
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Sona's Dream

"I'm going to go shower really quickly," Elros said, kissing Rias on the cheek and heading to his room. He wasn't a fan of being under camera lights for so long and simply wanted to take a breather before heading off to bed. Sure that he was out of earshot, Rias turned her anger back on her father.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, DAD! HOW COULD YOU FORGET HIS BIRTHDAY?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAW HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE!" Rias seethed angrily, her powers cascading again. Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Venelana didn't step in - all were disappointed that the head of the house had forgotten such an important date. Whenever a member of the peerage celebrated their birthday, it was a significant event - whether it be a massive party, eating at the finest restaurant, staying at the nicest hotel, or whatever have them. It was always conducted with joviality and ended in a beautiful ceremony. To think that they had seemingly forgotten Elros's birthday - only recently past - filled them with guilt, all the more prominent when considering how much aid he had rendered them in such a short time. That he fought three High-Class Devils that he - by all rights - shouldn't have had to only added to the feeling.

"I'm sorry, Rias. It… completely slipped my mind, if I am being honest. I was more focused on learning about him that I didn't even register it. And then I was worried about the match and…" Zeo said, rubbing his temples. No one was more disappointed in him than he was. In short time, he had come to think of Elros as his de facto son-in-law - the man that would, at Rias's side, head the Gremory family. To not celebrate his birthday was a dishonor and faux pas that he didn't think could be remedied easily.

"THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH HE'S DONE FOR US?!" Rias yelled angrily. She turned on her heels and quickly stamped up the stairs and headed to the only other person she could think of that would understand what she was feeling right now.

"Zeo," Venelana said, her voice as angry as her daughters. He -they - should've known something as simple as Elros's birthday. That upon seeing his birth certificate Zeo didn't mark it down was nothing short of sheer idiocy, she thought.

"I know," Zeo sighed, leaning on a railing as he continued to scold himself.

"Elros didn't seem to be to upset about it," Sirzechs said.

"Something tells me that his father wasn't the kind of man that would celebrate their childs birthday," Venelana said, bringing her thoughts to the kind of man Elros's father was.

'A coward of a man. Should I ever meet him, he will regret treating Elros in such a manner,' Venelana thought, a vicious reaction that was completely the opposite of her personality.

"We should plan something for him," Grayfia added solemnly. As much as the others, she felt uneasy that they didn't celebrate his birthday. Akeno, Rias, Kiba, and Koneko had all had tremendous celebrations since they joined; meanwhile, they already had plans for Asia, Xenovia, and Issei's birthdays. To forget someone so callously was unforgivable in her opinion.

"I have a feeling that's what Rias is discussing with Akeno right now," Venelana sighed, turning her head up.


"Akeno. Are you awake?" Rias asked, entering her Queens room.

"Mmm… Rias? That you?" Akeno asked, sitting up and letting out a yawn. It was already late at night; Rias almost never visited her at this time, especially when she was asleep.

"Yeah. Did I wake you?" Rias asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, but it's fine. What's… up?" Akeno asked, yawning again.

"It's about Elros," Rias said. That was all the motivation Akeno needed to jolt awake, her heart beating rapidly.

"What happened? Is he ok? Is he hurt?" she asked worriedly, her power flaring - if anyone dared touch him, she'd make them suffer.

"He's fine! He's showering right now. But… I need to tell you something," Rias said.

"What is it?" Akeno asked, sitting next to her best friend and listening intently.

"We just got back from his interview. Umm… his birthday. It was the day of the duel," Rias said uneasily and bluntly, figuring it was best to jump straight to the point.

"WHAT?!" Akeno asked loudly.

"His birthday was the day before yesterday," Rias said.

"Are you serious?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah," Rias said.

"Wait! Why didn't he tell us? We could've celebrated it!" Akeno said.

"He told us that he never celebrated his birthday before… that it just slipped his mind," Rias said.

"Seriously?" Akeno asked, aghast.

"Yeah. I guess it's not surprising. His father barely paid attention to him at all; something tells me he wasn't the candle on cake kind of guy," Rias said spitefully.

"He had his duel on his birthday?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah. My dad saw his birth certificate, but apparently he completely forgot to mention it to us," Rias said angrily.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Akeno asked, just as angry. Rias nodded, sighing as her mind traveled back to Elros. It made her uneasy that he seemed to pay so little attention to himself. She had to admit that she was a little selfish - all Devils, by nature, sometimes were. Everyone in the peerage was a little selfish in some in some way. Elros, however, seemed to be a different case. He appeared to live for others as opposed to for himself, always putting their needs first. He was kind and considering - while a tease, he made sure that they were never uncomfortable. If they needed help - whether it was standing in for Issei against Vali, for Rias against Riser, Bastion, Anders, or Elizaveta, or for Akeno against her uncle, Elros stepped in without a second thought. He made her and Akeno's dates as special as they could be and took care as he made love to them, attuning himself to what they wanted. And now, as it turned out, he put her needs in front of his again as he fought for her sake on his birthday.

Looking at the tears forming in Rias's eyes, Akeno had an idea of what she was thinking. She put an arm around her best friend and drew her in for a tight hug, gently rubbing her back.

"We know how much he loves us. It's… not really a surprise that he thought about the duel before his birthday. Like you said, his dad probably wasn't that kind of person anyways," Akeno said.

"It's not just that, though! He's barely been in the peerage for a few months and look at what he's done for us! For you and me and Issei and Gasper and Koneko! What've we done for him?!" Rias asked as she cried to her best friend. Akeno thought about what she said and felt her heart fall. Very little, if anything, was her answer.

'We took the time to go behind his back to learn about him… but not to do anything else. Damn it!' she thought angrily. She doubted that Elros would bring it up - hell, he probably didn't even think that what they were talking about was that important. It was likely just another day for him. She tightened her hug as she felt tears come to her eyes as well, remembering how he held her when her uncle reappeared and how he accompanied her to her mothers grave.

"What do we do?" Akeno asked Rias quietly.

"I don't know. I think we should have a little celebration for him. He doesn't really like anything too extravagant, so maybe a small party or dinner or something along those lines. What does he like?" Rias asked.

"Us," Akeno said with a smile, although it soon fell. What did he like? What were his interests? It hit her with the force of a freight car - on a personal level, she knew what he was like as a person who interacted with her, but she knew very little about what his particulars and interests were.

"We really don't know a lot about what he likes," she said uneasily.

"We know he enjoys movies. A lot. Maybe rent out a theater?" Rias suggested.

"I think he'd enjoy that. Do we tell the others?" Akeno asked.

"If we don't, they'll find out through the Devil News. I don't think they'd like that. Leave that to me tomorrow," Rias said, getting up. Akeno nodded before she rested her head back on her pillow - however, sleep would not come this night she thought.


As Rias went back to her room, Elros was just stepping out of the shower, wearing just his sweatpants. Rias quickly hugged him tightly. Smiling, he lifted her up and carried her to the bed, gently laying down on it with her on top. Rias lifted her head and kissed him, stroking and caressing his face as she studied it.

"What is it? You've this intense look in your eye," Elros said.

"You should've told me it was your birthday. I know you don't think it's a big deal, but it's a big deal to me. It's a huge deal. You shouldn't have had to fight on it. We should've celebrated it somehow," Rias said, her voice a bit forceful as she emphasized her point. Elros just sighed in response before smiling; Rias really was a caring person.

