
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs


"I've been in a lot of positions in my life. I've been in a lot of positions with you. I never, ever thought that I would be in this position. Definitely not with my girlfriend observing," Elros said, staring ahead as he let Rias tie his tie.

"Oh? I thought you were well versed in the art of love?" she mused.

"The art of love? Yes. But meetings with suitors? You know, if I was born a Duke in fourteenth century England or something, then maybe. This all feels a bit medieval," he sighed.

"I agree, but some of our customs are like that. Devils are steeped in tradition, after all. For some Houses, there needs to be a process to sort everything out - why they want to marry in, what they can bring to the table, etc. It was easy for my parents - both the House of Bael and the House of Gremory were and are well respected. It helped that my parents love each other a lot as well. Even before Riser, they had some other names in mind. That is, of course, until a certain some one came along and swept their lovable daughter off her feet," Rias giggled, leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Lovable daughter is right. I admit that for at least a second, I thought I'd get my ass kicked for taking it so quickly with you. I'm happy your family as cool with it, though. Good thing I'm so lovable as well," Elros said cheerfully, poking her stomach repeatedly.

"After what we did on the moon, I was scared for a bit as well. I thought they'd be against us going so quickly. But… they all seemed to love you from the get go. Now you're pretty much family. I'm happy for that," Rias said.

"When are the girls going to arrive?" he wondered.

"They should be arriving any minute now, if they aren't already here. Grayfia will come to get us when it's all set up," Rias said, patting his shoulders gently. She smiled as she felt Elros wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close, kissing her softly atop her head.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, taking her face in his hands and gently caressing her cheeks.

"I know that I would much rather spend the day in bed with you, but I guess this had to happen eventually. Your rank in the Duels, the wealth that you won, your attack against the Khaos Brigade, your relationships with Luke, Odin, and Michael, and your Phoenix wings - it's all made you a very hot commodity," Rias sighed, putting her hands on top of his and leading him towards the bed. She got on his lap, rewrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him along base of his neck.

"We can do that after we get this done. I get the feeling I'll have to put some extra effort into it to make up for any indiscretion on my end," Elros laughed.

"Oh, I look forward to it," Rias said, giving him a gentle bite.

"Calm down there, Vampira," he said.

"Like you're one to talk!" she grumbled before sighing. "At least I'm sure they'll back off soon. Once we're done with the Ruins of Connection, it should be the end of these meetings."

"So I guess I should've asked, but what do these Ruins entail?" Elros asked.

"Mmm… It's like the relationship between you and I is going to go to another level. We're not married or anything like that, but it lets people know that we're serious about each other. My mom had to do them with my dad, and Grayfia had to do them with Sirzechs," Rias said.

"Got it," Elros nodded.

"Do you want to back out of it?" she asked in a small voice.

"Just the opposite. I'm very serious about our relationship," Elros smiled. Rias returned it with a bright one of her own and quickly locked lips with him, sending her tongue forth to explore. They didn't go on for long until Grayfia entered, solemn as usual.

"Lady Gra-Gra!" Elros said cheerfully, eliciting a despondent sigh from her.

"Lady Gra-Gra?" Rias asked.

"My nickname for her. Still need one for you. Ri-ass still stands, you know," he offered, his hand sliding down her back.

"No thanks. Something sweeter or cuter," Rias said.

"You should feel honored. I've never given anyone a say in their nickname until now," he grumbled.

"Oh, I feel really special," Rias laughed.

"The suitors have begun to arrive, Lady Rias, Elros," Grayfia said.

"No more Lord Elros?" Rias wondered.

"He is extremely adverse being addressed as such," Grayfia sighed before exiting.

"Yeah, it just feels off," Elros admitted.

"So you're confident enough to flirt with every girl that comes your way and start a harem, but the title is too much?" Rias grumbled.

"Ha. Sorry, that's something I just can't change. Regardless of how much I do flirt, however, besides Akeno, I haven't spent this much time with anyone in a long time. As I've said, you're special," Elros said, standing up and wrapping her legs around his waist as he kissed her with a ferocious passion. Rias moaned in pleasure, holding on tight before finally jumping off.

"Save it for later," she giggled, taking him by the hand and escorting him to the room they'd be using.


Elros sat in a throne like chair in the middle of the room. Opposite him was a large coffee table laden with eclairs, cakes, chocolate, hot chocolate, and coffee for him and the suitors to enjoy. Off to the side sat Rias, her eyes softening as they traveled to Elros and hardening as they looked at the door, ready for whoever might come through.

"This chair is pretty sweet," he said, getting comfortable and shaking around a bit.

"My dad made it himself. He took my brother out hunting in Sona's territory once. That's where they got the leather," Rias said, giggling at his antics.

"Alright, come in, please!" Elros called out. Immediately, the door opened and a girl around Rias's age came in. She wore a stunning black dress that cut off just above the knees and bared much of her thighs and cleavage. She smiled lustily at Elros before her blue eyes traveled to Rias, piercing her hard gaze.

"Hello. Aurora Gorgo," she said, shaking Elros's hand. Elros rose and shook it as well, flashing her a charming smile.

"A pleasure, m'lady. Elros Eärendil, at your service," he said, allowing her to get seated before taking his own.

"Oh, I know. You're quite famous," she said.

"Fame has its drawbacks. Coffee? Hot chocolate?" he inquired.

"Coffee, please."

As he poured her a measured amount, Aurora used her some of her magic to tip in the milk and sugar before taking a short sip. All the while, she made sure to keep eye contact with him.

"I think I'll let you take the lead on this. I've no idea what to say or expect, if I'm honest. Forgive my ignorance," Elros said. Aurora looked him up and down several times, her eyes eventually settling on the scar that ran across his face.

"Just relax. All you have to do is listen to my proposal and then make a choice when the time comes," she said.

"What do you propose, then?" he wondered.

"Marriage," she replied simply. Elros looked at Rias who sighed and shrugged.

"That's a bit quick, don't you think? I haven't even swept you off your feet yet," he said.

