
DxD: Heavenly Spear Emperor

Not much, I feel underwhelmed about the True Longunis in the original novel DxD So I wondered, what if it was explored more? This is the story of the descendant of the Chinese Warlord Cao Cao. Read it for your own sake. https://discord.gg/denoffanfics

_ZAX_ · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

The Priest

For the entire week, Cao Cao and Valerie would always visit Asia and sneak out to have some fun in the city.

In the beginning, the Holy Maiden was reluctant but soon looked forward to their adventures. 

The Church took notice of this but was quickly dealt with by Cao Cao's hypnosis.

All in all, it was a fun week for the three of them. Even Valerie, who was grumpy most of the time, also started smiling.

But not everyday is a happy day.

"Brother Cao Cao, Sister Valerie, are you going to leave so soon?" Asia asked with a sad voice. It's been a week and this is the best week she had in her entire life. 

Back then, she would only follow the nuns after doing her duty at healing, of course she didn't mind but she admits that it's been lonely for her to always be inside the Church.

"Sorry Asia, but we need to leave." The hero descendant patted the nun's head.

They have already achieved their goal here, any further delays would lead to unpredictable circumstances.

He still needs to find his members and he's sure that Valerie is also itching to leave.

"W-When will I see you again?" Feeling the hand on her head, she closed her eyes and asked.

Cao Cao and Valerie exchange looks before the latter opens her mouth.

"We're going to the Vatican to apply as Exorcists. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet us again." She's not really the comfort type but she'll give this girl an exception.

"Exorcist…?" Asia muttered the word repeatedly.

"Can I–!" As she was about to continue, they heard a voice calling.

"Asia! There you are." They turned around and saw a a two-meter tall, white-haired old man, with wrinkles, and also an extremely developed muscular build, contradicting his advanced age, fitting far more for an ideal young male.

Despite the obvious age, Cao Cao can tell that the old man is strong, very strong in fact.

"Father Vasco!" The Holy Maiden ran to greet the old man.

The blonde nun crashed into the old man and gave him a hug which the former returned.

Cao Cao and Valerie observed this interaction without speaking.

"Now Asia, who are these people?" The old man named Vasco, broke their hug and gestured at them.

"Father Vasco. This is Brother Cao Cao and Sister Valerie. They are very nice people." Asia excitedly introduced the both of them.

"Brother Cao Cao and Sister Valerie, this is Father Vasco." She continued.

"Oh, so it's you youngsters who have been accompanying Asia these few days." The old man smiled at them.

"She's a good girl, she's also fun to be around." Cao Cao complimented with Valerie nodding.

The Holy Maiden beamed up at that praise.

Father Vasco chuckled before turning to the nun, "Asia, go inside for a while, I'm just gonna have a little talk with your friends." 

Asia was dumbfounded by this but nodded her head when she saw Cao Cao's assuring look.

Giving a one last look to the priest, Asia went inside the Church not before giving the two of them a worried look.

Seeing the girl finally gone, the bulky old man started the conversation.

"Cao Cao and Valerie right? What were you doing with Asia." Although his tone was gentle, Cao Cao could feel pressure from it.

"We are just strolling around the city, to repay the kindness of healing me." He said slowly. 

The priest looked at him and asked, "What about the nuns then? That hypnosis spell you put them on." 

"They were bothering us, keeping Asia locked in that church." Cao Cao sneered. He didn't like those nuns.

The old man patted his forehead. He already reminded those nuns and even others in general to not restrain the Holy Maidens, but for some reason, they still won't follow. 

"Even so, you still casted a spell on one of our members. Even if you did it out of kindness, I still need to bring you in for questioning." In normal circumstances, he would just let this slide since no one was hurt but due to the events that happened in Tepes Faction, he needed to be sure.

The incident that happened in Tepes Faction was easily spread outside of their walls. It's not really that hard considering that various forces have their own spies inside.

What happened in the Tepes Faction has captured the attention of the higher ups of the Vatican and even Heaven. After all, who would've thought that the one who attacked the Tepes Faction was the user of True Longinus. 

He still remembers how the higher ups were arguing about how they needed to find the user of the Spear of Destiny and bring him to their side.

The wielder named himself "Longinus", kind of fitting for someone like him who wields the spear with the same name.

Although it's good news for the Church and Heaven, that random attack in Tepes Faction has also raised eyebrows from different factions, including theirs.

Why would the user of the Ultimate Longinus wreck havoc on vampires? Maybe this is just a debut? To garner attention? Whatever it is, it certainly piqued the curiosity of those forces and questioned the motives.

The Vatican asked him to check the Holy Maidens, he didn't mind since he enjoys doing so. 

To think this is what he'll see. 

The matter about the True Longinus can be postponed later. 

Cao Cao who heard the priest readied a stance. Valerie, who felt this, moved to the hero descendant's back. She's gonna be a burden in frontal combat.

The priest raised his eyebrows at this, "You'll resist?" 

Without answering, Cao Cao dashed forward and brought forth his Fire-Tipped Spear intending to stab the old man.

Seeing the young man, the old man didn't say anything and blocked the spear with his fist.


Their collision created a gust of wind, blinding Valerie.

After it was clear, the figures of Cao Cao and the priest were seen.

The hero descendant's eyes are wide, staring at the tip of the spear being blocked by an aura coated fist.

'Touki!' Jumping back, Cao Cao looked at the old man more seriously. That just confirms his identity.

"I didn't expect that his Eminence Vasco Strada would visit here." He stabbed his spear and bowed. It's only right for him as a human to pay respects for the Apex of Humanity.

