
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

The Girls

'Alright! Gasper is with Issei, Kiba, and Saji while Koneko is with Asia, Xenovia, and Sona's peerage. Let's see… Let's go with Karlamine first,' Elros thought. They had a fun time at Disneyland, but now it was time to get to know Risers peerage a bit better. Rias explained that all he had to do was call out to them and they'd appear.

"Karlamine! You there?" Elros called out into his room. Almost immediately, a magic circle opened. The beautiful knight stepped out, wearing comfortable clothing as opposed to her armor. Karlamine's blonde hair fell around her shoulders. She wore a white top with a silver jacket, bottomed off with blue jeans.

"Can I help you, Ma - sorry, Elros?" Karlamine greeted him.

"You can! Are you busy?" he asked.

"Not particularly, no," Karlamine said.

"Wonderful! How would you like to go out on a walk with me?" Elros asked.

"Umm… sure. But I must ask… why?" Karlamine wondered.

"No reason in particular. I'd like to get to know you better," Elros said. Karlamine blushed but returned his smile, nodding.

"Certainly, my lord," she said, bowing.

"Please, none of that either. My friend - that's much better," Elros said cheerfully as he put his arm around her shoulders and led her out the door.


"You're very different from Riser," Karlamine noted.

"I hope that's a compliment," Elros said with a smile.

"Indeed. He… was not a good man. No sense of nobility or noblesse oblige," Karlamine said. As she said that, she heard Elros sigh deeply.

"Not a fan of the term?" she asked with a smile.

"Not even a little. Noblesse oblige… the entire concept is ridiculous - especially in this day and age. The power has shifted entirely form the nobility to the people - which is how it should be. I'm sure some would disagree - and certainly, it's their right to do so - but that doesn't lessen that fact. Not to mention the fact that it's a fraud to begin with. Noblesse oblige… if they really wanted to oblige the people, they'd offer them ways to move forward or up in status. But no, they'd rather hand out small gifts, small things here and there and keep a class down as a whole," Elros said.

"Indeed. But many families in the Underworld believe in the concept greatly. Although Earth seems to be better in that regard," Karlamine noted.

"Does it, though? Sure, we don't have the aristocracy anymore; instead, we have a political class that still stunts the people while giving a free ride to the new aristocracies of oligopolies. The best thing now, however, is that the people can have their voices heard. And if they decide they don't like how something is being done - and if they possess the necessary will - they can change the system," Elros said.

"At great cost," Karlamine reminded him.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants," Elros quoted.

"Who said that?" Karlamine wondered.

"Thomas Jefferson. Third President of the United States," Elros said, smiling.

"Hmm… perhaps," Karlamine said.

"So I'm wondering, Karlamine - how did you become a knight?" Elros asked.

"Hmmm… truth be told, I don't remember now. I feel as though I've always been a knight. It certainly has appealed to me, as least. To fight with honor… there are few greater things," Karlamine said.

"I see. You remind a bit of Kiba. He's a knight in Rias's peerage," Elros said.

"Oh, the male swordsman? Yes, I saw his prowess - quite a formidable opponent!" Karlamine said, smiling wide as she remembered him. Elros raised an eyebrow but grinned. Suddenly, he whipped his phone out.

'You still with the guys?' he texted Kiba.

'Yeah. What's up?' Kiba replied.

'You remember Karlamine? Knight from Risers Peerage,' Elros said.

'Yeah, she's a swordsman. Damn good one,' Kiba replied.

'She needs a kindred spirit to talk with, I think. She likes swords, you like swords. What I'm asking is - you free? I'm sure Saji, Issei, and Gasper will live,' Elros said.

'Uhhh… sure? Just text me the address, I guess…,' Kiba said.

"Hey, Karlamine?" Elros asked.

"Mmm?" she asked.

"Kiba would love to discuss what it means to be a knight further with you. He certainly knows a lot more about the subject than I do. What do you say?" Elros asked.

"A-are you sure, sire? I don't want to impose, nor do I wish to make you think that…," Karlamine trailed off.

"Elros, not sire. And sure I'm sure! I think you two would get along swimmingly. I already texted him the address. Just meet him here," Elros said, showing her his phone.

"Then I shall leave at once. Thank you, s- Elros," Karlamine said, smiling brightly as she stepped into a magic circle.

"Eärendil, you smooth criminal - you've done it again," Elros complimented himself cheerfully.

"Hmmm… Hey, Marion - you free?" Elros called out into the empty space in front of him. The beautiful brunette maid soon appeared, a light smile on her face.

"Am I next? I get the feeling you're going to be go out with all of us today," she said, smiling.

"Yes, you are. Free now?" Elros asked.

"I am… but if you don't mind, could we invite Bürent as well? We're… kind of inseparable," Marion said, blushing.

"Sure. Bürent?" Elros called out. The second maid stepped out just as quickly, smiling as well. Both wore a black tank top and white jeans, stunning with their hair let down. Holding his arms out, each took one and they began to walk.


"Ah! Love the beach!" Elros shouted as his head broke through the water. Marion and Bürent were lazing around on the sand, admiring his figure as he walked towards them.