"Maybe not the best idea with your… paramour in the room," she said, her eyes traveling to Rias. As Rias returned the gaze, Elros felt the atmosphere in the room change.

"So… is your family like Rias's?" Elros asked, trying to break the tension.

"They were. The Gorgo family was left mostly defunct after the Great War," Rias answered in her place.

"Lady Rias is mostly correct. It's my myself, my sister, and my parents. That said, we do still own a sizable amount of land," she said.

"And why do you want to marry me? Just… don't say mighty children. That's an automatic no," Elros grumbled.

"You don't wish to be a father?" she wondered.

"It's not that. I just couldn't care less about the whole mighty part. I'd much rather they just be happy," Elros said.

"I… see," Aurora said, shifting uncomfortably.

"You disagree?" Elros wondered.

"Perhaps it's different for you, as a newborn. While I love my parents, I'm aware of what is expected of me - to succeed them as the head of the family eventually, as the eldest child. That comes before everything else," Aurora said seriously.

"I… see. And how would uhh… I play a role in that?" he wondered.

"We are still quite wealthy, and as I said, own a sizable amount of land. You would come into it all as well. If you wish to keep a harem, I've no problem with that either," she said.

"That's good to know. Alright, then… well, I suppose we'll be in contact or something? Forgive me, I'm not exactly certain what's expected of me. As you said I'm a newborn. This is all a bit to… uhhh… what's the word I'm looking for? Ah. Medieval, if not contrived," Elros grimaced.

"Ah. Yes. I've heard of your… recalcitrance," Aurora said, giggling slightly.

"Some would call it obstinance," Elros laughed. After a long pause, however, she finally got up.

"I look forward to hearing your reply," she bowed to him before leaving.

"Whew," Elros sighed, pouring another drink for himself.

"That went well. Hopefully, they all go that smooth," Rias sighed.

"I feel bad for her. Is it just me, or did you get the feeling that her life isn't quite hers?" Elros asked bluntly.

"You'll find that's the case with a lot of the girls you'll meet today. Not all Devil families are as progressive," Rias sighed, looking at the door.


"Well, I'm about ready to call it quits," Elros sighed, stretching.

"You've done a grand total of one," Rias giggled.

"More than enough, I think," Elros grumbled. Suddenly, the door knocked again. As the next woman entered, Elros smiled wide. To Rias's surprise, he immediately got up and embraced her.

"MAZE!" he yelled jovially.

"Hey, Elros," she said, smiling as she returned the hug.

"What're you doing here?!" he asked, his attitude that of a child coming across a friend they hadn't seen in years.

"Luke heard that you were meeting suitors and thought it'd be funny to send me," she sighed, taking a seat and getting something to drink. Her eyes soon traveled to Rias, who looked her up and down. "Gonna introduce me?"

"Right! Rias, this is Maze. She's the bartender at Lux," Elros said excitedly.

"Lux?" Rias frowned.

"Yeah. It's the piano bar that Luke owns, in Los Angeles," Elros said.

"I see. So… you know her well?" she wondered.

"I'll say! She's like my older sister or something!" Elros said.

"Call me older one more time," Maze grumbled, shooting up and putting Elros in a sleeper hold.

"Ha, sorry," Elros said, tapping out. "Seriously, though, it's good to see you."

"It hasn't been that long," she smiled.

"I guess. How come you haven't come with Luke when he's been down here? I forgot to ask that last time," he wondered.

"Unfortunately, I've other things to focus on," she answered.

"If you say so. Maze, this is Rias, the love of my life," Elros said, walking over and kissing the redhead. Rias smiled at the tender touch while Maze observed with keen interest.

"Elros, you mind giving us a moment?" Maze wondered.

"Huh? Sure, I guess," Elros said, raising an eyebrow but bowing out. Rias looked at Maze but shivered as she found her gaze not only returned, but overwhelmed. She could feel the power rolling off of Maze.

"So, you and E really are a thing, hmm? I heard it from Luke, but I can't say I quite believed it," Maze said.

"Any particular reason?" Rias wondered.

"He's never settled down before, although he's had chances. When Luke told me he was in Japan and going to school, I thought it'd be for a week. He'd get it out of his system and then come back to LA. That doesn't seem to be the case," Maze said.

"You sound as though you don't approve," Rias frowned.

"I'm ambivalent for the most part. Take good care of Elros, though," Maze said.

"He says you're like a sister to him?" Rias wondered curiously.

"We never really defined our relationship. Kid came into Lux when he a preteen and Luke and I looked after him. Thought it'd be a short term thing - a couple of ays - but after he told us about his dad, we never kicked him out. He's had a home there ever since," Maze said.

"Is Luke your… husband or something?" Rias wondered.

"Ha. What gave you that idea?" Maze asked, laughing.

"It… well, Elros has said that Luke's been like a father to him, so I just assumed," Rias said.

"I prefer to enjoy a bit of everything, if you know what I mean," Maze winked at her. Rias felt a sudden shiver go and down her spine but she didn't respond. "Thinking about something?"

"No," Rias said.

"If you say so. Before you inevitably ask, the answer is yes," Maze said.

"Yes?" Rias repeated.

"Yes," Maze replied. There was a long pause before it suddenly struck the redhead. She immediately got to her feet, her Powers of Destruction showing themselves.

"When?" she asked, venom in her voice.

"Relax, Princess. It was wayyyyy before you came into the picture," Maze said, unfazed. Slowly, she reined her powers in before sitting back down, looking at Maze with cutting eyes.

"You all appear to have an… interesting dynamic," Rias said.

"That's one way to put it. Relax, I'm not here to steal him away from you," Maze said.

"Then why did you come here?" Rias asked.

"I just wanted to see you for myself. I hear you're pretty popular down here. Could have any guy you want. Why did you choose him?" Maze wondered.

"He's not like other guys," Rias said.

"Meaning?" she wondered.

"Do I have to explain it to you?" Rias asked coldly.

"No, but if you don't, I'll just ask him. And I'm sure he'll be much more forthcoming," Maze smirked.


