
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 75: Lord of Heaven

After dealing with the aftermath of the old Satan faction's attack and Ophis' sudden interest in Mordred. They were currently interrogating Sun Wukong and Yu Long.

Yu Long was tied to Kuroka's Jingu Bang and Ise was currently trying to make a bonfire the old-fashioned way to roast the eastern dragon.

Wukong was being shaved by Shirone so the monkey king won't be able to use his signature clones in order to escape.

"Give me some shaving cream." Shirone put her hand out to the side and Vali gave her some shaving cream.

Shirone started smothering the unconscious victorious Buddha and she took out two straight razors. She had a glint in her eyes and her hands were like a blur.

"Buffing wheel please." Shirone asked for the last instrument needed and she quickly buffered his head and body so the monkey king will embody his name; Sun.

"Agh! It's blinding." Meredith covered her eyes at Sun Wukong's bald head and Shirone was already wearing his shades.

"Umu, a nice job indeed. Mordred-nii, I leave the next steps to you." Shirone nodded at Mordred and he slowly went up to Wukong.

Mordred used Apophis' power over shadows to make the surroundings around them super dark. He then put up a lightbulb over them.

For the finishing touches, he took out a table and a steaming bowl of katsudon. He didn't know why Ise is so obsessed with the unneeded furniture and bowl of food. But he decided to indulge her.

Mordred then smacked Wukong on the face and he sat down in front of him. "Wha? Where am I?" Wukong suddenly perked up.

"Hey you, you're finally awake." Mordred gestured for him to eat the bowl of katsudon and Wukong was confused as hell.

"Tough luck, trying for an ambush. But unfortunately, you were met up with me." Mordred pointed at the bowl again and he gave him some chopsticks.

Wukong was exhausted and he was being pressured by Mordred's dense mana, so he started eating the bowl and it would be the correct choice. Because he wouldn't be getting something that good for some time.

"So, you want to interrogate me?" Wukong sighed and he didn't know if it was even a good choice to divulge the information of his boss.

"Of course, you guys almost got me killed. And you would've definitely be able to kill everyone else except probably Sirzechs and Azazel." Mordred squinted his eyes.

Sirzechs could probably survive with his power of destruction. And Azazel has many kinds of weird things in his sleeves.

But Serafall and the others would've been killed if they were trapped inside of the forbidden spell used to try and kill Mordred. It was too devastating for them, using up the mana and souls of thousands of mages and devils.

"Hah, do you really wanna know? This is going to be bad for the both of us." Wukong sighed and based on the look on Mordred's face, he wasn't going to let this go.

"You already know the answer old monkey." Mordred snorted and Wukong resigned himself to his fate.

"Wait… Why am I bald!? My glorious hair is gone!" Wukong patted his head in a panic.

"It's so you won't have any funny ideas nya." Shirone huffed at him and Wukong was depressed as hell.

"My hair fur…" Wukong slumped down and he lost his spirits immediately. He didn't even notice that Shirone had his shades on.

"Start talking bub." Mordred saw some placards behind Wukong that Ise was holding.

"This attack was instigated by the old Satan faction… But it received some assistance from another faction called the hero faction." Wukong started explaining and Mordred snorted.

"Hero faction? Here I am, trying to make things easier for everyone. And they dare call themselves the hero faction?" Mordred was starting to get annoyed as hell.

If one of the leaders died, their negotiations would break down immediately and distrust between their subordinates would start.

He had a tight leash on the devil council and heaven seems to not have any problems in giving in to his demands. But Grigori which is the smallest, but most advantageous faction will most likely try to fight.

And the fallen angels are raring to go, because the angels and devils don't have any particular advantages against them.

"Calm down master, these pricks will get what's coming for them later." Mo-chan grinned and she detested them already as well.

As a knight, before turning into the treacherous knight. She wanted to be a shining paragon for the people.

And with Mordred as her new master, she was starting to create her own dream that isn't influenced by Morgan. To surpass her father's feat of establishing Camelot.

"So, who are the members of this so-called hero faction?" Mordred raised a brow and he thought that Mo-chan was right. They used the explosion of their spell to retreat, but they will receive retribution.

Wukong winced and he sighed. "They have a few Longinus among their midst. The two, you already know. And the last one is the true Longinus. Its wielder is Cao Cao, Cao Mengde's descendant."

Mordred was a bit surprised at Wukong's information. "Cao Cao huh? He fancies himself as a hero huh?" The young king of knights opened and clenched his fists. Already itching to cut him down into pieces later.

"Their sub-leader is Georg Faust, the user of Dimension Lost. He's a descendant of the Faust you know that made a pact with Mephisto." Wukong revealed another piece of information.

"Johann Faust must be rolling in his grave right now." Mordred rolled his eyes at the knowledge of his descendant trying to undermine the peace treaty of the Deus trinity.

"The third one is named Leonardo; he's just a young boy that is even younger than you. That's why his usage of Annihilation Maker is quite fundamental." Wukong shrugged.

"So three Longinus wielders huh? And they're all human? Then the only threat amongst them is Cao Cao." Mordred immediately removed the other two Longinus wielders in his list of possible threats.

Dimension Lost would easily be countered by a better user; Momiji Nakiri who is developing her perfect world at a rapid pace.

Annihilation Maker is a pretty useful sacred gear, for weaklings that is. With its specialty being able to imbue traits to the monsters it creates. Then it's as good as crap against Valerie's Sephiroth Graal.

