
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs


It was a cold and rainy evening in London when Elros set down, not to different from how it usually felt it seemed. Due to the eight hour time difference between Japan and London, it took him some time to find a place to land, especially with how busy this city was. Quickly buying an umbrella from a small shop, he set down to look for the one place he was sure to find his mark. Walking down Oxford Street, he saw the people going about their business - men in suits going to and from work, while women in dresses did the same; tourists going in and out of the hundreds of shops that lined the street; and the tight and narrow streets, indicative of the sprawling city.

Elros was simply one of the half a million people walking down Europe's busiest shopping street, trying not to bump into people left and right. As he looked around, he finally let out a relieved breath as he saw his destination.

Closing the umbrella and opening the door, he walked into the 100 Club, at 100 Oxford Street, a legendary music venue. From the Sex Pistols to The Clash, the 100 Club was notable for its history of playing punk music, hosting the 100 Club Punk Special long before Elros was born. As he walked in, he heard the sound of a smooth jazz band. His eyes scanned the bar, looking for the one person he knew would be here. They first fell on the bartender, a beautiful ginger with reddish-orange hair that fell to her shoulders. There were several patrons, but one caught his eye; a man with short blond hair that was smoking a cigarette, the only constant love in his life. He had a handsome face with a bit of blond stubble. He was wearing a white dress shirt tucked into his black slacks, a cream-yellow trench coat that he never got rid of, and a blood red tie around his neck. He approached the man, who had a couple of empty seats on either side.

"I thought that I'd find you here," Elros said with a chuckle as he took a seat for himself, flashing a charming smile to the bartender who returned it.

"Can I get you anything?" she asked, leaning over the bar.

"Not today, I'm afraid. Here for this prick, unfortunately," Elros said as he pointed to the man who downed his drink before turning to Elros.

"Elros Eärendil! Good to see ya, mate. What brings you hereabouts?" the man asked as he drunkenly slung his arm around Elros's neck. Elros winced slightly as the strong smell of alcohol hit him, like a slap to the face.

"A few things. Chiefly, I need a favor," Elros said in a quiet tone.

"Oh yeah, mate? What is it?" the man asked as he coughed a bit into his arm and shook his head vigorously, as though trying to shake off his drunkenness.

"Well, I need a place to train," Elros said, emphasizing the last word. The man smiled as he understood the meaning.

"Oh yeah? How long you need?" the man asked.

"A couple weeks in a couple of days," Elros replied.

"Well, you know I can do that for you mate. Ta love," the man said as he paid for his drink. Elros, however, gave the money back to him as he did the honors himself.

"Run a tab for him. I'll close it out every week. Would that work?" Elros asked the bartender who sighed.

"You sure you wanna do that, sweetheart? This lob drinks like the devils on his tail," she said, glaring at the man who just shrugged in response.

"You've no idea," Elros chuckled but nodded in affirmation.

"Alright then, no problem," the bartender said as Elros took his leave with the man. As they stepped into the rain, Elros drew his umbrella and held it over both of them. The street was still bustling, despite the downpour.

"You din't have to do that, mate," the man said as he took another long draw, the cold finally hitting him. His teeth began to chatter relentlessly as peoples steps soon drenched his legs with puddle water.

"What're friends for? Besides, you're the only person I know who isn't liable to kill himself with the stuff. Besides, I get the feeling I'm going to be coming to you for a lot more favors sooner rather than later, so I might as well butter you up now and save myself the trouble," Elros said as they began walking, doing their best to avoid the crowds.

"You realize that you're the only person that can get away with saying that kind of shite to people?" the man asked with a chuckle as he flicked his cigarette, drawing another one. He patted his pockets, looking for a lighter or matches but was unable to find them.

"You know better than most that my charm is infinite. I'm extremely lovable," Elros replied as he drew a lighter from his own pocket and lit the smoke, giving the lighter a flourish before he put it back in his pocket.

"Yeah, yeah. Get that from your mum, no doubt. I figured you were gonna make a pass at that sweetheart back at the bar for sure," the man said.

"Well, only thing I got from dear old dad was beatings so I suppose there wasn't much else to go on. And not today, unfortunately. Besides, if I shacked up with her, who'd take care of you?" Elros said with a sigh.

"Heh. Anyways, I hear tell this new story from the other day. Some freaky green light high over in Japan," the man said.

"Oh yeah? That was me," Elros said with a laugh.

"You're not usually that dumb, unless you were trying to get with some bird. What's the deal?" the man asked.

"I'll tell you in detail once we get to your place. Something tells me you want to be completely attentive to this story in particular, John" Elros said. John raised an eyebrow as he took the lead, taking Elros back to his house.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention something. Z's been wanting to talk to you, mate," John said, remembering to give Elros that message before he blacked out drunk or similar.

"Oh yeah? She's got my number, I think. Why didn't she just call me?" Elros asked quizzically.

"Well, it's not like you're always in reception, mate. All she told me is she wants to talk to you. Drop by her place next time you're in San Francisco, alright? Otherwise, it's my arse," John said.

"Mmm, yeah alright, will do. Think it's only been like three or four weeks since I saw her last," Elros recalled.

"Three or four, huh? Jeez, tell me you wrapped it," John commented with a sigh as he rubbed his brow. His friend was always getting into trouble with the fairer sex for one reason or another, it seemed.

"Of course I did. I always play it safe. What do you take me for?" Elros said haughtily. He almost bumped into John, who had quickly stopped. He turned around and looked at Elros with a deadpan gaze.

"Uh-huh," he mumbled.

"Fine, I mostly play it safe. I know I did it that time, at least. Get off my case," Elros complained. With a snicker, John turned around and led him the rest of the way, silently smoking and at peace while Elros looked around the city.


The next day, the peerage had assembled in the ORC at lunch. Kiba was reading a book, while Issei and Asia were talking with each other. Xenovia stood off to the side, observing her club mates as she usually did; while Akeno and Rias were speaking with each about various topics. Gasper and Koneko sat with their backs against each other - Gasper playing video games and Koneko eating a candy bar. Everyone was surprised to see that Gasper was now spending so much time in the living area of the ORC, as opposed to his own room.

"Gasper, how come you're not in your room?" Issei asked. He was the most intrigued by the change in Gaspers behavior.

"Huh?" Gasper asked innocently as he broke away from his game to look at him.

"I asked why you're not in your room. You don't usually spend much time here," Issei repeated.

"Hmm… I dunno! I like here now, though!" Gasper said happily. Rias and Akeno looked at each knowingly and smiled. They could sense Elros's influence permeating the ORC, even when he was away.

"Where's Elros?" Xenovia asked.

"I gave him leave to take today and tomorrow off. He's going to be training - learning to use his Demonic Powers and his wings," Rias said.

"I wonder what his are gonna be like. Demonic Powers take on a form that's different from person to person, right?" Kiba asked, eyes still glued to the book.

"Yes, that's correct. They're based off of imagination, which means that they're usually in line with a persons personality - Issei and his Dress Break for example. Elros's case is unique, I believe, because his powers already use imagination so much. I'm quite curious as well. More importantly, though, his going off to train reminded me that we all need to begin training again as well. We'll have several Rating Games ahead of us during the summer and I want you all to be in shape and focused when we do," Rias said, her voice suddenly stern as her eyes washed over everyone.