"Having fun?" Bürent asked, tilting her sunglasses down and taking him in. She couldn't help but admire his figure. Whereas Riser was sort of tall and lanky, Elros was even taller and defined. He obviously worked hard to keep in shape and it showed; muscles rippled across him, his scars adding to his handsome physique. She couldn't help but bite her lip as the water dripped off him, adding a nice overall sheen to his body.

"You have no idea! Why don't you girls join me?" he asked as he shook some water loose.

"Mmm, it's so nice here though," Marion said.

"It's nicer in the water! Come on! Let's see how far in and deep we can go. I kinda wanna have a Jaws moment," Elros chuckled.

"Jaws?" Marion asked, frowning.

"You haven't seen Jaws?! The movie!" Elros said, aghast.

"Mmm, I don't think we've seen a movie period. Riser didn't exactly give us much free time. Plus, we were the maids so we were often catering to his… needs," Bürent said uncomfortably. Elros frowned at that.

"I'm sorry. I hope he didn't make you do anything you didn't want to," Elros said.

"We didn't have much choice, unfortunately. Yubelluna was his favorite, though - after his sister. He… monopolized her time," Bürent added.

"Monopolized her time?" Elros asked, anger seeping through his voice - what did they mean by that.

"He… I'm sorry, I shouldn't say. It's something that she will have to tell you," Bürent said. Elros nodded

"I'm sure he wasn't… all bad though?" Elros said as he dropped down on the sand, crossing his legs as he observed them. They both sat up, shifting slightly.

"Riser is like a lot of other High-Class Devil children. He has a significant option of himself, not caring much about others. His servants he treated as such, usually… just toying with us. We weren't really given the option to have lives of our own, especially not after he Reincarnated us. Sir Ruval was a good man, however - he kept us as safe as he could. Lord Riven is the same; kind and caring, much like his wife. Lady Ravel is… a brat, but deep down she's an innocent child. Riser however… I'm truly happy you beat him. But I do wish you wouldn't have given the others the option to leave. I'm sure they were just afraid of leaving him - what he'd do," Bürent said, gulping as she criticized Elros.

"Hmmm… I can see your point, but everyone has choices to make. If I forced them to stay - even knowing what I know - I'd be taking away their freedom. That's something I just can't do. People need to be able to make choices for themselves, whether good or bad and cognizant of the consequences. The girls made theirs, and I hope that Riser might learn to be a bit more humble now. Or perhaps his parents will rein him in," Elros sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to criticize you," Bürent said nervously.

"Kidding me? I love it when people correct me. I tend to make rash decisions from time to time," Elros said with a grin. That put her at ease.

"I dunno about that. You were pretty in the zone during our fight," Marion said.

"Yeah, but I also had a choice to become a Devil or not. I made it in less than two days. Something tells me most people would've considered it for a much longer time," Elros said.

"Why'd you become one?" Marion asked, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Hmmm… It seemed like an interesting opportunity. Extended lifespan to do what I want? That's nice. Besides, what's life without some mystery?" Elros said.

"Is that it?" Bürent pressed.

"I can't say for sure yet. I haven't been one for a long time. Once I have an answer, I'll let you know," he said, winking at her.

"You're certainly different from other Devils," Marion said, the admiration in her voice evident.

"In a good way I hope," Elros said as he sprung up.

"Yes. You're a good man. That's much more than can be said for others," Marion said as she got up as well, Bürent following. Elros squeezed himself between the two and put his arms around them, flashing them a charming smile.

"Remember that you're welcome to be yourselves with me. No need to hold back or anything. If I do something you don't like, let me know. I do tend to be a bit… uhhh…. what's the word people use…," Elros wondered, wracking his mind.

"Touchy-feely?" Marion giggled as she put her own arm around his waist, caressing his side gently.

"Yes! That's it. I know not everyone likes it, so let me know if you don't and I shall stop immediately," Elros said.

"Mmm, it's fine. So long as you don't… you know…," Bürent said.

"I understand," Elros said, smiling. At that, he set his eyes on the water.

"Now, let's get in the water and find a monster. And once I get home, I'm putting in a home theater and we're going to binge watch the shit out of every movie I can think of. Might as well put these years to use!" he said as he ran towards the water and hopped in. Flashing a smile at each other, Marion and Bürent followed.


"We had fun today," Marion said as she squeezed some water out of her hair, giggling at Elros's antics in the water. He had managed to find what he was looking for - a shark - but it slapped him in the face as he got close to it before it swam off.

"Good. We should do this more often," Elros said as he nursed his face - being bitch slapped by a shark was definitely a first for him.

"Definitely. Thanks," Bürent said, stepping forward and hugging him tightly. Elros smiled and returned the hug, pressing her close to him. She kissed him on the cheek, blushing. Marion stepped in next, also hugging Elros tightly as she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"You have a… calming heartbeat," she said, turning red.

"Ha. I'm happy you think so. Feel free to listen to it whenever. I had a great time as well. You two are awesome," he reiterated, grinning.

"That said, I think it's time for us to go. We'll see you around," Marion said as she opened up a portal.

"Umm… could we text or call you? Even if we just wanna talk?" Bürent inquired.

"Definitely! You've got my number, yeah?" Elros asked.

"Yup," she replied brightly.

"Then whenever you'd like," Elros said. With that, they stepped through.

