
DXD: Heart Of Blades

Not everything goes as planned. All it takes is one mistake to light the flames that would consume it all. In the midst of those flames, even a gentle soul can become a hardened fighter. In a world where dragons and beings capable of casually causing calamities roam free, all I have are these blades. ================= Warning: A bit AU because why not. Don’t expect updates.

Arokey · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

Chapter 1


It was supposed to be a good day.

All it took was one mistake to turn it into the worst day ever.

On the side of the road, a cab lay flipped over and destroyed, part of it on fire…an accident had occurred.

Inside the wreckage of the car, a man hung by his seatbelt in what was supposed to be the driver's seat, unconscious.

In what was supposed to be the passenger's seat, a boy laid there, pieces of glass stabbed into his body and blood pouring from said areas.

Of the numerous shards of glass on his body, a particularly large one stuck out of his stomach. With the quickly draining life in him, he looked to his side to see a woman laying beside him.

The obvious bulge in her stomach indicated how far into pregnancy she was as did the trail of bloodied fluid that ran down her leg.

It was supposed to be a happy day. After nine months of waiting, his mother was about to give birth. With his father unavailable when her water broke, he had to be the one to take her.

In his haste to get her to the hospital, he had failed to notice the odd smell in the vehicle until it was too late. The driver was drunk…intoxicated.

He looked at his mother who was bleeding heavily from a head wound. Tears poured down his eyes as he stared at the shards of glass stuck in her throat.

'Mom, I'm sorry…' Those were his last thoughts as the fire reached the fuel tank, engulfing the wreckage in a fiery explosion.


His eyes snapped open as he awoke from the memory.

"Sir, the flight is over. We ask that you please exit the aircraft." His eyes focused on the source of the voice, a brown haired woman in formal wear.

Looking at the air hostess, he remembered where he was. "Sorry about that." He apologized, getting up as he noticed he was the last person left on the plane.

Taking out a duffel bag from the overhead compartment, he exited the plane. 'It was so long ago and yet…it still feels like it was yesterday.'

There was no mistaking it, he had died.

Instead of Hell or Heaven that he expected to find himself in, he found himself in a hospital bed as a newborn baby.

It was safe to say that disorientation was the least thing he felt at that time. He had died and was reborn without any time to process it or come to terms with his situation.

Reincarnation wasn't as pretty and sweet as fiction made it feel. He wasn't like those who could simply shrug it off like nothing happened and start over.

Even after eighteen years, the dreams of his last moments still haunted him.

As he walked into the London airport, he caught sight of his face on the reflective surface of the door. White hair and hazel colored eyes stared back at him. A face he had grown used to seeing.

"Hey! Enma!" He turned to see a dark haired man walking towards him, an easy smile on his face.

"Why did it have to be you?" The statement white haired boy now identified as Enma asked in barely hidden disappointment.

"Now that's just cruel, kid. Why can't you be happy to see me for once?" The man asked as he stopped in front of Enma, a grin on his face.

"Because you can't take things seriously, Galang." Letting out a sigh, Enma walked past him.

"That's totally not true. I'm taking this very seriously!" Galang denied, only to receive a flat stare from Enma. "Anyways, let's be on our way. There's a car waiting for us in the parking lot."

He allowed Galang to take the lead as they headed for the car that would take him to his hotel. His eyes drifted to the driver for a brief moment before entering the car.

With the hotel being a short distance away, it didn't take long to reach their destination. Though the distance wasn't too far, Galang's rambling made it seem so.

"So I was thinking, why don't we hit the bar for a little while? We have a few hours before we have to work." Galang proposed, getting a sigh from Enma.

"And you wonder why I prefer not to work with you." He muttered as they entered the hotel. "We aren't here for pleasure. Get that through your thick skull."

Having already booked a room prior to arriving in London, it didn't take more than a few minutes for Enma to attain his room key and head to his room.

As he got to his assigned room, he turned to face the man. "Call me when it's time. Until then, don't cause any trouble."

"You're too stiff. When have I ever caused trouble?" Though he asked that, the mischievous smirk on his face betrayed his true thoughts.

Not even remotely surprised, Enma unlocked the door, shutting and locking it behind him as he entered. He looked at the layout of the room, a single bed, a desk beside it and a TV opposite the bed.

It wasn't luxurious but it wasn't poor, it was sufficient. He would only be staying for a few nights so there was no need to book a luxury room.

Dropping the duffel bag on the floor beside the bed, he sighed as he laid on the soft bed, allowing calls of sleep to pull him into unconsciousness.


It was close to midnight in London and Enma was wide awake as he and Galang walked the streets.

"Though I'm sure you've read the job description, it wouldn't hurt to go over them." Galang said as the two stood in front of a warehouse. "There have been reports of a stray devil who kidnaps people and drags them away to mutilate them."

He then turned to Enma. "I've done my job in tracking it down here. The next part is where you come in."

As they pushed the doors open, a metallic stench hit their noses, causing them to frown. Squelching sounds could be heard from inside.

In the middle of the warehouse, a muscular bipedal creature stood, holding a bloody human hand which it was trying to fit in its mouth.

Around it, the floor was littered with mutilated corpses and dismembered limbs. A mix of dried and fresh blood painted the floor.

"Stray devil: Boris." Enma muttered.

Other than the fact that the creature stood on its two legs, it bears no resemblance to anything human.

It was covered in fur with a tail sticking out of its back. Its animalistic face and claws made it look more like a werewolf than anything else. Its red eyes glared ominously at them as they caught its attention.

"I'll sit this one out." Galang said as he took a few steps back.

Enma said nothing as Boris tossed away the arm it was eating, letting out an animalistic roar. In response, Enma's eyes narrowed as curved twin swords appeared in his waiting hands in a dull flash of magic, the swords being opposing colors of black and white.

"ROOOAAARRRR!" Boris sped towards Enma, drool pouring from its mouth as it got closer.

Upon reaching the boy, Boris' claw cut through the air at high speed, aimed at Enma's throat. At speed unbefitting of a regular human, Enma ducks under the attack.

Boris didn't give up as it swung its other arm only for Enma to raise his weapons in retaliation, easily cutting through its forearm. In pain, the stray devil's jaw snapped forward to bite off its opponent's head.

In a burst of speed, Enma was in the air above Boris, completely dodging its attempt to attack. He landed behind it, slashing both swords into its back.

"ROOARRRR!" Despite its muscle mass, the swords dealt an unnatural amount of damage to Boris. It fell to its knees in pain, its wounds emitting a dark miasma.

"Die." Enma said bluntly as he raised one of the swords, bringing it down on Boris' neck.

As the head fell to the ground, there was silence in the warehouse for a few moments before Galang let out a whistle.

"And that's a wrap. Told you you didn't need my help." The man said almost smugly, getting a blank stare from Enma. "Sheesh! Lighten up. It's like you have one of those holy swords stuck up your ass."

"And you wonder why I don't like you." Enma muttered as he allowed the swords to disappear.

"Haha! It's always a sight to watch you fight. I expect nothing less from the wielder of Blade Blacksmith." Galang said with a smirk.

"Shut up. Let's go.


A/N: I hate this chapter so don't expect an update anytime soon. Probably not going to continue.