"How about setting up an unsanctioned game with Sona's peerage? They might have a bit more experience than us, but I think it'll be a great learning experience for both," Akeno suggested.

"Yes, I've had that idea as well. I'll meet with Sona later today to discuss it with her. But if not that, I'm hoping we can still set up a training session together. Perhaps some sparring," Rias said.

"Are the official games any different from the one we had with Riser?" Asia asked.

"Only the environment. The fight itself will remain the same. The differences are that we'll be judged on our performance, which will resonate with the rest of the Devils as well as allow you guys to improve your own rankings. The audience will be significantly larger, as well. The Rating Games are to us what football is to the United States," Rias said.

"So if we do well, that means more babes, right?" Issei asked, his eyes wide in excitement.

"Yes, Issei, that's exactly what it means. So remember to do well," Rias said with a giggle.

"You can count on me, madame president!" Issei saluted.

"One more order of business before you guys go. Friday night is the full moon. You know what that means?" Rias asked.

"Hmmm?" Issei wondered, scrounging his face as did so. However, nothing came to him.

"Oh! That's when Devils are eligible to get a familiar, correct?" Xenovia asked excitedly.

"That's right. Xenovia, Issei - you two and Elros are going to be the ones who will be competing to get a familiar this time around. Sona's Peerage will have to compete as well, so we're trying to figure out the best way to settle it. I'm thinking a small match between you three and whoever on her peerage is up next," Rias said with a devilish smile.

"I'm game!" Issei said giddily.

"As am I. This should be fun," Xenovia said with a small smile.

"But wait! Elros just joined! How is he already eligible?" Issei asked.

"He brought in a contract worth $55 million," Rias said, remembering the painting.

"$55 million?!" Issei asked in shock.

"That's impressive. What was the contract?" Xenovia asked.

"It was with Azazel. The reward was a Picasso," Rias said.

"He never gave me something that awesome!" Issei whined. Rias shrugged in response.

As the lunch period ended, everyone but Akeno and Rias had exited (except Gasper, who went to his room).

"What's wrong, Rias?" Akeno asked as Issei, the last, had left and closed the door.

"What do you mean?" Rias asked, slightly stiff.

"You can't fool me. You've been tense the whole day. What's the matter?" Akeno asked as she sat down in the seat in front of Rias's desk. Rias looked at her best friend with a slightly sour smile.

"Riser," she sighed.

"What now?" Akeno asked dangerously. She wasn't fond of Rias's ex-fiancé. Both Riser and his younger sister were fond of looking down on low-class Devils as well as Reincarnated Devils. Issei was a particular for Ravel Phoenix, Riser's sister. Their peerage was little different in attitude, although Akeno was sure that was only so they wouldn't draw Riser's ire.

"He's been threatening to sink the deal my father had with his unless I agree to marry him. The only way he'd back off is if we accepted an official duel or Rating Game," Rias said.

"Issei already beat him in a duel!" Akeno said angrily.

"I know. But he claimed that because it wasn't official, it shouldn't count. He wants it all on record," Rias said.

"But Sirze-," Akeno began but stopped as Rias shook her head.

"Just because he made the fight happen doesn't make it official. The terms and conditions have to be accepted and bets placed before hand. Plus, it was all off record anyways," Rias said.

"So now what? Are we going to fight him in a Rating Game again? Last time…," Akeno trailed off as she bit her lip, remembering their loss.

"No. Elros is going to fight him in a duel," Rias said.

"What?" Akeno asked in surprise.

"I told him about it yesterday when we met. And he asked to fight him," Rias said as she rubbed her temples.

"Seriously?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah," Rias replied.

"Did you tell him about Riser's powers?" Akeno asked.

"I did. He said 'I just will, Rias. That's all there is to it,'" Rias replied.

"He does understand the whole concept of immortality, doesn't he?" Akeno asked.

"I'm sure he does. But… I agreed to it. I don't think a Rating Game would be the same, and I'm certain that Riser will account for Issei's powers and Holy Weapons. Elros is the only one he doesn't know about, and he's pretty strong in his own right," Rias said.

"I guess…" Akeno said.

"Still, I'm worried," Rias said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Seeing her friend in such a state, Akeno went over and embraced her. Thankful, Rias put her arms around her as well.

"It'll be alright," Akeno said comfortingly. Rias simply exhaled in response before nodding. Side by side, they left the ORC and went to their class, both of their minds on the impending fight.


"When was the last time I was here? Maybe a month and a half ago?" Elros asked as he looked at the house with a smile.

"Around that. She's missed you, mate," John said with a chuckle.

"Still as beautiful," Elros said softly as he admired it. The house in question was situated outside of London, in one of the many fields and farms surrounding it. A fog surrounded the house at all times, mostly shielding it from prying eyes. It was an unnecessary precaution, Elros thought, as there were no neighbors to speak of. The house was surrounded by a large metal fence, with a prominent gate standing sentinel dead center to the door. There were two gargoyles perched high above two stone pillars that stood on either side of the gate. Opening it, John and Elros began walking down the muddy path that led to the entrance.

The house stood four stories high, with little symmetry to speak of. It had a multitude of windows which offered close to nothing because they were so dark and tinted. It had several small ledges as you went up each story, and on the top there stood a parapet with small spikes sticking out of it. Elros noted a couple of windows are the ground floor were boarded up; but what he found most interesting was the color.

"Really? Beige?" Elros asked.

"Eh, what can I say? Didn't want to go with a cabin this around. Thought we'd spice things up a bit," John replied.

"You didn't want a castle or a chateau or something?" Elros asked.

"Do I look like some kind of wanker to you? Besides, this is much less conspicuous," John said.

"Oh yeah. Really secretive," Elros deadpanned, hiking a thumb to one of the gargoyles which had suddenly shifted its position. As John opened the front door, Elros took a large whiff of the smell inside. To him, it was a sweet scent; chocolate mixed in with a tantalizing fragrance.

"Chocolate again, eh?" John asked.

"Yup. Alcohol and cigarette smoke for you, I assume?" Elros asked, knowing full well the answer.

"You know me to well, mate," John said as he led Elros to a living room. Looking around, Elros smiled slightly. One notable thing about the house was that there were doors upon doors upon doors. Whenever he came here, it felt as though there was yet another leading elsewhere. As they entered the living room, both took a seat across from each other on the red couches that were situated there, a center coffee table between them. Resting their legs on the table, both let out a deep exhale in perfect sync.

"So, what's the deal mate? What's this story?" John asked as he brought out another cigarette, allowing Elros to light it yet again.

"Remember Nergal?" Elros asked.

"You know full well I do," John said as he drew a long smoke.

"Let's see. You're used to that kind of bullshit - Devils, demons, the like, right?" Elros asked.

"Yup," John quipped.

"I had just finished a mission and was heading back to Earth, when I assume something happened. Probably involving a Yellow Lantern, considering that's all I remember are flashes of yellow. Anyways, that happened and I ended up passing out, but my trajectory was still fine and I crash landed over in Japan. Woke up with my head in the lap of one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen," Elros said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in… skip the sex, get to the point," John said, waving his comment off.