"Let's see… Isabela, you wanna hang out?" Elros called out after they were gone. Immediately after, Risers former rook - Isabela - stepped out. She was still wearing her mask, the orange fiery hair falling around her face. She wore a tight green tank top that exposed some cleavage as well as tight ripped black jeans.

"Hello," she greeted, smiling at Elros.

"Hey! You wanna kill some time?" Elros asked cheerfully.

"Certainly. What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"Hmm… What do you like to do?" Elros inquired.

"You're… asking me?" she replied, uncertain.

"Yup," Elros said.

"Ummm… I'm not sure, really. I enjoy walking in my off time," she shrugged.

"Ah, perfect. This beach stretches out far. Shall we?" he asked, holding his arm out.

"I'm afraid I'm not that kind of girl," she said, smiling.

"My charms hardly failed me before. This is troubling…," Elros grumbled before smiling again and nodding.

"Then lets walk!" he said dramatically, leading the way.


"Isabela?" Elros asked.

"Mmm?" she responded. They had mostly walked in silence, Elros humming here and there and continuing contently. It was an odd feeling for her; she had never been summoned by Riser to simply walk. With Elros, however, it appeared that he was more then happy to just do that - as though her mere presence was enough to elate his mood.

"Can I ask why you wear that mask?" Elros asked. As he ended, Isabela came to a sudden stop.

"Why?" she asked, her voice surprisingly cold.

"I'm just curious," Elros said.

"It's none of your business," she said icily, continuing to walk. Elros stared at her back for a second before catching up.

"You're right. I'm sorry," Elros said.

"What?" Isabela asked, stopping again.

"What do you mean?" Elros wondered.

"You're sorry?" she asked, her visible eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. You're right. It's none of my business. I was just curious, but if it's personal, I understand," Elros said.

"I… see. You won't order me to take it off?" Isabela asked uncomfortably.

"Nope," Elros said.

"Why not?" Isabela asked.

"If you want to share it, you can of your own volition. I can't just order people to do things. Not my personality," Elros said. Isabela regarded him for a second before she smiled.

"You're very different, Elros Eärendil. Most masters would've gotten angry by now and either ripped it off, or forced me to remove it without compunction," she said.

"Well, I like to think that my ego isn't that fragile. Same goes for my pride," Elros chuckled.

"Mmm… yes, you're correct about that. Lo- Risers ego was comparatively very fragile. You should've seen how he lost control in his fight against Issei Hyoudou. When he used his Holy Weapons, Riser simply lost control of himself, began to shout him down - how Devilkind needed him to marry Rias, how it was his obligation and duty," Isabela said.

"That's… really fucking creepy…," Elros grumbled.

"Indeed. His obsession with her was… frightening, even for Lady Ravel. Lady Rias is quite beautiful, however. She's the jewel of many a Devils eye," Isabela said.

"Trust me, I know. Anders and Bastion are creeps number two and three that I have to fight off. Weirdos," Elros sighed.

"You don't seem to mind to fight for her," Isabela noted.

"Not at all. I'd do anything for Rias," Elros grinned.

"She is lucky to have you," Isabela said.

"And I her," he responded as they began walking again.

"You have several beautiful women under your… purview, do you not? Yubelluna, Marion, Bürent, Mihae, Karlamine, Xuelan… perhaps myself," Isabela said.

"Not just perhaps - you're quite beautiful. But yes," Elros replied.

"Yet you have chosen not to have us… please you," Isabela continued. Elros could tell she was uncomfortable with the topic - since joining, she had likely wondered if he would do such a thing.

"No, I haven't. And I won't. That wouldn't be kind to you guys," Elros said, frowning.

"Most other Devils in your place would've," she said.

"I like to think I'm not like most Devils. Like I told Marion and Bürent, sometimes I can get… touchy feely, I guess. I'm a lover, like I told Rias. But I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable. From what some of the girls already told me, it wasn't easy being in Risers peerage. I want you to have a more enjoyable experience with me," Elros said.

"I see," Isabela said, taking what he said in. Suddenly, her hand went to her mask.

"Aren't you uncomfortable doing that?" Elros asked.

"I am… but… I need to know that your word is true. I haven't removed this mask in front of anyone - yet… some of the girls in the peerage do know why I wear it. I am.. trusting you, Elros. Trusting you not to be afraid or disgusted," Isabela said, gulping.

"Alright," Elros replied, his brow furrowing. He wondered what she was talking about.

As she removed the mask, Elros's lips parted in shock. He could understand to some degree why she wore it. The entire right side of Isabela's face was severely burned. Elros saw red masses of muscle, the bones to her cheek, a milky-white eye, and even parts of her cheek. The blood vessels were burned, so she no longer bled - the inside of the mask made that evident as only small pieces of muscle were stuck to it. As her hair fell around and covered it, she gulped as she awaited his reaction. Elros saw a tear in her only good eye as she did. He felt his rage grow immensely as he saw what had been done to her - likely on purpose.

"Well?" she asked, her voice faint.

"Who did this to you?" Elros asked quietly.

"What?" she asked.

"Who did this to you?" Elros repeated.

"… Riser," she replied.

"I should've beaten him harder," Elros snarled. He moved forward gently, lifting her face to look at him. To her surprise, she saw his eyes mist over - as though he were about to begin crying. She felt the aura that was around him - his anger towards Riser was palpable.