"Shouldn't you be inside?" Bürent wondered as she came up with Marion.

"Yeah, but Rias is talking to a friend of mine in there," Elros said.

"A friend?" she asked, surprised.

"Yup. Her names Mazikeen, Maze for short. She's the bartender at Luke's club," he said.

"She's a Devil too?" Marion wondered.

"It appears so. So far, two down and I don't know how many more to go," he sighed.

"You'll do fine," Bürent said, embracing him. "So, what're you up to tomorrow?"

"Hmm… nothing as far as I can tell. Why, what's up?" he wondered.

"We were wondering if you wanted to go out with us?" Marion asked, blushing.

"Seriously?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. We already texted Rias about it and she's cool with it," Bürent said.

"I'd love to. Do you guys have something in mind?"

"More or less. Can't spoil the surprise, though," Marion said in a sing song voice.

"We'll see you then," Bürent added, kissing him on the cheek before taking her leave with Marion. As they were out of earshot, Marion quickly texted Akeno.


"I see. That's interesting," Maze said, bored.

"You could sound a bit more excited, then," Rias said coolly.

"I could. So what's this about you going through the Ruins of Connection with him?" she wondered.

"How do you know about that?" Rias asked in surprise. The Ruins of Connection weren't well known to everyone; all that was known was that the Gremory's had an important ceremony that was special to them.

"Sweetheart, you don't think I got my position because I was good at mixing alcohol, did you?" Maze said.

"That's none of your business," Rias said coldly.

"Everything with Elros is my business," Maze said.

"You're not his mother," Rias said.

Mazikeen jutted forth rapidly, her hand soon closing itself around Rias's throat. As the redhead struggled to breathe, Maze only tightened her grip.

"Watch your tongue," she hissed. As Rias looked her in the eyes, she saw them glow red for a second before settling down. Finally, though, Maze dropped her.

"What was that for?" Rias wheezed, massaging her throat.

"That's not why I really came here, though," Maze said, ignoring her question. As she sat down, she looked at Rias with cutting eyes.

"Then… why are you here?" Rias asked, taking her seat, shivering a bit.

"Because I don't trust you," Maze said.

"What?" Rias asked, stunned.

"I don't trust you, red," Maze repeated.

"What have I done to you?" Rias asked.

"It's less about that and more what you did to him. You and your little… friends," Maze said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rias said.

"Oh, you don't? You all went to Disneyland a while ago, didn't you?" Maze asked.

"Yes. So?" Rias asked.

"Well, if you stayed there it would've been fine. But you didn't, did you?" Maze insinuated. Rias felt her heart drop into a cold place as the realization washed over her. She quickly cast a soundproofing spell, eliciting a laugh from Maze.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," she said.

"Tsk. Lying as well?" Maze said.

"I'm not," Rias said defiantly.

"Would you rather me bring him in and you can tell him to his face?" Maze asked. Rias was silent before looking at the floor, her heart beating faster.

"How do you know?" she asked quietly.

"Elros lived there for a long time and then he lived with us. You don't think I keep my eyes wide open?" Maze wondered.

"Are you going to tell him?" Rias asked.

"I'm more curious to hear why you haven't," Maze said. "Didn't he tell you about being a Green Lantern the same night he landed?"

"I…I… wanted… to learn more about him," Rias said.

"Why not ask him?" she wondered.

"He's… guarded about that part of his life," Rias answered.

"And you didn't think he deserved to have his own secrets?" Maze asked.

"It's not that! It's…," Rias trailed off. "Are you going to tell him?"

"I-," Maze began before Rias cut her off.

"Please don't. Please," she said, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"I'm not going to lie to him," Maze said coldly.

"You don't have to! Just… just don't tell him," Rias said, lip quivering.

"Then you'll have to," Maze said.

"What?" Rias asked, surprised.

"Then you'll have to. I don't want to see him hurt, but I'm not going to let you pretend like you're doing him a favor," Maze said.

"If I tell him, he-," Rias began before Maze cut her off.

"You should've thought about that beforehand. Tell him before the Ruins, or I'll tell him that same day," Maze said before she waved her hand and removed the soundproofing charm. "You can come back now."

"What'd I miss?" Elros wondered, popping his head in.

"Nothing much. Anyways, I have to head back. See you around, E," Maze said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Rias quickly recomposed herself, digging a nail into her wrist to compose herself and managing a smile. She felt Elros put an arm around her. She returned the hug tightly, burying her head in his chest.

"I hope these end quickly," he said.

"Me too. Let's… go get some rest after, kay?" she asked.

"Happily. Jeez, I've done two and I'm already winded," he sighed.


"H-hi," a timid girl greeted as she entered.

"Hi there. How are you?" Elros wondered.

"I-I-I'm fine, Mr. Eärendil. M-my name is… uhh… my name is Helena Hecate. It's a p-pleasure to meet you," she said. She was a head shorter than Elros with long raven hair and wearing a conservative black dress. She continued to avoid his gaze as she took a seat. With a trembling hand, she reached for some water before accidentally spilling it.

"Oh no!" she squealed, trying to clean it up. Elros just chuckled before he helped her up and took over.

"Relax, Helena. I'm not gonna hurt you," he said kindly.

"I-I've dishonored your home, Lady Rias! Have mercy on me!" she squealed, bowing to Rias again and again.

"Don't worry about it," Rias said, slightly amused.

"Sorry," she said again, her face turning a bright red.

"So, Helena - tell me about yourself," Elros said.

"W-what would you like to know?" she asked.

"Umm… well, why did you want to meet me?" he wondered.

"My parents wanted me to," she said before squeaking in terror. "PLEASE DON'T THINK I DON'T WANT TO MEET YOU!"

"Ha. Relax, relax. Ok, your parents wanted you to meet me. Do they want you to marry me?" he asked bluntly.

"I… I believe so, yes," she said.

"And do you want to marry me?" he asked.

"My parents want me to so I want to," she said.

