
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 77: Three-headed Dragon

Continuing his mass production of armor, Mordred was being helped by Ise. "Give me a couple of more boosts, Ise." Mordred asked of her and the brunette nodded.

"Aye, aye, captain." Ise started accumulating boosts with her sacred gear and Ddraig's voice resounded. "Transfer!"

Mordred's magic multiplied and he started using primordial runes to imbue some armor pieces that were made from their scales.

Anti-magic, physical resistance, a rune that absorbs magic, and the most important part. Four runes that contained spells of differing tiers; comprising of the basic elements.

It was his way of giving human mages a discount version of his forbidden black magic; Magia Erebia. It didn't give the user immense strength due to it not using the soul and body as a conduit.

But it was enough to give them an edge against the supernatural beings. The four runes were connected to a nexus rune in the chest area as well. Giving them the chance of combining different elements for surprising results.

Like fire and earth that will result in lava magic, or water and wind to create ice. It was a pretty versatile magic that could result in numerous combinations. So it scaled to the user's ingenuity and knowledge, making it useful for combatants of all kinds of strength.

Mordred then huffed and puffed. Ise looked at him worryingly, he was working on them pretty hard. Enchanting dozens of pieces at a time.

It wouldn't even be possible without his parallel thoughts. The procedure needing tons of focus, or the runes and magic will be messed up. Resulting in catastrophic failure when the armor takes in mana.

"Mordred, are you alright? Shouldn't you take a break?" Ise was concerned and Mordred nodded, he wasn't a shounen protagonist after all.

"You're right, I just didn't expect that we'll be able to accumulate this many pieces of armor." Mordred looked at the remaining ones that he still needed to enchant.

"Well, Lavinia likes arts and crafts. Even if she is a bit airheaded and weird at times. She loves to help. So she worked hard to make them." Ise shrugged.

"Momiji's hyperbolic time chamber is also quite dangerous indeed. Lavinia abused it so she could help make these with me." Mordred chuckled.

'Hmm… This is going to take too much time. The threat of Ophis' terrorist group is there. And too many casualties will happen if I don't arm them well.' Mordred furrowed his brows.

They don't know a lot, but the old Satan faction is allied with Khaos brigade. And Ophis was a wild card that keeps on giving power-ups to them like candy.

Thinking that if they grow more powerful, then more people would be able to help her against Great Red. Ophis' one track mind would definitely result in tons of ultimate class magical beings that can wipe out the dainty forces that Mordred and his kin built.

Even the elites they were raising would die to the first squad of ultimate class beings they would encounter. And with their debut at the rating game, they would definitely garner the interest of different factions.

He thought of Le Fay, Lint, and the church trio having an unlucky encounter and that was unacceptable.

'They need more capable subordinates. Mages are difficult to fight if their numbers are high, but we don't have that. So I need to increase their quality quickly.' Mordred frowned at the road block.

"I need more mana…" Mordred felt his reserves tank after enchanting the pieces of armor in front of him.

And even though his mana hearts were working full time to replenish it, the rate was too slow for his liking.

'Azi Dahaka has the highest amount of mana amongst the evil dragons, by a lot.' Mordred thought that maybe it was time to assimilate Azi Dahaka's soul.

But he was the most dangerous of the evil dragons in his mind. Azi Dahaka is like a deck of cards.

With his knowledge of thousands of forbidden magic, the dragon fought an entire pantheon by himself.

Azi Dahaka is the ultimate sorcerer that every mage aspires to become. A strong body of a dragon that is naturally resistant to anything below ultimate class attacks. And knowledge of magic that gives him supreme versatility.

Even Scathach has to be careful against him, he just has that many forbidden magic under his belt.

"Mordred?" Ise tapped him and he was roused from his thoughts. "Oh, Ise. Sorry for ignoring you."

"You're thinking of something dangerous again aren't you? We have plenty of time." She put a hand over his and he smiled wryly.

"It's less than you think actually. Ophis can give anyone a sizeable boost in strength. Remember that Katarea shot up to Satan class instantly when she consumed her black snake." Mordred saw the danger of fighting against Khaos brigade.

With a faction as large as the old Satan faction that is lounging around, poking them. They could be in a precarious situation. Multiple Satan class combatants can go for suicide missions against them in a drop of a hat.

And remembering the forbidden magic they used to trap the leaders of the peace treaty made him worry.

He was pretty sure that nobody in his kin would be able to survive that explosion. And they have already used it, they could use it again. The only one who has a chance in surviving against that was Momiji and Erina.

Innovate Clear can just transport Momiji into her dimension, while Erina's Telos Karma might up her luck to the point of altering causality, but that was an if. And he doesn't want to test that theory.

Ise then frowned. 'Mordred has a lot more worries than we thought. Is that also one of the reasons why he expects us to push ourselves to the limit?'

She buried her head on his chest. They were strong, but not invincible. And that worries him greatly, especially in recent times.

Almost being done in by a relatively simple forbidden magic gave him an eye opening experience. Even for immortals like dragons, death can still arrive.

