
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

The New Age

"Damn, it feels good to be back," Elros said several days later. At last, everyone was back on Earth and getting settled in for the final week of class. They were currently enjoying a beautiful spread laid out by Marion and Bürent - serving as a victory breakfast for Elros's win against Bastion, Elizaveta, and Anders as well as a thank you for taking them to see their family.

"There's no place like home, as they say," Marion said as she breathed the scent of the home in. Despite living with the Phoenix's for years, she was never able to call it much of a home - she and Bürent worked to the bone. Living with Elros was different, however. It was a more modern place, something that fit her tastes well. It was a contrasted with the traditional decor her parents had.

But even more than that, it was the first thing that came to her mind when she thought of home, even before her parents place. She was happy here - eating and going to school and having fun with her friends. She smiled as she saw how happy Elros looked as he ate the food that she and Bürent prepared for them. With the Phoenix's, it was always a demand for this or that; they treated them like servants, which she supposed they were. With Elros, they could've not done anything and he would've been just as happy. He made no demands of them, whether for cleaning or food or anything else. However, they were only to happy to put some work in.

"And surrounded by so many beautiful girls! If I wasn't a Devil, I would most certainly believe that I'd died and gone to Heaven! In fact, I can't be sure I haven't!" Elros said excitedly, eliciting a few giggles from everyone gathered.

"I just have one question," Rias said, her smile falling ever so slightly.

"What's up?" Elros asked.

"What is she doing here?" she asked, pointing to Kuroka who was deep in conversation with Yubelluna, sitting at Elros's left. The two had somehow struck up a quick friendship, laughing and giggling with each other since the day before. Kuroka turned to Rias and sighed before smiling at Elros, who was grinning goofily at her. It made her giggle as well; he somehow always knew exactly what to do to elicit a girlish response from her.

"Take it easy, Princess. I'm just here for a little while longer before I leave. I'll be out of your hair in no time," she said, turning back to Rias.

"WHAT?! Stick around, Kuroka! We have the space! Plenty of it!" Elros said, throwing his arms out wide.

"I'd love to, but I need to get back to Vali and the others," Kuroka said, although she was grateful for the offer.

"I see. How's he been?" Elros asked.

"He's… doing better. Your fight really did a number on him," she said, her voice tentative.

"Are you angry with how I treated him?" Elros asked. Kuroka looked him in the eye, trying to discern if there was a hidden meaning - if she said yes, would he tell her to fuck off? If she said no, would he believe her?

"I… don't know, to be honest. I know that Vali's always wanted a strong person to fight against. I guess that I'm not angry, but I am a little upset," Kuroka said. To her surprise, Elros smiled and nodded.

"I understand," he said, leaning back and letting out a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Kuroka asked.

"You told me that he's important to you. He believed you when no one else would. I understand that you care about him and aren't happy that I tore his wings off. Not saying I regret it; but I understand," Elros said.

"You don't regret it at all?" Kuroka asked.

"I'm not sure what his gambit was, but a lot of people could've died that day. A lot of good, innocent people with families of their own. And all for the sake of his ego. I don't regret it one bit," Elros said, his voice harsher. Kuroka flinched as she felt his power flare for a second, something that the others noted as well. They turned to him in worry, notably Akeno and Rias. Elros sighed but nodded before smiling.

"Sorry about that, ladies. Sorry, Kuroka. It's… I don't like it when people put others in danger for no reason. There are few things that piss me off more than that. The casualties were just limited to the Khaos Brigade, but it could've been different. A lot different. And for no good reason. For no reason at all, as far as I'm concerned. Vali's ego isn't my concern nor is it that important," Elros said.

"I understand," Kuroka nodded. Vali had made a stupid mistake, she thought. They were both present as they saw Elros deftly handle the duel against Riser and his peerage - that should've been enough to tip Vali off that getting on Elros's bad side wasn't the best idea. While she didn't see their fight, she could imagine how it turned out. It had been a while since it happened, but he was still recuperating from it - with the blow to his ego the hardest thing to mend.

"I suppose I should thank you for not killing him," Kuroka sighed.

"Thank Rias. It was her call," Elros said. Kuroka and Rias locked eyes but said nothing, just giving each other a short nod.

As they continued their breakfast, Elros pulled out his phone and put on some tunes for the others. He saw the music piqued their interest.

"What song is that?" Yubelluna wondered.

"'Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck)' by Run the Jewels featuring Zack De La Rocha," Elros said as Zack finished the intro and Killer Mike hit the track.


'Fashion slave, you protestin' to get in a fuckin' look book

Everything I scribble's like an anarchist's cookbook

(Look good, posin' in the centerfold of Crook Book)

Black on black on black with the ski mask, that is my crook look

How you like my stylin' bruh? ain't nobody smilin' bruh

'Bout to turn this mothafucka up like Riker's Island, bruh'


"Fucking awesome, am I right or am I right?" he asked with a grin.

"It's… alright, I suppose," Akeno said, continuing to listen. She preferred a much more upbeat song; this one was a bit to cacophonous for her taste.

"Perhaps something a bit less… rough for breakfast, sweetheart?" Rias suggested, although she was carefully listening to the song - anything that would give her some more insight on what Elros liked and didn't like.

"Hmm… Less rough, less rough… Oh! This, then," Elros said as he selected another song.


'In my life, there's been changes

But nothing seems to satisfy me the way you do, no

You make it easy, the way you please me, everytime I'm close to you

All this temptation, I can't see wrong from right

It's a new sensation, you know I'm blinded by the light

(Feels like) I'm walking on holy water

Feels like I'm walking on sacred ground, baby

(Feels like) I'm walking on holy water, everytime (that) you come 'round'


"Hmm, this I like. What song?" Rias asked.

"'Holy Water' by Bad Company. One of my favorite bands. Although Run the Jewels is pretty fucking good. Killer Mike and El P have done a wonderful thing there," Elros said with a grin. A moment later, he was glad that he changed the song. The door swung wide open and a two tiny figures came through.

"Elros!" Gasper shouted happily as he ran in with Koneko. Elros grinned and scooped the little vampire up, resting him on his shoulders. He picked Koneko up as well, giving her a kiss on the forehead. The girls watched, aww'ing and giggling at the adorable scene.

"Hey, little buddy, Koneko. What's up? I'm surprised to see you here!" Elros said.

"We just wanted to see you!" Gasper said.

"I'm flattered, kiddo. Hey, you two want some breakfast?" Elros asked, showing them the spread. Gasper looked at it wide eyed; there was a lot of food. Elros sat them on his lap and they began to dig in.

"This is amazing!" Gasper said excitedly.

"Marion and Bürent are goddesses, especially when it comes to food. My God. Your mother is a Saint in my book," Elros said, taking the pain like a champ as he continued to eat. They blushed at the compliment before smiling at each other. Rias and Akeno noticed and smiled at each other as well; they had talked to the beautiful twin maids about their relationship with Elros.