"I… see. Ok…," Elros trailed off. He sighed in displeasure, wondering if the rest of the girls were going to be the same. "Helena, how old are you?"

"I'm… fifteen," she said.

"Ah. That's… a bit young, don't you think? You've got a long while before you have to think of marriage," Elros said.

"I don't know. I just know my parents wanted me here," she said. "I don't want to disappoint them."

As Elros looked at Rias, she let out a deep sigh. She went over and put an arm around the girl.

"Elros, could you give us a moment?" she asked.

"Sure," Elros said, taking his leave.

"Helena," Rias said in a gentle voice.

"L-Lady Rias?" she squeaked.

"I was in your same position a while ago, you know," she said.

"W-with Lord Riser?" Helena asked.

"Yeah. I really didn't want to marry him even though my parents did," Rias said. "Even as it closer, I kept doing everything I could to push it back. I… think that on some level, they were disappointed but they eventually saw it my way. Elros is right. You're far to young to marry. It won't be easy, and it might even be a bit painful, but you shouldn't marry someone just because it might be good for your family. It's ok to be a little selfish."

"I… I don't want to disappoint them, though," Helena shivered at the thought.

"I know. But if they love you, they won't want you to drift from them," Rias said, holding her a bit tighter. Her sympathies went out for the girl.


"How is it going so far, dear?" Venelana asked.

"Rias is talking to one of the girls right now, Mrs. G. She's fifteen. That's… far to young for me to even consider," Elros said.

"I understand. You'll find that Devil culture is different in many facets from what you're used to. This is one of them. Of course, this is mainly a cursory matter. You're not obligated to do anything," Venelana said.

"That's good to know. Did you have to do something like this as well, Mrs. G?" he wondered.

"I didn't. Zeo and I were much in love before it ever got to a point where our families thought they would have to intervene. Neither side was against it, so it was mostly smooth sailing for us," Venelana said.

"You know, a year ago, I didn't remotely consider I might be in a position like this," Elros laughed.

"I'm sure your mind was on other things, like all other young men," Venelana giggled.

"I plead the fifth, Mrs. G. But really, I'm happy to be here. Uhh… thank you and Mr. G for being so… umm… well… you know," Elros said. Venelana was surprised to hear him stumble over the words.

"We're more than happy to have you dear. As a mother, I'm extremely happy to see that my daughter has chosen such a wonderful man," she said, giving him a hug.

"Mother!" Rias grumbled as she poked her head out, seeing them embracing.

"Sorry, dear. Guess you lost this one," Venelana joked before taking her leave.

"What's up?" Elros asked.

"We talked a bit. I think it should be ok now," Rias sighed. Elros pulled her in for a hug that she returned tightly. Her heart began to beat faster as she felt his hands gently rubbing her back.

'What am I gonna do?' she thought fearfully.


"I'm sorry for taking up your time," Helena bowed again.

"Don't worry about it," Elros said. With a smile at Rias, she took her leave.

"How many more?" Elros sighed.

"A lot, unfortunately," Rias said. As the door opened, her eyes shot open in surprise. Elros looked surprised as well; the next suitor looked much like Rias.

"Rias, I didn't know you had a little sister! And don't you think this might get weird?!" Elros asked in surprise.

"I don't! Mio?" she asked.

"Hey, Rias," the girl smiled. Her crimson hair was tied in twin tails, her pink eyes washing over Rias and Elros.

"Mio! It's really you!" Rias said, stepping forward and hugging her.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about this. My mom and dad…," she sighed.

"I understand. Wow. It's been, what, six months since we saw each other?" Rias wondered.

"Around that. How've you been?" Mio asked.

"I could be better. We've gone through three so far," she sighed.

"I know; we're all sitting outside. At least six more to go," she said.

"SIX?!" Elros asked, horrified.

"Mio, this is Elros Eärendil. Elros, this is a good friend of mine - Mio Naruse," Rias said.

"A pleasure," Elros said, kissing her hand. Mio deadpanned at Rias, who sighed.

"He likes to flirt," she sighed.

"That doesn't bother you?" Mio asked.

"Not really. He knows what'll happen otherwise," Rias said, giving him a dangerous look. Elros looked around the room, whistling and doing his damnedest to avoid her eye.

"I guess we should start this," Mio sighed, taking a seat. Rias sat with her while Elros looked at the two from his position. The similarities were striking; even now he thought they looked like sisters.

"Are you two positive you aren't sisters?" he asked.

"Positive," Rias said.

"I still don't believe it," Elros said, shaking his head.

"Heads up, Lisara is out there is as well. So is Barbara," Mio sighed.

"Barbara?" Rias asked, eyes narrowed.

"Yeah. She's at the end, so she'll probably be last. Lisara is after me," Mio said.

"I see. Alright. Thanks for the heads up," Rias sighed.

"I think I'm missing something here," Elros deduced.

"Lisara is another friend of mine," Rias said.

"And this Barbara?" he wondered.

"No," Rias and Mio said in unison.

"Ah. I… think I won't ask," Elros said.

"Probably for the best. Anyways, I'm just here because my parents wanted me to come. Sorry, but I've no intention of marrying you," she said.

"That was easy. Anyways, why don't you two talk a bit? I'm going to talk a walk. If anyone asks, Rias had to talk to you about something or… whatever," Elros said, quickly hopping the sofa and taking his leave.

"This is the third time in a row he's left in the middle," Rias giggled.

"I can at least see part of why you like him. Handsome guy," Mio said.

"I'm sure he'd love to hear you tell him that directly," Rias said.

"You're really ok with him flirting so openly?" Mio asked.

"I am. I dunno, even when he does, he always keeps an eye on me. Besides, it's not like I had much experience with guys before him," Rias sighed.

"I know. Lis and I were surprised when we heard about you two," Mio said.

"Pissed I didn't tell you?" Rias asked.

"Hm. Just a bit. More happy than anything because you didn't marry that asshole, Riser," Mio said.

"You and I both," Rias said.