People are really good in thinking of ways to kill others. It was the same for humans and the supernatural. After all, the blood that was spilled by the great war of the Deus trinity alone exceeds the entire history of humanity.

Billions of devils, angels, and fallen died in their three-way war. And that's not including the other pantheons and factions that also have bloody pasts.

"Ise, don't worry about me. I am strong, I have to be strong." Mordred patted her head and she hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, you should be… And we'll also get stronger. That's one of the reasons why we even created this place in Momiji's dimension." Ise got determined and she wanted to finish her balance breaker.

"Tell mom and the others that I will be visiting master." Mordred kissed her forehead and Ise nodded.

He picked up Valerie and they went to the land of shadows so he could fight Azi Dahaka.

__Land of Shadows__

"Mordred, are you sure about this?" Scathach's treatment of him changed a bit. Back when he gained control of Apophis' powers, they were more of a master and student.

But that changed recently, he is her lover now. And she couldn't help but be a bit worried about him. And the other factor is he is dealing with Azi Dahaka.

They don't know much about the evil dragon. The only records about him is that he has thousands of forbidden magic under his sleeves.

And with the forbidden magic that he gave Mordred. They had an inkling on how dangerous the three-headed dragon really was.

"I have to master, how else would I reach my full potential?" Mordred was determined and Scathach nodded at him.

She would've done the same. And she has no right to tell him otherwise. "If you think you are ready, then go for it. You're the only one who knows what you're capable of." Scathach looked at Valerie.

"Okay, be careful Mordred." Valerie nodded at him and she took out Sephiroth Graal. Mordred closed his eyes and Valerie's sacred gear started to influence his soul.

"Kekeke~ you are finally here." The 1st head smirked at him and the 2nd one merely nodded at him.

"Ready to cause world-wide wars?" The 3rd head was excited to break free and use Mordred's body and swords.

After all, his swords give him a sizeable increase in combat prowess. "Let's do this Azi Dahaka, are you just going to talk?" Mordred loosened the glowing golden chains on the dragon.

Azi Dahaka's limbs pulled on the chains one by one, his mana increasing by orders of magnitude every time he did so.

'Such amazing amounts of mana… Damn, he has more mana than all of us combined.' Mordred furrowed his brows. Now he understood why Azi Dahaka could practice forbidden magic like it was going out of style.

"I still have a dragon's pride, Mordred Pendragon. Don't expect me to hold back." The 2nd head nodded at him and Mordred wouldn't have it any other way.

"Hmmm, those pesky runes of Yahweh sure made me a bit tense. How about we start with a warm up?" The 1st head grinned at him and Mordred prepared for battle.

The three heads of Azi Dahaka suddenly fired a breath attack at Mordred. Black threads appeared on Mordred's hands and they sliced through Azi Dahaka's breath.

"Apophis' primordial water huh? This will be fun." The 3rd head grinned at him and Mordred frowned.

'That was ridiculous, I had to supercharge my primordial water with mana.' Mordred thought that dodging would be the best course of action. A battle of attrition against Azi Dahaka would end up in failure.

The evil dragon's incredibly dense and huge mana reserves didn't even have a dent after releasing such a powerful breath attack.

"Now, how about we have a little fun?" The 1st head casted a forbidden magic and Mordred dodged preemptively.

But he was too careless, as it was a soul binding magic. "Chains of fate, I'll leave you to understand what it is." Azi Dahaka grinned at him and Mordred furrowed his brows.

"Y-you… My soul is connected with yours." Mordred went wide eyed and Azi Dahaka laughed like a maniac.

"Too bad, you forgot to protect your soul in time." Azi Dahaka smirked at him and Mordred saw black chains appear on his skin.

He tried to flare his anti-dragon runes, but the tattoos of black chains on him didn't disappear. "Ahhh, that's the thing, Yahweh's pesky magical squiggles won't work on that~" The 3rd head cackled.

Mordred frowned, he tested the waters by sending swords made of shadows at Azi Dahaka. "Blistering swords." He whispered and the black blades were sent at the dragon.

Mordred then went wide eyed as Azi Dahaka didn't even put up a barrier, he just stood there and Azi Dahaka took it all in stride. Stabbing his chest multiple times. "Argh!" Mordred suddenly felt that something stabbed him.

Wounds appeared on his chest and Azi Dahaka's grin widened, his sharp teeth making his malicious smile more twisted.

"You like that? It hurts doesn't it?" Azi Dahaka laughed in glee as Mordred gasped. "All the damage I do to you will be returned to me." Mordred looked at the black chains on him and his expression turned grim.

"Come on! Let's start this little game of ours. Who will fall? This little old me, or the budding hero? Azi Dahaka's battle intent rose and Mordred clicked his tongue.

Magic circles appeared all over the skies as Azi Dahaka raised his hands. "Oh, one more thing. It's a one-way connection." Azi Dahaka informed him and if Mordred's plans went into the drain.

He was thinking of using Grendel's regeneration to tire out Azi Dahaka with hit and run tactics. But his revelation put him in a crisis.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao