
DXD: Flames of a pervert

A man was given Pyrokinetic abilities from Fire Force. Now he must try to survive this horny ass world with only his flames. ############################ Also English is not my native language, so the grammar will be bad. but, I'm counting on you to critique my work in order for me to improve.

Shoegazer · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Ch: 2

I woke up with a ringing sound in my ears. Unfamiliar ceiling is the first I see.

I stood up surveying my surroundings.

The ringing sound disappeared. Feeling much better, I get off the bed and go to the door, but I was stopped by a voice

"Kid, you've just wake up, stay here for a bit and rest."

Turning around, I see a rather tall guy with glasses holding a pack of ice. This has to be the school nurse, but why's he have a pack ice?

I sat down, and the guy took out his notebook.

"So… What happened to me?" I asked, "Ah! You passed out right?" I nodded, " and before you passed did you feel a severe headache?" I nodded again.

The nurse write something in his notebook and took out a box of pills out his drawer.

"The cause of your fainting was thunderclap headache-I think- it could be severely serious, maybe you raptured a vein. But, seeing your still breathing I think you're pretty okay," the nurse jokingly said.

That was not reassuring at all! But I know the reason. The sudden influx of the original Matsuda memories cause that severe pain, and I don't think any normal man can endure that type pain.

The nurse gave me 3 pills from the box, I look up in confusion.

"These are Tylenol, there great pain reliever, but don't take them all at once, I don't want to be the cause of a students death, you get me."

Who hire this guy? I sighed and nod, there's no point getting at the guy.

Standing up, I said thank you to the nurse. And proceeded to open door. There Issei and Motohama are standing in front of the door. The two then proceeded to bambard me with questions.

"Bro what happened?!" Issei shakes my shoulder.

"Matsuda are you okay!? Did you hit your head?! We just find you laying in the hallway," Motohama questioned.

"Guys calm down! I just got headache for staying up all night," I lied.

"You sure? You were laterally foaming from your mouth." Issei said.

"And you were super fucking hot to! No homo." Motohama said.

"Really? I guess I should have sleep early last night huh. Haha," I awkwardly said

For as perverted as they are, their are weirdly caring, huh I guess I was too harsh with my previous opinion on them.

"You guys don't need to worry, I'm feeling much better, the pills the nurse give me was working really well." I flashed them a smile, "besides! I wouldn't let a measly headache to ruin our plans for tonight right~"

The worried face of the two boys disappear and replaced by a perverted expression.

"Right! I purchased a flashed drive from a guy I found right besides the school. He said this lil' guy have a huge ton of good stuff in it~" Issei wave the usb at my face.

"Oh really, for how much?" Motohama asked.

"It's really cheap, I did bargain the guy, but my negotiation was spot on, and I get this beauty for only 1 yen!" Issei proudly said.

I don't think that's safe to plug into your computer. I thought, but knowing this guy his whole computer probably is not safe to touch either.

"That's great."

"You don't sound too excited Matsuda, something wrong?" Motohama asked.

I was startled for a bit, but immediately answered.

"Oh no, no, it's great, but don't I think I should move too much,"

"That make sense," Issei thankfully agreed.

The three of was about to go to our classes, when I was stopped by long haired girl with glasses.

She looks familiar.

"Matsuda, could kindly go to the student council office," the bespectacled girl said

Huh? What did I do this time?

"Ummmm- For what exactly? Miss- who are you again?" I blurted out in confusion.

The girl face got ugly for some reason.

"Dude that's the vice presidency of the council! How can you fucking forget!" Motohama whispered in urgency.

Ah rigggght! Queen of Sona's peerage. I honestly forgotten, it's been so long since I watch dxd, what was my age back then? 15? Damn I'm getting old.

"Ah right! Sorry I just woke up, so my mind is still in a daze," I tried to apologize.

But the girl(I still don't remember her name) only sigh.

"Just follow me Matsuda," the girl ordered.

I turned back to the two, and whispered.

"Just go."

The two listened and immediately go.

At least their smart.

The girl just stared at me as we walk. I wonder why?


The council office is pretty nice. It's well organize and cleaned, there's also ac in here, just how rich is this school?

The people here is all female. But, I remembered a guy would join sometime in the canon. What was his name? I have still have no idea.

I'm current sitting opposite to Sona. The glass wearing girl was currently organizing the chess pieces in the table.

Huh I guess we're playing.

"Matsuda-kun I heard that you pass out in the hallway," Sona started the conversation.

"I guess I did," I said

Sona stared at me. Done with arranging the chess pieces.

"Hmm. So it's true. Do you know the reason?"

"The nurse said it was a headache that cause it."

The room went silent for a while. With Sona just staring at me.

I, being the awkward mf I am, begun to sweat.

"There's no need to be nervous Matsuda-kun," the girl says.

So why am I here then?

The girl seeing my confusion. Open her mouth.

"I called you here because I wanted you to play a game of chess with me." Sona said.

"That's it?" the girl nodded.

I scratch the back of my head and said.

"Will sorry Sona-chan, I don't know how to play chess." I stated.

Sona only grin.

"Matsuda-kun there's no need to worry, I'll teach as we play, so just listen carefully." Sona adjusted his glasses.

Okay, this is getting bizarre, what does she want with me? I didn't do anything outside of character right.

Wait, did she sense my power? That must be it. But how? Last time I checked I didn't use it once after taking over Matsuda body.

Well she's a devil, a pure one at that, but, goddamn it's only been a while since I got here.

Her spidey-sense must be good as fuck.

I jokingly thought, trying dispel my growing anxiety.

"Fine, I did warn you, so no insulting okay."

"Of course," Sona smiled at my agreement, "that will be unprofessional of me."

-5 minutes later-

I lose.

Not a surprise, it's been so long since I chess board after all. She did teach me but I was too nervous that the information didn't registered in my brain.

I look at Sona putting the all chess pieces at he box.

"Sooooo, what now president? " I jokingly said.

Sona adjusted her glasses.

"Well, I now know that will not play together anytime soon," yeah, where's that not being unprofessional you said earlier?

"But, you're free to go Matsuda-kun."

I stand up to leave, but was stopped by Sona.

"Before you leave Matsuda-kun, You can report to me or my members if anything strange is happening to you."

Yeah right thanks for the "help" we both know that you're trying to extract information from me.

"Thanks! Sona-chan," I said before leaving.

-Sona's pov-

"Well, that was interesting," I watched the boy leave.

"President, what was exactly the point of bringing that pervert here?" my queen Tsubaki questioned.

"Did you not feel it Tsubaki?" I said?

Tsubaki look at me confused

"No, president."

"I don't know what happened, but when I was playing with him I feel an intense heat coming off from him,"

Tsubaki was confused, she didn't feel anything.

"Do you think he has sacred-gear president?" Tsubaki questioned.

That heat was something else. Is not demonic nor holy. It's like the heat from the sun itself, raging and uncontrollable.

"Is it a sacred gear? President"

"Maybe Tsubaki, but I honestly don't know. What I do know is, that his dangerous if we don't watch him." I paused, "I want you to watch his every action, and report any strange behavior, understood."

Tsubaki nodded.

Now all I need to do is not let Rias take him first.