Nobody but them also knows that Mordred's entire kin is basically immune to dragon slaying weapons. With Mordred's mana and Valerie's Longinus, they eliminated that weakness a long time ago.

"But it's the true Longinus you know? It's the ultimate sacred gear." Azazel raised a brow at Mordred's arrogance.

"Is it?" Mordred clenched his fists and divine runes on his body started glowing. Michael and Gabriel started to kneel towards him, feeling the presence of their divine father.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs and Serafall hissed as they felt the terrible divine aura coming from him. Being imbued by the power of Yahweh to slay dragons and the Seraphs' holy blessing.

"Fuck, I forgot. You're like the very first sacred gear that father made. The first and last of its kind really, a living weapon of mass destruction that evolves." Azazel's breath hitched.

"And don't you forget it, I haven't even absorbed all the evil dragons yet." Mordred huffed.

"Yeah, if our boss doesn't want some shit in his front lawn. Then the best time to get rid of you is now. But now you'll be extra careful and it's only a matter of time before you fight them." Wukong didn't want to imagine a full-on battle between them.

"Who's your boss anyways?" Vali got curious and she thought that Wukong's boss can be a good person to beat up for a challenge.

"It's Indra, the lord of heaven of the Indian pantheon." Wukong revealed and Mordred frowned.

"Is Shiva involved with Khaos brigade?" Mordred thought that they would be a huge problem if the Trimurti is in cahoots with Indra.

"As far as I know, no." Wukong shrugged and Mordred sighed in relief, along with the others.

Brahma and Vishnu aren't really well known. But as a part of the three supreme gods of the Indian pantheon, they must be hiding their strength.

Shiva is the god of destruction, so it was pretty much par for the course that he would be the strongest among them.

"Indra… He'll be a pain in the ass to deal with." Dulio furrowed his brows and Lavinia agreed immediately.

"It was a good thing that we kept on piling up Longinus. We'll need all the advantages we can get. Not to mention that they might have been able to kidnap a few of you and brainwash them." Lavinia commented and Ise paled.

Among them, she was the least protected individual. Vali was a close second, because Rizevim could care less if she died.

But Ise and her family was just a normal group of humans. If the hero faction got a wind of her, she was pretty sure they were done for.

'I must grow stronger…' Ise thought of her incomplete balance breaker and her determination has been set ablaze once again.

'The idiot realized that there are a lot of dangers out there… Hmph, these fools will see the last Lucifer's true strength.' Vali was also preparing a subspecies balance breaker with Albion.

"Uhhh, who gets to imprison Yu Long and Wukong?" Odin raised a problem and they all thought of the advantages and disadvantages of imprisoning them.

"We shouldn't… Indra will definitely do something if we do." Michael suggested and the others saw the pros and cons of it.

"What about his information about us?" Serafall pointed at Wukong and he got a bit nervous.

"Let him go, there is nothing here that they don't already know." Mordred shrugged and when they thought about it, that was true.

"So we're free to go?" Wukong blinked and he expected it a bit, but they take Mordred seriously. Which surprised him.

"Wukong! Stop asking questions and free me from here! These brats are starting to make scorch marks on my scales!" Yu Long who was tied up on Kuroka's staff complained.

"Then thank you very much, it's not much coming from me. But I apologize for this attack." Wukong bowed after he sighed.

"We know, now report to Indra. You already know what to do." Sirzechs replied and the others nodded at him.

Wukong teleported to a base where Indra was waiting for the news. And a prick who was wearing shades and a flower-print shirt and shorts was impatiently tapping the table.

"Monkey, what's with the hold up? And Georg told me that the attack force encountered a problem?" Indra raised a brow.

'Fucking asshole, if you weren't so much stronger than me, I would've put my foot up your ass.' Wukong squinted his eyes behind his shades.

"Yes, Mordred Pendragon was found in Asgard where it was reported that the meeting between the leaders of the Deus trinity is supposed to take place." Wukong replied to him with a neutral tone.

"Mordred Pendragon? That kid from the underworld that is the Chaos Karma dragon's son?" Indra got interested immediately.

And he wanted to compare him to his little vanguard, which he managed to pick up; Cao Cao.

"As the reports have stated, Mordred Pendragon is a Satan-class combatant. Due to his primordial magic, he can cast them pretty much instantly. But his skills at the sword needs polishing." Wukong lied through his teeth.

"Umu, such a young talent huh? I wonder if Cao Cao can beat him when they meet each other?" Indra laughed.

'Oh you bet he'll beat every single one of their asses.' Wukong withheld a smirk forming on his face as he remembered Mordred's monstrous strength in battle.

'Good thing the kid's not a goddamned maniac. He'd be perfect as a cold-blooded killing machine.' Wukong shuddered as he recalled his last bits of memories before Mordred whacked him with a pommel.

He looked at him like he was nothing, just something to fight like it was a normal day. And he imagined if he was a bloodthirsty maniac like the evil dragons.

"Train Cao Cao, Wukong. I want to see how he fights against the king of knights. That will be interesting, let's lay low for now." Indra smirked and he was excited to see that battle.

Wukong noticed that he was really interested in Mordred and Cao Cao clashing. 'Heh, you have no goddamned idea how strong that monster is.'

The sage didn't even have to try convincing him to buy time for Mordred. He only had two of the evil dragons assimilated. In due time, he will have more and more.

While Indra was distracted, Wukong had a smirk on his face as he thought that even if he did train Cao Cao to the limit, a wannabe hero would never beat a true monster.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.