"Fine, fine. Anyway, these people save me and we get to talking. Take a guess at what I found out," Elros said.

"What?" John asked, eyebrow raised.

"They're Devils John. Devils! Reincarnated Devils, but they're still people as well!" Elros said.

"No shit?" John asked, intrigued as he leaned forward.

"Nope. Wings, powers, the whole nine yards. Not at all like Nergal, though. They're good people from what I've seen. Mostly keep to themselves in this small town in Japan, although I assume there's more places like that. The group that saved me just attend high school like regular kids," Elros said.

"High school?" John asked, flabbergasted.

"Yup," Elros said.

"You're glossing a lot of stuff, mate. Start at the top and go from there. I need to know everything," John said as he leaned back.

"Well…," Elros began.


After he had explained the whole thing, John looked at him with his mouth agape.

"You're a Reincarnated Devil now?" he asked, shocked.

"Indeed I am. Can't you tell? That aura of sex and deviancy, just radiating off me," Elros said with a grin.

"Wasted on you, mate. You're already a prick," John said with a laugh as he recovered a bit.

"So, what do you think?" Elros asked, turning serious.

"You never think of the consequences, do you mate?" John asked.

"You know me. Might as well enjoy this life I've got," Elros said.

"Huh. Rias Gremory, eh? Never heard of her, or of any Gremory Family. I suppose if they're from another Circle, it ain't surprising. Anyways, it's cool with me mate. Suppose I should've figured it'd be something like this with you. Curious, though, you mind if I examine you? I want to see if there's been any other changes to your physiology," John said with a keen interest.

"Yeah, that's alright with me," Elros shrugged.

"Alright, we'll get that done. But what about this training you asked for? A few weeks in a few days, you say?" John asked.

"Yup. Think she can make it happen?" Elros asked as he looked around the house with a small smile.

"You're wounding her. Of course she can. Love?" John shouted to the house.

Suddenly, a rumbling began. Elros closed his eyes and relaxed himself as he let it shake him this way and that, going with the motions he had felt so often before. The house was shifting upon itself, creating the right room for him. A few minutes later, it stopped. When Elros opened his eyes and looked to his right, he saw a new door had appeared.

"Go ahead, mate. I'll get the preparations ready on my end and examine you after you finish your training," John said.

"Sure you don't need a control?" Elros asked.

"This isn't the scientific method, Elros," John replied with a chuckle.

"Thanks, John," Elros said as he got up. Opening the door, a bright white light began to shine on him. He winced before slowly turning to face it, allowing his eyes time to acclimate. With a deep breath, he stepped forward.


As Akeno was about to sleep the following night, she got a text from Rias.

'Is he back yet? He said he'd be back tonight,' Rias asked.

'Nope, not yet. Probably lost track of time. You've seen how he gets when he sees something that he thinks is cool or exciting,' Akeno replied.

'I guess. Keep me posted,' she replied.

'Will do. Good night,' Akeno replied before getting to bed. Looking over at the empty side of the bed, she sighed in disappointment. She had quickly gotten used to her new pillow.


The following morning, Akeno quickly met Rias and the others on the way to school.

"He's still not back?" Issei asked in surprise as he looked for a sign of the newest Devil.

"Doesn't look like it. He's probably still training," Akeno replied.

"I wonder what his powers gonna be? We already have the Dress Break… what about the Magic Touch?! We'd be the perfect combo!" Issei suggested excitedly.

"Only you would have such a thought," said a new voice suddenly. Their heads whipped back quickly, causing a few of them to rub their necks in slight discomfort.

"Vali," Issei said, eyes narrowed. In front of them stood a handsome young man with silver hair and blue eyes. He wore a green t shirt with a deep plunge and a high collar black leather jacket. He was also wearing black leather jeans with a burgundy pelvic region, as well as a silver chain that hung down his left side. On his right calf were three bands and on his feet, black shoes. Vali radiated power as he stood in front of them, putting a few of the younger Devils on edge.

"Issei," Vali replied, acknowledging his rival.

"What're you doing here?" Issei demanded, pointing at him.

"Relax, I'm not here to fight you just yet. I simply wanted to see your newest addition," Vali replied.

"And why is that?" Rias asked.

"Azazel couldn't stop gushing about him. I suppose I expected to much. Seems like he's slacking off if he's not here by now," Vali said, looking around.

"He's been training. What's your interest in him?" Rias asked.

"Just interested in getting acquainted," Vali said.

"And so am I," entered a new voice. As the others looked to the tree line on their left, they saw a beautiful woman emerge. With long, flowing black hair and bright yellow eyes, she was a sight to behold - easily as much as Rias and Akeno. She wore a stunning black kimono that had a red lining and interior, as well as a yellow sash around her waist that ended in large, yellow beads. Cut off around the shoulders, the kimono exposed an ample amount of cleavage, eagerly drawing Issei attention. Her attention in Elros drew the narrowed eyes of Rias, Xenovia, and Akeno.

"Hello, Kuroka," Koneko suddenly said, greeting the new arrival.

"You know her, Koneko?" Issei asked in surprise.

"Hey, little sis. I hear the new guys cute," Kuroka purred in response.

"What about me?!" Issei asked, indignant.

"When you say you're interested in getting to know him - you mean fight him, don't you?" Rias asked, turning her attention to Vali.

"Same thing, really," Vali shrugged.

"Your rivalries with me, remember!" Issei pointed out.

"I'm well aware. Regardless, if I feel there's someone out there that can beat me, I will seek them out. This Elros seems to be fairly powerful, if what Azazel said about him true - which I, personally, remain unconvinced of. Regardless, if what Azazel said about his… associations… is true, then I'm confident he's worthy of some merit at least," Vali said.

"What do you mean 'associations'?" Rias asked.

"They're best left unnamed, for the most part," Vali said offhandedly. Rias smiled as she caught the hidden tone.

"No. You mean you're afraid to name them, right?" she asked. She smiled wider as she saw him shift uncomfortably.

"Wait! You mean there's someone you're afraid of?! If you wanna fight so bad, just fight them!" Issei said frantically.

"As much as he claims he wants a fight that'll make him claw for his life, I don't think Vali actually wants to die," Rias answered. Vali didn't confirm nor deny.

"Whatever. I just tagged along so I could see who he was. If he's not here I'm gonna head back, Vali," Kuroka said, turning to go into the trees.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Pardon my lateness," came Elros's voice suddenly. Everyone looked in the direction Kuroka was facing and a moment later, they saw him emerge, dressed for school. Rias and Akeno glanced at each other before they brushed past Kuroka to talk to him.

"Are you ok?" Rias asked.

"I'm fine, Rias, Akeno. Bit sore, but nothing egregious. Forgive me for being a bit late. Lost track of time," Elros sighed. They nodded as he turned his head to look at Vali and Kuroka. Noting Vali, he stepped forward to shake his hand.

"A pleasure. Elros Eärendil," Elros said. Vali grasped his hand and shook it, taking in his figure. Elros stood a few inches taller than Vali, as well as a bit broader. After that, Elros turned to Kuroka, who had a wide and wild smile on her lips as she looked him up and down.