"I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this," he said as he gently touched caressed her cheek, gulping.

"You're… not afraid? Or disgusted? Most people would run away by now," Isabela said.

"I'm not even slightly afraid. I'm just… angry that Riser would treat you this way. If I see him again…," Elros said, his voice low and dangerous. Isabela was almost floored by the amount of willpower and anger that radiated off of Elros. The very environment seemed to pick up on it; the wind had stilled and the waves stopped rolling in on the beach. No bird chirped, no speck of sand moved, no sound was heard - nothing felt, but his silent fury.

She had to make sure, however. She gently grabbed his hand and slowly brought it to the other side of her face - the burned side. She gauged him for even the slightest reaction - disgust, disbelief, paleness, whatever. But she found none of it - even as she pressed his hand against the soft and crusty muscle, against the ridge of her cheek bone, against the hardness of her teeth. Elros made no motion to move his hand away. She let go of it, simply letting it rest there. To her shock, he started moving it of his own accord, gently touching her face here and there, feeling for himself what the damage was. It was almost to much for her; she began to cry in full force as she felt it.

"Isabela," Elros whispered as he moved forward and embraced her. She rested her burned cheek against his, finally letting the tears she had kept in for such a long time filter out. Some of the peerage knew what happened to her - Yubelluna, Xuelan, and Mihae - but the others were blissfully unaware. He was only the fourth to know what Riser had done to her for refusing to service him.

"Riser did this to me after… he requested something unbecoming. I said no. So… he burned… me. Not to show his powers to the others, or to make an example; but because he could. Ever since… I've…," she said, her sobbing getting louder. Elros felt his heart begin to break as she told him that. He hold on tighter, pressing her closer to himself as he rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry…," was all he could say - for what else was there? Another threat against Riser? That would come should he ever see him again.

"But… you're not afraid? Truly?" she whispered in his ear; she had to check once more.

"No. Not even a little. Thank you for confiding in me, Isabela. It… means a lot that you trust me. I'm sorry for what he did to you. But you don't have to be fearful around me - especially not with this. The only that's bothering me now is that I let Riser get off to easily. I should've torn his wings out again and again and again," Elros seethed, his teeth grating against each other. Isabela felt a bit of a shiver down her spine at the anger in his voice - something she didn't think he was capable of. Gulping she twirled his hair around her finger before leaning back.

"May I ask you to do something for me?" she asked, her voice faltering.

"Yes," Elros replied.

"Will you kiss my cheek?" she asked, feeling embarrassed by asking such a question. Elros, however, simply smiled. Putting a hand on her good cheek, he leaned in and kissed her burned one, resting is lips there for a second. Isabela felt a jolt through her body as his lips touched. They were rough, to be sure - but she felt it; felt how warm he was towards her. As he leaned back, she saw he was still smiling.

"I was afraid… that I would never be wanted after this," Isabela said.

"Nonsense. You're absolutely stunning," Elros said as he brought his hand up again, caressing it.

"You truly think so?" Isabela asked.

"I do," Elros replied. She smiled as she leaned in, kissing his cheek as well.

"Thank you. If it's alright with you… Elros… might I retire for the night? I… have some things I need to think on," Isabela said.

"Of course," Elros said, finally letting go of her.

"I… I… if it's not to much trouble, might we do this again? Very soon. It… I don't… it's new to me, to walk like this with another. But… it's nice - with you," Isabela said hopefully.

"Of course! Ask me anytime! If I'm asleep, just wake me up, alright? Just know that I'm gonna be here for you. Whenever you need me," Elros said, smiling.

"Thank you, Elros," Isabela said, smiling brightly as she put her mask back on. Filled with joy, she opened a portal to her room and stepped in. As she left, Elros's smile fell.

'Start praying to God or the Devil that I never see you again, Phoenix. I'm taking you right into fucking space. We're going to see how bright your fire burns while you're choking for your life, pretty bird,' Elros thought viciously to himself before breathing deeply, calming himself down.

"Xuelan? You free?" he asked the space that Isabela left. Xuelan appeared. She wore a stunning blue dress with a deep plunge that showed an ample amount of cleavage. As it went down the legs, there were two large slits that exposed their creamy length.

"Hey. I heard what you're doing for the girls… so I dressed up. Hope you don't mind," she said, blushing.

"Not at all. You look beautiful. Shall we?" he asked, holding an arm out for her that she happily took.

"Let's. I'm kinda hungry, so can we do dinner?" she asked.

"Of course, my lady," Elros said as they headed towards the city.


"You sure you want to sit outside?" Elros asked Xuelan as he opened the door for her. They had chosen to eat at a beachside restaurant in the crisp and salty wind as opposed to the warm interior.

"I am. I don't wish to be interrupted if it can be helped. Thank you," Xuelan said as he pulled out a chair for her.

"Not at all," he said, taking the seat opposite her and drinking some of the water that was in front of him. He pierced her gaze with his, turning her even more red.

"What? What is it?" she asked quietly.

"I'm sorry. You're very beautiful," Elros replied sheepishly.

"Thank you," she said, smiling.

"Not at all. So how are you liking it at Gremory Household?" Elros asked.

"Loving it, truth be told. Much different from the atmosphere at the Phoenix Household," Xuelan said.

