
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 70: Cleaning up the House

Mordred and Meredith teleported to the estate of the Baels. Kuroka and Shirone already confirmed that Zekram Bael, as well as lord Bael was at the estate.

With Meredith's balance breaker, she covered the whole castle with her nails and the devils who were high class and lower immediately ignored everything and went on to their normal routines.

Walking leisurely, Mordred and Meredith made their way to the office of the Baels.

Mordred knocked and he waited for someone to open the door. But they were instead greeted by a blast of power of destruction.

"Who are you!?" Lord Bael glared at the door and when the dust settled, they were surprised at who appeared.

"Rude, did your mother not tell you to ask who it is before opening the door?" Mordred was holding Gram and the demonic emperor sword absorbed the magic easily.

"Mo-kun? What is the meaning of this?" Venelana blinked. The flaxen haired madame of extinction was easily Satan class.

At the same league as Grayfia and Serafall, so Mordred does not want to fight her if possible.

"Well, we're here to have a little chat. That's why I even knocked." Mordred shrugged and Zekram glared at him.

"You're pushing your luck boy, you can't get away with bringing something like that here." They were protecting themselves with their clan traits as Meredith's aura was like a holy sanctuary that was made by the seraphs.

It was incredibly strong and potent. "Meredith." Mordred looked at her and a nail hit Zekram and the current lord of the house on their arm. A nail appearing from the table.

"Don't be too alarmed Venelana-chan, I'm just doing a little something for the underworld. After all, your daughter is one of my friends. And killing the great king faction would bring more trouble than benefits." Morded shrugged.

"What are you doing to them?" Venelana frowned, but she listened to him.

"Rewrite." Meredith spoke and the two devils who screamed in pain due to the holy nail suddenly froze. Their eyes glazing over.

"Mind control?" Venelana blinked in surprise. "Correct, madame." Mordred gave her a thumbs up.

"How will that change anything? It will still wear off..." Venelana finally understood what he was doing. But it was going to fail in the long run, she thought.

"Ahhh, but that's where you're wrong. This is the Alphecca Tyrant. The crown of the abyss." Mordred patted Meredith's head and she pouted at him.

"Hey, not in front of Rias' mom." Meredith huffed and he smiled.

"The nails that were used for Jesus Christ's crucifixion... Oh my Satan, that's a sacred relic of heaven." Venelana couldn't believe that he got something that important.

"I can reprogram people with this, for example. Be subservient to the Satans and don't plot against them." Meredith erased their personality and rewrote them.

She even added an extra one. And that is for them to serve Mordred as their one, true master.

"You're insane..." Venelana chortled as she thought that Mordred's plan was too crazy.

They had to destroy Lucifaad and Lilith to buy time and enslave the lords of the great king faction. And she loved every second of it. Feeling herself get moist at his domineering plan.

"Okay, see you later Venelana-chan. I think you'll need a massage after this, we still have more houses to visit." Mordred waved goodbye.

Venelana then looked at Zekram and Lord Bael in disbelief. She sat down and massaged her temples.

"Damn, Mordred is actually insane, that boy... You have to bag him Rias, or mom would beat you to it, fufufu~" Venelana chuckled as she thought that Sirzechs would at least have a better time as a Satan. And that was enough reason for her to ride along with Mordred's plan.

Visiting different houses one by one, Mordred and Meredith rewrote the entire great king faction's lords. The whole council wasn't safe.

Especially with Kuroka and Shirone hunting them down.

But after they converted the lord of the Dantalion house with Meredith's baptism of holy nails. They found out something alarming.

"This is the fifth plant of the old Satan faction in the devil council. I did not expect them to have these many spies. Sirzechs teamed up with Serafall to beat Raikou, we ran out of time. We can't find the other spies." Mordred clicked his tongue.

Sirzechs' peerage arrived. Surtr jr., Enku, Souji, and Grayfia took care of Raikou's clones.

While MacGregor Mathers who is a co-founder of the golden dawn, Bahamut, and Beowulf who is the descendant of the original cornered Fenrir.

Forcing the duo to make a hasty retreat before they get captured.

"They're meticulous. They don't know who the other spies are." Meredith clicked her tongue.

"It matters not, what's important is we now know that they have plants in the council and they're now neutralized. Good work Meredith, maybe I'll turn you into a knight of my roundtable." Mordred smiled at her.

"Really!? Ahem, I mean. Thank you, I'm glad that you value me that much." Meredith bowed at him, but she couldn't contain her excitement at his praise.