"You're sweet, but it's not a problem. I've never seen a reason to celebrate it before, so I don't really see one now. Just another day," Elros said.

"And if it was my birthday, would you say the same thing?" Rias asked. Elros opened his mouth to speak before closing it. No, he wouldn't.

"No. I suppose I wouldn't," he said quietly. If it were her birthday, he'd get her the most stunning gift she could imagine. To do any less would be criminal.

"Exactly! So yours is a big deal. If not to you, then at least to me," Rias said, putting her arms around his neck and hugging him close. She shivered gently as she felt him rub his hands down her back.

"I… apologize for not telling you. I didn't think it'd be a problem," Elros said.

"I know. That's a problem in and of itself. You should've had these kinds of experiences when you were a kid. I'm sorry that you didn't, but that's going to change now. I'm going to see to that personally," Rias said fiercely. Elros smiled at the conviction and love in her voice. He was a happy guy most of the time now, but hearing her say something like that did wonders to bolster his already high mood. He quickly flipped her on her back and gave her a passionate kiss. She leaned into it deeply, strengthening her hold on him, intent on giving him the taste he craved. He moved down to her neck and she held him there, gently moaning as he sucked it.

"We did celebrate it a bit. You fed me the tiramisu. Not to mention, that stunning gift you gave me after. Might be some of the best I've ever had," Elros said as he moved back to her lips. Rias broke the kiss and giggled before flipping him again. She brought a finger to his lips, keeping theirs separated for the moment.

"Save some for Akeno tomorrow, 'kay? Let's get some sleep. You deserve it," Rias said, giving him one more peck on the lips before snuggling close and tight. Elros smiled and held her, but looked straight ahead at the ceiling. His smile soon fell as he tried to sleep, to no avail. He sighed and continued weaving his hand through Rias's hair, taking comfort in the fact that she was content and asleep.


As Elros stepped out of the shower the next morning, he saw that Rias was leaning against the window, wearing a robe and sipping some coffee. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he came up behind her, giving her a gentle peck on cheek. She smiled and swiveled her head to kiss him, a free hand on the back on his head as she held him there.

"Good morning," she greeted him.

"Morning. You alright? Seem a bit lost in thought," Elros said, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Good guess. Just thinking about you," she said.

"Anything about me in particular?" Elros asked.

"Just how amazing you are," she said with a smile, kissing him again.

"I'm happy you think so," he said, taking another cup and pouring himself some coffee. Putting his arm around her, they enjoyed the immense beauty outside.

"Can I ask you something?" Rias asked quietly, turning to face him.

"What's up?" Elros responded.

"You remember that day when you came over to my place? I told you about Gasper and Koneko and how I recruited some of the girls to my peerage," Rias said.

"I remember," Elros said.

"I… think that the others should know a bit more about you as well. It might help you relate and connect to them better - more so than you already do. Plus… you know, you already know about them," Rias said. Elros was quiet for a moment as he sipped his coffee, continuing to look outside as he pondered what Rias said. She looked at him, anxious for a reply.

"If… you do the honors," Elros said.

"What?" Rias asked.

"Honestly, I don't like to talk about my past much. It's behind me, and I prefer to look ahead. I can understand you and the others being curious, though. You already know a fair bit… so if you want to, you can tell them. They can ask me their questions later, but if I'm honest, I'd prefer to avoid doing so in such a… direct manner," Elros said uneasily.

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah. If you want," Elros said.

"Do you trust me to do that?" Rias asked uncertainly.

"I trust you with my life," Elros said. The words brought a smile to Rias's lips. She leaned up and kissed him passionately before resting her head on his chest, snuggling close as they continued to enjoy the view.


"Hey," Akeno greeted Elros, smiling warmly and hugging him tight.

"Good afternoon. Ready to head out?" Elros asked, holding an arm out for her.

"Definitely. Let's go," she said, taking it resting her head on his shoulder. Rias smiled as she watched them leave before she quickly called out for Grayfia.

"Lady Rias," the maid said as she promptly appeared.

"Grayfia. Could you get the others and ask them to meet me in living room? We need to plan something for Elros while he's out with Akeno. We didn't celebrate his birthday, but I'm not letting this pass," Rias said.

"Of course, my lady," Grayfia said with a smile as she bowed and went about her task. With a deep breath, Rias was about to call Sona and Tsubaki when she suddenly saw someone come down the stairs.

"What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Relax, princess. I'm not here for you. I just happened to overhear your talk with your maid. I'm here to help," Kuroka said, a light smile on her lips.

"I don't need your help," Rias said, a hand on her hips as her eyes narrowed.

"I'm helping anyways," Kuroka said, her voice a bit harder. She wouldn't miss this.

"What are you even doing here?" Rias asked.

"Your… mother was kind enough to extend me an invitation," Kuroka said uneasily. Venelana was certainly different from Rias; she seemed to be encouraging of the fact that Kuroka felt something for Elros.

"MY MOTHER?!" Rias asked aghast.

"You yell for me, sweetheart? Hello Kuroka dear," Venelana said with a smile as she entered.

"Lady Gremory," Kuroka said, bowing low. While she didn't have a problem with getting under Rias's skin, Venelana was a different story. Her power was far more mature than Rias's. Even above that, however, was the way she carried herself - with a grace and gentility that even her daughter couldn't match. Venelana seemed to float above the very ground that she walked on, exuding a charm and and confidence that radiated off her. Kuroka couldn't help but respect her.

"Mother! You let her stay?" Rias asked.

"Of course, dear. She wished to stay for a few more days around Elros. We certainly have the room, and I think it would be good for her to take a bit of a load off. The young lady needs rest," Venelana said. The only words that registered with Rias were 'around Elros' however. She remembered that after Elros was attacked by Riser, he and Kuroka spent a short bit of time together.

"And what do you want with him?" Rias asked.

"Look, I just… want to spend a little bit of time with him. Relax. I'm not looking to steal him away from you or anything," Kuroka said, her voice a bit cutting. Rias paused, looking at Kuroka before looking at her mother who was smiling. There was something behind the smile though - that whatever Rias wanted to do, Venelana had already made her decision. Rias let out a sigh.

"Fine. Come with me," she said, taking Kuroka into the living room. With one more bow to Lady Gremory, Kuroka took her leave. Lady Gremory took her leave soon as well - she wasn't finished berating her husband yet.


"You want to join Elros's harem?" Rias asked, getting to the point as she turned to face Kuroka.

"I don't know," Kuroka answered honestly. It wasn't something she considered, although she knew that she did like him immensely. However, she couldn't leave Vali to be with Elros as much as she wanted.

"But you like him?" Rias asked.

"Yes," Kuroka said.

"Why?" Rias asked.

"What do you mean?" Kuroka asked.

"I mean why do you like him? What do you see in him?" Rias asked. Kuroka opened her mouth to speak but closed it, thinking about the answer.

"He makes me feel like a girl," she whispered, blushing as she answered. As sappy as it sounded, it was the truth.

"What?" Rias asked as sheer surprise took her over.

"I said he makes me feel like a girl. I don't feel like an SS-Class Stray or part of the Vali Team or even a Devil. He makes me feel like Kuroka," she answered.

"He… makes you feel like Kuroka?" Rias asked. Kuroka rolled her eyes; apparently, she'd have to spell it out for her.

"Yes. He makes me feel like a person, not a thing or monster. He makes me feel happy. What I'm trying to get through to you is that he cares about me - not my power, but me. Do I have to simplify it further? Perhaps a drawing?" Kuroka asked. Rias continued to look at her for another minute before she slowly nodded.