"Yeah, I think the others feel the same way. Mr. and Mrs. Gremory are great," Elros said, grinning.

"Indeed. I've always heard that the Gremory's have close relationships with their servants. It appears to extend to everyone within the household. We aren't… kept to our rooms and can roam freely. Even talk to Mr. and Mrs. Gremory as equals," Xuelan said with a biter smile. Elros frowned at that: it seemed as though every girl had another, even worse, experience with Riser.

"They didn't let you walk around?" Elros asked.

"Riser didn't, and his parents and siblings never really overturned his order, either. They figured it was his responsibility and he could do as he wished," Xuelan said as she turned towards the beach, gazing over the stunning blue and towards the setting sun.

"I see. Isn't there a process by which a Devil can… you know, leave a peerage?" Elros asked.

"They can be released by their masters - but we knew better than to ask Riser to do that for us. He'd just laugh and berate us before working us harder. We just had to suck it up and keep at it. That said, don't think we went easy on you during your fight. We were giving it our all," Xuelan said with a smile; Elros returned it and nodded.

"Are you happy with how things worked out?" he asked.

"Extremely. I… never thought… never dreamed… that we would get out of that position. We were all yours as soon as you beat him, but were shocked when you gave us the choice to choose for ourselves. Most Devils would have simply taken us and incorporated us into their harem or something similar. But not you. You let us choose for ourselves. It wasn't very hard for me to make my choice," Xuelan said with a smile.

"Well, I hope you're happy with me. The other girls told me a bit about what Riser is like. You don't have to have that kind of fear with me. As far as I'm concerned, you're pretty much free. And if I can help you with anything, you've but to ask," Elros said.

"I'm curious why you didn't at least take Lady Ravel," Xuelan said.

"What do you mean?" Elros asked asked.

"Riser tried quite hard to take Rias. I thought for certain you would take his sister for some vengeance," Xuelan said.

"Na. She might be a little brat, but she's just a kid - Koneko's age, I think. Plus, why would I want to torture myself. I mean come on… did you hear her talk to me? 'As if I need your service! Don't talk back to me!'" Elros said in high pitched voice. Xuelan couldn't help but giggle at that; he did a good impersonation of Ravel.

"Na, that'd be more trouble that it's worth. Besides… as much as I dislike Riser, I wouldn't want to break up the family. I'm sure his parents chewed him out for making such a bet with me - for putting their daughters freedom on the line, then losing. It's better she stayed," Elros said seriously.

"Mmm… I see. And do you intend to take any of us?" Xuelan asked nervously.

"Nope. That wouldn't be fair to you guys. Besides, Rias would kill me, then Akeno would kill me again," Elros laughed. Xuelan smiled.

"I am definitely happy with how things turned out. You're a good man," she said.

"Tell Akeno that. Now I'm sweet, handsome, charming, and a good man. Can't say I only have a couple good qualities any more," Elros said cheerfully as their food arrived. As they took it, they looked back out at the ocean. The setting sun gave it an almost fiery appearance.

"It's quite beautiful here," she said.

"Extremely," Elros said.

"Perhaps we could come here again soon?" Xuelan suggested.

"Whenever you want. If it gets me outta school, that's even better. I do apologize, however," Elros said.

"For what?" Xuelan asked.

"For not making time to see you guys sooner. It's been several weeks. I shouldn't have waited so long. But then a mission came up, then my dates with Rias and Akeno and I just lost track of time," Elros sighed.

"Please, don't worry about it! Truth be told - if I may be frank?" Xuelan asked hesitatingly.

"Of course," Elros nodded.

"It was nice to have a few weeks to ourselves without being called to do anything. I… have had time to reflect on my life with Riser. I'm happy that it's behind me - I believe that same goes for the others. Personal time was rare for us with him, so to have so long without interruption was… peaceful," Xuelan said.

"I'm happy to hear that. I've been worrying that you guys thought I forgot about you or something," Elros said as he let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Not at all. I thank you for being so considerate of how we are and how we feel. It's… more than we deserve, perhaps," Xuelan said.

"You deserve that and much more," Elros said, the passion in his voice evident. Xuelan could only offer a bright smile, having no words to respond with. They began eating in a pleasant and peaceful silence.


"This was nice," Xuelan said as they headed down to the beach after finishing this meal.

"I'm glad you thought so. We should hang out again soon," Elros said.

"I would like that. So, whose next?" Xuelan asked, turning to face him as she crossed her arms over her chest, brushing some hair behind her war.

"Mmm… I think Mihae, then Yubelluna. And Saji texted me a bit earlier saying he wants to see me about something, so I'll do that as well," Elros said.

"Got it. Enjoy. I think Mihae likes you," Xuelan giggled.

"She's quite beautiful. But then, so are you," Elros said with a warm smile.

"You're sweet. Thanks again for this… I'll call you?" she asked, moving a bit closer

"Anytime you'd like. I'll always be available for you guys if you need to talk or something," Elros said. Xuelan smiled as he said that. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before opening a magic circle and leaving. Elros was about to call out for Mihae, when a magic circle appeared and she stepped out.

"You must be able to see the future. I was just about to call you!" Elros said with a smile.

"Ah! I'm sorry… should I have waited?" Mihae asked, blushing madly.

"No, no, not at all," Elros said, brushing some hair behind her ear.

