
Chapter 25 : Riser's Queen

Queen takes a Rook. Now it's time for Queen to take the Pawn." Suddenly Yubelluna appeared in all her glory with her devil wings spread wide open.

"Bomb Queen, Issei, get out of here and go regroup with Kiba, I will fight her." Akeno firmly told him as she was fully intending to duke it out with Yubelluna.

"But Akeno, yo.." Issei started to argue only for Akeno to shot some of her lightning at him.

"Issei, I said I will fight her. Now get out of here before she takes you also." Akeno said, she knew that if Issei were to fall all was lost.

"Fine, you win. Kick her ass Akeno." With a heavy sigh, Issei turned around and started sprinting toward track field.

Seeing that her target was running away Yubelluna started to charge up her attack only to abanded it for an evasive maneuver as Akeno shoot her lightning at her.

"Now, now. You leave Issei out of this. I'm your opponent Bomb Queen." Akeno sweetly said as her face and eyes showed that she was now in her S mode.

"Tsk, fine Thunder priestess. And don't call me that." Yubelluna said as she took her position waiting for her opponent to attack her.

'Good luck Issei, Kiba.' Akeno said to herself before unleashing all her might on the Riser Queen.

While the battle for the gym was underway Kiba was hiding in the forest near the ORC building as Akeno was casting her Ilussion and her own traps.

"Akeno how much longer?" Kiba asked as he detected something coming his way.

"I just finished with traps Kiba, you are all set to that after you finish here regroup with Issei and Koneko at the track field and move toward Riser's base," Akeno informed him as she took flight towards the gym to unleash hell.

"Understood, Vice President," Kiba said as he took cover behind a tree to see what would happen.

After a few minutes, he heard voices that he knew was the enemy.

Walking through the forest were Risers three pawns. Two were dressed in a manner similar to Grayfia and the remaining one was dressed like an Arabian belly dancer.

"That Gremory girl really thinks that she can beat Lord Riser?" Spoke the busty brown hair maid as she and her companions made their way unknowingly towards Kiba.

"Yeah, that virgin heiress thinks that she has what it takes to take our Lord out." Answered silver head belly dancer.

As they were walking they triggered a trap that was set to activate just as they walk to a small clearing in the woods.

"Watch out." Yelled the silver-hair girl as she noticed a sudden flash of red light that formed a Gremory circle.

From it, a torrent of magical arrows shoots at the trio as they in a nick of time managed to dodge it.

"That was a clever trap, too bad that it was wasted." Finally, the final member of the raiding party said.

She was also dressed like her brown hair friend but she had dirty blond hair that was pulling towards brown.

As her words left her mouth, Kiba decided to show himself to the girls.

"Hello." He said with a wave of his hand as he started approaching them.

"Well, what do we have here a blond knight. What are you doing here knight?" Arrogantly said the belly dancer as she and her two friends took their battle positions.

"My name is Kiba Yuuto. Knight of the Lady Rias. And who are you three if it isn't a secret?" Kiba introduces himself with a polite bow as he was a gentleman after all.

"Well, aren't you a polity Knight. Since you are cute I will tell you." The dirty blonde told him in a sweet tone as she pointed at her two friends. "

The girl that looks like a French Maid is Burent and the girls that look like an Arabic Belly Dancer is Shuriya, my name is Marion.

We are the Pawn's of Lord Riser." The girl now known as Marion told him as he nodded his head drawing a sword.

"So, shall we start my ladies?" Kiba politely asked as he took his position. Prepared for any sneak attack that the trio may lunch.

And his preparation proved dividend as Burent started to shower him with magical attacks.

Using his Knight speed he quickly dodged the attacks and started to charge at her only to quickly evade again as Shuriya came to close-quarter to engage.

Using his evading movement Marion quickly grabbed Kiba from behind and put him in a headlock.

"What are you going to do know Knight of Gremory?" Marion questioned seeing that he had no chance of winning. At that moment they heard something that surprised them.

-Lord Risers 1 Rock and 3 Pawns retired.- Grayfia stated.

"That's easy. And I apologize in advance." He said as a large Gremory circular appeared under all of them.


Kiba shouted as half a dozen swords erupted from the ground piercing the three Pawn making them vanish into thin air.

-Lord Risers 3 Pawns retired.- Grayfia announced again.

"Well, looks like my work here is done. Know to regroup with Koneko and Issei." Kiba said to himself as he started jogging towards their rendezvous point.

His jogging turn into a sprint as moments later he heard a disturbing announcement from Grayfia.

-Lady Rias 1 Rook retired.- Grayfia announced in her neutral tone.

'That's not good, that leaves us with Akeno, Issei and me. And I have a feeling that Akeno is fighting Riser's Queen.

So Issei is vulnerable. I better hurry.' He thought as he picked up even more speed to come to his ally's help.

Back in the ORC clubroom Rias and Raynare were cheering at the news of Issei, Koneko and Kiba defeating their opponent's but that was short lived as Grayfia announced Koneko's defeat probably to Riser's Queen.

Well princess, what are we going to do now?" Raynare questioned since both knew that Riser had plenty more manpower to throw around while they have three members to combat them with both Rias and her still in the clubroom.