"I think his parents are asking around, trying to find someone. From what I know, Ruval's reputation was hurt pretty bad as well. They're trying to salvage what they can," Mio said. "Elros taking a quarter of the company for himself didn't help them much either."

"What about the others that he beat? The second duel?" Rias wondered.

"Bastion and Anders were both excommunicated. Elizaveta is going up the ranks. She's already in the Top 20 - again. Speaking of which…," Mio said.

"Ugh. Don't tell me," Rias grumbled.

"Yup. She's out there as well," Mio said.

"Fine," Rias sighed. "But Barbara?"

"I know. I was surprised as well," Mio said.

"Think it was her parents choice?" Rias asked.

"I honestly have no idea. You know her…," Mio said uneasily.

"Unfortunately," Rias blanched, leaning back.

"After Issei helped you against Riser, I thought you would've gone for him," Mio mused.

"I think a lot of people did. But… Issei's sweet - and I'm seriously grateful to him for helping me. I think of him more as a brother than anything, though," Rias said.

"Kiba?" Mio said.

"I always thought he was gay," Rias giggled.

"Ha. Didn't you do your research on him before having him join?" Mio smirked.

"I didn't really care about their sexual preferences. I only knew about Issei's because he's pretty famous around school for being a pervert," Rias laughed.

"If he wasn't so pervy, he might get a few more girls chasing after him," Mio sighed.

"You'd be surprised. He has Asia and Irina - she's in the Angel Faction," Rias said.

"Seriously?" Mio asked, eyes raised.

"Yup. Childhood friends. Hmm… wouldn't be surprised if some other girls liked him as well," Rias mused.

"How popular is he against Elros?" Mio wondered.

"Elros is different," Rias said.

"That much I can tell. I've seen his duels. It's… interesting, to say the least," Mio said, shifting a bit.

"What?" Rias inquired.

"He… I dunno, he seems a bit… you know, off, when he duels," Mio said.

"Off?" Rias frowned.

"I mean… Look, it's not they were Death Matches, right? Sure, there was a lot at stake but he seemed to be taking it really seriously - more than anyone else. Barely even talked," Mio said.

"That… I dunno," Rias shrugged, not wanting to delve to much into the subject.

"It's kind of scary, to be honest. Rias… when you two are alone…," Mio began.

"No, Mio. Never," Rias said sharply.

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure," Mio said. She looked at her friend before pulling Rias in for a hug.


"She already leave?" Elros wondered as he returned.

"Yup. Hey, I need to take care of something. Do you think you can take the next couple yourself? The next girl's a friend of mine as well, so I'm not to worried," Rias said.

"Sure. No problem," Elros said, giving her a kiss. As she left, Rias quickly hailed Akeno and headed over to Sona's.


"Hello," Elros said cheerfully as the next suitor entered.

"Lisara Restall," she said, holding her hand out. She had red hair that went all the way down to her waist, coupled with red eyes. She wore a simple white shirt and black skirt, as well as a slight smile.

"Elros Eärendil. Please, take a seat," he said.

"Thank you. Where is Rias, if you don't mind my asking?" she wondered.

"She went to take care of something. Rias mentioned you two are friends? And with the other girl from before, Meme," Elros said.

"Her name is Mio," Lisara corrected him.

"Isn't that what I said?" he frowned, eliciting a little giggle.

"Nope, but it's fine. I'm sure she won't be to upset," Lisara said.

"Sorry, I'm sometimes terrible with names," Elros said sheepishly.

"Do you remember what mine is?" Lisara asked.

"Of course. You just told me," Elros said.

"Uh huh. What is it?" she asked.

"It's… Lisa," Elros mumbled.

"Lisara," she corrected.

"Why?" he grumbled.

"Why what?" she asked.

"Lisa is so much easier," he said.

"This coming from the guy with a weird name?" Lisara countered.

"Weird?! Elros Eärendil! It rolls off the tongue!" he said.

"Whatever. Sounds complicated," she shrugged.

"Hmph. It's sexy is what it is," he grumbled. "Anyways, you mind just hanging around here until Rias gets back? I'd rather not continue without her."

"I don't… but is that really necessary? Just tell them no," Lisara said.

"Some of them seem to be here at the behest of their families. I don't want to get them into trouble or anything by rejecting them out of hand," he said.

"You're far more considerate than I thought you'd be," Lisara said.

"What did you think I'd be like?" he wondered.

"A bit more cocky, for some reason. More arrogant. Hell, after those Duels, I would be," Lisara said.

"They lost partly because they were cocky. Wouldn't want to join the losing side," Elros said.

"You're telling me winning those Duels did nothing for your ego?" she wondered.

"I hope not. Then somebody would have to cut me down to size. That'd really hurt my ego," Elros grumbled.

"Your next Duel might not be as easy, unfortunately," she said.

"I don't expect it to be. You ever met Yama? Dude's like a fucking force of nature from what I've seen so far. A monster," Elros said.

"Afraid?" she wondered.

"Don't tell Rias," he winked at her.

"Hm. With how you fight, I didn't think you'd be afraid of anything," Lisara mused.

"Oh, you'd be surprised at what I'm afraid of," Elros said with a contemplative look.

"Rias is probably worried about you. My mother was at the Peace Conference Ceremony; she saw how he took some of the Devil's out," Lisara said.

"Yeah, wasn't pretty. Should've just let Lucy deal with them," Elros chuckled.

"Lucy? Are you referring to Luke?" she wondered.

"Yup. I like to call him Lucy, though. Mix it up here and there with Lulu," Elros grinned.

"You sure it's a wise idea to annoy a guy like that?" she wondered.

"I wouldn't be a very good friend if I didn't! It's my God-given right, I might say," Elros said, clutching his head.

"You should know better than to blaspheme," Lisara said, amused.

"I've heard that one before. Jeez, Mikey's a prick…," Elros grumbled, burying his head in the pillow before turning his head toward Lisara. She was surprised to see a piercing look in his eye.

"What?" she asked.