"If I may… could we simply walk? I've already eaten and this location is so… beautiful," she said, looking out at the ocean.

"Of course. Let's head towards that overhang," Elros said, nodding towards a rocky outpost that made a short tunnel. Holding his arm out for her, they began walking.

"I've heard from Marion and Bürent what you're doing for us. You're truly a kind spirit," Mihae said.

"You girls are gonna make me blush. Thank you for saying that. They've told me about their experiences with Riser and it doesn't… sound that good. I'm hoping that with me, you girls have a better time. Should you find that you don't want to stay with me, I can set you guys up with some cash or something," Elros said.

"No! I wish to stay!" Mihae said, a bit loud and eager. Elros looked on in surprise but smiled and nodded.

"As you wish," he said.

"Sorry. It's… I don't know what I would do on my own. The life I remember has been one of servitude to Lord Phoenix. Truth be told, the freedom you've given us already is more than we can say we had with him. It's been… a new experience at the Gremory Household," Mihae said.

"Are you liking the experience?" Elros asked.

"Very much," Mihae said.

"Is there anything I could do to make it better for you girls?" he asked.

"I… no, no - that's quite impossible," Mihae said, shaking her head.

"What is it? If it is in my power to give, you shall have it," Elros said.

"Would you perhaps consider… moving us into your home, now that it is built?" Mihae asked, blushing madly as she asked. Elros stopped and slapped himself in the face - hard.

"DAMN IT!" he said.

"Please forgive me for making such a foolish ask! I… I don't… I'm-," Mihae began, before she felt a comforting hand around her shoulders. She saw Elros shaking his head.

"No, no - I'm sorry Mihae! I'm such an idiot! Christ - GAH! Ah, damn it Mikey! I'm kicking your ass when I see you next!" Elros yelled to the clouds. He thought he heard a distant chuckle that sounded like Michael and grumbled before turning to Mihae, smiling.

"Please, forgive me. I've been… so caught up in my own life, I forgot that I have that place. It's… just been Rias, Akeno, and I there. I'm sorry. Yes. Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll talk to Mr. Gremory about getting that done as soon as possible. I don't think Rias and Akeno will mind, either. Damn it. I'm sorry it took me so long," Elros said apologetically.

"Please, Lo-," Mihae began before Elros put a finger to her lips.

"No Lord Elros. Just Elros," he said.

"Elros… please, it's fine. I know you've been busy and likely will be until the conference in the Underworld is settled. I'm sorry for bringing it up in such an uncouth manner," Mihae said.

"Not at all, Mihae. I'm happy you brought it up. I've so many things to keep track of, I sometimes lose sight of whats in front of me. You girls deserve so much better than that. I promise I'll do my best to make sure I don't lose track of it again. I ask your forgiveness," Elros said humbly. Mihae was floored by the deference he showed her. Riser would never ask for forgiveness; nor would Ravel; nor, for all their gentility and humility, Ruval, or their parents. Elros was different, however - even when she thought he didn't have to, he still asked for her forgiveness. She saw the pain in his eye - he obviously thought that he had hurt them.

"Truly, you don't have to apologize. It's… it's already so much better there than how it was at the Riser Household - the Gremory's are warm and kind. That you would consider moving us into your own home so readily… is more than we-," Mihae began before he stopped her again.

"Don't say it's more than you deserve. It's not even close. You all deserve so much more," Elros said, his voice surprisingly passionate to her. She smiled and suddenly sprung forward slightly, hugging him. Elros smiled as he held her, drawing her in and keeping her warm in the crisp night. She felt his calming heartbeat - gentle, rhythmic, peaceful. As she leaned back, she nodded.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Not at all. Shall we continue?" he asked.

"Let's," Mihae said, taking his arm again and leaning on his shoulder.


"Thank you for such a wonderful evening," Mihae said as they stood under the overhang, listening to the ocean gently wash over the sand and recede.

"Not at all. Let's do this again soon," Elros said with a grin.

"I would like that very much. Although, I should retire now. I'm sure Yubelluna would love to spend some time with you," Mihae said, blushing. Elros smiled and brought his hand to her cheeks, caressing it. Gently, he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush even brighter.

"Oh my…," she whispered, feeling the spot burn.

"Sorry. Feel free to slap me if that was… out of turn," Elros said sheepishly.

"No… I enjoyed it. Thank you," Mihae said, leaning up on her toes and doing the same for him.

"Anyways, I shall see you soon, Elros," Mihae said, bowing before happily stepping into a magic circle. As she did so, Elros pulled out his phone.

'Hey, mind if I ask your dad to add a few floors to the house? I don't wanna impose, but the girls need a more permanent place to stay. Wanted to do this now before I forget,' Elros texted Rias. As soon as he did, though, he received another message.

'Message send failure,' it said. He raised an eyebrow and tried to send it again, but the same message was returned.

'Huh. Might as well try Akeno. Rias probably turned her phone off,' Elros chuckled. However, he got the same message.

'Uhhh… Sona. Tsubaki?' he thought, shooting them one as well. Same thing.

'Guess they're probably in a dead zone. That's weird… don't think there are any dead zones in the city… but, might just have their phones off. I'm sure Rias won't mind,' Elros thought.

