
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 69: Bait

Mordred watched the news as he incapacitated his interrogators, deleting their memories of the event and planting some fake ones.

"Raikou is definitely efficient. How about we step it up a notch?" Mordred snorted and he snapped his fingers.

Raikou who was wreaking havoc in Lucifaad was currently facing some devils that were the guards of the city.

"Why does the master want them alive? I do not understand." Raikou shook her head in confusion as she incapacitated them with a burst of lightning.

She then tossed them into a magic circle that got taught to her and she continued with her work. Even though she did not understand why Mordred would spare them.

In her eyes, they were enemies that needed to be eliminated.

"You! Who are you?" Serafall was the first to arrive at the scene as she is worried about Mordred's situation.

And she couldn't shake off that ominous feeling inside of her chest.

"Serafall Leviathan I assume? Your ridiculous outfit confirms it." Raikou looked at her up and down.

Serafall did not like that at all and she squinted her eyes.

"Tell me who you are, you won't like what a magical girl can do." Serafall formed magic circles on her hands and she was ready to use her signature magic; Celsius cross trigger.

Instead of using water like the Sitris, she uses ice that can freeze entire countries.

"You do not need to know." Raikou replied plainly and Serafall clicked her tongue.

"Then so be it." Serafall was about to unleash her magic, but she heard a howl and she froze.

A giant wolf suddenly appeared and magic rained down on Lucifaad as it howled.

"F-Fenrir? How could this be?" Serafall felt a sinking feeling inside her stomach.

Sirzechs and Ajuka can deal with it, but the damages would be catastrophic.

"What's your next move? Serafall Leviathan?" Raikou looked at her with obvious superiority and Serafall gritted her teeth.

She was forced to make a choice, deal with Fenrir and stall for time. Or try to fight Raikou who she has no idea about.

But Raikou isn't that generous. And Serafall dodged an arrow that was aimed right at her.

"It seems that you are having trouble deciding. So I will do it for you. Prepare yourself, Leviathan." Raikou went into a stance and she charged at Serafall.

The Satan parried with a barrier, but her magic circle shattered when it made contact with Raikou's sword.

Serafall went wide eyed, but she fought in the civil war. She knew how to fight, and she fights well enough to lead legions as the frontline general.

She created another with her precise control over her magic. But she was met with another problem. Raikou's blow was heavy, the heaviest she has ever felt.

'Kuu! Such amazing strength!' Serafall struggled. She quickly formed an ice spike that was aimed at Raikou's torso to make her back off.

Serafall's arms trembled as they felt like jelly and she was already in a disadvantage.

She might be one of the Satans, but as a devil. Her physical strength isn't that high. Sairaorg and Rias are the abnormal ones for training their physique.

"You are struggling, I can see your arms shake like a leaf in a storm." Raikou commented and Serafall glared at her.

"Shut up! Celsius cross trigger!" An omnidirectional wave of cold exploded outwards with Serafall as the epicenter.

She checked out the area around her and it was already thrashed by Raikou's four heavenly kings.

"Who in the world are you?" Serafall furrowed her brows as Raikou blocked the ice spell with her sword that was arcing with electricity.

"It does not matter, what's important is that my orders are to destroy this city." Raikou prepared again and she disappeared in place with a flash of purple lightning.

Serafall frowned heavily as she used her combat experience to the limit.

Blocking attacks with her barrier and raining down ice spells on Raikou who zipped around with her katana.

'She's insane in swordplay!' Serafall had to be reactive as she couldn't predict Raikou's sword at all.

The voluptuous woman was better than Souji by miles. And she's stronger to boot.

Serafall was being pinned down by Raikou as her clones and Fenrir rampaged all around Lucifaad.

A ball of power of destruction fell down on them and Raikou had to dodge, feeling an instinctual danger from the attack.

"Hmm? Another one." Raikou saw Sirzechs who was floating in the air.

"Serafall! Can you handle her? I'll have to deal with Fenrir!" Sirzechs needed to make a decision quickly.

"I'll try to stall her! But she's really good!" Serafall glared at Raikou who brandished her sword and wasn't fazed at all.

"Hmph, our objective is complete anyways. Look around you, devil." Raikou pointed her sword at Lucifaad. And it was a royal mess.

"Tch, we have to stop you here! Go Sirzechs!" Serafall assured him and the crimson Satan flew towards Fenrir. Blasting him with the power of destruction that is unmatched in the underworld.

Fenrir's fur got singed by Sirzechs' attack, but besides that. There was practically no damage.

"W-what in the world?" Sirzechs was shocked as he felt something holy coming from Fenrir. He was covered in a barrier that's made by Meredith's holy nails.

And a sacred relic vs a devil's power is poor compatibility.

"We have a situation in our hands..." Sirzechs frowned heavily as Ajuka who can deal with Fenrir's holy barrier that acts as a sanctuary is in Lilith.

Sirzechs then had to catch Serafall who got kicked away by one of Raikou's clones. And with her strength, Serafall flew away like a bullet.

"Sera, this is bad. Fenrir is covered in a holy sanctuary. My power of destruction can't pierce through it sufficiently. I'll have to erase Lucifaad to break through. And Ajuka's dealing with attacks in Lilith too." Sirzechs frowned heavily.