"You wouldn't happen to have a… long lost older sister whose name rhymes with Prius Memory, would you?" he asked.

"Ugh, no. Everyone asks that," Lisara grumbled.

"I can see why. I was about to say Mr. G got around," Elros laughed.

"Before you ask, Mio isn't my sister either," she said.

"So all three of you are old friends that just happen to have similar hair and look somewhat alike?" he wondered.

"Coincidence," she sighed.

"If you say so. So your parents are trying to get you to marry a guy as well, huh?" he asked.

"Yup. You're suitor number 21," she said.

"21?! Why am I so far down the list?!" he demanded.

"… You're telling me you want to be on the list?" she asked.

"Of course not! But if I'm gonna be on the list, I should be way up there. I'm adorable and charming!" he moaned, eliciting a giggle from Lisara.

"Relax. I'm sure you would've been up there if you were a Devil for a longer time. I met with number 20 months ago," she said.

"Jeez… 20 rejections. Already got a boyfriend?" he wondered.

"What?!" Lisara asked, turning red.

"What? Are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine. No, I don't have a boyfriend," she answered.

"It'll happen in time. Or you'll end up with a hundred cats," Elros said.

"I'm definitely not going to be a cat lady," she grumbled.

"Ha. If you say so. Man, I wonder what Rias is doing?" he complained.

"Not enjoying talking to me?" she asked.

"Quite the opposite. But we need to hurry this up because Rias and I have business to take care of," Elros said.

"Business?" she wondered.

"Business," he grinned at her. Lisara turned red at the implication and quickly poured herself a drink.

"Sona wasn't kidding. Forgive my directness, but is it common for all Devil girls to be so… off the cuff about romance?" he wondered.

"It…," Lisara trailed off uncomfortably.


"Seriously?" Akeno asked, feeling her heart fall.

"Yeah," Rias said, shifting comfortably.

"How does she know?" Tsubaki asked.

"She wouldn't say, but she makes it sound like she has sources everywhere. That's… not as important, though. I…," Rias stumbled. She felt Akeno embrace her, thankful for the touch.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea," Tsubaki hissed, eliciting a glare from her opposite Queen.

"I agree with Tsubaki on this," Sona sighed, rubbing her face vigorously.

"What do we do?" Akeno asked worriedly.

"I don't know, Akeno. I…," Rias trailed off, taking a seat and holding her head in her hands. "I have to tell him, don't I? Or she will… and that…," she trailed off.

"I don't know," Akeno mumbled.

"Perhaps… he'll understand?" Sona suggested.

"I hope so. Otherwise," Rias shivered, gulping at the thought.

'If he breaks up with me…' she thought, her lip quivering at the thought. 'And the Ruins are so close. And these suitors. If I lose him….'


"Hey, Rias," Lisara said as the other redhead entered.

"Lisara," Rias smiled, hugging her. "How'd it go?"

"I don't know how you put up with him. I kind of wanna kill him already," she sighed.

"Your friend really can't take the teasing," Elros laughed.

"He's a prick," Lisara grumbled.

"I know," Rias sighed.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side!" Elros grumbled.

"Relax, sweetheart. Anyways - Mio mentioned that Barbara was out there?" Rias asked.

"Yeah. She's been talking to Elizaveta," Lisara said uncomfortably.

"Whose this Barbara, anyway?" Elros wondered.

"She's… an acquaintance. Barbara Minerva," Rias said.

"Did you say Barbara Minerva?" Elros asked, stunned.

"Y…yeah. Why? You know her?" Rias asked, snapping around.

"She's an archaeologist. Famous for her expeditions in Africa," Elros said.

"Yeah, that's her," Rias said.

"Holy shit, she's a Devil?!" Elros asked, flabbergasted.

"For… a while now. Although she typically spends more time on Earth. H…how do you know her?" Rias asked.

"I met her at a party a year or so ago, and saw one of her exhibits," Elros said.

"A party?" Rias asked uncomfortably.

"Yeah. Don't worry, nothing happened between us. I don't even think I spoke with her," Elros said gently. "But you guys don't seem to like her much."

"Mmm. Anyways, I'll see you around Rias. Mio and I will be at the matches," Lisara said, giving her a hug before leaving. As she did, Rias sighed and sat in Elros's lap, holding him tightly.

"You alright?" Elros asked quietly.

"So… nothing happened between you two?" Rias asked.

"Nothing happened. I promise," Elros said. Rias looked at him before sighing and nodding, hugging him close.

"I just want to get this over with so you and I can spend some time with each other," she said, giving him a gentle kiss.

"Let's rush through them, then," Elros said.


"Elizaveta, hey," Elros said as crimson-pink haired beauty entered.

"Hello, Elros. How have you been?" she asked.

"Well. I'm more worried about you, though. I didn't have much time to speak with you after our fight," he said.

"Yes, unfortunately my recuperation took a little while," she sighed.

"Sorry about that," Elros said sheepishly.

"You've nothing to apologize for," Rias said, eyeing Elizaveta with narrowed eyes.

"Remember our wager, though? If you lost, I wouldn't have to marry you," Elros said.

"I recall, yes. That said, I will not force you to marry me. Should you wish to, of course, I will accept," Elizaveta said.

"I'm afraid the answer is still no," Elros said.

"I assumed as much. Which is why I came with something else in mind as well," she said.

"Oh? What's up?" Elros said.

"I challenge Rias Gremory to a Duel," Elizaveta said, locking eyes with Rias.

"W-what?" Rias asked, surprised.

"I challenge you to a Duel," Elizaveta restated.

"Why?" Rias asked, shooting up.

"In the time that I took to recuperate, I sat down with my family. While I am independent for the most part, they are incessantly screeching about settling down. I know better than anyone that I will have to eventually. I refuse to settle for just anyone, however. No, I will only settle with someone I deem to be equal or greater than I," she said, her eyes falling on Elros again.

"He beat you. Badly, I might add," Rias said coldly.

"Which is why I am considering him. But I will not force something between us. You, however, are at least comparable to me. Should I win, I will be spending more time by his side," Elizaveta said.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Rias yelled.

