
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

Chapter 44 : He was my former master's,

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"Oi…" I muttered creating the party so I could pulled everyone into my Sanctuary, Yasaka waking up Kunou so she could join as well. This got the now expecting jump of surprise form Murayama and Katase before Koneko just told them to say yes and I warped everyone to my Sanctuary.


After I had explained my Gamer ability to Murayama and Katase, as well as deal with their whining about how its not fair, which I placated by telling them they were actually thrice the Level of the average person to stroke their egos, I gave Kunou some spare funds and told her to go pick up a pair of katana for me to later enhance and give to Murayama and Katase later on and began the meeting.

"Alright ladies and…" I paused looking around the couches, "Not to self, get some male allies, I'm outnumbered. Anyway, ladies, the reason I organized this meeting is because last night while on Patrol for the Devil in charge of this town, as admittedly she's been a bit lax lately, I encounter a creature that was beyond bizarre."

"Unnatural." Koneko added, "Even among the Factions it's unnatural."

"From what I could gather of the creature." I continued, "Which isn't much and my Gamer ability couldn't even discern it's very name, I can conclude that its way higher a level than 25, not a Stray Devil as it shrugged off a shot from Executioner, but it can regenerate and melt into blood for a quick escape."

Koneko went wide eyed, "R- My King think's its dead." She muttered.

"Tell her it's not, something like that doesn't just heal and die." I said, the last thing we need is for Rias to go lax on this thing, "Here's a picture of it, and if you've got a weak stomach don't look." I said sliding my phone to the middle of the table.

Yasaka was the first to grab and and actually recoiled at the sight of the creature, "As much as I want to say it's Nuckelavee, it doesn't drink fresh water. And this thing has it's head half submerged."

Misha was the next to look and actually turned green, "I never thought I'd find blood unappetizing." She said passing it along quickly.

Rouge blinked at the photo once before pushing it quickly along to Murayama and Katase, both of whom paled before turning green and throwing the phone a Kuroka.

"I-it can't be…" Kuroka said with a gasp as she dropped the phone, "I thought he would have died by now."

All heads turned to Kuroka, "Kuroka…" I said calmly, "You know what that thing is?"

"I know who it used to be." Kuroka admittedly curling up into a ball, "His name was Marcus… He was my former master's, Alexander Naberius, Knight… He used to be a human before Naberius found him… If unique."

"How can someone go from human to… That?" Katase asked scared.

"Id have to tell you Alexander's past before I get to that." Kuroka said, "Alexander, according to Marcus when he was still human anyway, was once a fairly nice Devil, however his daughter, Alice Naberius, was born sickly and weak. Alexander would do anything to help his daughter, so Marcus, bless his kind heart, offered to let Alexander experiment on him so Alice to gain his unique ability."

"What was Marcus's ability?" Yasaka asked.

"Alexander never figured out how Marcus was born with it, but something in his blood caused his body to develop resistances faster than any other creature." Kuroka said, "To prove it he stuck his hand in Holy Water, pulled it out, and did so every day for a week. On the seventh day when he stuck his hand in the Holy Water it barely looked red, he had developed a natural resistance to Holy Energy just by getting hurt by it."

"That would explain why Executioner did next to nothing." I muttered.

"Soon Alexander had developed a synthetic version of Marcus's ability and injected it into Alice, then helped her heal with Phoenix Tears. Pretty soon she was warding off illness and slowly getting better… Then she ran away." Kuroka said.

"Come again?" Rouge said cleaning out her ear with her pinky, "She was getting better and she just ran away? I don't get it."

"According to the letter she left, she was feeling sorry that her father was spending so much money trying to heal her because she kept getting sick." Kuroka said, "So she ran away, hoping that her father wouldn't chase after her… What happened instead makes me wish he did chase after her."

"Sis…" Koneko started realizing where this was going.

"After Alice ran, Alexander began to further his experiments, looking for a way to enhance Marcus's ability, Shirone, you know her as Koneko, and I knew Marcus for about a week before he vanished, sure enough other Members of his Peerage stopped showing up after he started to study my Senjutsu… His Queen, his Rooks, His other Bishop… They vanished and then I overheard him say he was going to experiment on my sister." Kuroka finished.

The room was silent for a while.

"Fuck." I finally muttered, "Naberius managed to power up Marcus alright, he can regenerate now, but it's not perfect that's for sure… It's twisted."

"He's got resistance to The Power of Destruction now too." Koneko added.

"Well that's great." I muttered, "Still, Alexander must have given him a last order involving Alice… Seeing as Marcus moaned her name before he fled."

"I guess Alexander still wanted to find his daughter after all." Kuroka said, "Though I'm scared of what he would have done to her."

"Kuroka." Yasaka said catching our attention, "What abilities did Naberius's Peerage have? We may just find the others out there if we keep look for them, and we'll need to stop them."

Kuroka nodded, still shivering, honestly feeling sorry for the girl I stood up and lifted her up before sitting under her, resting her on my lap. This got Kuroka to stop shivering at least.


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