deal with him. He tried to take some friends of my people. Naturally, you don't disagree, right?" Mordred squinted his eyes.

"Hah, do whatever you want." Ajuka sighed and Mordred took the tortured nuns and Diodora away from there.

"Ajuka! What the hell are you doing!?" Lord Astaroth was fuming.

Ajuka walked up to him and with a crisp smack, he backhanded the guy.

"Are you insane? Are you out of your fucking mind? Diodora is a confirmed terrorist. Not to mention that he's gone and got himself involved with Mordred Pendragon." Ajuka rubbed his temples.

"Mordred Pendragon of all people, that guy can wreak havoc here in the underworld with ease. You don't know what he's capable of."

Ajuka posed to hit him again and lord Astaroth flinched. But he decided against it and just teleported away.

__Familiar Forest__

Mordred tossed Diodora in their basement. And Meredith immediately put the house in lockdown.

"Y-you can't do this to me, I'm the heir of the Astaroths." Diodora was shivering in fear.

"Ohh, I can. And you have a replacement. Everybody is replaceable except for a select few." Mordred shrugged.

"And you're going to learn today, not to mess with people. You should've led a good life." Mordred snapped his fingers.

Meredith, Momiji, Lavinia, and Valerie appeared.

Momiji used Innovate clear and the time dilation was set at maximum.

Lavinia clapped and a violet cross made of pure, holy flames stood upright behind Diodora.

"N-no. No! Please! I'll do anything!" Diodora tried to wriggle around.

"Then you can scream nicely, it'll be quite therapeutic for them." Mordred pointed at the holy women he enticed.

Meredith stomped on the floor and Diodora got nailed by Alphecca Tyrant.

He was pinned on Incinerate Anthem's cross and Diodora screamed like a banshee.

Valerie then started to use her sacred gear and she manipulated his soul. Making him more vulnerable to holy objects.

"Extract as much information from his soul, Valerie. I want to know who's helping this piece of garbage." Mordred snorted.

The nuns who were a part of his peerage looked at him with delight. The torture and assault they experienced were being returned thousandfold.

Mordred then put a forbidden spell on him, making him unable to die. Tethering his soul to his mana cores.

The spell automatically siphons mana from him and Diodora will keep healing until he runs out of mana. Which is nigh impossible.

"Enjoy your time here in our house." Mordred looked at him apathetically and he went back upstairs.

"Master, why'd you have to ruin my fun? I could've killed him easily." Mo-chan pouted at him.

"You could. But he wouldn't get what he deserved." Mordred squinted his eyes and she shut up.

"Ohhh, yeah." Mo-chan chuckled nervously. "It is good that you were intent on killing him, but you have to think Mo-chan." Mordred sighed.

"Think, Mo-chan, think. The guy's a terrorist that has ties with the old Satan faction." Mordred chided her and she whimpered.

"Hah, but this is kind of my fault. I did teach you to kill your enemies with extreme prejudice." Mordred used a tried and tested method.

The carrot and the stick. "Here, go and eat this. You still did well in tracking him down." Mordred gave her some meat.

"W-wow... Damn right I did! Thanks brother!" Mo-chan hugged him and she ran with the pastrami he made.

"It's not even sliced... It would be better with bread." Mordred wasn't able to tell her.


"So? Some of my guys recruited you because you were excommunicated?" Azazel was currently talking to a gray haired woman and a blonde girl.

"Yes, Azazel-sama..." The gray haired woman replied, keeping the blonde behind her. (Pic)

'We have nowhere to go... It was a good thing that the Grigori made contact with us.' She furrowed her brows.

"Sister Diana..." The blonde girl clutched her hand tightly.

"It's okay Asia, we'll be alright." She sighed and Azazel raised a brow at them.

'These girlies are holy women from the church. I need to contact Michael about this happy little incident.' Azazel didn't want tensions to rise.

He was about to make a communication circle to call Michael, but someone suddenly appeared through a shadow.

"Azazel, it seems that you've protected them. You have my thanks for that." Mordred scared the shit out of him.

"Jesus... Don't suddenly melt through the floor like the grudge. You're going to give someone a heart attack." Azazel sighed in relief.

The Grigori has barriers from Meredith's nails as the core. Azazel thought that a Satan-class combatant was invading them.

"You must be Diana Wolfram... And Asia Argento." Mordred could smell a sweet scent from Asia.

It was quite soothing. And he immediately got interested in her. 'A natural dragon tamer? A strong one at that.'

"W-who are you?" Diana immediately went in front of Asia.

"Me? You can call me Mordred. I'm just a friendly neighborhood dragon." Mordred introduced himself.

"Neighborhood dragon my ass, you're like a nuclear bomb that can explode any minute." Azazel snorted.

"That's why I'm the neighborhood dragon, not the friendly neighbor." Mordred rolled his eyes.

"A dragon?" Asia tilted her head and she also got curious about him. Something was drawing her in.

"So? You here for them?" Azazel concluded that was the case.

"Yeah, they're friends of the church girls. Well, kind of. I'm guessing that Griselda knows them more intimately." Mordred shrugged.

"Then take them, they're too troublesome to accept. Heaven would definitely see this as a slight to them." Azazel shooed them away.

"Good, I guess we don't need any convincing to happen." Mordred took them with him.

"Hah, ungrateful little brat. I guess it's better than having to talk with Michael." Azazel continued on with his work.

Returning to his home, Mordred looked at the two, scared nuns.

"H-how do you know sister Griselda?" Diana asked.

"She's my subordinate, she's taking care of Jeanne, Xenovia, and Irina." Mordred explained patiently.

"A-are you going to eat us?" Asia asked and Mordred was stunned.

"Eat you?" He blinked at them and Diana almost chided her for asking dangerous things.

"Y-yeah... You're a dragon, right?" Asia was trembling in her boots.

"Heh, guhahaha! Eat you, huh? You won't taste good." Mordred was amused.

"Diana! Asia!" Griselda appeared and she ran at them.

"Are you two okay? No problems whatsoever?" Griselda patted all over them.

"W-we're fine Griselda." Diana replied and they looked at Asia.

"Sister Griselda... Will we be able to return to the church?" Asia looked at her hopefully.

Griselda then frowned heavily. Diana bit her lip and they didn't know what to say.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm a dragon. And you'll be here in my little tower." Mordred snorted.

"Ahhh, just like the fairy tails?" Asia tilted her head in curiosity.

"Yeah, you'll stay here from now on." Mordred said with finality.

The church is like a cesspool, he would never let her return there.

'She's too pure, her soul is like a shining beacon of light. I have never seen someone like her before.' Mordred mused.

And leaving her there to live a miserable caged bird did not sit well with his instincts as a dragon.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.