
DXD: God has Returned

I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in the world of DxD. Five wishes.

GodsChosen · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - It’s time

Nina POV

I've been answering prayers both big and small for a week now.

I see Adam has set to betray me as he is talking on Earth to someone from the Khaos Brigade.

Nina: You disappoint me Adam, I'm not the same as before, forgiveness from me now is not as it once was.

Some Angels are gonna betray Michael but they don't know I'm back as Adam hasn't told them, big mistake but then I heard a knock at the door.

Nina: Come in.

Gabriel: Mother, we received word of invitation to a summit of the devils, angels, and fallen angels.

Nina: Very well, me, Michael, and Irina Shidou will attend, I need you plus Raphael to stay to take care of things here.

Gabriel: Yes mother.

Nina: Good,

Gabriel left my office as I walked to my coat rack to take my cloak as I walk out the door to see Michael waiting as well.

Michael: We are departing Mother.

Nina: Let's go.

Michael: Yes Mother, we have Angels waiting to guard us.

Nina: Very well.

I put my white cloak on and my hood as I walked out my office.

Gabriel: Mother!

I see Gabriel walking up.

Gabriel: Are you off?

Nina: Yes my darling girl, it's time for the summit.

Gabriel: Very well, I'll look over things with Raphael and Uriel.

Nina: Good, let's go Michael, we need to pick up Irina to head to Japan.

Michael: Yes mother.

We teleported to the church as we picked up Irina as then we teleported to Kuoh as we were met by Sona Sitri.

Michael: Guards to your positions.

The Angels took to the sky as it was just us.

Sona: Welcome Lord Michael, if you would please follow us.

We followed them into the school as we walked up the stairs to some doors as she opened them to see Sirzechs, Serafall, and Azazel.

Michael: Greetings everyone.

Sirzechs: Welcome Michael.

Serafall: Welcome.

Azazel: Hey.

We walked around the table as Michael pulled out the chair for me as I sat down to remove my hood.

Nina: It's good to see you again Azazel.

Azazel: And who might you be?

Nina: Just someone from the past but we'll get to that after the summit.

Once then Rias came in with everyone as they started giving the report as I listened then Azazel apologized for Kokabiel but Issei mentioned Raynare and insulted my son, now I'm pissed.

Nina: Enough!

Michael: Oh boy.

Issei: What's your problem?!

Nina: Get over yourself, you blame all fallen angels for a few, your pissing me off, Azazel doesn't want a damn war, Kokabiel made his own decision to pay the price, so stop blaming the fallen for your weakness?!

I shouted that cause he blames everyone if things don't go his way like a spoiled child.

Nina: Rias Gremory, control your servant or I'll teach him a lesson, summit be damned.

Rias: Issei, enough.

Issei: But Buchou why?!

Rias: Your not helping the situation.

Issei: Why is she stepping in! This has nothing to do with Heaven?!

Nina: Doesn't matter, we're older than you boy, so know your place, you couldn't beat Kokabiel, and you can't beat the White Dragon Emperor, so until I see improvements then watch your mouth!

Issei backs down as I calm down, this kid really doesn't get it.

But then time froze.

Nina: Alright who froze time?

Azazel: I take it that it's the company outside.

Everyone went to the windows.

Serafall: Magicians but I'm the true magic girl.

Azazel: it looks like time is stopped by the half vampire kid.

Rias: Gasper!

Issei: Seriously! How did they get to him!

Azazel: Hey Vali, why don't you go play with there ranks, the white dragon emperor should help.

Vali: Gladly.

Vali flies out the window to deal with them as Rias and Issei go for Gasper.

But then we got a visitor.

?: Well if isn't the unworthy Devil Kings Sirzechs and Serafall.

Sirzechs: Cattleya Leviathan, descendant of the first Leviathan.

Serafall: What are you doing here! Explain yourself!

Cattleya:To bring destruction!

She just blew us up, okay she's gotta go!