"I see. Well, come on then," she said, turning and beginning to walk again. Kuroka let out a sigh and followed.


"I've loved coming to this spot since I came to live with Rias and her family as a child," Akeno said as she held on to Elros's arm, smiling as they looked out at the beautiful scenery. One saw rolling green hills as far as the eye could see - even for a Devil. Elros inhaled the cool, crisp wind, letting it fill him to his core as he and Akeno sat down on a blanket construct, just enjoying being in such a majestic place with each other.

"Good God, this is beautiful. Even more so with present company," Elros finally said, taking the pain in his head like a champ. as he held Akeno closer. She laid him down and rested her head on his chest, calmly feeling his heartbeat as she ran a hand under his shirt and gently caressed his stomach.

"It's really nice, isn't it? Better with you," Akeno said, kissing him on the cheek before laying down again. She exhaled a sigh of content as she felt his arms holding her gently but tightly, protective.

"This looks just like The Shire," Elros said with a grin.

"The Shire?" Akeno asked quizzically.

"From The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The Shire is where the hobbits live - you know, Bilbo, Frodo, sam, etc.," Elros said.

"Like I said, never seen the movies or read the books," Akeno said.

"Ok, new thing once we get back home. Every night, I'm going to read you and Rias and maybe the other girls a chapter from the book. We're going to make a thing of this. You absolutely cannot go your life without reading or watching them," Elros said.

"No thanks. We're not kids, you know. But I think Gasper and Koneko would like that a lot," Akeno said.

"Akeno, you're a genius! That's a great idea! I'll get started on it once we get home. Mr. and Mrs. Gremory are bound to have a copy or two laying around," Elros said excitedly.

"I'm kind of surprised. I never really pegged you for a reader, to be honest," Akeno said, looking up at him with curious eyes. Elros sighed before smiling; he understood the underlaying meaning.

"When I lived in Death Valley, there was this woman and kid that lived with us. I told you about them a bit, right?" Elros asked. As he did, Akeno felt her heart beat increase; she was going to learn something, even if it was just a little.

"I'm not sure. I think you've said that the boy was like a brother to you," she said.

"Right. I'm not sure what her relation to him was, but they seemed close. Anyways, while they lived with us, whenever my dad was away, they would take turns teaching me things - reading being the most important. Made it kind of easy because when he left, it was for long lengths at a time. First book I ever read completely was The Hobbit. Followed that with The Lord of the Rings. Took me to a whole new place," Elros said fondly, his voice getting a bit distant as he thought about it with a small smile. Akeno smiled as well as she saw how at peace he looked.

'Good. At least he has some happy memories,' she thought, snuggling closer.

"So… was it like an escape for you while you lived there?" Akeno asked.

"Big time. A world of good and evil where the good guy always wins. And a world that overall is so carefully constructed, I wouldn't be surprised if I found a planet out there that resembled it to a T. Stuff like that appeals to a kid who lives with a monster in a little shack in the middle of no where. When I read those books, the world got a bit brighter and a whole lot bigger," Elros said. Still studying his features, Akeno saw a childlike smile plastered on him; she could tell this, however small it might've seemed to others, was extremely important to him. She mimicked his smile as she shifted up a bit, gently kissing him before resting her head against his.

"Good. I'm happy to hear that you have some happy memories as a kid. Rias and I… we were starting to worry that it was all just pain," Akeno whispered.

"It was mostly pain, but I suppose it's a good thing it only lasted as long as it did. He got out of my life fairly quickly, all things considered. Little did I know at that age that more than a decade later, I'd be crashing down on the house of a Devil," Elros laughed. Akeno giggled and snuggled closer to him.

"You should thank Asia, to be honest. Issei wanted to shoot you out of the sky but she thought that we should wait and see what happened. Then Rias agreed with her," Akeno said.

"God bless Asia. She's so sweet. I'll be sure to get her a gift as thanks. What about you, though? Didn't you feel the same way?" Elros asked.

"Hmm… honestly, I dunno. I don't think any of us knew what to do. You've gotta understand that even though we knew that Gods and Angels and Devils and Fallen Angels exist, someone like you appearing was… so bizarre and out of left field. I'm not sure if I still believe it," Akeno said.

"Well, there are plenty of rumors of people with powers on Earth. What do you think of them?" Elros asked.

"Haven't given them much thought. It's a bit hard to believe though. I mean… a guy dressed as a bat jumping between roofs in Gotham? Or the guy with the clown make up - what do they call him again? It or The Joker or something? Or a blue and red guy flying through the air in Metropolis? Please. I believe those stories as much as I believe those people that see UFOs in the air," Akeno said.

"Hey, those are my people you're insulting. UFOs are plenty real!" Elros said.

"Uh-huh. And why are they always filmed on some camera from the turn of the century? You're telling me that no professional photographer - or even someone with some decent equipment and skills - hasn't been able to catch one in the moment?" Akeno asked with a smirk.

"Hmph. Non-believers will never understand," Elros grumbled.

"I'm imaging a little you looking up at the sky, trying to find one," Akeno giggled.

"You'd be surprised by how often I did that. Virtually no light pollution. Good God… the first time I went out at night without anyone around me. Zero lights. The entire sky a jet black, painted with shimmering white lights. You and Rias are stunning. Two of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. But a cloudless black sky with the stars shimmering, the dust of the Milky Way just visible. I can't find anything to compare it to," Elros said, lost in thought again. Akeno smiled at the compliment; she couldn't find a fault in his reasoning. On several occasions, she and Rias looked up at the stars and it was always something inspired wonder and awe.

"How different is it when you fly up there?" Akeno asked, shifting so that she was laying with her back on his chest, his hands comfortably wrapped around her stomach. She felt him kiss her atop her forehead, eliciting a blush.

"Very. When I'm up there, I can take any deviation or course I want. Can flyby a star, to a planet or moon or whatever have me. Some are easier that others. Several planets have massive blockades around them, barring communication; others are free to land on and leave when you want. I've seen planets that have no water, that are just water, that are made of molten lava flowing constantly; planets that are untouched wildernesses, and others that are just massive cities with bright and ritzy lights. Some with people and animals, others with just plants and the like, others with just animals. There's so many variations… and the ability to reach them all is… I can't encompass it," Elros said.

"Wow," Akeno whispered, listening intently to every word.

"That's about the gist of it. It's amazing. Although… being down here with you. Just as much," Elros said, tightening his hold and kissing her.

"You're sweet," Akeno said, turning around again. She stroked and caressed his face, beaming down at him. She leaned down and kissed him gently, slowly working her tongue in. She let out a moan of pleasure as his hands went down and gave her a tight squeeze, a sensation she enjoyed considerably. Breaking the kiss, she went at his side and wrapped her arms around him, burying her in his side.

"So comfy," she said happily, nuzzling him a bit.

"Happy you think so. What do you say to taking a little siesta?" Elros asked.

"I'd like that. I haven't had a chance to sleep with you two nights in a row," Akeno said, closing her eyes. Elros gave her a kiss good night before dozing off as well.


"What is it, Rias?" Asia asked as she came into the room with Issei and Xenovia. Kiba and Karlamine were already seated - both of them spending a considerable amount of time with each other since Elros set them up. Yubelluna was, surprisingly, deep in conversation with Kuroka - both of them laughing and giggling at something. Marion was talking with Bürent while Isabela, Mihae, and Xuelan were patiently waiting for whatever it was to begin. Gasper and Koneko were leaning against each other - Gasper admiring the gift Elros had given him and Koneko smiling as she thought of the flower. Sona and Tsubaki were talking with Rias, both of them as unaware of the situation as the others. Sirzechs, Venelana, Zeo, and Grayfia were present as well, all aware of what Rias wanted to talk to them about.

"It's about Elros," Rias said. That was all everyone needed to suddenly snap to attention. Conversations ceased as everyone looked on intently. Rias noted that Yubelluna, Isabela, Xuelan, Marion, and Bürent all had looks of worry while Gasper looked afraid that something might've happened.

"Is he alright?!" he asked, his voice shrill.

"Don't worry Gasper, he's fine. It's just about something he… said last night, during his interviews. I wasn't aware until last night as well, but… the day of his duel was also his birthday," Rias said, her discomfort notable; she still couldn't get over the fact that she had been so unawares of it until now.

"What?!" Yubelluna asked loudly. Sona and Tsubaki looked aghast at that as well.

"His birthday was the day of the duel," Rias said.

"Seriously?" Marion asked.

"Yeah," Rias answered.

"Why didn't he tell us?! We could've celebrated it! We could've done something to thank him for what he's done for us!" Bürent said.

"I want you all to listen quietly. I think I'm right when I say a lot of you probably don't know that much about him when he was young. A lot of you guys have had difficult times in your life; some of you more than others. Elros isn't too different in that regard. I spoke to him earlier and he's… ok with me telling you a bit more about him," Rias said. They all exchanged looks of surprise but nodded, listening intently.


As Rias finished, there was a mixture of looks between everyone in attendance. They ranged from discomfort on Sona and Tsubaki, the two most familiar with the story; to grimaces on Sirzechs, Grayfia, Venelana, and Zeo, who had some idea of how bad Elros had it, but didn't think it was that bad; to sheer horror and shock on the rest of the peerage and Kuroka, the ones who knew the least.

"What the fuck?!" Issei yelled out, unable to keep a lid on it. He wasn't a stranger to the bad fasts of his peerage; he was well aware that out of all of them, his was probably the most normal upbringing on Earth - he wasn't part of the church, nor was he experimented upon as a child; he didn't live on a massive estate in his youth and his parents were pretty cool people. But Elros's story was like his in Bizarro world; Elros had a single parent who was a monster, and he lived in an inhospitable landscape that was more of a hell than hell itself

"That was the reaction I had when Elros told me," Rias said uneasily, her face downcast.

"His father… tortured him?" Asia asked, gulping.

"That's how he got some of his scars," Rias answered.

"Where's his father now?" Yubelluna asked with a snarl. She, along with the other girls from the peerage, felt a vicious uprise in their bodies. The only thing they wanted right now was to bomb Elros's father to hell, back, and then to hell again.

"He doesn't know. You can understand why he probably never spent much time looking for him, though," Rias said.

"He always seems so cheerful," Mihae said, holding back tears. Xuelan put an arm around her friend, her eyes also misting over.

"He enjoys being a Green Lantern and helping people. He also spent a long time living with one of the duelists, Luke Star. He said he considers him a father figure - so to some extent, I think that's helped him. But… he's still in a lot of pain from what I can tell," Rias said sadly. She scooped Gasper up and gently rocked him, seeing tears coming out of his eyes. Gasper was the youngest and most innocent of the group; Rias knew that his father was much like Elros's although not as torturous - mostly just ignoring him. She held Gasper tightly, letting him draw strength from her as he cried onto her shoulder.

'I guess that's another reason why Gasper and Elros connect so well. They've both been through so much…,' she thought.

"I don't understand how a man can do that to his own son!" Sirzechs said, notably losing his cool. His mind trailed to his own son, Millicas, whom he loved very much along with his wife. He would happily die before laying one finger on his child in such a manner. Grayfia, Venelana and Zeoticus nodded in response, their anger flaring as well as they heard the story. It was rare that anything shook them so much, but with how close Elros had gotten to Rias, he had grown on them considerably as well - to the point of already being a de facto member of the family, much like Akeno. That anyone would dare cause him such pain was criminal to them.

"He seems more like a monster than a man," Zeoticus noted. The description Rias had given them about his father - leaving out the details that she and the girls had learned on their excursion to Death Valley - especially the most recent story Elros told them about being held at gunpoint was gruesome, even to a man who had seen much in his life.

"He killed a man when he was a child?" Asia asked, gulping and shuddering at the thought. A collective shiver ran through everyones spine as they imagined a young Elros driving a knife through a grown man, no emotion in his eyes.

"To put him out of his pain. His father framed it in such a way, that it was a lose-lose situation. At least the guy didn't have to suffer," Rias said, trying to look for event the faintest silver lining.

"That's so fucked up," Issei said.

"I know," Rias said sadly.

"How did he survive in the desert for so long? I mean… I had some training when I was his age, I think. But months? How is that possible for a six year old?" Kiba asked.

"He lived off the land is what Luke Star implied. Eating his kills, as it were," Venelana answered, remembering their talk with Luke.

"His father took him hunting, like I said. So Elros knew how to survive in a… bad situation," Rias said, sugarcoating it.

"Why hasn't he told us any of this before?" Isabela asked. They all considered the question, some feeling guilty as they did so. In the short time they knew him, Elros had seemed to take on quite a few of their burdens. Issei recalled how he stepped in for him against Vali, while Rias and her family re-recalled the two Duels Elros went through for her sake; Kuroka remembered how he understood and accepted her side of the story against her former master, while Gasper and Koneko remembered what Elros told them after the incident with the Stray Devil, as well as he he treated them - with love and kindness and respect; the girls from the peerage recalled that Elros gave them a chance at a new life and spent some personal time with them, learning more about who they were; with Isabela and Yubelluna feeling especially strongly about it. Sona and Tsubaki recalled how he made them feel, with Tsubaki remembering that he thought her Sacred Gear was amazing - something her family decidedly did not think. Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki felt another pang of guilt - not telling them about their excursion to Death Valley behind his back was still a heavy weight on their hearts.

"He doesn't like to remember his past, like I said. He wants to focus on the now and the future - the future he has with us. All of us," Rias said fiercely. They nodded in agreement. Whatever Elros's past was, he was safe and protected with them. And as far as he would go for them, they would go just as far for him.

"That brings me back to his birthday. His father obviously never celebrated it for him. It's not surprising considering the kind of man he is. But that's why it's all the more important that we give him the best party anyone has ever had. He deserves it. He's done so much for all of us," Rias said, her voice laced with passion. Everyone nodded vigorously.

"What's the plan?" Yubelluna asked.

"He's uncomfortable with being the center of attention, so I think a large party with lots of people is out of the question. He loves movies, though - so I was thinking that as well a dinner with all of us. I think he'd like that," Rias suggested.

"I think that's best. He's not one for fancy and ritzy. Something simple and intimate," Sona agreed, with Tsubaki nodding.

"When are we doing it?" Issei asked.

"I'll begin planning it today. Probably sometime over the next few days, after we get to Earth," Rias said. The others nodded before slowly getting up and filing back to their rooms, their hearts more somber than they had been in a long time. Rias rejoined her family with Sona and Tsubaki, still shifting uncomfortably.

"I think it's a wonderful thing you're planning, sweetheart," Venelana said kindly.

"He deserves it. He deserves everything," Rias said fiercely.


As Elros woke up, he saw that Akeno was still comfortably asleep. Smiling, he gently weaved his hand through her hair as he looked up at the darkening sky - it was a long nap. He let out a deep sigh as he felt a cold rush pass over them, ruffling the flowers. It awoke Akeno who cutely smacked her lips before wrapping herself around him.

"Mmm, so warm," she said, eliciting a chuckle from him.

"Glad you're so comfortable," he said, kissing her on the cheek.

"We made love in a field like this," she said, smiling at the greenery.

"Sort of. We were surrounded by tremendous mountains, though - and it was a meadow. You wanna go two for two?" he asked, pushing her on her back and holding her down.

"Well, no one is gonna see us here," Akeno giggled, kissing his neck before working to his lips. But as she got there she paused and just smiled at him.

"But honestly, as much as I loved doing it - I think I like this more. Where we can just… I dunno, be together," she said, blushing.

"I enjoy it as well. I could look at you for days on end and never get bored," Elros said, kissing her atop her forehead. Akeno giggled before she pushed him on his back.

"That said, however, I really loved having sex with you. So…," she said as she quickly took his shirt off, her own following before pressing her lips back to his. She giggled as she felt his hands go to her back, squeezing her tightly; they still had several hours to go before they had to be back.


Akeno collapsed on top of Elros, her legs tingling and her breathing heavy and ragged. She felt him kiss her neck as he massaged her ass. She had a smirk on her lips as he gently turned on her back to continue, her holding his head in place and taking in the feeling as deep as she could.

"Even… better… this time," she said slowly. She giggled as she felt a hand trial between her legs but quickly pulled it up, sucking on the juices before kissing him again.

"Good. I try to improve every time, so I'm sure we've got plenty of goes left before I reach my peak," Elros said. She giggled before gently pushing him off, holding his face with her hands. He had his radiant smile plastered on as usual, putting her at ease she first thought impossible. It seemed to help wash away any fears she had. It was a smile that gave her reassurance in the future, peace with her past, and happiness in the present.

"What is it?" Elros asked.

"Nothing. I'm just… so happy when I look at you," she said.

"You deserve to be happy at all times, Akeno," Elros said, resting his head against hers, closing his eyes. Akeno followed suit, still smiling wide.

"You're sweet. And thanks for saying that. It… was a while before I understood what it means to be happy," she said.

"I understand. You didn't have it easy as a child, although you deserved to. Everyone does, especially a that age," Elros said, thinking especially about Gasper and Koneko, both of whom had had it quite rough.

"I know. At least we're on the bright side now," she said, slightly sad. Elros held her a bit tighter, gently rocking her. Akeno buried her head into the crook of his neck again, just enjoying the moment they were having; everything that needed to be said on the subject could be conveyed through their touch.


"Ready to head back?" Rias asked Elros the following morning, smiling as she gently rocked him awake. Looking at his side, he saw that Akeno was still gently dozing - having spent the night with him and Rias as she typically did.

"I dunno. This is pretty comfortable," Elros said as he gently pulled her on top. Rias rolled her eyes but giggled as she felt him walk his fingers across her stomach, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"I know, but don't worry. I still have to shower, so we can have some fun before we go," Rias said with a smirk. That was all the motivation Elros needed. He gently untangled himself from Akeno, scooped Rias up princess style, and broke for the bathroom with the speed of the Flash.


"That was nice," Elros said as he finally got dressed. As opposed to his civvies, he wore a slate three piece suit with a white dress shirt and bow tie. His hair was neatly done to the side and he was putting on his cufflinks. Rias and Akeno looked on with a curious eye.

"Why so fancy?" Rias asked.

"Got my date with Sona, of course!" Elros said.

"You didn't dress up like that for me," Akeno said.

"Yeah, but we needed to be a bit more comfortable for that. This baby doesn't lend itself well to sex in the rain," he said with a wink. Akeno giggled but nodded while Rias's brow furrowed.

"I completely forgot you two did it in the rain. No fair!" she grumbled, eliciting a chuckle from Elros who went over and give each of them a passionate kiss.

"No, but the moon is something else, isn't it?" he asked.

"Mmm… true enough," Rias said, smiling wide as she thought about it.

"No fair… I want to do it in space with you as well," Akeno pouted.

"While I can't take you to the moon, I'm sure we can work something out," Elros chuckled. Akeno smiled as she thought about sex in space.

"You always have an answer, don't you?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," Elros said cheerfully.

"So what do you have planned for Sona, Mr. Bond?" Rias asked.

"Assassination," Elros said as he held a gun construct in his hand.

"I'm not sure killing someone is a good first date," Rias giggled.

"You sure? Because I can't think of anything better," Elros said, scratching his head with the gun barrel, his finger on the trigger.

"Very sure," Rias said.

"Well, Sona is a genius. There's really only one place I can take her," Elros said.

"Where's that?" Akeno asked.

"I can't tell you! Besides, I'm sure she'll tell you two all about it later," Elros said.

"Going to have sex with her?" Rias wondered.

"No kissing and telling," Elros said.

"Akeno and I have told each other everything," she said.

"Yeah. You two are the kind of people that read the last chapter of a book first and read the spoilers for a movie on Wikipedia," Elros grumbled, eliciting an eye roll. They wouldn't be getting any information from him.

"Anyways, I'm out! I'll see you two back home," Elros said, giving each of them one more passionate kiss before opening a magic circle and heading to Sona's territory. Rias and Akeno sighed as he left, smiling as they thought of what Sona would tell them later. As he left, Rias began to tell Akeno what transpired while she was with Elros, as well as more about his relationship with Luke.


"Elros, good to see you again!" Lord Sitri said as he opened the door for Elros.

"Hello, Lord Sitri. I hope you've been well," Elros said, shaking his hand.

"Indeed. Please, come in," he said. Elros thanked the man as he waited in the foyer with him, with Lady Sitri and Serafall going them shortly.

"Hello, Elros. Wonderful to see you again so soon," Lady Sitri said with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Sitri, Lady Leviathan," Elros said with a bow.

"So handsome!" Serafall said giddily as she rushed over and began poking Elros, much to the Lady and Lord's bemusement and Elros's amusement.

"Serafall," Lady Sitri said warningly.

"Come on, mom! Look at how cute he looks!" Serafall said, pinching his cheeks from behind and giggling at her antics. Elros didn't seem to find, just chuckling.

"Forgive my daughters… expressiveness," Lord Sitri said.

"Not at all, sir. I don't mind," Elros said as Serafall continued to rub her hands on his stomach.

"WOW! I don't think Zechs is this cut! That's so hot!" Serafall said giddily.

"SERAFALL!? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Sona screamed adorably as she ran down the stairs and pried her sister off. Tsubaki came after her, sighing - she would have to take control of Serafall so Sona and Elros could enjoy their day. She smiled at him before whisking the elder daughter away, Lord and Lady Sitri following them.

"I am so sorry," Sona said, blushing in embarrassment.

"Not at all. My God, you look amazing," Elros said, taking her in. Sona's hair was in it's usual fashion, coming around her head and with some parts just at the shoulders. She wore her usual purple rimmed glasses over her stunning purple eyes. A beautiful blue dress layered her figure, flowering gently at the knees. She wore high heels, something Elros didn't think he'd seen on her before and smiled gently up at him

"Thanks. You look very handsome yourself," she said quietly, taking in his figure. He wore a suit such as this one last time as well, but she didn't take the time to admire it last time.

"Shall we get this date underway?" he asked, holding out an arm for her.

"Yes please," Sona said happily, taking it. Elros opened a magic circle and they both stepped through.


"Where… are we?" Sona asked, looking around. She gasped slightly as she felt the wind rush through her hair, although it stopped as Elros shielded her from it. Looking around, she saw only one thing: buildings. Buildings as far as the eye could see, constructing a veritable concrete jungle down below. As soon as she asked the question, she had the answer.

"Manhattan," Elros said with a smile.

"New York City?" she asked in surprise. Like many others in her and Rias's peerage, she hardly Japan - despite how ridiculously easy it was for her and the others to travel. She had never come to New York City - although it was obvious to her where she was; the place had a certain texture to it that couldn't be found elsewhere.

"Indeed. Our date is going to continue in the bottom floor of this building, where we'll also have dinner before we head somewhere else with a better view. I hope you enjoy it," Elros said. Sona smiled and took his arm in hers.

"I'm sure I will," she said quietly. Elros returned the smile before he opened a door and began leading her down.

"You mind if we use the stairs as opposed to the elevator?" Elros asked.

"I don't, but why?" she wondered.

"More time to talk with you," Elros said. Sona blushed but nodded.

"There's something I want to talk to you about as well. Rias… told me that your birthday just recently passed," she said.

"Yup. Day of the duel," Elros said.

"How come you didn't tell us?" she asked.

"Honestly, I didn't think it was that big a deal. I never celebrated it before and didn't really see a reason to fuss about it this year," Elros said.

"I see," Sona said.

"Are you upset I didn't tell you?" Elros asked.

"I am upset, but more because you seem to have… missed out on an important experience. With how long Devils lifespan is, you would think that we wouldn't care for such an event, but it's the opposite. Birthdays are extremely important, and celebrating them even more so. A year isn't a short passage of time, however it may seem otherwise," Sona said.

"My father never prioritized it, I suppose. And after he left, I had other things to focus on," Elros said.

"You've had it difficult, that's for certain. Even your life as a Lantern… I know you enjoy it, but it can't be easy with so many lives resting on your shoulder's. You and I are about the same age yet… the differences are vast," Sona said, lost in thought as she considered them. Elros smiled and held a bit closer.

"You get used to it," Elros said.

"Really?" Sona asked.

"No, not really. It's… difficult, you're right. I remember the first mission I went on was… grisly," Elros said. To her surprise, Sona felt him shudder as he turned a pale white - something that frightened her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I… sorry. No. I can't relive that," Elros said, shaking his head a bit. The color returned and they continued a bit, Sona deciding to not press the question.

"But yeah… difficult first mission. And most of them have been as difficult. I haven't succeeded in all of them - whether it be timing or the enemy or something, but there are several missions that I failed. It took me a long time… a long time to accept that I wouldn't always succeed and rescue everyone. I've had to make calls that decided the fates of… untold numbers of lives. However many it is, though, it stays with you. It always stays," Elros said, his voice breaking slightly. Sona paused and drew him in for a hug, not sure how to respond. What could she say? She knew nothing of war, although she was an excellent fighter; even her sister didn't have the responsibilities that Elros had. Anything she said would only minimize what he felt and she wanted to avoid that at all costs. For his part, Elros returned the hug, gulping as he remembered the screams. He viciously pushed the thought out of his head before continuing; that wasn't date material.

"Might I ask you something?" Sona asked as they continued.

"Sure," Elros said.

"I was simply curious… if it was my peerage that had found you and I asked you to join us, would you have accepted?" Sona asked. Elros looked surprised at the question but thought about it - would he have?

"I'm honestly not sure. It's an interesting question, though. I think I'd have had to spend at least a day or two with you guys to give you an honest answer. Besides you and Tsubaki, I don't know any of your peerage that well. Haven't had much interaction with Saji, and only spent a couple of hours with Momo and Tsubasa," Elros said.

"Momo? Tsubasa?" Sona asked.

"Yeah. You remember the day you, Rias, Akeno, and Tsubaki went shopping?" Elros asked.

"Umm… no," Sona said, wracking her brains. When was that?

"The day after we met Hal and Carol in Santa Monica!" Elros said. Sona's heart dropped as he said that.

"O-o-oh, that day. Yes, I remember now. Sorry. I don't often remember my shopping sprees," she said, scrambling to cover her indiscretion.

"But yeah, went to watch the firework show with them," Elros said.

"I see. So there's a chance you might've joined us, then? If the roles were reversed," Sona said.

"Sure. Like I said, I didn't really give it the thought I probably should have. But I don't regret my decision one bit thus far. It's been a blast," Elros said with a grin.

"Would you give up being a Green Lantern for it?" Sona asked.

"Nope," Elros replied without hesitation.

"Really? It… seems like a dangerous job, though. You could probably have an easier life as just a Devil," Sona said.

"The one condition I had for Rias when I chose to become a Devil was that my responsibilities as a Lantern always came first. There's just to many lives at stake," Elros said.

"I see. I don't think Rias told me that," Sona said.

"Would you have agreed?" Elros asked.

"I'm not sure. I likely would've considered it. You'd be quite the addition," she said.

"Then you could whip me around like Saji," Elros said cheerfully, making her blush.

"I do NOT whip him around!" Sona said.

"Issei told me you spanked him 1,000 times," Elros said.

"I… may have," Sona said. Elros chuckled as his hand moved slightly down her back. He stopped as he saw her become uncomfortable.

"Ah. Sorry about that," Elros said, moving it to around her shoulders.

"It's… fine. I'm sorry. I… don't know why but… I'm not as… well… I'm…," Sona said, stammering.

"Relax, Sona. Just relax. Don't worry," Elros said soothingly. Sona sighed but nodded.


"Elros…," Sona said, slightly wide eyed. They were in a massive room filled with chairs and tables and hundreds of other people all doing just one thing: playing chess.

"Mmm?" Elros asked, carefully looking at her reaction.

"This… you…," Sona said, looking around.

"Ah. I'm sorry. It… appears I might have miscalculated," Elros said, his heart dropping a bit. Did he make the wrong choice in location?

"What do you mean?! This is fantastic!" Sona said, her lips suddenly erupting into a wide smile as she looked bright eyed at all the games going on. She quickly grabbed Elros by the hand and began walking him through the aisles. Elros let out a sigh of relief and smiled as he saw how excited she looked.

"I'm glad you think so," Elros said.

"The 2016 World Chess Championships! I've always wanted to attend one of these events!" Sona said happily.

'Thank you, God,' Elros said, taking the pain in his head like a champ. Sona led him to a particular table and they watched the two contestants play each other, Sona whispered the importance of particular moves to Elros here and there. As they watched, however, they were approached by a beautiful woman.

"Hello, Mr. Eärendil, Ms. Sitri. If you'll come this way," she said with a smile. Sona looked at Elros who just winked in response. They followed and were soon at a private table with a stunning chess set laid out. The board was made out of carbon fiber with black and off-black tiles. The pieces were made of titanium, stainless steel, aluminum and in the shape of various things from hubs and cockpit sittings to suspensions and other things. To top it off, a bottle of wine was available for their pleasure. The woman sat them down before taking her leave.

"What is this?" Sona asked, running her hands along the pieces.

"You may or may not know this about me, but I absolutely love cars," Elros said with a grin.