"I would advise you to reconsider. Should I win, I will be spending more time by his side - yes. Should I lose, however, I will give you and your family access to my part of my family's territory," Elizaveta said.

"What?" Rias asked, stunned.

"Access to my part of family's territory. I took on the surname, Fomina, to set myself apart from them. My maiden name is Elizaveta Thoth," she said.

"Thoth?" Rias asked.

"Does that mean something to you?" Elros wondered.

"The Thoth family is known for their Magic Power," Rias said, narrowing her eyes.

"Stronger than the Gremory's, as it stands," Elizaveta said. "Well? Do you accept? You are responsible for your family's well being into the future, after all. On both ends of the spectrum, this could be quite the opportunity."

"I don't have an answer for you right now," Rias said grinding her teeth.

"Then let me know tomorrow, after you've had a chance to discuss it," Elizaveta said, getting up. "It was good to see you again, Elros."

"Likewise," Elros nodded. As she left, he turned to Rias, who was biting her fingers.

"What is it?" he frowned.

"I want to say no," she whispered.

"Then say no," he said.

"I… have to discuss it with my family first," Rias sighed.

"What's there to discuss?" Elros asked.

"Her offer. I… I really don't want it to come down to that, but my parents would be really disappointed if I just let that go. They've been trying to strike a deal with her family for a while now," Rias said, collapsing on the couch. Elros pulled her in for a hug, kissing her atop her head. Rias returned it tightly.

'She just had to offer that now,' she thought angrily as she stroked his hair.


"ELROS EÄRENDIL!" shouted the penultimate suitor. Elros and Rias looked on in surprise as a girl around Rias's height with ground-length electric blue hair entered. She wore a frilly blue dress and had striking green eyes, her lips curved into an excited smile as she leapfrogged the couch and looked at Elros.

"Uhhh… hi there," Elros said, baffled by the entrance.


"Uhhh… hi there! Sorry, would you mind not shouting?" Elros asked, amused.

"WHA- sorry! Hello, Lady Rias Gremory!" Hanekawa said, bowing several times to the redhead, who seemed just as amused.

"Hello," was all Rias said, not particularly certain on how to proceed with this one.

"So… what can I do you for, Ms. Bast?" Elros asked.

"I'm here on behalf of the EEFC!" Hanekawa said excitedly as she looked at Elros.

"The what now?" Elros asked.

"The Elros Eärendil Fan Club!" Hanekawa said.

"THEWHATNOW?!" Elros asked surprisedly.

"The Elros Eärendil Fan Club! I, the humble president and initial member, started it after you beat Lord Riser Phoenix and his peerage in a duel! We've grown quite a bit, and when I heard that you were meeting suitors I simply couldn't resist!" Hanekawa said.

"Rias! Did you hear that?! I have a fan club!" Elros said excitedly. Rias giggled at how excited he looked before looking at Hanekawa, whose eyes seemed to be boring into Elros's soul.

"So what is your objective, Hanekawa? Do you want to marry Elros?" Rias asked.

"SURE! But I came here for another, more important reason!" Hanekawa said.

"What's that?" Elros asked.


"A… sorry?" Elros asked, amused.

"A picture! Oh, and if you wouldn't mind signing it. Oh, and if you wouldn't mind giving us something of yours. Oh, and if you wouldn't mind speaking to the fan club sometime. Oh, and if…," Hanekawa continued to go off on a tangent, while Rias and Elros simply exchanged several glances, wondering when she would stop.

"A picture. Yeah, sure. Anything for my fans," Elros said with a grin. He jumped the table and put an arm around Hanekawa, who tossed her phone to Rias. Sighing but smiling, Rias took a pictures while they shifted positions, both grinning in earnest.

"The fan club thanks you!" Hanekawa said.

"Not at all. As for sighing… uhh… well, I can sign your phone or something?" he asked.

"YES PLEASE!" Hanekawa said excitedly, looking on eagerly as Elros proceeded to do so. "YOUR SIGNATURE IS AMAZING!"

"Ha… thanks. As for giving you something… uh… well, I'm not quite sure what," Elros said.

"Your child will do," Hanekawa said.

"WHAT?!" Elros and Rias asked in surprise.

"Oh, was that to forward? Hmmm… how about a sample of your hair? Or skin? Or blood? A shoe? A glove? Boxers? Briefs? Shirt? Pants? Socks? Semen?" she pressed, leaning closer and closer.

"Uhhh… Rias, a little help here," Elros said, bewildered.

"I… honestly have no idea what to say," Rias said, although her Powers were starting to show themselves.

"Well… hair? Uhh… here," Elros said, plucking a white strand out and giving it to her. Hanekawa looked at it like it was a brick of gold and cautiously handled it, slipping it into a ziplock bag.

"Amazing," she whispered.

"This… alright, I've no idea what to say about this," Elros deadpanned.

"Nor do I. I'm going to have to talk to my mother to see who screened these people," Rias grumbled.

"So… Hanekawa. This fan club…," Elros began.

"The Elros Eärendil Fan Club proudly sports 1,959 members of both sexes, although we skew heavily towards female. I started it after you beat Riser Phoenix and while it was pretty small, we blew up in popularity after you defeated Elizaveta Fomina, Anders Canio, and Bastion Milcom! And we continued to add new members every day!" she said proudly.

"Ha. That… uhh… is good to hear, I guess," Elros said, unsure of what to say.

"YOU'RE TELLING ME!" she pronounced emphatically.

"Was it really necessary to start a club for him, though?" Rias asked.

"Of course it was! LOOK AT HIM!" Hanekawa proclaimed, pointing dramatically at Elros, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Yeah…?" Rias trailed off.

"DON'T YOU SEE?!" Hanekawa asked.

"I'm… not sure what you're talking about," Rias said.

"Wow. Really deflating my ego here, babe," Elros deadpanned.

"Aren't you his girlfriend?! You know what I'm talking about! OH! THAT REMINDS ME! Could we get an interview with you?" Hanekawa asked Rias with puppy dog eyes.