"Marion, Bürent: if you two ever want anything - like my soul or something - just say the word and it's yours. Anything for this food. Oh that's heavenly," Elros said happily as he popped in a strawberry ladened with clotted cream.

"Mmm… So good," Koneko said giddily as she ate a pancake drenched in maple syrup. Kuroka smiled as she observed her little sister acting like a girl her age. Koneko saw that and blushed, returning to her food.

"Since you two are here, you want to help me set up the theater downstairs?" Elros asked.

"I'm in!" Gasper said.

"Me to," Koneko replied.

"Ladies-," Elros began before he was met with a resounding no.

"See, this is why these two are my favorite. Rias, Akeno - one more chance if you wanna change your minds," Elros said.

"No thanks," Rias giggled.

"We're good," Akeno said.

"You guys suck. Well. Sort of. I suppose you al-," Elros began before Rias got behind him, covering his mouth with her hands and giving him a dangerous smile.

"Not. One. More. Word," she said, her voice laden with sweet poison.

"Yes, dear," Elros chuckled, ruffling Gasper and Koneko's hair - both were too focused on the food to pay attention to the innuendo.

"I never thought I'd meet a guy whose worse than Issei when it comes to this stuff," Akeno sighed.

"I take offense to that. I don't have a move that breaks girls clothes off," Elros reminded her.

"No, but you're charming. That makes you more dangerous," Rias said, although she was smiling. His charm was one of her favorite things about him.

"Charm will take you far in this world. Still got a while to go before I get on Luke's level, though. I once saw him charm the pants off a guy. As in the guy took his pants off in the middle of a crowded bar and gave them to him," Elros said with a laugh.

"He kind of sounds like that Constantine guy," Rias said.

"They're similar but still vastly different. Luke doesn't smoke as much as John, for example," Elros said.

"Perhaps you should wait until later to set it up, however. After all, we have school today," Rias said.

"With our powers? We'll get it done in no time!" Elros declared.


"And this goes here… and… voila!" Elros said excitedly as he connected the final wire. The setup was a breeze thanks to his ring, and Gasper and Koneko helped a great deal in moving things around and commenting on what they liked and didn't like. Finally, Elros collapsed onto a black letter seat, the two scrambling on top of him. Flicking the lights off with his ring, he turned it on. The speakers roared to life, sending the bass through their bodies while the screen erupted in color.

"Awesome!" Elros said giddily.

"This is so cool!" Gasper said excitedly while Koneko nodded. The 120" screen was a perfect size, capturing their entire field of view. Elros began to flip through the Netflix library while the other ladies finally came downstairs as well.

"Isn't this awesome?!" he asked excitedly. They all smiled as a mother would at a child who was showing them something.

"Yes, very awesome," Xuelan said with a giggle. Elros looked extremely proud of himself, as did Gasper and Koneko - it all made for a sight that was adorable. They took out their phones and began taking a few pictures, mostly going unnoticed by the three.

"We're going to start putting this baby to good use real soon," Elros said with a grin.


"I should probably get going now," Kuroka said, heading towards the door. Rias and Akeno had taken Gasper and Koneko to a spare room so they could take a quick nap before they all left for school.

"I'll walk you out," Elros said, leading her towards the exit. They began walking in the cool, crisp wind. Looking around, Elros saw that the trees and flowers were in full effect - the onset of summer beginning.

"It's beautiful here," Kuroka said with a smile as she looked around as well.

"I know. You know, I meant it when I said that you're welcome to stay," Elros said.

"You're kind, but I… can't. At least not right now," Kuroka said apologetically.

"The offer will always stand," Elros assured her. She nodded before pausing. Elros paused as well, turning to her with a quizzical eye.

"Why are you so nice to me?" she asked, skipping most of the pleasantries.

"I'm sorry?" Elros inquired, brow furrowed.

"Vali injured you in your fight against him but you're still so kind and cordial to me - even when Rias isn't. I just don't get it. Why? What's your end game? Do you just want to sleep with me or something?" Kuroka asked, her voice a bit harsher than she intended it to be.

"Well… like you said, Vali injured me. Not you. Why wouldn't I be kind to you? My problem was with him. We settled it, and now it's all good. Mostly," Elros said.

"So you're not mad at me? At all?" Kuroka asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nope. You're not the one that hurt me. I admit when we first met, I was a bit colder - but I didn't know your side of the story then. It's obvious you love Koneko and care a great deal about her. That's important. Your relationship with Vali… Like I said, I understand. He gave you a chance when no one else would. He's a good guy for doing that, despite his ego," Eros said. Kuroka looked at him with a curious eye before smiling and nodding.

"You're definitely a lot different from other Devils. Most would be pissed that I even questioned them in such a way," she said.

"My pride isn't as fragile as theirs," Elros said with a smile. Kuroka bit her lip before she continued on a different track.

"Rias told us a bit about your past when we were in the Underworld," she said.

"Ah. Yes. I gave her my permission to do so. I'm not fond of talking about it again and again," Elros said with a weak smile.

"I thought Koneko and I had it rough," Kuroka said.

"You did. I'm happy to see that she's doing a lot better now, though. She deserves to be happy - as do you," Elros said. Kuroka smiled and stepped a bit closer before continuing.

"So do you, though. I remember my mom and dad. They loved both of us. A lot. Did their absolute best to take care of us. I don't often think about them anymore because it's been so long but… I can't help but wonder how different life would've been if they were still alive. Do… you feel that way about your dad sometimes? How it would've been if he… treated you better?" Kuroka asked. Elros was surprised by the question - it was something he couldn't remember being asked before or even thinking about.

"Not really, no. It's the only life I had known until I became a Lantern, so I'm not even sure that it upset me that much - it was just par for the course. When he left me alone, I just rolled with it. There was nothing else I could do, after all - it was that or die, and that's never a concept that I've wanted to entertain if I could help it," Elros said, slightly bitter.

"How did you survive in the desert, though? Koneko and I were able to at least scrounge some food up when we needed it," Kuroka said.

"I killed whatever I could to stay alive. Coyotes, mule deer, lizards. Could use their skins for warmth as well. Who knew that the one thing my dad taught me was the one thing that ended up saving me," Elros said with a chuckle.

"That can't have been easy…," Kuroka said.

"It wasn't. But it is what it is," Elros said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up. I was… just curious," Kuroka said.

"It's not a problem. Curiosity is natural. And now I'm curious about something. You and Yubelluna seem to have hit it off," Elros said with a smile.