"I didn't know that at all," she said, surprised.

"This is the Renault F1 Team chess set. Pieces are made of the same material they use in their cars. I know you love chess, so I thought we might play a game," Elros said.

"This set is beautiful," she said. Sona had some expensive sets at home - including the most expensive set in the world, the Jewel Royale. However, there was a sleekness to this one that was far opposed to the gaudy ones she owned.

"You ready?" Elros asked.

"You want black or white?" Sona asked, smiling wide.

"Ill take white," Elros said. Sona nodded and took her space [K-king; Q-queen; R-rook; B-bishop; N-knight; pawn not given a letter. I'll still denote what each move is, just in case.]

1. Nf3, Nf6 (white knight to f3, black knight to f6)

2. c4, g6 (white pawn to c4, black pawn to g6)

3. Nc3, Bg7 (white knight to c3, black bishop to g7)

4. d4, 0-0 (white pawn to d4, black kingside castle - black rook at f8, black king at g8)

"Do you play chess often?" Sona asked, pouring some wine for herself.

"Not really, if I'm honest. I've played a few games. Won some, lost some. First game I ever played, I just took my king and knocked the other guys king down, declaring myself the winner," Elros said as he opted for a bottle of coke that was brought to him. Sona giggled as she imagined that.

"Your giggle is adorable," Elros chuckled, making her blush a deep red.

5. Bf4, d5 (white bishop to f4, black pawn to d5)

6. Qb3, dxc4 (white queen to b3, black pawn from d5 captures white pawn at c4)

7. Qxc4, c6 (white queen from b3 captures black pawn at c4, black pawn to c6)

8. c4, Nbd7 (white pawn to e4, black knight to d7)

9. Rd1, Nb6 (white rook to d1, black knight to b6)

10. Qc5, Bg4 (white queen to c5, black bishop to g4)

11. Bg5, Na4 (white bishop to g5, black knight to a4)

12. Qa3, Nxc3 (white queen to a3, black knight from a4 captures white knight at c3)

13. bxc3, Nxe4 (white pawn from b2 captures black knight at c3, black knight from f6 captures white pawn at e4)

14. Bxe7, Qb6 (white bishop from g5 captures black pawn at e7, black queen to b6)

15. Bc4, Nxc3 (white bishop to c4, black knight from e4 captures white pawn at c3)

"Hmm…," Elros said.

"What is it?" Sona asked.

"I'm curious what got you interested in chess," Elros inquired.

"I've always been interested, but I think I really got into it when I met Rias for the first time. Our moms are best friends so we were at each others house a lot of times. Our parents loved the game, so there was always some chess sets laying around. She's the first person I remember playing it with, though. We've always been pretty competitive, so we played each other constantly," Sona said, smirking.

"What's the win-loss?" Elros asked.

"I'm sure we both disagree on that number, but I'm pretty sure I'm ahead by a game or two. She's certainly a better player than my fiancèe," Sona sighed.

"How many moves did you beat him in?" Elros asked. Sona held up four fingers, surprising Elros.

"Jeez. Ok, so I'm ahead. That… makes me feel better," he said with a chuckle.

"Mhm. You're not such a bad match yourself," she said.

"We'll see by the end of this," Elros said, making his next move.

16. Bc5, Rfe8+ (white bishop to c5, black rook to e8, placing white king at e1 in check)

17.Kf1, Be6 (white king to f1, black bishop to e6)

18. Bxb6, Bxc4+ (white bishop from c5 captures black queen at b6, black bishop from e6 captures white bishop at c4 and places white king at f1 in check).

19. Kg1, Ne2+ (white king to g1, black knight from c3 to e2 placing white king at g1 in check)

20. Kf1, Nxd4+ (white king to f1, black knight from e2 captures white pawn at d4, placing king in check via black bishop at c4)

21. Kg1, Ne2+ (white king to g1, black knight from d4 to e2 placing white king at g1 in check)

"Ugh," Elros grumbled, eliciting a smirk from Sona. He was getting his ass kicked.

"Want to give up?" she asked.

"Kidding me? If I don't have a weapon, I'ma pick up a rock, Sona," Elros said.

"What does that mean?" Sona inquired.

"That I'm gonna keep fighting no matter what!" Elros said.

22. Kf1, Nc3+ (white king to f1, black knight from e2 to c3, placing white king in check via bishop at c4,)

23. Kg1, axb6 (white king to g1, black pawn from a7 captures white bishop at b6)

24. Qb4, Ra4 (white queen to b4, black rook to a4)

25. Qxb6, Nxd1 (white queen from b4 captures black pawn at b6, black knight at c3 captures white rook at d1)

26. h3, Rxa2 (white pawn to h3, black rook from a4 capture white pawn at a2)

27. Kh2, Nxf2 (white king to h2, black knight d1 captures white pawn at f2)

28. Re1, Rxe1 (white rook to e1 from h1, black rook from e8 captures white rook at e1)

29. Qd8+ (white queen from b6 to d8 places black king at g8 in check)

"Well, that's something… even though it won't last," Elros grumbled. Sona simply smiled, making her next move.

29 (continued). Bf8 (bishop from g7 to f8)

30. Nxe1, Bd5 (white knight from f3 captures black rook at e1, black bishop from c4 to d5)

31. Nf3, Ne4 (white knight from e1 to f3, black knight from f2 to e4)

32. Qb8, b5 (white queen from d8 to b8, black pawn from b7 to b5)

33. h4, h5 (white pawn from h3 to h4, black pawn from h7 to h5)

34. Ne5, Kg7 (white knight from f3 to e5, black king from g8 to g7)

"Oh. Oh, no," Elros said, letting out his most audible groan yet. As he did so, dinner for the two was rolled in.

"You see it too?" Sona asked, giggling.

"Yes. However, I will play it until the end. I'm hoping you make a mistake.

35. Kg1, Bc5+ (white king from h2 to g1, black bishop from f8 to c5 placing white king at g1 in check)

36. Kf1, Ng3+ (white king from g1 to f1, black knight from e4 to g3 placing white king at f1 in check)

37. Ke1, Bb4+ (white king from f1 to e1, black bishop from c5 to b4 placing white king at e1 in check)

38. Kd1, Bb3+ (white king from e1 to d1, black bishop from d5 to b3 placing white king at d1 in check)

39. Kc1, Ne2+ (white king from d1 to c1, black knight from g3 to e2 placing white king at c1 in check)

40. Kb1, Nc3+ (white king from c1 to b1, black knight from e2 to c3 placing white king at b1 in check)

41. Kc1, Rc2# (white king from b1 to c1, black rook from a2 to c3 placing white king in check).

"Checkmate," Sona said, leaning back with a pleasant smile.

"Yup," Elros sighed, although he was smiling wide. They shook each others hands as good sports do before Elros wheeled the chess table away and unveiled the dinner for them. Serving Sona, he retook his seat and they began to eat.

"You did very well," Sona said, pausing to take a sip of wine.

"Thanks. Although evidently it wasn't good enough. I guess no marriage for us though," Elros said, mock dejectedly.

"Please stop teasing me about that," she sighed, blushing red.

"My apologies. I love to tease," Elros said.

"Yes, I've noticed. But seriously, you did well. Better than the other guy. Better than any guy I've faced, now that I think of it. You would probably give Tsubaki and Akeno a decent game," she said.

"Ah. I take that to mean that Rias would kick my ass?" Elros asked.