"Elros Eärendil," Elros said, smiling at her. She held her hand out, fingers pointing down, wondering if Elros would get the message. Elros took it and gently brushed his lips against it. Akeno, Rias, and Xenovia narrowed their eyes at that but didn't say anything as Kuroka giggled.

"My, aren't you sweet and handsome?" she asked seductively as she drew a bit closer to him, looking up as he towered over her. She run a finger across his chest, smirking at the indignant reaction she drew from the other girls.

"Two of my finest qualities; possibly even my only ones. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss," Elros said, still holding on to her hand. He surreptitiously caressed it with his thumb. As Kuroka felt that, she felt a slight blush creep on her cheeks but soon hid it.

"Please, call me Kuroka," she replied.

"Kuroka," Elros repeated.

"That's right. I'm Koneko's older sister," Kuroka said as she nodded her head towards Koneko. As he looked at the young Devil, he noticed the tint of sadness in the air around her.

"I see. I didn't know," Elros said, his voice suddenly getting colder. Rias and Akeno noted his hand clenching. The motion didn't go unnoticed by Kuroka either, whose smile fell slightly as she stepped back a bit. Before things got out of hand, Vali stepped in.

"Elros. The reason I wanted to see you was because I wanted to challenge you," Vali said.

"Why?" Elros asked, his cold stare turning to Vali as he analyzed the Devil, finally letting go of Kuroka's hand. There was no doubt that he was strong, Elros thought. Vali appeared to be the exact opposite of Issei; cocksure in his powers, radiating authority, and serious to a fault.

"I've heard about your prowess. I wanted to see it for myself," Vali replied.

"Rias?" Elros asked, looking to his new master.

"Not here. Not now. We're all going to be going to Hell during the summer. Fight then if you must," Rias said, slightly exasperated as the testosterone flew around.

"That's fine with me," Elros said.

"Very well. I'll see you then," Vali said, deciding not to press the point for now. Elros's eyes turned back to Kuroka, who gave him a searching look. She bit her lip slightly, trying to figure the new arrival out. After a moment, Vali grew impatient.

"Kuroka," he said sternly, snapping her out of her funk.

"Yeah. Coming. It was good to see you again, sis. You as well, Elros. I hope we meet again soon," she said, not taking her eyes of him.

"I assure you that the pleasure was all mine, Kuroka," Elros said as he finally relaxed. Smiling a bit more at that, she turned and followed Vali into a magic circle, disappearing into another place.

After the encounter, the group continued to walk towards school. Koneko stood by Elros's side and patted her head in expectation. Giving her a gentle smile, Elros began petting her. She rested her head against his side as she felt the sensation, finally smiling again.

"I wanted to let you guys know that we're going to be having a training session after school today. Sona and her peerage might be joining as well, but even if they don't, be at the track by 5pm," Rias said as they were all about to split up and go to class.

"At last. We've been slacking off to much recently," Xenovia sighed.

"I say we deserve to slack off a bit!" Issei countered, but was quickly silenced with a glare from Xenovia. He, Asia, and Xenovia broke from the group to head to their classes while Kiba went to his, leaving Rias, Elros, Akeno and Koneko still walking.

"Koneko, shouldn't you get going as well?" Akeno asked kindly.

"Elros, can you walk me to my class?" Koneko asked.

"But of course, m'lady," Elros said dramatically. Rias and Akeno sighed and watched the adorable scene unfold as they followed in tow; if they let Elros try to walk back to their classroom, there's no doubt he'd end up lost again. They soon arrived at Koneko's classroom and with a hug for Elros, she quickly stepped inside.

"So how was your training? Did you learn something new?" Rias asked, her voice a bit eager as they continued walking.

"Got my ass kicked every which way, but I managed to pick up a few things. Still feeling a bit sore, though," Elros grumbled as he stretched a bit.

"What exactly did you do?" Akeno asked as she put a comforting hand on his back and rubbed it. As she did so, she thought she felt a new scar, but opted not to say anything.

"Learned how to use my wings and went a bit wild with my Demonic Powers. I don't think I'll be using them against Riser, but it's a good fallback. I still need to work on getting them under control and targeting them. They are, in one word, fucking badass," Elros said happily.

"That's two words," Akeno said.

"Fine, two words then," Elros sighed, drawing a giggle from her.

"It's impressive that you're already able to use them in a couple of days. It was a while before Issei could use his Boosted Gear at will," Rias stated.

"And it takes plenty of Devils several years to learn to control their powers. Hell, we're all still learning," Akeno said.

"Do you want to demonstrate for us? We might be able to help you further," Rias suggested.

"Na, it's fine. I prefer to handle these things myself for the most part. Just find it easier to concentrate," Elros replied.

"Have you come up with a strategy for Riser?" Rias asked.

"I have indeed. I think it's going to be a fun fight, actually. When can I meet him?" he asked.

"Likely during the weekend. You're meeting with my father on Friday, and he'll likely fill you in on more of the details," Rias said.

"Perfect," Elros said.

"I also wanted to let you know that this Friday night is a full moon. You, Issei, and Xenovia are going to be competing for your familiars," Rias said.

"What are those?" Elros asked quizzically.

"A familiar is a monster or other supernatural being that are magically bound to Devils as servants or allies. Almost all Devils have one and they can do anything from gather information to relay messages to perform jobs like handing out contracts. You can have more than one, but out of all of us, Akeno is the only one that does," Rias said.

"Akeno's also a fucking badass, just like yours truly," Elros grinned as he wrapped his arm around her. Noticing Rias pouting a bit, he chuckled as he put his other arm around her.

"Don't worry, you're a fucking badass as well," he said. Rias smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"So can I get more than one familiar at a time? Like Friday night, can I get two or three or whatever?" Elros asked.

"You can try, but it's extremely rare," Rias said.

"How many do you have, Akeno?" Elros asked.

"Six," she said with a smile.

"Nice," Elros said giddily as he thought about what his familiar might be.


It was after school and the peerage was assembled on the track wearing their gym clothes. Issei was staring lustily at Xenovia, Rias, and Akeno who were stretching while Elros noticed that several men and women were hanging around a fence as well; the men focused exclusively on the three beauties while the women flitted their eyes between Kiba and Elros. Issei couldn't help but whine slightly as he heard some of them complain about his perverted antics.

"Hi Elros!" cried out a small voice, making everyone turn. Aya was one of the few in attendance, waving at him.

"Hello, Aya. How are you?" Elros asked as he jogged over.

"Pretty good. How about you?" Aya replied.

"Can't complain. Just about to get a workout in with my clubmates. A pleasure seeing you ladies as well," Elros said, smiling at the gaggle around Aya as he leaned on the fence separating them.

"Hi. I'm Katase," replied a girl with salmon colored hair that went down to her shoulders and a white headband keeping it in place. She wore the school uniform like the others and Elros noted that he had seen her around with Murayama quite a bit before.

"A pleasure, Katase. Elros," he said as he shook her hand.

"This is Abe," Aya said as she pointed to a girl standing next to her. She was a beautiful girl with long, flowing brown hair and sizable breasts. As opposed to the school uniform, however, she wore a tennis uniform and wielded a racket in her hands. She looked at Elros and unlike the others, she seemed to be slightly apprehensive of him.