"She's great. Kind of like the same age sister that I always would've wanted," Kuroka said with a giggle. She was fond of the purple haired beauty, despite the short time they spent together. Kuroka didn't often spend time with women her age; it was Vali or Bikou or some of the other members of the Vali Team. It was nice to meet someone that she could relate to on some level - Yubelluna was it. Kuroka felt a furious rush of anger as Yubelluna had told her what Riser did to her, but the anger was replaced with a lighter feeling as she listened to her talk about how Elros was so kind and loving and willing to help her through it.

"Happy to hear it," Elros said.

"What you're doing for her… it's really nice of you," Kuroka said.

"No. It's something that shouldn't have had to happen in the first place. You know, I try my best not to be a violent guy, but whenever I talk to the girls, I always learn something else about Riser that angers me more and more," Elros said, his voice icy as he said the name. Kuroka nodded; she could agree with him on that.

"Well, you know where to find her or I should you ever need us," Elros said. Kuroka smiled and nodded.

"Anyways… I should… get going," she said. Elros moved forward and hugged her to her surprise. She paused for a second before burying her head in his chest and returning the hug tightly. She let out a pleasurable sigh as she felt his hand gently rub her back. More than that, however, she blushed a bright red as she felt him kiss her atop her head.

"If you ever need something, all you have to do is ask, alright? I understand that you and Rias have a tenuous relationship… But you're fine by me. All you have to do is say the word," he told her. He felt her nod into his chest and smiled before letting her go, brushing some hair behind her ears. Kuroka noted how radiant his smile was. There was no underlying message there, nor one that expected reciprocity. It was a kind and gentle smile that put her at ease.

"Anyways, I need to make a quick call. I'll see you soon, hopefully," Elros said as he gave her a wink and shuffled off into the forest. Kuroka smiled as she watched him go. She was about to leave but paused. Biting her lip, she turned to the house.

'I… might as well,' she thought as she headed back towards it to speak with Rias about something.


"Clark," Elros said, smiling wide as he heard the voice on the other end. On Earth, he got along with virtually everyone; he could charm them or talk to them on their level. When it came to respect, however, he could count the amount of people that he treated with reverence and respect on two hands. Along with Luke Star, John Constantine, Bruce Wayne, Jim Corrigan, Barry Allen, and Hal Jordan - there was one other man, separate from the rest: Clark Kent, the blurry red and blue wonder of Metropolis.

"Elros! Good to hear your voice. How are you?" came his voice on the other end.

"Pretty good on my end. Bruce might've already told you, but I spoke with J'onn. He's in. I wanted to ask if you could follow up with Barry this week and approach Arthur. I'll talk to Diana," Elros said.

"That works. I'll go see Barry today, in fact; and I was going to check in with Arthur tomorrow, although I get the feeling we won't be as lucky with-," Clark said but another line cut in.

"Hold on, it's Bruce. I'm putting him on as well," Clark said.

"Bats," Elros said.

"Elros. Clark. Good, you're both on. I need you two to come by later tonight to help deploy some satellites," Bruce said.

"Works for me. I'll be in Gotham sometime tonight. Or text me an exact time if you have it," Elros said.

"As well I," Clark said. Bruce left the call without saying goodbye, as he usually did.

"See you tonight, Elros," Clark said.

"Later, C.K," Elros said with a smile before he headed back to the house as well.


"Did you guys hear about the launch tonight?" Elros asked everyone as they walked towards school.

"The launch?" Rias asked.

"Yeah. NASA is launching another space shuttle - first one in… I don't remember how many years. Enterprise. It's supposed to dock with the ISS sometime tonight," Elros said.

"I don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff, I'm afraid," Rias sighed as she put an arm around his waist, leaning in.

"Woah, that sounds so cool!" Gasper said.

"See, Gasper gets it," Elros said as he ruffled the vampires hair before beginning to pet Koneko. She smiled pleasantly and leaned in, eliciting a few more aww's from the girls gathered around.

"Is it really that exciting, though? I mean… you can fly anywhere you want," Issei said.

"It's not about me in the slightest. It's about Earth. It's about the people. I mean… The space shuttle, Issei! The space shuttle! It's a marvel in every sense of the word. A project that the brightest minds in the word came together to work on, from an era of humanity where people were pushing the limits of what was possible. 1322 days, 19 hours, 21 minutes, and 23 seconds in total mission time across all of the fleets; and it's about to get even higher! Raising the bar yet again. Some people complain that they're doing the same thing they've always done, but I'd rather they do that than do nothing. The ISS, the moon again, then Mars, then who knows where? The opportunities are endless," Elros said with a happy smile.

"But we already know that we're not alone now. Well, we do, I guess," Issei said.

"Sure. But the world doesn't know that. At least not yet," Elros said.

"Haven't you ever considered going public?" he wondered.

"Hmm… not really, no. It's not my place to try and push it like that. It has to happen. There might be an event where it becomes necessary for me to go public, but I don't see that happening for a while," Elros said thoughtfully.

"What do you think will happen to you if you do?" Rias asked worriedly, caressing his cheek with a finger. Elros smiled and took her hand in his, giving it a kiss to put her at ease.

"Well, I probably wouldn't tell everyone that Elros Eärendil is the Green Lantern. No doubt that there would be some explaining to do, but… well… mmm… I guess I'm not sure. It's something that I've thought about, but I don't really have an answer to. I suppose I'd take it as it comes, for better or for worse. It's a situation that I guess someone can try to plan for, but you never know what's going to happen," Elros said.

"How do you think the people would react, though?" Rias wondered.

"I imagine it'd be a split between fear and excitement. I mean, there are at tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of human beings that know Devils exist, right? I mean, you guys have been doing contracts for a while," Elros said.

"Yeah, that's an accurate number I think. At the very least, there are a decent amount of people in the world that are aware that forces like Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels exist," Rias said.

"Life on other planets - men who fly amongst the stars - shouldn't be that big of a leap. I suppose religion might take a significant impact. And then half the people will want my head on a silver platter, while the other half are going to ask me to save them or solve their problems," Elros said with a sigh. Rias looked at him in worry; as he exhaled, she thought that Elros looked several years older than he was. She saw a tint of sadness in his eye. She was about to press the question further before they were cut off by a voice in the distance.

"Elros!" Murayama said happily.

"Aya, hi there," Elros said, smiling again. Rias saw that he was back to his usual self and decided to hold off on the question for now; it was better asked in private, anyways.

"What's up? I haven't seen you in a while!" she said as she hugged him. He chuckled and hugged her back; looking behind, he saw Abe and Katase in tow; the latter smiling, the former not smiling or frowning.

"Yeah, been on vacation I'm afraid. It's good to be back though, however short the stay will be. Ready for school to end?" he asked.

"Definitely. I can't wait for the summer to finally start," she said with a pleasurable sigh as she listened to his heartbeat. However, as she saw Rias holding on to Elros's hand, she quickly let go and blushed a bright red.

"Sorry about that," she said in a small voice.