"Shit." Serafall clutched her ribs as she feels them ache terribly.

"What's your next move, devils?" Raikou stood in front of them with her four clones and they got into a tense standoff.

Meanwhile, in Lilith. They already preemptively cleared out the city for civvies and Le Fay got some boosts from Ise that hid right after giving it.

"Okay, I have never done a shout this strong before. Fus... RO DAH!" An unstoppable force plowed through the city of Lilith and half of the structures taken down like dominoes.

"Fue~ I'm tired..." Le Fay crouched on the ground as she felt extremely tired due to the boosts being consumed.

"Come on, let's go now." Erina smiled at her and the Nakiri teleported her back to the familiar forest.

Valerie who has an obscene amount of mana due to Sephiroth graal's augments rained down fire onto Lilith.

"Hmmm, this feels illegal..." Valerie rubbed her chin and Erina sighed at the airheaded dhampir.

"It is illegal, Valerie..." Erina explained and Valerie went wide eyed.

"Now I feel like I've done something bad, how about the homes and businesses that are being run here?" Valerie got worried and Erina couldn't answer her.

While they were contemplating their actions, a green magic circle formed in the sky.

"Yare, yare, what's happening?" Ajuka sighed and he used his Kankara formula to make the fires that were burning down Lilith stop.

"Satan class reserves, but poor control... Are you from the old Satan faction?" Ajuka immediately tried to cast a spell on Valerie who was the most threatening.

Intending to incapacitate her immediately by taking advantage of her chaotic mana.

But something weird happened and his spell imploded on him.

"What!?" Ajuka was confused. His Kankara formula that he perfected has never malfunctioned like that before. All of his calculations were perfect. And he was about to make Valerie's mana run wild to take her out.

But Erina's Telos Karma influenced causality and his magic that needed perfect calculations failed.

"Then let's do this the old fashioned way." Ajuka sighed as he casted spells like how other devils did it. With his imagination, which he dislikes.

He was still next to none in casting devil magic. His genius intellect could imagine his spells easily. But Ajuka's magic circle malfunctioned once again.

"What are you doing? How are you doing that?" Ajuka immediately concluded that one of them was interfering with his magic.

"Uhh, I don't know?" Valerie was a terrible liar and Erina just refused to speak.

"Then I'll just enhance myself!" Ajuka made his mana flow to his body and flew towards them with surprising speed.

And when he was about to punch Valerie, his mana's flow suddenly got faulty and his body's strength was imbalanced. Making him miss by a mile.

Valerie then gave a hook with poor form right at his face.

'The trajectory will hit my cheeks, tilt my head backwards 30 degrees and counter with a straight to her chin. That would shake her brain.' Ajuka calculated his every move inside of his mind.

But when he tilted his head backwards, Valerie overshot her armament as she poured in too much mana in her body.

Making her overshoot instead, breaking Ajuka's plans completely. And when her overloaded fist filled with mana hit him, he crashed on the ground like a ball.

Ajuka coughed out violently, spittle escaping from his mouth. The air in his lungs escaping as he bounced on the ground due to Valerie's poorly controlled strength.

"My cheekbone and jaw are shattered..." Ajuka was in disbelief as he tried to look at the enemy. His vision spinning, receiving a concussion.

"Oops, I didn't mean to do that hehe~" Valerie chuckled as she scratched her head.

'Shit, what the hell are they doing? Why can't I use my magic? Do I really need to use that here?' Ajuka thought of using his true form.

Just like Sirzechs, they have surpassed their limits and have different forms that made them the super devils that they are.

But the underworld would receive too much damage if they use it. So only a handful of people know about it.

Sirzechs specialized in destruction, while Ajuka is related to creation of spells and magic.

'The other one is tiring out...' Ajuka noticed that Erina was sweating and she was losing tons of mana fast.

"So you're the one who is interfering with my Kankara formula... I never expected a little girl to be my hard counter." Ajuka concluded that she must be a super weapon that the old Satan faction brought out just for him.

"H-he found out! What are we gonna do?" Valerie thought that wasn't part of the plan.

"Of course we escape! We bought enough time!" Erina immediately hurried her to make a teleportation circle and they went to the human world so they won't be traced back.

"Curious... It seems that we have a huge problem in our hands... Someone that can interfere with my Kankara formula. I have never expected that." Ajuka frowned heavily and he touched his broken jaw.

"That girl also had monstrous strength. We need to do something about this and investigate." Ajuka was about to check on Sirzechs and Serafall back at Lucifaad.

But he remembered their last words. "Bought enough time... Shit, a diversion!?" Ajuka thought that the Satans were the targets due to Erina's specialization against him.

So Ajuka immediately teleported to Lucifaad in order to inform Sirzechs and Serafall.

Mordred who was watching the situation with a cup of tea in hand stood up as Sirzechs and Ajuka were being kept busy.

"The bait is successful, I guess it's time to clean up house? Let us go Meredith." Mordred looked at the ginger who nodded with a smirk.

"Balance breaker: Crown of Hegemony." Meredith was suddenly surrounded by white nails like blade blacksmith or sword birth.

The iron crown of Lombardy appeared on her head and she felt that the British royal family can't compare to how far she has gotten.

"Come on, let's go and meet with the most important ones first. The great king clan of Bael." Mordred squinted his eyes.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.