"She might. Rias is a great chess player," Sona said.

"I'll have to play her sometime. But this was fun. It's been a long while since my last game," Elros said.

"I can certainly say I didn't expect this. I thought you would take me to a museum or a park or something along those lines," Sona said.

"Would you have preferred that?" Elros asked.

"Certainly not! I love chess. I've been wanting to come to the World Championship for years, but always end up busy with something else. This game… it's just wonderful, you know? It doesn't matter if you're a human or a Devil or Angel or whatever - as long as you have your wits and intelligence, you can play on even footing. It's an equalizer for all of us," Sona said passionately.

"I didn't know you cared for it so much," Elros said, smiling.

"I do! So many Devils think that they're the greatest thing to have ever walked, but I guarantee you that most of the humans out there would beat them in a game of chess. They rely on their heritage to get ahead - what they're born into! They refuse to train and further themselves in any way, thinking that everything should just be handed to them! But when it comes to a game like chess - you're not born with anything. You're not born a grandmaster. You have to earn it, which is what a lot of people seem to forget these days. You have to earn whatever you want, whether it be power or fame or wealth or a grandmaster rank," Sona said. Elros looked at with intrigue; he had never heard her speak in such a way in all their time together.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get s-," Sona began before Elros shook his head.

"No, no - I actually agree with you on your points. It just hit me that this is the first time you've talked about something like that. This is important to you," Elros said with a genteel smile.

"It is. Have… have I told you what my dream is?" she asked, blushing.

"I don't think so," Elros said.

"I want to open a Rating Game School. I want it to be open to everyone, regardless of their status. Reincarnated Low and Middle Class Devils would be more than welcome. It's part of the reason that I was so adamant in coming to school in Japan. I wanted to see what it was like for humans to interact so freely with each other. I want to do away with the discrimination that so many Devils face - or at least be part of such a movement. I've had it quite easy compared to others - but… I didn't have to earn it. It was just given to me on a silver platter and I was expected to succeed a legacy of wealth and power. It's so different from you. I mean… you went through two brutal duels and came out on top. You earned your place. And even now, so many Devils look down on you. It makes me angry," Sona said, her power flaring as her head turned down. Elros quickly went over, putting an arm around her and kissing her atop her head.

"You're a wonderful person, Sona," he whispered to her.

"What?" she asked, blushing.

"You're a wonderful person. I didn't know you had such a great dream you wanted to fulfill," Elros said.

"You think so?" Sona asked, analyzing his face for any hint of dishonesty.

"I do. Not many people want to tackle something as big as discrimination in society. Knowing that you do? It makes me proud to be able to call you a good friend. It's not going to be easy, but I think you know that. But you know what? I'm going to help you," Elros said.

"What?" Sona asked, turning even redder.

"I'm going to help you. When I was out with Rias the day before, this little Devil girl came up to me. She wants to participate in Rating Games and Duels when she grows up, but she thought that being a Low-Class Devil was going to inhibit her. Didn't show it, but it hurt me to see a girl with such a bright outlook so sullen by something as stupid as what her caste might be. If I can help make her dream come true, I'm going to. If that means tearing the discrimination that she might face down, brick by brick, so be it," Elros said.

"Are you sure? Like you said, it's a huge task," Sona said, although she felt a surge in her heart. If Elros got involved in making her dream a reality, it would work wonders in bringing more people to her side. He was already considered a beacon of hope to many Low-Class and Middle-Class Devils; it would help shatter several preconceptions.

"I'm positive. Whatever you need, I promise to deliver," Elros said. Sona lunged forward and drew him in for a tight hug. Elros smiled and hugged her back just as tightly. They held that position for a while, simply train in the others warmth.

"Thank you," she whispered, her heart beating rapidly.

"Anything," Elros replied. Slowly, Sona let go before getting up, having finished her meal. She was about to go when she felt Elros tap her on the shoulder. He presented her with the Renault F1 chess set, the pieces back in their proper position.

"What's this?" she asked.

"A gift for you. The chess set," Elros said.

"Really?" Sona asked, taking it with a bright look in her eye.

"Yup. We'll play our next game at your place, I think," Elros said. Sona nodded before calling out for a maid.

"Could you place this on my nightstand? Thank you," she said. Turning back to Elros, she hugged him again.

"Where to now? It's probably getting dark outside," Sona said. Elros opened up a magic circle and held his arm out for her. Taking it with a smile, they stepped through.


As they stepped out, Sona shivered slightly. Elros took his jacket off and put it around her. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before letting out a gasp at seeing where they were. They were standing on one of the towers of the Brooklyn Bridge, facing the skyline of Manhattan. The bright lights were shining against an otherwise dark sky with even more countless headlights swimming on the bridge below them.

"Beautiful," Sona whispered. She felt Elros wrap his arms around her stomach, resting his chin atop her head. It was a wonderful feeling, she thought. While she didn't need him to protect her, it was nice to be held in such a manner by someone that she felt as though she could count on. She remembered how he dealt with Saji. If Saji had called her a coward, she would've fought him on the spot; but Elros simply let it slide, weighing his pride against the situation. She remembered his duels again Riser and peerage; and Anders, Bastion, and Elizaveta - both of them for Rias's sake. And just now, his offer to help make her dream a reality without asking for anything in return. He was the kind of man she would be happy to marry - one who was caring and generous and loving. She swiveled so that she was facing him and looked up, moving her arms to around his neck.

Slowly, Sona reached up and kissed him him gently. Elros was surprised at the motion but took it in stride, letting his hands get comfortable on her back and pressing her closer. Sona felt his tongue enter her mouth and let out a soft moan as she let him taste her. She felt it begin to massage hers, a tingling feeling that she enjoyed very much. He ramped up the passion considerably, both getting a bit wilder. Finally, Sona broke the kiss, licking his lips on the way out and rested her forehead against his, her breathing heavy.

"Wow…," she whispered, gulping before letting out a shuddered breath.

"Yeah. Wow," Elros replied. It took all the willpower he had to restrain himself; he didn't want to make Sona uncomfortable. Sona opened her eyes and saw the primal look in his, something that she hadn't seen before.

"Elros…," she began.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"I… I like you. I like you a lot. But… I don't want to rush this. Please," she said.

"Of course, Sona. As slow or as fast as you want. I'm… quite content to just kiss you, to be honest. That was amazing," Elros said honestly. Sona felt a rush of pride as he said and leaned up to kiss him again.

"Thank you. Thanks. I… wow," Sona said, giggling a bit.

"Adorable," Elros said with a light laugh. Sona turned around and rested against his back again. She felt him reach down and kiss her neck gently, a sensation she enjoyed very much. Finally, he rested his chin atop her head again and they watched the skyline twinkle together.


"Sona! HOW WAS IT?!" Serafall asked, rushing in as she felt Sona's presence back home. Lady and Lord Sitri followed, both noting the wide smile on their youngest daughters lips.

"Amazing. He's amazing," Sona giggled before she ran upstairs.

"YOU HAVE TO TELL ME MORE THAN THAT!" Serafall said, about to run up. However, Lady Sitri stopped her.

"I'm sure she can tell you tomorrow, sweetheart," she said, sighing. Serafall pouted but agreed.

As Sona reached her room, she quickly changed clothes and got on the bed, admiring the beautiful new chess set that Elros gave her. She gave it prime placement on the nightside at her right side, making sure everything was in perfect place before she went to sleep, her new boyfriend dancing across her dreams.