"Not at all. I love hugs," Elros said with a goofy grin. Rias shook her head fondly; yes, he did.

"That's good to hear. Anyways, I wanted to ask if you wanted to sit in on kendo practice before class begins? It's our last one of the year," Aya said, blushing as she offered.

"Sure. Sounds fun, actually. Curious, do you guys need a target?" Elros asked.

"Hmm… now that you mention it, I suppose we could use one," Aya said.

"Ah, wonderful! Issei, let's go," Elros said as he slung his arm around the pervert, walking towards the dojo.

"WAIT! WHAT?! WHY ME?!" Issei asked.

"Well, you can't expect me to be the punching bag! Besides, you're tough and resilient! And I'm sure Asia will fix you up right away," Elros said cheerfully, making the Red Dragon Emperor and Asia turn a bright red. At that point, Motohama and Matsuda also turned up, noting the estrogen in the air.

"So many hotties all in one place!" they said as they held off at the side, admiring the luscious curves spread out in front of them; Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, Yubelluna, Isabela, Xuelan, Marion, Bürent, Karlamine, Murayama, Kitase, and Abe; while Asia, Koneko, and Mihae upped the cuteness factor. The gathering brought forth several other voyeurs as well, something that made several of the girls uncomfortable.

"Fucking creeps," Elros whispered to Issei.

"Says the guy who put his arms around Akeno and Rias five minutes after knowing them?" Issei grumbled.

"Yeah, but I'm charming," Elros whispered back.

"I'd disagree, but I can't," Issei sighed. Elros was just to easygoing to stay upset or angry at.

"Umm…," Mihae said uncomfortably. She knew that she and the others were beautiful, but being stared at in such a way would make anyone uncomfortable.

"Gentlemen, I'm so happy to see you all here! Murayama was just telling me how they need some volunteers for a particularly brutal session of kendo. Matsuda, Motohama - thank you two for volunteering!" Elros said as he slung his arm around the two.

"E-Elros!" Motohama said. As Elros stood next to him, he noted the height difference between the two of them. Elros was indeed a towering figure. As the men heard what he had to say, they quickly dissipated - the girls of the kendo club were well known for laying the smackdown on perverts of all stars and stripes.

"We actually have to get to class!" Matsuda said.

"That's right!" Motohama agreed.

"Oh, we've got plenty of time for that fellas! Besides, Issei will be joining us as well," Elros said cheerfully. They tried to protest but Elros simply led the three perverts away, Kitase and Murayama in tow; Abe stayed with the others, all of whom were giggling at the sight.

"Asia, you should stick close to them - just in case," Rias said. Asia nodded before following.


"Oh… the… pain…," Issei said as he looked at the ceiling in a daze while Asia healed him. He, Motohama, and Matsuda had taken quite the beating, all three sporting bloody noses for a completely different reason than usual. The ladies of the club were meanwhile laughing along with Elros at the other side of the room.

"You'll be fine!" Asia said worriedly.

"Thanks, Asia! Sometimes I feel like you're the only one that cares," Issei said in a dramatic tone. Asia simply smiled and blushed as she continued to heal him.

"Thanks for coming by," Murayama said, smiling.

"Oh, not at all. I hope to see more of you guys soon," Elros said with a grin.

"You just might. There's going to be a large party at a nearby club later in the week. Perhaps you'll drop in?" Murayama asked hopefully.

"Sounds like a blast. I'll let the others know as well. Drinks on me, I guess," Elros said with a grin. Soon enough, the bell rang.

"See you later," Murayama said as she quickly hugged him before running off to class with Kitase. Motohama and Matsuda gingerly walked away as well, nursing their wounds and pride - although they got quite a nice view as the girls left.

"Asia, you go on ahead. I'll help Issei back," Elros said.

"Are you sure?" Asia asked.

"Positive," Elros said, smiling at her. Asia took her leave, leaving Elros and Issei alone. Elros sat down next to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"You alright, man?" he asked.

"I… should be. Oh man, my entire body is aching. I thought fighting Kokabiel and Vali was bad; they're nothing compared to these girls," Issei groaned.

"I certainly know who I fear more," Elros chuckled as he helped Issei sit up. He offered him some water, which Issei happily gulped down.

"I gotta ask you something, Issei," Elros said.

"What's up?" Issei said, looking at him.

"Asia. Look, I won't push you too hard. No one wants that. But… you two have been living under the same roof for months, right? Hell, she even sleeps with you - naked, from what Rias has told me. You like her; and she likes you. Why wait?" Elros asked.

"I… I don't know," Issei said, visibly uncomfortable with the topic.

"Are you sure you don't?" Elros asked.

"What do you mean?" Issei asked.

"I mean is there something that you know that you don't want to share?" Elros asked.

"I… don't know," Issei restated. He saw Elros pierce him with his gaze. It was something that struck Issei as odd; Elros could seemingly elicit a startling response from anyone with just a look.

"What?" Issei asked nervously.

"Hmm. Nothing. If you don't know, you don't know. Although… don't wait to long. Just don't. It's not good for you or for her," Elros said with a sigh as he sprang up. He held his hand out to Issei and helped him up and both began walking to class.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a question as well," Issei said.

"What's up?" Elros said.

"You. Rias. Akeno. The others… How? I mean… I don't want to sound rude or anything, man - but you've been part of the peerage for like two or three months and you've already… well, you know. I've known them for longer and the closest I ever got was… well, feeling them up and more often than not, it was because that's how I get my power," Issei said, blushing.

"I've never really had a problem communicating with women, I guess. You just have to watch out for the signs and adjust yourself as necessary. Just go with the flow is my advice," Elros said.

"Yeah, but they've had guys after them for a long, long time. I guess what I'm asking is… well, what made you so special?" Issei asked tentatively, hoping that he wouldn't come off as rude. He considered Elros to be the older brother he never had - he was, in a word, cool.

"I dunno. You'd have to ask them that. Confidence is always great. Doesn't hurt that the circumstances that facilitated our meeting were quite unique as well," Elros said with a chuckle.

"Is that it?" Issei wondered. Suddenly, Elros paused and looked at Issei. As he did so, Issei gulped; Elros had brought himself to his full height in which he towered above the 5'7 Pawn by just under a foot. Issei felt the aura that Elros radiated from time to time; something that he couldn't help but be captivated by. The Lantern commanded respect. Finally, Elros smiled.

"That helps as well," he said before slinging his arm around the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Look. You're a hormonal teenager - I get that. I don't think you'll ever stop peeping on girls, to be honest - I'll accept that eventually as well. You got your own charm, man. All you need to do is learn to use it," Elros said.

"How do I do that?" Issei asked.

"I've no idea," Elros said.

"What?" Issei deadpanned.