"Khaos brigade huh? So Ophis is the leader of that unknown faction. They haven't made any actions yet. So I guess we will have to wait and see." Mordred furrowed his brows.

Everybody regrouped again and Mordred asked Valerie to heal Raikou and Fenrir who received some wounds due to Sirzechs' peerage arriving.

"Master, mission accomplished." Raikou kneeled and Mo-chan fumed.

"Why did she get such a cool mission and I didn't?" Mo-chan pouted at Mordred.

"Sorry, sister. But we can't let them know that we are behind this just yet." Mordred explained and she already understood that.

But she just wanted to whine because the stiff and serious Raikou was immediately given a very important mission.

"Hmph, you'll give me a good mission next time." Mo-chan huffed and Morded nodded while scratching her chin like a cat.

"Good work Raikou, Fenrir." Mordred nodded at them and Raikou just nodded.

"Sheesh, she's probably even more serious than Brynhildr. Mordred, how about you use your magic hands on those bad boys." Ise wiggled her eyebrows.

"Hmmm, an interesting proposition... I guess Raikou just got back from a difficult mission. Fighting Serafall and Sirzechs must be quite something." Mordred shrugged.

"Raikou, come here and sit in front of me, turn around." Mordred ordered and she obeyed.

"As my new rook, I'll give you a reward. As a welcome, and for your great job." Mordred announced and she shook her head.

"Your gratitude and words are wasted on me my lord. You have given me a job, I merely fulfilled it." Raikou was like a hardcore samurai.

"Nonsense, listen to your master." Mordred started rubbing her shoulders and she didn't react.

"No way..." Ise was flabbergasted, the Mordred special even worked on Brynhildr after all.

'Hmm? Her mind is bound by duty. As the protector of Japan, she only thinks of protecting the capital and her master.' Mordred recalled her memories.

"You have seen what I have envisioned, Raikou. You are my family now, a part of my kin. Look around you, they are your family as well. And unlike what your father told you. You are free to be yourself here. We are dragons, take pride in yourself." Mordred sighed as he sifted through her fractured memories.

Having a dissociative personality disorder because of her oni half. And her upbringing also didn't help.

Due to Raikou's immense talent, she was trained in the arts of war at an early age. Growing up without a mother due to her saving Raikou.

And she was raised to be a killing machine that protects the imperial capital. Forced to live as a man, just like Mo-chan's father; Artoria.

Her emotions died though, when she was forced to kill her adopted son who also has oni blood like her. Due to the Heian period's dynamic between men and women, Raikou needed to obey.

Deep seated with trauma as a cold blooded killer and with the murder of her adopted child. Raikou's emotions were basically non existent. Bound by duty as a general that kills enemies day in and out.

"Whatever I want?" Raikou looked at him and light returned to her eyes. But it died down after a few seconds. Which is something that he expected.

"Hmm, I can't let you see a therapist at the Sitri hospitals. You're most likely wanted right now." Mordred thought of a solution.

"Let's just test things and see if you would like something. A hobby is important for work life balance." Mordred nodded sagely.

"A hobby..." Raikou nodded at him and Mordred immediately knew that she took it as an order.

"That's not an order, we'll explore together. For now, just enjoy your reward." Mordred continued massaging her shoulders and Raikou gave a little sigh of contentment at the divine feeling of Mordred's magic.

"Yes, master." Raikou replied. The progress was slow, but he was sure that she would come around.

"Hey, why are you so nice to her? I've had a bad life too ya know?" Mo-chan whined at the disparity of their treatment.

"You are my sister, siblings have to be tough with each other." Mordred shrugged. Though he did think of making her some extra special parfaits.

"Look at you, trying to help your kin." Tiamat ruffled his hair.

"Mom, you're ruining my hair." Mordred deadpanned at her.

"Look at him grow, he's already complaining about his hair." Tiamat chortled, both happy and sad that he was growing. And it was too fast for her liking.

"Don't worry mom, I'll always love you. But don't ruffly my hair anymore. Or it would turn into something like Mo-chan's." Mordred pointed at her spiky and unruly hair.

"Hey! I'll have you know, that these luscious locks are great the way they are." Mo-chan huffed at him.

Raikou watched their interactions and due to growing up without a mother. She felt something that has been lost ages ago.

Jealousy, envy, amusement. She got interested at Mordred and Tiamat's relationship. Perking up as she heard Mordred call her mother.

"Un, don't worry Tiamat. Mordred already promised that he'll marry you. So he won't be going anywhere. He doesn't break promises." Lavinia huffed in jealousy.