"Hi there. I'm Elros," he said happily.

"Nice to meet you," she responded.

"You're on the tennis team?" Elros asked.

"Yes. I'm the captain of the team," she replied.

"That's awesome. But what are you doing here?" Elros asked.

"Aya dragged me," Abe replied with a sigh.

"Oh?" Elros asked, turning to Aya who blushed.

"Anyways, I just wanted to say hi! We have to get to practicing as well. Maybe you'd like to sit in some time?" Aya asked hopefully.

"I would love that. I've never tried kendo, but I know my way around a sword so I think I should do alright," Elros thought.

"Have you ever tried tennis? Maybe Abe could give you some pointers?" Katase suggested. As she did so, Abe went red.

"I've actually never even held a tennis racket. Wait…. wait. No, I did one time. I hit a ball and accidentally busted someones mirror. Never again after that," Elros lamented, drawing laughter and giggles from the girls assembled around him.

"Abe? What do you think?" Katase asked.

"Very well. Some other time, then," she said with a sigh.

"Elros!" Rias called out, hands on her hips as she watched him.

"Pardon me, ladies. Until next time," Elros said with a dramatic bow before jogging back.

"Did you have fun?" Akeno asked as he rejoined them.

"I did indeed. Looks like I'll be getting kendo and tennis lessons in the future," Elros replied as he swung his arms back and forth, clapping them with each 180.

"Any interests in the actual sport or just the girls?" Akeno asked with a smirk.

"Why not both?" Elros shrugged.

"Be careful. You should hear some of the guys talk about you," Akeno said as she nodded her head to the group of gentlemen not far off who were looking at Elros scathingly. Elros looked at then quizzically, only to see them recoil at his glance.

"Jeez. Looks like they hate me already. Barely been here anytime at all," Elros grumbled.

"That's what you get for being so popular with the ladies," Akeno said, her voice mock-testy.

"But even the girls love you and Rias! No one has a bad word to say. I mean seriously, pretty sure even the straight ones wouldn't mind dabbling with you two," Elros replied.

"Mmmm, yeah. But Rias and I are us," Akeno winked.

"Got that right," Elros said as he slung his arm around her waist, bringing her close. He laughed as he heard the small groans of displeasure from the guys at the fence.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" Akeno asked as she put her arm around him in response and looked over to the men who slowly began to sulk away.

"Na, that's just an extra benefit. I'm doing this because I like being so close to you," Elros said, changing his tone slightly as he leaned in, lips at her ear. He smiled as he saw Akeno blush slightly.

"Yeah, you're definitely worse than Issei. At least he's mostly innocent," she whined.

"You're just saying that because I tease you back," Elros said.

"You're gonna have to stop doing that. It's so not fun to be on the receiving end," Akeno said with a small smile.

"I know, which is why it's going to continue. If I stop, you and Rias are gonna turn it around on me and I can't allow that," Elros said cheerfully.

"Why just Rias and I? Tease Asia or Xenovia or something," Akeno said, a bit louder. She giggled as she saw how red Asia had gotten, while Xenovia remained as stoic as ever.

"Jeez, Xenovia puts Marcus Aurelius to shame," Elros said, impressed by her almost always stoic attitude.

"Are you guys ready to get started?" Rias asked aloud as they all congregated to the same spot.

"Ready!" they replied.

"Alright, we're going to start off with a mile," Rias said.

"Start off with a mile?! A mile is a whole workout!" Issei complained.

"Oh, we'll have plenty more than that," Rias said dangerously. She loved Issei like a little brother, but he was far to lazy for her tastes.

"Aren't Sona and the others going to be joining us? She's always so punctual," Elros said as he looked around for the other peerage.

"They will be, but a bit later on. I believe they're working on something right now. Student Council Business," Rias said.

"We should make this interesting," Elros suggested.

"What are you thinking?" Rias asked.

"Eh, I dunno. Just something, though," Elros shrugged.

"Hmmm… how about we change the rules for Friday night, then? I'll open it up to all of you: whoever wins, gets to choose their familiar this month," Rias said.

"I'm game," Elros said.

"Works for me," Xenovia replied.

"Rias! I need a power up!" Issei whined.

"Not here, not now, Issei," Rias said, surprisingly brusque. Issei sighed in defeat as he and the others lined up to run.

"May the best Devil win," Akeno said sweetly.

"1…2…3…GO!" Rias said.

With a surprising force, Elros was off to the races. The others looked on in surprise as they witnessed his speed.

"He's going to sprint the mile?!" Issei asked as they all began running as well, some at a jog while other a bit faster.

"He's fast," Akeno said as she and Rias kept up with each other in 2nd place, putting some distance between them and the others. They watched Elros go around the first rounded corner, his legs and arms shifting wildly as he kept his rapid pace.

"Seriously. He said that high speed maneuvers weren't his thing when I told him about Knights speed. Is he using his powers?" Rias asked as she watched him go.

"Nope. Don't sense any Demonic Powers and if he was using his ring, he'd be green," Akeno said as he rounded another one.

"Looks like we'll have to work for it," Rias said with a sigh.

"Mmm… you go ahead. I'm gonna keep it nice and easy. Something tells me we won't catch up this time," Akeno said with a laugh.

"Ugghhh… I think you're right," Rias said as she watched Elros run down the straightway.

"So, Rias…," Akeno began.

"Mmm?" Rias answered, her eyes still fixed on Elros.

"You're usually pretty relaxed when Issei wants a power up," Akeno said.

"He doesn't need to feel me up to run a mile," Rias said.

"Yeah, but you never minded much before," Akeno said.

"I… well, why don't you let him touch your breasts, then?" Rias countered.

"He's always had his eyes on you," Akeno said.

"He's had his eyes on every girl he's seen," Rias said.

"True enough," Akeno giggled.

"But what if he needs it during a battle? Are you going to let him?" Akeno asked.

"I…," Rias trailed off as she looked ahead at the track, her lips curving into a frown. She thought about it. For some reason, she suddenly felt uncomfortable at the thought of Issei touching her in such a private area. It seemed odd to her, considering she was always so relaxed about it before. Slowly, her eyes trailed back to Elros.

"Mmm… I get it," Akeno said, following her line of sight. Elros had rounded another corner past the straightaway and was heading towards the beginning of the lap again.

There was no hope of catching him at this point. They fell into an easy conversation, glancing towards him here and there.


Elros was quick to complete his first lap.

"On your left," he said to Issei who was running in pace with Asia and Koneko, both of whom seemed to be struggling a bit.

"I think you can calm down now, Captain America," Issei whined.

"I'm not as beautiful as Chris Evans," Elros quipped as he lapped them. Up ahead, Xenovia and Kiba were both running neck and neck with each other.

"I might not beat Elros, but I'm definitely going to beat you Xenovia," Kiba said as he quickened his pace a bit.

"You can certainly try!" Xenovia replied as she did so as well. However, both of them were soon overtaken by Elros who jutted past them.

"He's quite quick," Xenovia said as she watched him go.

"Yeah. But not everything in life is a sprint," Kiba said.

Elros was soon on Rias and Akeno, both of whom turned to look at him.