"That's not something I can help you develop. Look, if you want me to set you up with some beautiful women - I can do that. Threesome, foursome - whatever. But love? Charm? That's something a man has to find and develop on his own. There's no amount of training or advice that can help you there; it's a long road we all walk," Elros said.

"That… doesn't help at all, actually," Issei grumbled.

"That's all there is to say about it, though. You might find it to be easier than you think, however. What about that Angel chick? I heard she's into you. What's her name again… Irene?" Elros said.

"Irina?" Issei asked, blushing.

"That's it. There you go. Asia and Irina. Beginnings of your harem," Elros said with a chuckle.

"Changing tracks for a moment. You had a lot of downtime while we were in the Underworld. Did you improve on what I told you to? Get rid of that tail?" Elros asked.

"I… uhh… no," Issei said. Elros let out a disappointed sigh. Issei felt his heart drop as he heard it; for some reason, he felt extremely bad for letting Elros down, even though he wasn't his Master.

"We're going back to the Underworld soon. Before the Rating Games begin, get rid of the tail - alright?" Elros said, his voice serious.

"W-will do," Issei said, nodding vigorously.

'Elros,' Ddraig suddenly spoke.

"What's up, Ddraig?" Elros said.

'Regarding your fight with Vali. We haven't spoken of it,' Ddraig said.

"I guess not. His dragon - Albion? - is your rival, no?" Elros asked.

'Indeed. My rivalry is with Albion, while Vali's is with Issei. Neither of us expected you to drop in,' Ddraig said.

"All's well that ends well, I suppose. I hope Vali won't trouble us for a while," Elros sighed.

'Mmm… perhaps. Although next time such an event occurs, I must ask you not to interfere,' Ddraig said.

"Oh?" Elros said, stopping. He looked at Issei, who looked at his gauntlet before looking at Elros.

'Indeed. The rivalry is between dragons and our hosts. As strong as you are, it doesn't concern you,' Ddraig said.

"Issei's my friend, Ddraig. I can't just let him ge-," Elros said before Issei suddenly interrupted.

"Wait, Elros. No. Ddraig is right. I… don't know why I have this Boosted Gear. I'm not sure anyone does, to be honest. But the fact of the matter is that it came to me - not anyone else, but me. And Vali's Sacred Gear went to him. It doesn't matter if I like it or not… I… feel… that this is my battle to fight. It… I dunno, feels like destiny," Issei said. Elros was silent for a moment as he observed Issei and Ddraig.

"I see," Elros said.

'What is your thought on the matter?' Ddraig asked.

"You say this your battle to fight?" Elros asked.

"Yes," Issei said.

"And you're aware of what you're asking. Next time you and Vali fight - I won't interfere," Elros said.

"Right," Issei said.

"That means if he's about to kill you, that's that," Elros said. Issei gulped as he heard Elros put it so bluntly. Issei opened his mouth to speak before closing it.

"I… know that," Issei said, flinching as he heard Elros scoff.

"What do you know?" Elros asked.

"That if he kills me, he kills me," Issei said, looking Elros int he eyes and attempting to keep his gaze.

"Rias told me about your run in with that Fallen Angel. Raynare, I believe," Elros said. As he said that, Issei shuddered violently. Raynare. The name that kept him up at night, that filled him with a dread so deep, it shook him to his core. Elros noted Issei turning white before the color came back. Taking a deep breath, Issei nodded.

"Yes. She killed me," Issei said quietly.

"And then Rias brought you back. A second lease on life. Is this how you want to use it? By fulfilling some grudge match that your dragons have with each other?" Elros asked.

"I… Ddraig and I… are partners. Whether I like it or not," Issei said determinedly.

'Issei is correct. I shall protect him to the best of my ability and help him in his fight. When it will happen, I do not know. Only that it will,' Ddraig said. Elros looked at Issei for a long while before he spoke again.

"Fine. If you and Vali want to continue your rivalry, it's your call," Elros said with a sigh. Issei nodded.

"If he attacks me or Rias or Akeno or the others - then I'm stepping in, however," Elros said.

'I must pro-,' Ddraig began before Elros cut him off.

"When and if Vali shows up again and he specifically asks you to fight or you ask him to fight and you don't concern anyone else, you've my green light. However, if you two concern anyone else, I will step in. Your rivalry is important to you, Ddraig - I get that. And so long as you two limit the damage to yourselves, go wild. As soon as innocents get caught up, though - make no mistake that I will get involved. This is your rivalry; but your rivalry just so happens to be in the middle of my Sector," Elros said, his voice level but authoritative. Issei felt a shiver run through his spine as he saw Elros's eyes again; they held none of the warmth he typically saw; they were cold as ice.

"Think about what you two actually want then let me know. If you want my help, the offer stands. If not… then I'll let you do it your way, assuming it doesn't involve anyone else. I think that's acceptable," Elros said. Issei waited for a while before speaking again.

"Agreed," Issei said, nodding. Ddraig paused before glowing in agreement as well.

"I suggest you give it some serious thought. Death isn't glorious - you know that. It's painful and bloody and vicious. Life is a much more attractive offer," Elros said as they continued walking. Issei kept looking sideways and was surprised to see the look on Elros's face; one of sadness, his white hair tacking on a few years.


"Hey. What's wrong?" Rias asked as she approached Elros who was leaning against a tree, eyes closed. He smiled as she approached and gave her a tender kiss that she returned before sitting him down, taking her place between his legs as he crossed his hands in front of her stomach.

"Had a talk with Issei before class," Elros sighed, filling her in.

"I know it's difficult to understand. But it's something that Issei has to accomplish on his own. I know you don't like that… you're really protective of us, after all. But this is something that I agree with him and Ddraig on. You have to let them make the choice," Rias said, turning to face him with a worried look.

"And if Issei happens to lose?" Elros asked. Rias gulped as she thought about that. It was a possibility; in fact, it was significant possibility - although she never really entertained it until now.

"If he loses… I don't know," Rias said.

"I told him to think about it. If he wants me to help, I will happily do so. But if he and Ddraig decide that this is something they want to do themselves… assuming they keep it between them, I won't interfere. In any event," Elros said. Rias gulped as she said that, knowing what he was thinking.

"Do you think Issei has a chance against Vali?" Rias asked.

"Right now? Maybe. Could swing either way, I suppose," Elros said.

"You took Vali out fairly quickly," Rias said.

"Issei and Vali and I are different. Issei is a kind and gentle soul. Good heart. Vali… well, he's quite prideful. Not a slouch, that's for sure," Elros said.

"And you?" Rias asked.

"That's for others to comment on," Elros said as he mindlessly ran a finger down her back, making Rias shiver gently. He smiled at the reaction he drew and leaned forward to kiss her along the neck before resting his chin on her shoulder, looking sideways at her. Rias blushed as she met his piercing gaze.

"What?" she asked softly, resting her forehead against his.