"Hmmm… Ummm… Grayfia? Or… Mr. Gremory… or something?" Elros said into the open space. A magic circle appeared and Grayfia stepped out.

"Hello, Lord Elros. Can I help you?" Grayfia asked.

"Hey, Grayfia! Yes! Actually, could you just call me Elros?" he asked.

"Certainly… Elros," Grayfia responded.

"I just wanted to ask… you know, if it's not to much trouble - if Mr. Gremory might be able to add a few floors to the house? It was built pretty quickly so I assume it's magic or something. I can pay for the material and labor and stuff," Elros said. Grayfia smiled and shook her head.

"That won't be necessary. Lord Gremory has been wanting to do that for a while now, I believe. Would you like a home theater as well?" Grayfia asked.

"Hmmm… no! Well, if he could add a room for the home theater, that'd be awesome. But no furnishings! I wanna do that myself. Make a project of it," Elros grinned.

"As you wish. I shall attend to it at once. Enjoy your evening," Grayfia said, bowing and leaving. As she left, Elros called out into the air once more.

"Bella? You free?" he asked. Immediately afterwards, Yubelluna appeared. She was wearing an extremely tight purple tank top that left little to the imagination as well as tight black jeans. Her hair went down in its usual wavy fashion.

"Hi," she said, smiling as she embraced him.

"Hello. You look beautiful," he said.

"Really? I'm not really wearing anything special," she replied.

"You don't need to. So, what would you like to do? Already eaten?" Elros asked.

"I have. Perhaps we could just go to that cliff there? It appears as though the view would be spectacular," Yubelluna said, pointing to it.

"Absolutely," Elros said. She took his arm and flashed him a charming smile as they began walking.

It wasn't long before he noted her shivering; the night was setting in and the temperature dropped; they could almost see their breath in front of them. Elros quickly took his jacket off and put it on Yubelluna. As he did so, he was surprised to see her blush.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked.

"Na. I'm used to extremely hot and extremely cold temperatures. I just wear jackets so I can be a knight in shining armor when the time comes," he said with a grin. She giggled and tightened her hold on him as they continued.


Elros and Yubelluna had were both sitting on top of the cliff, overlooking the beautiful and vast expanse of ocean before them.

"This is nice," she said as she rested her head on his shoulder, gently smacking her lips.

"It is. Beautiful view and company," Elros said.

"Ha. You're sweet," she said.

"Thanks. So how are you liking it? I mean the transition," Elros said.

"I'm enjoying it quite immensely. You're a far better Master than Riser, that much is certain," Yubelluna said.

"I'm not your Master. I'm your friend," Elros said.

"I know. You're quite fond of saying that. The first time you did so, we found it a little hard to believe. The relationship the Gremory's have with their servants is rare. The relationship that you have with us - as lax as it is - even more so. You don't even want us to preface you with 'Master' or 'Lord'," Yubelluna said.

"That just makes me uncomfortable. Elros is much better," he said.

"And just in that, you're far different from Riser. He always wanted us to preface his name. Ravel was much like that as well," Yubelluna said.

"How… was your experience like with them?" Elros asked uncertainly. He saw her smile fall before it came back, albeit bitter.

"What have the others told you?" she asked quietly.

"Nothing. Marion and Bürent said it wasn't their place to say; that you had to be the one to tell me. They just said he… monopolized your time," Elros said quietly. She let out a bitter laugh.

"Yes. That's quite a gentle way of saying that he forced himself upon me countless times," Yubelluna spat. Elros was dumbstruck as she finished.

"He… are you saying… that he…," Elros began, wondering how to say it.

"Raped me? Yes," Yubelluna said. Her voice broke as she said the word; the tears of long past coming back to ahead.

Elros felt a visceral anger he hadn't in a long time. He knew Riser was a terrible person. He expected that he might've beat his servants, that he might've made them do terrible things. He even expected that he sexually harassed them. Of all the things that went over the limit, this one raced passed the finish line with the force of a fireball. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to not open a magic circle to the Risers home and tear his wings off.

"You're disgusted, aren't you? That's why you're not saying anything?" Yubelluna whispered, looking at him. As he snapped back to reality, he saw her tears. Yubelluna's exterior was shattered as they flowed down, ruining the make up she had put on.

"What?" he asked, taken aback.

"You're disgusted. Of course you are. It's why I didn't tell you… why… even amongst the girls, only a few knew. What kind of man would fall for… or love… a…," Yubelluna said, her voice constantly shuddering. Elros felt his heart begin to shatter as he saw her. Yubelluna was strong; she was confident; she exuded the same aura that Rias did - one of power and strength, of unwavering confidence. To see it all break before his eyes wrenched him.

"No. Absolutely not. Yubelluna," he said, using her full name as he put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and saw his eyes; she saw the emotions pass over them. Pity. Sympathy. Anger. She lunged forward at him, taking him to the ground below and holding him tightly as she cried into his chest. Elros was still for a moment before he finally put his arms around her and held her closely. He would only let go when she was ready.


Elros rubbed Yubelluna's back as she cried onto his chest. For the first time in a long time, he didn't know what to say - all he felt he could do was assure her that everything would be alright as he rocked her gently. Suddenly, she began speaking.

