
DXD: God has Returned

I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in the world of DxD. Five wishes.

GodsChosen · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Nina vs. Cattleya

Nina POV

I was watching events unfold when Cattleya blasted us as the Sirzechs, Michael, and Azazel put a defensive barrier to protect us from the explosion.

Cattleya: Oh looks, the three great powers put up a defensive barrier, how pathetic.

Sirzechs: What are you thinking Cattleya?

Cattleya: I'm thinking what everyone else at this disgusting meeting that if God and the Maou are dead than it's time for a revolution.

Azazel: Hoping we're caught up in a Devil Rebellion?

Michael: More like world domination.

Cattleya: Oh Michael said it, we can't have God and The Maou's death covered up, so we'll take this decaying world for ourselves.

I busted out laughing at this, one they think I'll allow that and two they don't have my gorgeous twin by there side.

In the seal in a another dimension is The Beast of Apocalypse, Trihexa 666 who heard that comment to blush.

Trihexa: Baka.

Back to Nina laughing which Cattleya laughing which Azazel snickered at as well.

Cattleya: What do you find funny!

Nina: I find it funny that a weakling like you and the rest of the Old Satan Faction haven't realized that it ain't gonna happen.

Cattleya: Mind your own business you disgusting human!

Nina: Why don't you make me?

My Aura flared as I walk out as Cattleya flared as well.

Sirzechs: Should we help her?

Michael: No, Cattleya has messed with the wrong opponent as this won't take long.

Azazel: I'm intrigued to see what will happen now.

Nina: Leviathan, a beast who knows not when to shut up.

Cattleya: Your pissing me off!

Cattleya charged her attacks at me as I deflected them away to dash at her to give her a four peach combo to slam her into the ground.

Cattleya: Arghhhhhhhh!

Nina: Is that all you got?

Cattleya: You will see!

Her aura is growing stronger as I see Ophis's power rising.

As we charged each other but I blocked it with my hand as it was shinning.

Nina: Holy Fist!

As my fist connected with gut as she was blasted her away to see her spit out blood.

Cattleya:W-Who are you?! You can't be a normal human, are you an Angel?!

Nina: Well yes I am.

I took off my cloak to be wearing a white short sleeve crop top, blue jean shorts, and black heels to have twelve wings, six on each side which shocked Cattleya.

Cattleya: Your a Seraph! But there had only been four Seraphs left!

Nina: I'm new plus this fights boring me so why don't I end it.

I made a magic circle to pull out a sword that was glowing with holy energy as like golden fire.

Cattleya: That weapon!

Nina: Oh you recognize it? It's the flaming sword, it is used to guard the gates of heaven, with it's holy flame it eradicates any with evil intentions.

Cattleya: DIE?!

She shot attacks that look like they hit as Cattleya smirked but then attacks were destroyed instantly.

Cattleya: What?!

Nina: It's time for you to die!

As the light glowed stronger from the sword as the flame got bigger as aim the sword at Cattleya to shoot at her.

Cattleya: Ahhhhhhhhhh!

As the flames engulfed her.

Cattleya: This isn't over! Your precious Adam has joined Ophis as well!

As she was nothing left what she said has confirmed Adam's betrayal, we must return to heaven as I have to kill him to keep from revealing that I'm alive.

Nina: Michael!

Michael: Yes?

Nina: I'm returning to heaven, you can handle the rest.

Michael: Of course.

I teleported back to sense Eve was in trouble as I ran there to see Adam attacking Eve.

Eve: You traitor!

Adam: The only one who is a traitor is that bitch of a mother! Ophis will be great help to kill her!

I was right, how disappointing.

Adam: She's not here but I will send her your head as a present.

Nina: Is that so?

I blasted him to the wall as I held him there to see the damage.

Adam: How are you here!

Nina: You betray me? I think it's time for you to go.

Adam: You don't kill!

Nina: Your right but I'm banishing you from Heaven and I put a seal on you to keep you from speaking of my return or hinting of my return either.

Adam: You bitch!

Nina: Such a dirty mouth, goodbye Adam, you won't be missed.

As I portal opened up under him.

Adam: This isn't over, I'll make you suffer!

Nina: Yeah Yeah, bye my failure and loser of a son.

Adam fell from Heaven as his wings turned black.

Adam: I'll make you regret this?!

Nina: Good luck.