"Getting a bit tired?" Rias asked.

"Kidding me? This is nothing," he said with a grin as he went at pace with them for a short while.

"Then why are you slowing down?" Akeno asked.

"I'm offended you don't want my company," Elros whined.

"Oh, stop whining," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Is this how you normally train?" Rias asked.

"I usually make it a bit tougher. Running in hot sand, or at a high elevation, in high gravity, etc. But this is the right way to start, I think. I don't think Issei or Asia would be able to handle something more intense; at least not right now," Elros said.

"Good point," Rias agreed.

"Anyways, catch you later," Elros said as he quickly raced back to a sprint.


Elros came around the lap again, but he noticed that Issei and Koneko were further ahead. Asia, it seemed, was lagging behind a bit as she struggled to keep up. Elros slowed his pace down and pulled up to her side.

"Hi, Asia," he said gently.

"Oh, hello, Elros!" she replied, her face red as sweat trickled down it.

"How are you holding up?" Elros asked.

"I'm… a bit tired," she said, panting.

"Understandable. You're doing great though," he replied.

"Please, don't let me slow you down!" she said to him, smiling.

"Not at all. I like to change my pace," he replied.

"I'm not… as fit as the others," she admitted.

"You're still fit, though. It's alright. You're still young; you have plenty of time to train," he said.

"But how do I train? I don't want to hold the others back," Asia said, her voice a bit more sad.

"I promise you that you won't. Just slowly work on increasing your stamina. That's most important, and running is a great way to do that. I know you'll get there," Elros said.

"How are you so fast?" she asked.

"Lots and lots of training. My jobs very physical, so its important that I keep in tip top shape. Maybe start meditating as well. I find that that helps me keep focused as well as healthy. Keeps my mind off other things," Elros said.

"I'll do that," Asia said. As they ran, Akeno and Rias soon caught up with them.

"Elros, I thought you were going to sprint the mile," Rias said.

"I was talking to Asia here," Elros explained.

"Are you doing ok, Asia?" Akeno asked in concern.

"I'm fine. Elros was keeping me company," she said with a smile.

"You go ahead. We got this," Rias whispered to him. Elros nodded.

"I'm gonna go ahead and finish, Asia. If you want, I'd be happy to help you improve your stamina. I'm sure Rias and Akeno would be happy to join in as well," Elros said.

"Could you?" Asia asked.

"Of course," Elros nodded.

"As can I," Rias and Akeno said, in sync. With that, Elros went back to his sprint, blasting forward.


"Jeez, that guy is fast!" Saji, a member of Sona's peerage, exclaimed. They were walking towards the track in their gym clothes and saw the others running, Elros in the clear front as he rounded another corner and headed towards them.

Saji, a pawn in Sona's peerage, was also the Secretary of the Student Council. He had short blond hair and gray eyes. One of Issei's best friends, the two had a clear rivalry going on. Taking up four pawns on Sona's board, he was very loyal (and some would say in love with) to Sona. His Sacred Gear, Absorption Line, could send out a whip like tendril that could connect to an opponent. The line could do anything from sap and transfer power from the opponent to drain their blood.

Momo Hanakai looked at Elros keenly, paying attention to how his form shifted while running. With white hair and blue-green eyes, she is extremely caring for her teammates. A Bishop and part of the Student Council, she had a powerful ability known as Reverse - she could take a type of magic an opponent was using and give it the opposite effect. Healing Magic, for instance, would do damage.

Reya Kusaka was the second Bishop in Sona's peerage. With long brown hair that ended in two short braids and hazel eyes, she, like Momo, specialized in Reverse.

Tomoe Meguri serves as Sona's Knight. With shoulder length reddish brown hair and brown eyes, she hailed from a family that specialized in destroying evil spirits. Typically in an extremely bubbly mood, she was nonetheless loyal to her master and friends.Like Kiba and Xenovia, she is an expert swordsman.

Tsubasa Yura serves as a Rook in Sona's peerage. With blue, shoulder length hair, Tsubasa was also one of the taller members of the peerage. Like Koneko, she worked best in hand to hand combat; and like Momo and Reya, she was a user of Reverse.

Ruruko Nimura serves as a pawn, alongside Saji - who she has a crush on. A short, petite girl with long twin tails and green eyes, she, like Tomoe, also has a cheerful personality.

"That's Elros Eärendil. The newest Pawn in Rias's peerage," Sona said as she watched him run, a keen look in her eye.

"How many pieces does he take up?" Saji asked.

"One," Sona answered, eyes still glued to his form.

"Sona! Tsubaki! Hey!" Elros waved at them cheerfully. Sona and Tsubaki smiled and waved back as he kept running.

"One piece… how tough can he be?" Saji asked, slightly cocky as Elros passed the corner and went on to his final lap.

"It was a mutated piece," Sona replied.

"You're kidding," Momo said, surprised.

"Not at all," Sona said.

"Is he strong?" Tsubasa asked as she watched Elros, a lustful look in her eye.

"He took out a Stray in 30 seconds, according to Akeno" Sona answered. Tsubasa whistled, impressed by his power.

"He's quite handsome," Momo said, blushing slightly as she said so.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Saji groaned.

"Nothing. But it's true," Reya said with a giggle.

As Sona's peerage slowly made their way to the field in the center of the track, Elros had finally finished his mile and approached them.

"How're you guys doing?" he asked, no trace of having broken a sweat.

"Well, Elros. Yourself?" Sona asked.

"Well as well. Finally started using my Demonic Powers," he said happily.

"How are they coming along?" she asked.

"Pretty solid, if I do say so myself. Still want to get used to them before busting them out on the regular, though," Elros said as he started shaking the others hands and introduced himself.

"You're the guy that fell outta the sky, right?" Saji asked as he gripped Elros's hand.

"Yup, that's me," Elros replied.

"You don't look like an alien," Saji said, unconvinced.

"If you haven't met any aliens before, how would you know what one looked like?" Elros asked.

"… Good point," Saji grumbled.

"Now that you've had a few days to get used to it, how're you liking being a Devil?" Sona asked.

"I'm loving it. But I didn't know that so many beautiful girls were Devils," Elros said as he slung as arms around Sona and Tsubaki and winked at the rest of her peerage.

"I mean seriously, is it a qualification that you have to be this attractive to be a Devil?" he continued.

"It's just us," Sona said, blushing slightly as she gently touched his hand.

"Awww, that's so cute! Sona's blushing!" Tomoe said giddily.

"So is Tsubaki!" Ruruko said, pointing. That didn't help Sona and Tsubaki, who both blushed even deeper.

"That's enough, Ruruko, Tomoe," Sona said sharply, quieting both girls who continued to smile.

"Rias told me that you're going to be fighting Riser. He's quite…," Sona began, looking for the words.

"A fucking tool?" Elros finished.

"Language around the children, Elros," Tsubaki chided.

"Sorry about that. Force of habit, unfortunately," Elros said sheepishly. He was used to swearing quite a bit.

"But yes, a tool. A powerful one, however. And this is going to be different from Issei's fight with him. You'll have quite a large audience and you'll be ranked on how well you do. How the match goes won't just reflect on you; it'll reflect on Rias and her family as well," Sona said, a bit of worry in her voice.