"Nothing," Elros said, giving her a quick peck. Rias smiled; she had an idea of what he was thinking. She adjusted her position so that she was resting her head against his chest, yawning cutely as she felt his heartbeat.

"I love being like this with you," she said as she got cozy.

"I'm happy to hear that," Elros said, wrapping his arms around her. They sat in comfortable silence until the bell for class rang again.


"School is almost at an end and we haven't had sex here once," Elros sighed in disappointment.

"Don't sound to disappointed," Rias giggled as she felt him press her against the wall in the hallway while no one was around.

"But I am! It's almost a given that we should've by now. I mean… honestly, how can we not have?" Elros said while he kissed her neck, hiking her skirt up a bit as his hand slipped underneath.

"That's because I'd rather not get caught," Rias sighed, shivering as she felt him trace her.

"But that's part of why it's so fun and exciting! Who knows who'll walk around that corner?!" Elros asked.

"Uh huh. And if it's my dad?" Rias said. She smirked as Elros let out an audible groan and stopped.

"Gee, great job killing the mood," he grumbled.

"Sorry, but we have to get to class," Rias said beginning to walk away. She felt him turn her around before quickly locking lips with her and pushing her against the wall again. Elros began to pour the passion on, taking her by surprise. A few seconds into it, Rias returned the kiss in full force as she hiked up a leg and brought it around his waist, pulling him in deeper as his tongue entered through her mouth and began to explore. She felt lightheaded from the sensation she experienced, amplified as she felt his fingers trace her gently, giving her goosebumps. Suddenly, Elros broke the kiss. He smiled as he saw the dazed look on Rias's face mixed in with the surprise of the sudden stop. She tried to kiss him again after a long pause but he avoided it.

"Sorry, but we have to get to class," Elros said cheerfully, taking her hand as he parroted her and leading her to the room.

"Oh, you asshole," Rias grumbled as she licked her lips, taking in the last of his taste.

"Hmm? You say something?" Elros said.

"You heard what I said. That was mean," she said.

"You want to go dry off?" Elros asked as they passed by the girls restroom. He soon had his answer as Rias suddenly opened the door and dragged him inside. Leading him into the largest stall, Rias soon took control and had him against the wall, making out with a fierce passion. Elros grinned inwards before he quickly did a one 180 with her, putting her against it. He reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down to give himself access before unzipping his own slacks and making his way in. Rias let out a shuddered gasp as she felt him enter and begin to thrust.

"Fuck, fuck. Yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she said, controlling her voice so no one else would hear. It was difficult to say the least; the pleasure and the heady location soon became overwhelming. She wrapped her legs around his waist to give him complete access and held on tight, letting him take control as he began to quickly bounce her up and down. Rias broke the kiss and bit Elros on the neck to prevent herself from getting to loud as he took her through the motions.


"Fuck," Rias said as she showered in the ORC. They decided to skip class altogether and simply head to the ORC.

"Sounds good to me," she heard Elros say from outside.

"Down boy," Rias said loudly with a smirk as the warm water passed over her.

"As you wish, Master," Elros said dramatically as he leaned back on the couch, a grin on his face.

"I can guess why you're so happy," Akeno said as she entered, falling onto his lap as she began to kiss his neck.

"Oh?" Elros asked.

"Mhm. Don't think you and Rias can be so sneaky when it comes to me. I am part Fallen Angel after all. We're masters of sex," she giggled.

"Part Fallen Angel, part Devil - all amazing," Elros said as he kissed her atop her forehead. Akeno blushed at the measured romantic moment before she snuggled closer to him, smiling wide.

"You know that now you and I have to do it at school, right?" Akeno wondered.

"Happily. What're you thinking? Stairwell? Bathroom? Hallway? Or my personal favorite - teachers desk," Elros suggested, eliciting a laugh from her.

"Wherever it happens, it happens," she replied, kissing him.

"What if it happens in full view of everyone?" Elros wondered.

"At least we'd avoid getting in trouble considering schools about done," Akeno giggled.

"Or maybe we can do it on Rias's desk?" Elros suggested as Rias came out, wrapped in a towel.

"Don't even think about that," Rias warned.

"But you and I would've done it there had Issei, Asia, and Kiba not walked in on us that one day," Elros reminded her.

"Well, it's my desk. So with me it's fine," she said as she sat down next to him. Elros smiled and put an arm around her. He leaned back with the two beauties who got comfortable on his chest, Akeno listening to his heartbeat and Rias running her hands along his stomach.

"This is nice," he said.

"Definitely," Akeno said happily.

Wait - aren't you supposed to be in class?" Rias suddenly said to Akeno.

"Uh-huh. Look whose talking. Venelana won't be happy to hear that you're skipping class to have sex with Elros. You know how much she cares about your studies," Akeno said with a giggle.

"Oh crap!" Rias suddenly squealed as she hopped up and headed to the closet, quickly changing into her school dress.

"Come on! Let's get back to class," she said. Elros chuckled and nodded, springing up. Wrapping himself around the two, they headed out.


"Heading out?" Rias asked as they got settled back home before Elros began to leave.

"Yeah. Friend asked me to help him with something, so about to do that. Might watch the launch as well. You girls want to see it?" Elros asked. He grumbled as he was met with a resounding no.

"You're no fun. None at all," Elros grumbled as he quickly kissed them on the cheek before taking his leave. They saw him erupt in a glow of green outside as he rocketed towards the Heavens.


"Wayne-in-the-ass!" Elros called to Bruce in his cheerful tone. He heard a chuckle from within and smiled as he saw who it was. Muscles bulged as his red cape gently fluttered from the ventilation in the Batcave; the suit was mostly blue with a red belt around his waist. But most notable was his chest: a red 'S' emblazoned on a yellow background with a red bordering. He had a kind smile etched onto his face as his messy jet black hair was tousled around his head.

"Clark!" Elros said cheerfully, embracing the man as he usually did for people that he liked.

"Hello, Elros. How've you been? Bruce has filled me in on the details," Clark said.

"Well. What about you? And Lois, huh?" Elros asked with a grin. Clark just smiled but offered no response. Elros sighed and nodded before clapping Bruce on the shoulders and massaging them.

"Alright. Shall we get down to brass tacks? I want to make sure that I have enough time to see the launch," Elros said excitedly.

"I think I'll join you. I don't recall ever seeing the shuttle launch in person. Plus, would make a great story," Clark said.

"Bats?" Elros said.

"I'm afraid I've other engagements tonight," Bruce said as he typed in a few commands. Elros and Clark heard something creak open. Elros grinned wide as he saw the array of satellites that Bruce had prepared. Each was metallic and the size of an SUV; difficult to lift for most, but not for Clark or Elros.

