
DXD: God has Returned

I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in the world of DxD. Five wishes.

GodsChosen · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Seeing Heaven

Nina POV

I was in my office or throne room doing paperwork I missed, I saw reports on saints and nuns were missing.

"Diadora, I promise to kick your ass for hurting those girls" (Nina)

Next paper was about Asia Argento who was excommunicated from the church by turned into a devil by Rias Gremory.

'Did good Rias' (Nina)

The door opened to see Gabriel walking in.

"What is it my beautiful child?" (Nina)

"Um mother, Mary wants to see you"


"Oh? Send her up, she has my permission to enter Seventh Heaven" (Nina)

"Right plus she brought our younger siblings as well" (Gabriel)

"Good, I haven't seen them in a while" (Nina)

As I Gabriel nodded the Jessie came in running.

"Mommy!" (Jessie)

"Hello my gorgeous boy" (Nina)

I picked him up from chair to hold him in my arms then I see Mary, Adam, and Eve walk in.

We had a conversation but Adam wants me to create new angels when I said no.

"But why?!" (Adam)

"I'm not throwing the balance off so Heaven can stay ahead!" (Nina)

"Who cares about the balance! The fallen and Devils are not our concern to care?!" (Adam)

"Well those fallen are still my children, those kids the fallen had are my grandchildren, Lucifer is my son so no!" (Nina)

Adam angers to storm out.

"I'll talk to him mother" (Eve)

Eve walks out the door after Adam to leave me with Mary and Jessie as he is a toddler in heaven.

"How have you been darling?" (Nina)

"Good, been taking care of this selfless one"


"Oh yes, my little sacrificer" (Nina)

I look at Jessie playing on a tablet.

"Well I have to get going dear, Jessie needs a nap and I'll see you later" (Mary)

"Right, I have to head to earth" (Nina)

"Alright just don't be gone too long" (Mary)

"I won't, I'm just checking on a few things before I do anything else" (Nina)

Mary nodded to walk out with Jessie as I put my Angelic Robe on but then Michael and Gabriel burst in the door worried.

"What's wrong you two?" (Nina)

"It's Kokabiel, he attacked Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri, what's worse is that he told them of your past death" (Michael)

"I'm heading down there to teach Kokabiel a lesson" (Nina)

"Very well mother" (Michael)

I teleported down to see Kokabiel laughing at them but I appeared above them.

"Kokabiel!" (Nina)

Everyone looks up at me to see my wings sprouted.

"An Angel" (Asia)

"And a high ranking one" (Rias)

"Well now, who are you?" (Kokabiel)

"You don't recognize me? After all I created the world your standing on" (Nina)

"No, your dead!" (Kokabiel)

"Not anymore, I'm back and I'll be punishing you for your transgressions" (Nina)

"No?!" (Kokabiel)

He shot a light spear at me but I slapped it back him exploding.

"Argh!" (Kokabiel)

Kokabiel rose his wings to fly at me with light swords but I caught them in my hands but crushed them to grab his neck.

"Pray for your sins" (Nina)

I blasted him to the ground.

"GOD?!" (Kokabiel)

He slammed into the ground to which I teleported to Asia as she came to.

"You okay my sweet girl?" (Nina)

"Yes, are God?" (Asia)

"I am, don't listen to Kokabiel, I had a plan for you Asia but you make your own decisions"


I hugged Asia.

"I must be off, got paperwork to do about this incident so fair well as I will be in Heaven" (Nina)

I teleported back to Heaven.