"Just means more people I get to impress," he replied.

"Risers going to be the hands down favorite," Tsubaki added.

"Which give you guys all the more reason to get great odds on me," Elros said.

"Nothing keeps you down, does it?" Sona asked with a small smile as she felt confidence radiate off him.

"I would hope not. It's gonna be a fun fight, I think. But this brings a question to mind, Sona. You're from an old family as well, right? Does that mean you're going to have an arranged marriage as well? Or have?" Elros asked as he scanned her hand for a ring.

"Unfortunately, yes. However, I didn't have to marry him," Sona answered with a smirk while the others giggled.

"What's so funny?" Elros asked quizzically.

"Sona challenged the other guy to a chess match; if he won, she'd marry him otherwise it'd be called off. Sona kicked his ass. She refuses to marry someone who isn't at least as smart as her," Tsubaki said with a smile as she remembered the match; the other man wasn't very happy. Elros laughed loudly at that.

"Aww, well unfortunately I guess I'm out of the running," he said in a mock-dejected tone.

"Why is that?" Sona asked with a blush, as she considered the thought. Would she mind getting married if Elros was to be her husband?

"I'm pretty dumb. Every problem is a nail to me," Elros said.

"I'm sure you have your redeeming qualities," Saji said.

"One would think so, but according to Akeno, I only have two," Elros grumbled.

"I hear my name?" came Akeno's voice. She and Rias had completed their mile and were approaching the group.

"Yeah, I was telling them how I only have two good qualities," Elros repeated.

"Mhm, that's right. Sweet and handsome. But if you have those two, you don't need much more," Akeno replied with a giggle as she pinched his cheek.

"Not if I want to marry Sona. Then I need to be smart as well," Elros said.

"What? Marry Sona?" Rias asked in surprise, making Sona even redder.

"It's nothing. He's just messing around," Sona answered.

"And if I'm not?" Elros whispered in her ear, eliciting a squeak from her. Rias and Akeno looked at each other but soon smiled; seeing Sona in such a manner was quite fun. Eventually, though, Rias shut it down.

"As much fun as it is to see Sona turn different shades of red, we need to get back to training," she said as Asia finished her final lap. Elros sighed but nodded and removed his arms, jogging ahead to meet his club mates who were congregated on the field.

"You're gonna pay for that," Sona grumbled to Rias.

"I look forward to it," Rias replied with a giggle.


"So, what should we have them do?" Rias wondered aloud as she looked at the Devils gathered before her.

"Spar?" Sona asked.

"Mmm… I think so. Let's set up a barrier," Rias replied. She and Sona both held up their hands and suddenly, magic began to come forth like a wellspring. Elros watched excitedly as it began to take shape, becoming a domelike structure that encompassed the track and the field completely, hiding it from prying eyes. Within, he could see the sky as usual, but there was a distinct feeling of a disconnect - as though there was some separation that existed.

"Awesome," Elros whispered as he looked up, wonder on his face.

"You seem excited," Tsubaki said as she smiled at him.

"I love seeing new things," he replied.

"He's adorable when he gets like this," Akeno whispered to Tsubaki who nodded.

"Alright, we're just going to do some light sparring. Break up into teams of two and work on your hand to hand. No powers," Rias announced to everyone. As everyone paired up, however, Elros was left standing alone, looking around.

"Well, this is a predicament," he grumbled to himself.

"You can join Sona and I," Rias suggested.

"It's fine. If you'll allow me to use some of my powers, I can just construct myself a partner," Elros said as he held his ring out slightly.

"I think I'd like to see that," Sona said, intrigued. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Elros. Green light suddenly shot forward in the space in front of him. They all stared in wonder as they saw the light contort itself slightly here and there as it built up. Several seconds later, they saw a green version of Elros standing in front of them, hands at his sides as he looked at the real Elros.

"Awesome, right?" Elros grinned.

"Wow," Sona said as she went over and touched the construct, the light reflecting off her glasses.

"Wow is right," Tsubaki said, doing the same. Everyone soon followed and began feeling the construct here and there, seeing what properties it was made of.

"This is all light?" Akeno asked.

"Yup. A construct of light, imagination, and will," Elros said.

"How exactly do you channel will?" she wondered.

"If only I knew that myself," he replied.

"It looks just like you. Just… green," Asia said, captivated by the sight.

"Yup. When I can't find someone to spar with, I usually just make a construct for myself. I can adjust its power level as needed as well. It's me without the emotions, really," Elros said as he watched his construct.

"It has no emotions?" Rias asked.

"Nope. He's quite a talker sometimes, though," Elros said.

"Why isn't it talking now?" Rias asked.

"He probably doesn't see a reason to," Elros said.

"So it's sentient?" Tsubaki asked with deep interest.

"To some degree. It depends on the user, I guess. I refer to him as 'he' because it's easier for me," Elros said.

"Interesting," she replied. After a few more questions, they finally got down to it.

"Alright, ring. Hand to hand. Don't hold back - at all. Send me flying," Elros whispered to his ring. As he finished, the construct sprang into life. Everyone watched in interest as it threw a punch at Elros. Unfortunately for Elros, putting his hands up to block it wasn't enough. With a sickening crunch, Elros went flying back into the bleachers.

"Elros!" Rias cried out in horror as she rushed over. The frame of the bleachers was bent as Elros lay there, a look of surprise and excitement on his face. He gingerly got up with a small chuckle to himself; his ring followed his order to a T and sent him flying.

"Are you ok?" Rias asked as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out. She looked at his back and saw some signs of blood, but nothing life threatening.

"I'm fine, Rias, don't worry. He just did what I asked him to do," Elros said as he rubbed his head. He grimaced as he saw some blood coming from it.

"I can heal you!" Asia chirped as she hurried forward.

"I'm fine, Asia. But thanks," Elros said as he ruffled her hair with his clean hand. Going back to his construct, he thought he saw the slightest hint of a smile - but chalked it up to a reflection of the light.

"Ok, new orders. Just match my strength and try your best not to kill me," Elros said grin. The construct put its hands up as a boxer would and soon, it and Elros were going at it.

"I swear," Rias grumbled as she and Sona began to spar.

"I know," Sona said as she let out a deep sigh.

"He needs to be more careful," Rias said as she went for a kick, which Sona handily blocked.

"Trying tell him that, though," Sona replied as she turned her block into a grab and sent Rias back. Rias easily landed on both her feet and didn't miss a step as she launched back at her old friend.


"Alright, increase your speed by a small margin. Time to make it hurt a bit," Elros whispered. The construct obeyed and soon, the punches and kicks were coming as a flurry. Elros did well in keeping up, matching each attack with the exact opposite maneuver. However, after enough increases, it was getting harder. He felt the training he had done with Constantine come back to him and felt the stress on his body begin to increase slowly.

'Fuck. I need to keep up with this if I have a chance of beating Phoenix. Doubt he's as fast as my ring, but it doesn't mean he won't have a few tricks up his own sleeve. Probably uses pyrokinesis, so it's going to get hot in there. I might be used to the heat, but… need to be in tip top shape. Hmmm… wonder what the stipulations are gonna be?' Elros thought. His train of thought was quickly interrupted as a kick broke through. Connecting hard with his side, he doubled over in pain for a short moment before getting back up.