"I'll guide you into positioning them. Elros, you take them up and Clark will get them settled," Bruce instructed. Elros nodded before donning his Green Lantern uniform. Pointing his ring at the satellites, he encased them all in a uniform and protective green glow before flying through an opening. Clark levitated slowly into the air and followed.


"So Clark, what do you think about my decision?" Elros asked.

"To become a Devil? Well, I've no problem with it. It's not as though any of us are in a position to judge. So long as your personality hasn't changed, it's fine with me," Clark said with a smile as they broke through the clouds.

"Glad you approve," Elros said.

"However, dating so many women at once. Are you sure that's a good idea?" Clark asked.

"I dunno yet. So far, so good though. Attending school, going out on nice dates, having some time to just kick back - it's been a while since I've had a chance to do that at length. I intend to enjoy my life as much as humanly possible. Plus Rias, Akeno and the others… I like them quite a bit, if I'm honest," Elros said.

"I see. I take it these kind of arrangements are common in their world?" Clark asked.

"I think so. Rias and Sona - another one I just started going out with; their fathers both apparently have large harems that their wives manage," Elros said.

"Interesting. And this Rias Gremory is the one managing yours?" Clark asked.

"Yup. So far so good, as I said," Elros said with a chuckle.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. However, do you think it was wise to tell them about your identity so quickly?" Clark asked.

"I landed on Rias's house and destroyed it, C.K. I wasn't getting out of that one so easily. Besides, it's not like I'm shy about telling people. Think I told you and Bruce and Barry pretty quickly," Elros said.

"Yeah, but that was only fair, wasn't it? You used your ring to scan our facial features and compared them against every database in the world," Clark said.

"And you used your vision to discern Bruce," Elros said.

"Ha. Good point. And J'onn just reads our minds," Clark said.

"He's trying to change that from what he told me. He's doing really well in adapting to Earth," Elros said.

"That's good to hear. It's not as easy for him as it was for me," Clark sighed. He and J'onn connected on a level that was hard for the others to understand; while Bruce connected with Elros on a similar level.

"It's pretty much a prerequisite that you've had to have had a fucked up life to be one of us," Elros said with a bitter laugh. Clark nodded in agreement. That said, he had to admit that their pasts were powerful driving forces in all of their lives; what happened to them directly influenced the type of men and women they were today.

"So Arthur - tomorrow?" Elros asked.

"Yup. I spoke to Barry already and he said that he'll have an answer for us by the end of the week. What about Diana?" Clark asked.

"I was thinking about seeing her tomorrow or the day after," Elros said.

"Got it. You want me to approach her with you?" Clark wondered.

"I think I got it under control," Elros said.

"Donna might be there," Clark said.

"Yeah. It's been a while since I've seen her," Elros said with a smile as he and Clark finally broke through the atmosphere. They both had smiles on their faces as they saw the wondrous majesty before them; a wide expanse of black with bright shimmering lights that acted as gateways to new worlds. Stars indescribable, uncountable, glorious.

"Do you copy?" Bruce asked as he phoned in.

"Loud and clear. Go ahead and let us know where to deploy them. Also, get me an ETA on launch," Elros said. Bruce began to do so. Clark carefully began to fly around with some of the satellites while Elros made sure they wouldn't float away or bump into each other. The entire process took close to an hour - Bruce was a perfectionist and wanted them in the exact spots. As the last satellite was finally placed, Clark stood shoulder to shoulder with Elros as they both looked on at Earth.

"I've never seen anything this beautiful," Elros said.

"Nor have I," Clark said as he folded his hands across his chest, gently levitating with his friend. They watched white clouds swirl below, floating above a wide expanse of ocean. The green and brown of the land showed through - hundreds of millions of people moving around hither and tither as they went about their business.

"ETA to launch is ten minutes. Final check," Bruce said.

"Thanks Bats. You want to watch it as well?" Elros asked Clark.

"Definitely. Shall we?" Clark asked. Elros nodded and the two began to begin their descent, flying towards the launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida. While they took it slow going up, going back down was far quicker. They tore through the atmosphere, their powers keeping any sort of injury anyone else would've incurred at bay. They felt and then heard a powerful sonic boom as they broke the barrier, two beings faster than any missile on Earth. As they approached the launch site, they immediately stopped - not a hair out of place. Smiling, they watched the site below.

"T minus 40 seconds. Get ready," Clark said.

"Fuck yes!" Elros yelled excitedly as he watched the event begin to unfold in the distance. The nose was pointed up and the rumble was already audible; any second, man would soar yet again, reaching for the face of God.

"It's certainly one exciting time to be alive. Humanity is breaking barriers yet again," Clark said with a smile. He was raised as a salt of the Earth kind of man, given a home by the two people in the world that he respected above everyone else: the Martha and Johnathan Kent. They raised him to always see the good in people, to always see the light - and it was advice that he followed every day in his life.

Down below, tens of thousands gathered in person to see the event which some foolish hearts considered routine, while tens of millions watched from the comfort of their homes. Men and women, seniors and children; the blue collar and the white collar workers; Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Nigerian, Egyption, Irish, Moroccan, Mongolian, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that humanity - at least for this briefest moment in time - would be one.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We have lift off," Clark said as he heard every word that was being uttered from Mission Control. As soon as the final number was counted, Elros raised his arms high, a child like glint of excitement in them. The boosters roared into life, sounding louder than a dragon ever could. A massive fire ball erupted at the base of the platform as the massive mechanism that hell the shuttle in place began to fall away. A moment later, it happened. With the mightiest force most people would ever experience, the space shuttle began its ascent to the Heavens. Elros cheered it on while Clark smiled. Both of them gently began to levitate, keeping pace with shuttle.

"The people are quite excited," Clark said.

"They should be! This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen!" Elros yelled over the din, although he didn't need to.


"I believe we should've accompanied Elros after all," Mihae said with an uncomfortable sigh. All the girls were gathered around the massive projector in the basement, lights turned all the way off as they watched the launch on TV; Xenovia, Koneko, and Gasper were with them as well.

They had to admit that it was quite beautiful and mesmerizing. While their powers gave them the ability to fly, this was something else. It was the culmination of hundreds of thousands of hours of manpower coalescing into one magnificent moment - of the greatest minds in the world working together to mark a moment in time.

"What do you mean?" Xuelan asked.

"Well, it's just that he seemed so excited about it. I don't I've ever seen him like that. It seemed really important to him," Mihae said. The other girls shifted uncomfortably as she said that; Elros did seem particularly excited about the shuttle launch.

Akeno recalled what he told her when they went out in the Underworld - that he would often look to the sky as a form of escape from his situation. She felt her heart drop as the thought struck her; she finally understood why this was so important to him.

"I think you're right," she said. The others looked at her before turning back to the launch, regret in their hearts; it really would've been a wonderful thing to see in person, especially with him.