"Hmm? Can you put down your weapon now and come with me? I promise you that no harm will come your way." Seeing the gesture of the young man, Vasco persuaded once again.

Considering that Asia wasn't hypnotized by them and actually have the both of them as friends, he didn't want it to be difficult for the both of them.

"I apologize, although I respect you as a hero but I just can't come with you without any justifiable reason." If he was brought back by the Apex of Humanity as a person of interest, his chances of becoming an exorcist may go down the drain.

"Is that so? It seems I'll have to force you to come." Vasco stomped the ground, making the hero descendant lose his footing.

Seeing this, the Apex of Humanity punched the air and sent a shockwave in Cao Cao's direction.

Having lost his footing, the hero descendant imbued his spear with Touki and blocked it.


Another explosion was created. 

Vasco lowered his fist down and looked at the young man standing. Aside from dust in his clothes, he was relatively unharmed.

"Touki? And your name, Cao Cao as in the one from the Three Kingdoms?" It was a rare sight to see a fellow Touki user, more so from someone as young as him.

Patting his sleeve, Cao Cao nodded, "I'm his descendant. I took the name of my ancestor." 

That shockwave was nasty, he can still feel his bones shaking. He can already imagine what would happen if he was hit by the real thing.

"I also trained to unlock my Touki." The hero descendant attacked again and thrusted his spear at the old man.

Seeing the incoming spear, Vasco wasn't fazed and imbued his fist with Touki. 

Cao Cao saw this and also imbued his spear with Touki, intending to greet the incoming punch. 


The hero descendant didn't stop there and unleashed a series of thrust. The priest saw this and also used his aura coated fist to block every attack.

"What?!" Cao Cao was amazed. Although the Fire-Tipped Spear in his hand wasn't the same as the divine weapon of Nezha, it is still pretty strong in its own right. Add that with Touki, then his attacks would be more deadly.

But to think it didn't work against Vasco Strada…. He truly deserves the title as the Apex of Humanity.

"Good strength." Holding the spear, Vasco was impressed. 

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and pulled back his spear and used his martial arts infused with Senjutsu, trying to inflict internal damage to the old man.

The Apex of Humanity saw this and intensified his Touki. 

As soon as Cao Cao's fist hit Vasco's Touki barrier, he was sent flying.

'Using life force to fight against life force based attacks.' The hero descendant stabilized himself and landed on the ground.

"That's a pretty impressive technique. If you were fighting someone who doesn't use Touki or Senjutsu, then it would've proven fatal for them." Vasco complimented the boy.

"However, if that's all you can do, then I still suggest you surrender. Didn't you notice?" He pointed at the ground.

"I can't do that. Tell you what, I'm going to apply in the church as an Exorcist, can we wait until that happens?" 

Cao Cao tightens his hold of the spear after hearing him. Indeed, Vasco wasn't moved from his position even once.

He also didn't attack him actively and only defended himself.

Seeing the old man unmoved, the hero descendant narrowed his eyes.

It seems that he needs to get a little serious.

As Cao Cao was preparing for round 2. He heard sounds of footsteps rushing towards them.

"Father Vasco! What are you doing?!" Asia put herself in front of Cao Cao and spread her arms, as if she was defending him.

She was glaring at the priest with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Vasco immediately canceled his Touki and hurriedly explained to Asia, "Wait Asia, it's not what you think!" 

This is the first time he saw this usual sweet nun glare at someone. 

He didn't want her to misunderstand. 

"No! Father Vasco, why are you doing this? They were all nice people!" Asia for the first time, shouted in anger, "Was it the nuns? They are lying father, they always do." She continued.

Not only was Vasco surprised, but Cao Cao and Valerie as well. To think that this sweet little nun has this side.

"Don't worry Asia, it's just a little spar." The hero descendant dusted himself. 

He's not lying. In a way, this is just a spar.

"He's right, Asia, we're just sparring." Hearing Cao Cao, The Apex of Humanity followed suit. He doesn't really want to make the nun angry.

Asia darted on the two before putting her arms down and ran on Cao Cao's side with her Sacred Gear out.

Feeling the warm light on his body, the hero descendant cast a grateful look on Asia.

Seeing this, Vasco's eyebrows twitch. What about him? 

Valerie also ran to Cao Cao's side and looked at the priest. 

After the healing was done, Asia went to Vasco and also casted her Sacred Gear but not before firing a cute glare which only made the old man smile sheepishly.

He wasn't injured or anything, but he let the nun do her work.

"Why are you fighting Brother Cao Cao, Father Vasco?" Asia recalled her Sacred Gear and asked the priest.

Hearing this, Vasco panicked. He was racking his brain to find a reason.

Seeing the old man who is considered to be at the top of human beings panicking, Cao Cao couldn't help but let out an amusing chuckle.

"I told you Asia, we're just sparring. This old man just wanted to test me." He decided to help the priest.

"Test? For what?" The Holy Maiden tilted her head. 

Seeing that Cao Cao already helped him, Vasco cleared his throat and explained, "He's right. You see, this young man said he wants to apply as an Exorcist. We did a little spar so I can test his skills." 

The hero descendant's eyes blinked while Asia looked at him. 

"That's true.." He didn't really know what to say.

Asia looked at him for a few moments before letting out a sigh. 

Cao Cao and Vasco looked at each other.

'What now?'

Sorry for the late update, was on medical and didn't have time to write except falling asleep immediately

_ZAX_creators' thoughts