
Chapter 030

-Naruto. Her voice became colder and more serious. Take off that stupid mask that you criticize Akeno for wearing so much! -She complained, before her expression softened: I'm worried about you!

Naruto took a deep breath, before walking away with a carefree look on his face.

- I'm not wearing an idiot mask. - He replied. - I'm an idiot, I was in my past life and I am now. As for the things I told you earlier... He waved his hand carelessly, as he opened the gate of the house, without looking at the redhead. Forget it, it was nonsense!

- No, it was not! - She said louder, placing herself between him and the gate, preventing him from entering. You were honest about how you feel for the first time! No, bigger!

Naruto sighed.

- I've already had a long night, Rias... Do you really want to talk about this? - He asked.

- Yes I want! - She responded immediately.

- And what do you expect from this? he asked, his eyes more than cold. - You're just a spoiled princess who barely lived 20 years, you can't help me.

Rias didn't back down.

- There's no point in trying to push me away, Naruto! She answered. There's no point in putting yourself inside this armor that you forged or distancing yourself from your problems with those stupid jokes...

Those stupid jokes are what I am, Rias! - Naruto replied seriously. Those stupid jokes, those - stupid smiles, those actions without thinking and running away from everything you feel, that's who I am, that's who I've always been, that's who I was... - He sighed... That's who I was...

No, Naruto! - Rias contradicted him. I don't know who you were, but I know you're not the same! You lived a different life, you went through different experiences and you are already different! You don't have to be who you were...

- That's the problem, Rias! - He suddenly raised his voice. I don't want to be different! I want to continue being Uzumaki Naruto, Jinchuurikin of Kyuubi, Nanabi Hokage of Folha, married to Karui Uzumaki, Father of Koga, Yarui, Matsu, Rize, Ahri, Ochino and Yui... Me... I liked who I was... I liked mine life... I don't... - He burst into tears. - I don't know... Who I am... I'm so lost...

-I already said that I can help you, Naruto-kun... - She spoke affectionately, standing on tiptoe and pulling him to her breasts, where he continued to cry. -

I can really help you, Naruto-kun, just let me into your real life... Stop being so distant from me, from us Naruto-kun...

It's not that simple, Rias... - He replied, unearthing his head from her breasts. I miss my previous life... But I love this one too! It's... So hard to have two conflicting sides of yourself~! He cried a little more, before suddenly becoming silent for a while. Damn it! I love your breasts so much, Rias- chan!

Rias choked on that statement.

-S-Shouldn't you be sad and tearful? - She asked, looking at the blonde still buried in her breasts.

- And confusing, I might add. - He said, without moving an inch, which explained why the muffled sound.

-... And confusing, of course? She completed, before sighing. strange. Honestly, Naruto... You are very

- Does this mean you will never fall in love with me, Rias-chan? - He whimpered. - Ah~~~! I'm a fraud!

Rias blinked again. Why did he have to be so strange? He didn't say anything about anything!

She couldn't help but sigh... It was going to be a long night... But she was sure it would be worth it!

It was a sunny and beautiful day... The birds were singing, the fountains were gushing water, Issei was being beaten by a group of girls in the school yard... Yes, the day was perfect.

"But why the hell am I stuck in class?!" - He thought completely sunk in sadness. "I'm the future fucking Ninja God Devil Conqueror of the Nine Worlds!"

- Let me guess, one more thought about how you shouldn't be in class because you're the "Future Ninja God Devil...?" Or something like this? -Akeno's voice spoke from her side, making him look at her scared.

You... can read minds? hesitantly. Naruto asked

Akeno didn't deign to respond, just laughed.

- Well, well... It seems like you have some useful power with you, so... - He laughed, stroking his chin, a knowing look on his face. - So... Can you read what I'm thinking?

-... Um... Ramen? - She asked, before laughing. - Sorry, I can't be so sure... It's too empty for just one

- So you better start studying to solve this, right? - He laughed, insinuating that she had an empty brain, not him. Throwing away the image of juicy ramen that popped into his mind, Naruto forced himself to concentrate. - But, he made a mistake! What I was thinking about was how I saw an interesting flower this morning... It was black with purple petals... In fact, I saw several of them.

Akeno blinked, recognizing what he was saying.

- ...Ara? - She laughed. - So you actually stalk me to see my panties. Her eyes became cold. That - accident then... It wasn't an accident, was it?

Naruto didn't overreact, despite the girl's deadly glare.

- At that time I followed you because I thought you were a person I could befriend and help, I was right, I was wrong. He shrugged. - But I didn't see it because I wanted to, you know I don't have the slightest interest in that and you... - He was planning to continue his humiliation, when she interrupted.

- I understand! You're gay then! - She laughed, with her hand over her mouth. Ara ara, this is the only - real reason why you really feel so disgusted when you see something so beautiful and perfect...

Naruto laughed.

Please do not misunderstand me. Women are my loves. He laughed. Too bad you can't fit in, isn't it?





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