"He would… touch me whenever he wanted. He often ordered me into his room to.. perform on him. When I first refused, he tossed me against the wall and told me that he would have me labeled a Stray. But if I stayed with him, I'd be taken care of. So… I… acquiesced to his demand. He quickly became more demanding… more… violent. It got to the point where there were some days I simply couldn't do anything because I had no energy left. He eventually simply stopped asking and just came into my room to take what he wished. The others couldn't do anything. I simply had to… take it, as he would tell me," Yubelluna said, her voice breaking constantly. Elros held her a bit tighter, running his hand through her hair comfortingly and making sure not to let his hands go to far down.

"It was… degrading. Humiliating. Painful. Every night, this is how I'd sleep - crying. Hoping… wishing… that some day, I'd be free. Which is why… I thank you, Elros. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," she said, as she cried harder.

"Shhh, shhh. You're safe now, Bella. You're safe here. You're safe with me," Elros said soothingly. He felt her tighten her hold on him, making sure he wouldn't leave.

"I'm not gonna leave. I'm not going to abandon you. And I will never, ever make you do something like that. You're my friend," Elros assured her.

"Forgive me for laying this matter at your feet," Yubelluna said as she gently let go. She rested her hands on his chest and pushed herself up, getting to her feet and looking out at the ocean, wiping her tearstained face. Elros quickly followed, waiting for her. As she turned to look at him, he saw the pain in her eye. He moved forward to offer her comfort which she accepted.

"Are you.. okay with this? Okay with me… touching you?" Elros asked quietly.

"I don't know. Before this, the only semblance of touching I had was his. But… yours is different. You're… warm. Your touch is… comforting as opposed to revolting. When I heard that you had saved me, I couldn't believe it. But then I saw the footage. You… shot down like an arrow and held me. You even took the brunt of the damage," she said, looking up at him.

"You were gonna get hurt," Elros said.

"Why save an enemy?" she asked.

"I had no quarrel with you or the girls. Just Riser. I didn't want you all hurt," Elros said.

"I tried my damnedest to beat you," she said.

"I know. That attack was damn powerful," Elros chuckled, eliciting a giggle.

"I hate that nickname… 'Bomb Queen,'" Yubelluna sighed.

"Bella is much nicer," Elros said.

"Mhm," she replied.

"I'm curious… if… you know, he did all that… why did you kiss me? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?" Elros asked.

"That… was a spur of the moment. You're unlike any man I've ever known. You're so… warm and caring when you're with someone. Yet on the battlefield you're… a…," Yubelluna paused, wondering if she should say it. She was surprised to see an odd smile on his face.

"Monster?" he whispered. She nodded.

"Yes… I'm sorry for comparing you as such, but I can't find a more apt word. The difference was night and day. When Riser kissed me, it was… disgusting. Like… kissing a slobbering dog," Yubelluna said, shuddering.

"But when you did it… there was a passion. You were surprised but you went with it. I… just had to experience what it was like with someone else in case… I never…," she paused. Elros brought her in for a hug which she accepted.

"Thank you for saving me," she said breathlessly.

"No, thank you for confiding in me. That… couldn't have been easy. You're a brave person, Bella. You're powerful. I'm happy that I know you. I'm happy that you might consider me a friend," Elros said.

"I do. I do," she whispered, leaning back. She leaned her head against his, biting her lip.

"Rias said it was fine if I kissed you," she said.

"I know. What do you think?" Elros asked.

"I… would like that. Very much. If that's acceptable for you," she said, gulping.

"Whatever you're comfortable with," Elros said as he caressed her lips. Bella smiled as the words reached her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her body close to his. It was a picture perfect moment; both of them were holding each other on top of a cliff, overlooking a beautiful ocean under a glistening night. Her long, wavy hair gently billowed in the wind while she was warmly ensconced in his jacket and his arms. She had never had this moment with Riser or anyone; no one held her in such a way before. Biting her lip gently, she leaned up and pressed them against him. It was electric to her senses - much different from her first kiss with him. They slowly revved up until her tongue was in his mouth, looking for his. Finding it, they meshed against each other. She felt him tighten his hold ever so slightly as he leaned into the passionate liplock, making sure that she was having an enjoyable experience. She lifted her leg as the sensation went through her body. She brought her hands to his cheeks, holding him there as she took gentle control.

It went on for minutes before she finally had to come up for a breath of fresh air. She looked at him, lips parted with a deep longing in her eye - but this wasn't the time. No. That would come later, she thought.

"That was… amazing," she said.

"I'm glad you thought so," Elros said, smiling warmly at her.

"I… will retire for the night, I think. Thanks for taking me out here," she said, moving to take his jacket off. However, he stopped her.

"Keep it. Please. Whenever you wear it, know that I'm right there with you. And if you ever need me, you just need to shout and I'll come rushing over. I'm not going to leave you, alright? I'm going to be here for you," Elros said as he kissed her forehead. Yubelluna felt tears come to ahead again as she nodded, smiling wide.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"I'll see you soon in the new place, yeah?" he asked.

"Definitely. Now I need to talk to Rias about sharing you in bed," she said with a laugh. Finally, stealing one more kiss, she opened a magic circle and left through it - her spirits soaring.

As she left, Elros frowned as he looked over the horizon: the duel was on his mind.

'Anders… Bastion. They're just like Riser. I hope they've their affairs in order. I'm going to break them,' he snarled to himself.