"That's so cool!" Gasper said excitedly as he sat on the floor, watching the event in awe. He had to cover his ears a bit as he heard the shuttle roar, but his eyes were absolutely glued to the screen.

"Really cool. Elros is probably watching it live," Koneko said, a child like look of wonder across her face as well.


"Woah, that's so awesome!" Issei said as he and his family gathered around the TV. It was already dark in Japan, but this was something that they all wanted to see happen. Neither Issei or Asia had seen such an event before. Kiba and Karlamine opted to join them as well, as it was a much shorter jaunt there as opposed to Elros's. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou smiled fondly as they saw the shuttle launch.

"This takes me back to when I was a boy," Mr. Hyoudou said.

"I remember it as well. My family and I gathered around to watch one of the shuttle launches back in the day. Such a beautiful event," Mrs. Hyoudou said.

"Was it like this, mom?" Issei asked.

"Just like this, sweety. I remember my own mother telling me about the first time she could remember watching TV. There was one in the entire neighborhood that everyone went to to watch the Apollo 11 moon landing. The entire world was watching. I think they're watching this as well," Mrs. Hyoudou said.

"I wonder if Elros is there?" Asia whispered to Issei.

"Man, he's so lucky," Issei said excitedly. He'd have to ask Elros to recount the event in full for him later on.


"Elros is there?! Why didn't he invite me?!" Saji asked as he sat on the floor, watching the event. The rest of the girls in Sona's peerage were comfortable on the sofa, also watching - some of them hoping to catch a wayward glimpse of the Green Lantern on camera.

"Last time he invited you to do something, you were against it," Sona reminded Saji.

"But this is awesome! Why couldn't we go?!" Saji whined.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm with Saji on this. It would've been amazing to see in person," Momo said as her eyes scanned the screen, looking for event the slightest tint of green.

"Yes, I think I'm beginning to regret that as well. It's truly amazing," Sona said with a smile. This was something that made exceedingly happy. An advancement like this was unique to humans. Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels were so powerful and content with their standards, that they stopped pushing the bar at all. But not humans; no, they kept pushing it further and further and further. If they fell down, they'd get back up and continue to push. They had a will and determination that most Devils lacked.

"AWESOME!" Tomoe squealed in delight as she jumped on the floor next to Saji, watching it all happen.


"Ah, it's only begun!" Luke said as he turned the TV on, leaning on his bar.

"What is it?" a beautiful woman asked. She had tan skin and wore a skin tight black dress, her black hair going to the middle of her back. She lasciviously licked a cherry as she zoned in on the TV.

"The space shuttle is launching," Luke said.

"And you care… why?" she asked.

"Ingenuity, Mazikeen! Perhaps the human races greatest asset. Neither Devils nor Angels can boast that they've traveled beyond their oh so comfortable lodgings of Heaven and Hell. Such an event! I believe Elros is there right now with young Mr. Kent," Luke said.

"Mmm, now that is interesting. Should've told me that from the beginning," Maze said, now paying attention as well. There were three people in the entire world that she could say she liked; Luke being one, and Elros being another.


"Watching the launch instead of running off of roofs, Master Wayne? Are you feeling alright?" Alfred asked worriedly. The side Bruce's lip almost twitched into a smile but he kept his typical brooding expression.

"I'm fine, Alfred," Bruce said as he continued to watch.

"As you say so, Master Bruce. Ah! Master Grayson, hello," Alfred said, greeting Dick who ran into the room with a grin before jumping on the floor in front of Bruce. He wanted to see this as well.

"Hey, Alfred! Stop working and watch this! It's so awesome!" Dick said excitedly. Bruce surreptitiously looked back at the old man and saw a fond smile on his lips; he remembered Alfred's stories about watching the Apollo 11 moon landing live with his parents.


"Barb, has it begun?" Jim Gordon asked his daughter as he grabbed a beer. He was an old man with a slightly wrinkly face. He wore his glasses as he usual did, the frame barely visible, his white hair nearly parted and his mustache trimmed. He quickly grabbed a beer for himself as he walked into the living room where his daughter - Barbara Gordon - was watching the shuttle launch.

"Hey, dad! Yeah, come on! It's here!" Barbara said as she ran a hand through her beautiful hair. She quickly scanned the scenery for any hint of green; she was aware that Elros was going to be there, watching live. She bit her lip as she thought of him. If she hadn't been so angry with him, would he have asked her to go with him? Or would he have asked Rias or Akeno? She sat off to the side of the sofa, making sure her father couldn't see what she was doing. She shuffled through pictures and private information that would leave anyone white with fear as she continued doing her research on the peerage. They all had their paperwork in order, which struck her as odd when coupled with what she knew. She would have to do a lot more research through multiple sleepless nights until she was satisfied.

"Amazing. I remember seeing Apollo 11 when I was a boy. This is just as good," Jim said proudly, happy of what his nation could achieve. It wasn't all wars, economics and politics; the future was also prominent.


Barry was explaining all the mechanics of the space shuttle to his girlfriend, Iris West. She was a beautiful red head with full red lips, wearing a tank top and blue jeans as she smiled and nodded. This was the Barry she knew and loved; the man who spoke at a million words per minute, his brain never seemingly slowing down when he got excited about something.

"Barry, you realize this is all going over my head, right?" Iris asked with a smile. Barry just grinned sheepishly at her.

"Yeah, sorry Iris. It's just… this is so exciting!" he said, voice giddy as he watched.

"Didn't you say one of your friends is there in attendance as well?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, Elros. He loves this stuff more than anyone else I know," Barry said with a fond chuckle as he too scanned the sky for green; although just as well, he looked for a speck of blue and red for his other friend.

"Lucky guy. I would've loved to see it in person," Iris said as she leaned forward to grab a steaming cup of hot cocoa. Leaning back, Barry put his arm around her and they began to enjoy the show.


John Constantine was snoring as he lay black out drunk out on top of the bar while everyone else watched the shuttle launch.


J'onn J'onzz was sitting in his office as he watched the space shuttle launch on his computer. He wasn't smiling or frowning; but watching the event unfold brought back memories. He let out a deep sigh as he looked outside before turning back to the screen.


All around the world, people were watching the shuttle launch on their phones, on their tablets, their laptops and computers, their TVs, their projectors, their set top devices. People were at others homes, while millions gathered in the street in urban centers such as Manhattan, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, and more - all to watch this event.


Clark and Elros were still smiling as they continued to follow the space shuttle higher and higher still. They were reaching the point where the shuttle would finally break the atmosphere before docking with the International Space Station - from where they could reload with supplies, shift the lineup of the current residents on the ISS, and begin to make necessary repairs, upgrades, and adjustments.

Clark and Elros imagined all the looks of joy and excitement that were plastered on the faces of hundreds of millions across the globe right now as they watched.

As the space shuttle finally tore through the atmosphere and towards its target, it all changed.