"Keep it at this level," he ordered his ring. Over the course of the training, only a few more punches and kicks broke his stride.


"Friday night is the full moon, no?" Sona asked as she and Rias walked around the others, who were still training.

"It is. Elros is going to be going in," Rias replied.

"Saji was hoping that it would be his turn this time," Sona said with a light smile.

"You guys had it last month!" Rias exasperated.

"Yes, but you guys didn't try last month," Sona reminded her.

"We had other things on our mind," Rias said with a sigh. A lot had happened since the school year had started - with Issei, Xenovia, Kokabiel, Riser, and now Elros.

"I know. I suppose we could have them fight it out, but I don't think Saji is ready to take on Elros," Sona said with a worried look at her pawn. Saji and Issei were evenly matched with each other, both of them grinning wildly as they continued their fight.

"It'd be hand on hand, so Elros's powers wouldn't be a factor," Rias offered.

"Yeah, that doesn't imbue me with confidence," Sona deadpanned as she pointed at Elros and his construct. While Elros had easily run the mile at a sprint, this workout was obviously far more strenuous for him. As opposed to taking it easy, he seemed to be doing something every second - with it be a punch, a kick, a block, a takedown, or something else. His construct was easily going with him, move for move - although it was doing so effortlessly. They watched as his shirt became drenched with sweat. As he paused for a moment, they saw a serious look in his eye - more serious than they had seen before. There was little to nothing left of his his happy go lucky attitude that they were so used to; it was as though he had become a different person.

"I don't think I've seen him so serious," Rias observed as she rested her chin on her fist.

"Nor have I. He's usually flirting or laughing," Sona said, intrigued by the change. Looking at each other, they nodded and went over to him. As they pulled up, however, Elros didn't seem to notice them. He just kept going at it and with his construct, not breaking a beat as each continued to unload into the other. After they observed for a few minutes, they moved on to the others.


Finally, the training session had ended and everyone hit the lockers to shower and get changed.

"If you girls feel that there isn't enough space in your locker room, please feel free to use ours," Elros said with a dramatic bow.

"Wow, you're so kind," Rias said, rolling her eyes although she couldn't suppress a smile.

"If I said that, Koneko would've hit me and called me a perv!" Issei whined.

"And if I said that, you've would've punished me, Sona!" Saji said, in agreement.

"And if I… well, I probably wouldn't say it," Kiba said, reconsidering his position.

"What? I said feel free to use ours - as in our showers. I didn't ask them to shower with me. You guys need to get your head out of the gutters," Elros said as he shook his head.

"You can't tell me that wasn't what you were implying!" Issei said.

"Relax, it was a joke. Although, I don't think Asia would hesitate to join you if you offered," Elros said with a chuckle. Eyes turned to the young blonde who blushed a deep red before hurrying into the girls lockers. Issei quickly ran into the boys lockers immediately afterwards, followed by Saji and Kiba - both not keen on being next to be teased.

"That was a bit mean," Rias giggled.

"Yeah, I'll apologize later. But really, Issei needs to make a move already. Dunno why he's waiting so long," Elros said with a sigh.

"You have to let these things move at their own pace," Tsubaki said.

"I suppose. Anyways, time to hit the showers. I'll see you ladies later," Elros said as he followed inside.


Akeno and Elros were back at Akeno's apartment. While Akeno was getting settled in bed, Elros excused himself to the bathroom.

"Ow, ow, ow," he hissed as he took his shirt off. He turned to look at his back, where there were now two more scars. They ran perfectly parallel to each other, just below his tattoo ranging roughly a foot in length. As he touched them, he noted they reacted by glowing a terrifying vantablack. If he didn't know any better, he'd claim it was a bad Photoshop of himself.

"I didn't know that getting your wings was this painful. Didn't look like Akeno or Rias have these things," he said to himself as he turned around. Thankfully, that was the worst of the damage that was done besides a few cuts and bruises from the training that John had helped him through. However, he grinned at himself in the mirror - the Demonic Powers he had gained would definitely come in useful and he couldn't wait to show them off eventually. Although he wasn't planning on using them against Riser, if nothing else worked, they certainly would. Putting his shirt back on, he went into the bedroom where Akeno was sitting, her back against the headboard.

"Are you ok?" she asked worriedly as he crawled into bed, groaning a bit. His construct had given him quite a beating.

"Yeah, thanks for asking. Just beat. My training left me sore and then I got my ass handed to me by my construct. Just a bit tired, now," Elros said.

"Maybe you should take it easy leading up to your fight with Riser?" Akeno said as she began to lay down.

"Can't. Need to be in tip top shape, minus the soreness. Besides, it's nothing I can't handle," Elros said confidently.

"Uh-huh. That's why you're grumbling so much?" Akeno teased.

"You may have… somewhat of a point," Elros conceded.

"A fight with Riser, and now with Vali. Don't tell me you're going to challenge the whole Underworld?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"Ha. No thanks. If Riser wasn't such a colossal d-bag, I wouldn't have to fight him. And Vali… ugh, I'm regretting accepting it already," Elros said.

"Why?" Akeno asked.

"I don't like fighting if it can be avoided. I don't need a boost to my ego, I'm not a battle maniac, and I much prefer a peaceful solution. Guys that fight for the sake of fighting? I just don't get them," Elros answered with a sigh.

"Isn't fighting your job description?" Akeno asked.

"It is, but it's for a reason. I don't do it because I enjoy it or relish it; I do it because I can help make a difference somewhere. I always try to reason and mediate between groups first. If that fails, then I have to bust out the big guns," Elros said.

"What about Riser? Are you gonna try to mediate with him?" Akeno asked.

"It seems like mediation was already tried several times and he refuses to do so. Threatening to sink the deal with his father and Rias's just because he can? No, that's only going to end in a fight. But it has to be done in a way that he'll never threaten Rias again," Elros said.

"Do you have some things in mind?" Akeno asked.

"I do indeed," Elros winked.

"So what about Vali? Going to mediate with him when you see him again?" Akeno asked as she moved closer to him. Elros smiled and began patting her head gently.

"I think I'll try. I should've said no, but I don't know why I didn't," Elros sighed.

"Maybe you want to impress the ladies? I think Kuroka has her eyes on you," Akeno commented.

"She admires my qualities," Elros chuckled.

"And what do you think of her?" Akeno asked.

"She's extremely attractive. I didn't know that she was Koneko's sister, though. They're quite different," Elros said, thinking back to Kuroka. He couldn't deny that on a physical level, she was stunning - easily as gorgeous as Rias and Akeno, who were both in a class of their own.

"Yeah. They have a… troubled relationship," Akeno said sadly.

"Rias told me. I hope it's not to hard on Koneko, seeing her sister," Elros said worriedly.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. It's sweet of you to worry, though," Akeno said.

"I always worry about my friends," Elros whispered to her. She turned up and smiled brightly; she knew he did and it was something she adored about him.

"What is it?" Elros asked as she looked at him.

"Nothing. Let's get some sleep, though. You need some rest," Akeno said as she made herself comfortable.