"About… him?" she asked.

"Who else?!" Hanekawa asked.

"I… how about I get back to you on that? Oh, look at the time! We really need to wrap this up soon, Hanekawa," Rias said.

"Sure, sure! I'll leave my information with Lady Venelana! Thank you for meeting me! Let me know if you want to get married!" Hanekawa said, holding the ziplock bag close to her chest as she scampered out.

"I have no doubt that that was my mothers doing," Rias said dangerously.

"If I have a fan club, I'm certain you do to. And something tells me those guys might not be as energetic as Hanekawa. Do I have anything to worry about?" Elros laughed.

"Ha. Maybe. At least I won't have to deal with them anymore. Apparently after your last Duel, everyone has backed off," Rias said.

"I'm happy to be of service, my lady," Elros said, bowing his head.


"The final suitor is here," Rias said, looking sharply at the door. As it opened, Elros felt his heart catch a bit. She had fiery red hair that was wildly sprayed around her. Her skin was a pearly white and she wore a beautiful smile. Her bright green eyes pierced Elros's before coldly looking at Rias.

"Rias," Barbara said.

"Barbara," Rias affirmed.

"Elros," Elros interjected cheerfully. Barbara giggled while Rias sighed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh, Elros," Barbara said, shaking his hand.

"Good to meet you as well, Miss Minerva. A fan of your work," Elros said.

"Oh, I know. I remember seeing you at a party once," she said.

"Really?" Elros asked.

"Really. It's not often you see someone with a scar like that attending one of Bruce Wayne's parties," Barbara said.

"Bruce Wayne?" Rias asked, eyebrow raised.

"Correct," Barbara replied, her eyes focused on Elros.

"Well, when Bruce Wayne throws a party, you know you'll have a fun time," Elros said.

"That's true enough, but I don't often see him making small talk with people. He's usually shuffling from person to person," Barbara said.

"He's a good guy once you get to know him," Elros shrugged.

"Are you two friends?" Rias asked.

"We are," Elros affirmed.

'I keep learning about people he knows. Bruce Wayne? That Superman? Luke? Michael? Thor? Odin? Who else?' Rias wondered, flabbergasted. Even amongst Devils, Bruce Wayne was well known as an intelligent and cunning businessman with a larger than life, albeit quiet, persona.

"You seem to know everyone," Barbara cooed.

"It's good to have friends," Elros shrugged.

"Let's get this over with soon. Elros and I have other things to do," Rias said standoffishly.

"I won't take much of your time, Ri-Ri," Barbara said.

"Ri-Ri?" Elros asked, eyebrow raised.

"My nickname for her. Cute, isn't it?" she inquired.

"I wouldn't know. Rias doesn't like my choice in nicknames," Elros sighed. "But she is right. I'm pretty winded from these meetings, honestly."

"Get used to it. They keep going on and on and on," Barbara said.

"You've suitors as well?" he wondered.

"Plenty, unfortunately. That I've seen and that I've had to go see. Although, I don't mind this visit," she said with a smirk.

"Oh?" Elros asked.

"I like a man whose grounded," she said.

"What makes you think I'm grounded?" he wondered.

"It's just the feeling I'm getting. Am I wrong?" she asked.

"I dunno. Wounded be very grounded of me to say that I'm grounded," Elros shrugged.

"If that'll be all, Barbara," Rias finally interjected.

"I'm sure you two can fuck whenever you want, Ri-Ri. This won't take to long," Barbara said coolly.

"I'd also appreciate you not calling me that," Rias said, grinding her teeth.

"Still as stuck up as ever, I see," Barbara said. Elros raised an eyebrow as he looked at her and Rias. Rias's powers began to show themselves. Even as the room shook, however, Barbara just looked at her calmly.

"This coming from you?" Rias asked.

"If-," Barbara began before sighing and shaking her head. She turned her attention back to Elros and smiled. "I'm here mostly on my parents behalf. I'm supposed to get you to marry me."

"Sorry, but no can do. Honestly, I don't need what anyones selling. Territory, wealth… whatever. Apparently I'm already pretty well set," Elros chuckled.

"You should thank Venelana that it's only ten of us you had to see. If people didn't know about you and her, you'd have hundreds of girls lining up at the door," Barbara said.

"Sounds like to much, even for me," Elros said.

"Oh, I doubt that," she giggled. "How about a date?"

"What?" Rias asked.

"A date. You don't want to marry me; I get that. But there's no harm in a date, is there?" she asked.

"Sorry, but the answer is still no. I'm pretty happy where I am now," Elros said.

"Hmm… well, I guess I've only one choice, then," she sighed.

"What's that?" Elros wondered.

"Rias, I'm challenging you," Barbara said flatly.

"What?!" Elros asked.

"I'm challenging Rias to a Duel. If I win, Elros has to take me out. If you win… I'll back off," Barbara said. "Think carefully before you answer."

Rias bit her lip in anger as she stared the beauty down. Her eyes traveled to Elros, a pang of fear going through her before turning back to Barbara.

"I'll be in touch," she finally answered, grinding her teeth.

"Excellent. Until then, Elros, Ri-Ri," Barbara said, quickly taking her leave.


"Couldn't you just say no?" Elros asked with a frown as Rias let out a groan.

"You that I couldn't!" she snapped at him. "Otherwise, it'd reflect badly on the Gremory Family."

She sighed and turned to hug him tightly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to yell like that. It's… ugh," she groaned.

"Don't worry. I know you'll win. You're pretty kickass," Elros said, giving her a gentle kiss on the head. Rias quickly led him to the bed, pushing him down before laying down on him.

"Can we just get some rest? I'm… a bit tired," she said softly.

"Sure. Get some sleep," Elros said, lifting her head to give her a passionate kiss before letting her get comfortable on him. As he continued to gently rub her back, Rias felt the need to suppress her tears.

'Elizaveta, Barbara… and Maze. This… isn't good,' she thought nervously.