

The Mountain of Flowers and Fruits is truly different from the human world, from its gentle breeze and relaxing atmosphere, it makes people at peace.

No wonder the First Generation Monkey King didn't get bored here.

Sitting under a tree in a lotus position. Cao Cao entered a deep meditation to tap into the power that every being has.


From what he remembers, Senjutsu resides in the ki of living beings, their flow of life.

Different from the demonic power of Devils and the light of Angels, Senjutsu users focus on the manipulation of chakra in their body to achieve various effects.

It may be inferior in terms of destructive ability compared to light and magic. Senjutsu makes up for its abilities such as controlling nature or damaging someone's spirit.

The most basic application of Senjutsu is to manipulate Ki and read someone's aura.

"How does this work?" Cao Cao has been sitting around in this position for hours and he still hasn't made progress. Of course, it's understandable as he isn't a being of nature like Youkais but it still doesn't lessen his frustration.

There are humans who can manipulate ki either due to training or with external help.

Ouryuu Nakiri for example, can manipulate Ki despite not being a youkai due to his connection with the Leylines as the Yellow Dragon.

He, too as the wielder of the Holy Spear can manipulate Light and Holy energy despite not being an Angel or a Fallen Angel.

'Concentrate, try to feel the ki on the surroundings.' The Hero Descendant closed his eyes and did it again.

Since he doesn't have a youkai physique or a Sacred Gear that allows him to connect with nature. He's gonna need to do it the old fashion way.




It's still not working!

With twitching eyebrows, Cao Cao sighed and stood up. As much as he wants to dedicate his time learning Senjutsu, he needs to refine his skills in other areas

His spearmanship for example.

"Practicing Senjutsu eh?" Sun Wukong's voice came into his ears.

The Hero Descendant almost jumped from shock. Why does he have to sneak suddenly without him noticing?!

"Perks of Senjutsu, brat. You will be able to conceal your aura." As if he was reading his mind, the Monkey King answered.

"Can you teach me how to do it?" Cao Cao asked the Buddha in front of him. He forgot that Senjutsu can be used like that.

"... Although you are right to meditate but your heart is in chaos, you need to empty your heart and embrace the nature around you." The Daiyoukai took a pause and gave his advice.

The Hero Descendant is surprised by this. Chaos? Looking back, he has indeed been too worried about the future.

He wasn't wrong to worry, his Longinus alone makes him a target for other beings and knowing the events that would happen, his heart is indeed restless.

'Yeah, I… should be more focused at the present.' Cao Cao calmed himself and began sitting back again in his lotus position.

Seeing this, the Monkey King left his disciple at his devices. His martial arts training will be postponed for now.

"Still nothing." The Hero Descendant couldn't help but sigh. He was close, he could feel it!

He was meditating all day and once he opened his eyes, it was nighttime.

Despite spending an entire day, he still didn't manage to touch Senjutsu.

"How are you doing buddy?" Now knowing when he got here, Bikou asked his friend.

"Learning Senjutsu, but as you can see, there's no progress." Cao Cao replied dryly.

Seeing the frustrated expression of his friend, Bikou scratched his head. He wasn't really good at comforting others.

"Why don't we spar buddy? I bet your ass is sore from all that sitting. Why not stretch your body?" The Monkey King descendant offered him a battle.

Cao Cao's mouth twitched but sigh. Bikou is right, his back hurts from all that sitting.

Nodding, the Hero Descendant summoned his spear and took a stance.

The Future Monkey King responded the same by summoning his staff.

The battle intent of the two little warriors clashed. Both of their eyes narrowed until…


Bikou made the first move and rushed forward with his staff pointed at Cao Cao.


Dodging his attack that caused a crater on the ground he's previously standing, The Hero Descendant responded in kind by swinging his spear at Bikou's head.

The Youkai saw this and ducked, avoiding the hit.

'Phew! That spear is strong alright.' In his fight against Cao Cao, although he has the upper hand but with the latter's talent and intuition, he's closing the gap.

Having a broken spear doesn't help either.

Just as Bikou was thinking, Cao Cao is the same. He found it unwise to tank or even block his staff. Its weight alone could send him flying even when he successfully blocked it.

Cao Cao continued his attacks, stabs, swings, even kicks and punches were added.

Despite this, the Monkey Youkai somehow manage to dodge and parry them, even if the attack came from a blindspot.

'Senjutsu..' The Hero Descendant frowns. He really needs to learn it fast

The Future Monkey King stopped his defense and decided to attack.

Just like that, the favor of the battler has gone on Bikou's side.

Cao Cao barely has time to counter attack. The weight of the staff and Bikou's speed is suppressing him, the sheer heaviness of Ryu Jingu Bang causes his arms to shake every time he blocks it.

'Damn it!' Without wasting time, Cao Cao jumped backwards, creating a distance between them.

Bikou saw this and rushed forward. He won't let him have a chance to breathe.

Seeing this, the Hero Descendant cursed under his breath and readied himself, fully intending to clash head on.

Spear and staff met. The shockwaves of both attacks sent dust flying around their battle field.

'Focus..' Relying on his intuition, Cao Cao closed his eyes while simultaneously feeling the Ki in the air.

'What…?' Seeing Cao Cao closing his eyes, Bikou couldn't help but wonder. He's not gonna stop the assault however.

Still closing his eyes, Cao Cao dodge and parry Bikou's attacks which surprised the latter.

'Feel their aura…' In the original novel, Cao Cao possessed an outstanding gifted sense that helps him in combat, allowing him to dodge and even overwhelm those who are physically superior to him in combat.

The Red Dragon Emperor being an example.

So, what would happen if he, who possesses an outstanding intuition in combat learned Senjutsu?

"W-WHAT?!" Bikou couldn't help but exclaim. He saw his rival moments later being suppressed by him but now, he's fully responding to his attacks!

Opening his eyes, Cao Cao followed the rhythm in his heart and began his counter attack.

He thrusted his spear forward.

Not wanting to be undone, Bikou responded in kind by fully utilizing his Senjutsu and Martial Art.

Spear and staff once again met but this time,


The tip of Bikou's staff cracked.

Jumping back, the Future Monkey King looked at his staff bewildered.

Looking at his friend who retreated, Cao Cao didn't follow anymore. That clash earlier has strained his muscle on an intense scale.

"I surrender." Looking at the Holy Spear user. Bikou chose to end their match.