"Umu, so wait for me and I'll defeat you. Remember your condition, mom." Mordred reminded her and Tiamat laughed.

"Sure, sure." She thought that he was going to change his mind when he hits puberty.

'So that is how a child and her son acts? He wants to marry Tiamat-sama? Motherhood... Can I even be one?' Raikou's stewing in her thoughts.

Morded then noticed that she was staring at him. "What is it Raikou?" Mordred gestured for her to speak her mind.

"I want to be a mother... Something that has been denied in the past. And who is more worthy of that title than you? Master." Raikou dropped a bomb on them.

"W-wha?" Ise was dumbfounded. "Hoh? You want to steal my son, is that it?" Tiamat raised a brow and she was definitely getting a bit heated.

Mordred is her greatest treasure in her life after all. Raikou shook her head. "I am fine with being second. Third, or whatever. Mordred-sama is strong. Nobody would be able to force him to follow a set path. And I don't want that." Raikou frowned.

She saw his memories. Thinking that they were similar. She is even anchored to one of his mana cores. Due to her divinity as Indra's daughter, Mordred linked Raikou to Apophis' dragon heart.

He is a child that was taken by heaven to seal evil dragons. And Raikou was a heaven sent child, originally a girl named Ushi-Gozen.

His burden so great that Tiamat had to torture him with inhuman training in order to have a chance of not succumbing to their malice. Hardening his mind until his bones breaking and muscles tearing would be like a Tuesday morning.

Raikou can't even imagine living with evil phantasmal beasts filled with malice and desire for mass destruction whispering in your head.

"Please take care of me Mordred-sama, this Minamoto-no-Raikou is unworthy. But I would also like to marry you and raise your children." Raikou did a dogeza.

"Wha? How did it turn into being his mom and marrying him?" Tiamat was confused and everybody else was too.

"Well, he wants to marry you. Does he not? Then that is what I would like to try as well." Raikou tilted her head.

"Damn..." Tiamat face palmed as she put the pieces together. She observed them and it got imprinted in her mind that what Mordred wanted was normal.

And the military woman; Raikou. Wanted to have a taste of normal life. Even if she would still fight for Mordred's ideals and principles.

"Guhahaha! You can't make that shit up!" Mo-chan started laughing and Tiamat glared at her, making her shut up.

"Sure." Mordred shrugged. "So what do I do to be a good mother, Mordred-sama?" Raikou asked.

And before Tiamat could stop him, Mordred immediately made up his mind. Something that he really enjoyed since he was a wee baby.

"A good mother sustains her child, how about breastfeeding? Though I doubt that you have any milk." Mordred replied.

"Feeding my child?" Raikou did hear stories of wet nurses. But she thought that he was the expert, so she took off her top and presented herself.

"I am ready Mordred-sama, please partake." Raikou put her arms sideways so he would have full access to her chest.

"Umu, inverted ones huh? I guess I'll have to make them perk up." Morded went up to her and he sucked on her nipple.

"Hmmm, that feels strange. Pleasant, but strange." Raikou didn't know what to feel about it.

Cleria already took Masaomi and Tobio through their ears and Dulio was prepared. He was already gone, enjoying his desserts in the front lawn.

"Pwah, as expected. You don't produce milk." Mordred remembered his books.

"I am sorry Mordred-sama, it seems that I am a bad mother." Raikou deflated and she looked at the ground in shame.

"Do not worry, anatomy books say that you will produce milk when you are pregnant. Or you can do it with magic." Mordred made her remember his memories and Raikou recalled Tiamat's way.

"As expected of you Mordred-sama, you are knowledgeable indeed." Raikou used magic and she felt her chest get heavier.

"Umu, thank you." Mordred started again and Tiamat groaned. 'Do I stop it? It's just harmless breastfeeding right?'

"I have been instructed about the matters of having a child Mordred-sama, do we make one now?" Raikou tilted her head.

Tiamat choked on her spit. "Definitely not! I won't be a grandma with Mordred this young!" Tiamat denied vehemently.

"You heard her, it will be for later." Mordred agreed and Raikou nodded.

"Anyways, welcome to my family Raikou. Take care of me as well, my rook." Mordred smiled at her.

"Y-yes Mordred-sama." Raikou couldn't help but feel a little excited. Based on what she saw about their limited exchange. They were close, it was a far cry to her relationship with her father.

And her dead heart started to beat again. 'This family might not be normal. But it's a real family.' Raikou understood that Mordred was weird. She isn't stupid after all.

But it made her excited nonetheless. Thinking of how to be a good mother. Finally free from the Settsu Genji's responsibilities.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.