
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Rest Period

"What? Delayed?" Elros asked Rias.

"Yeah. Everyone just got the news that they're going to be next week. Everything else is being pushed back as well - including your fights," Rias informed him. She had her nose in a book, only given this slight reprieve by Akeno's mercy.

"Ugh. I was so ready to get 'er done," Elros groaned.

"We all were. I suppose this works just as well, though," Rias said.

"What's the reason? Was there another attack?" Elros asked.

"Nope. After some magical races caught wind that Titania was attending, though, they said they want their own representatives there. Apparently the Fairies are a really big deal - big enough that people will start shifting their own plans around. So they decided to just put a hiatus to allow as many to attend as they possibly can," Rias said.

"Alright. Do we know who we're fighting yet?" Elros asked.

"I think it's going to be Diodora, but I can't be sure. I don't know much about his peerage overall, but apparently he beat Seekvaira handily so it probably isn't going to be as easy as we thought," Rias said.

"Whoever it is, we'll win," Elros said encouragingly.

"I've no doubt about that. So what're you up too?" Rias asked sweetly.

"Just doing a bit of shopping. You're with Akeno?" Elros asked.

"Ugh, more like being watched by her. My studies again," Rias groaned.

"Don't worry. I'll get you something to cheer you up," Elros chuckled.

"I look forward to it. Anyways, I'll see you in a few hours, then," Rias said, hanging up.

"Hmm… alright. So what to get for Rias, Akeno, Sona, Tsubaki, Marion, Bürent, Yubelluna, Mihae, Karlamine, Isabela, Xuelan… Xenovia, Asia, Momo, and Tsubasa as well I think. Uhh… Issei, Saji, and Kiba abandoned me on the home theater so they can go fuck themselves. Gave Gasper that weapon and Koneko the flower. Hmm… Mr. G, Mrs. G, Grayfia, Sirzechs, and Azazel as well. Not even Christmas and I'm already Santa Claus," Elros said cheerfully as he went on his merry way.


"Back to work, Rias," Akeno said with a smirk as she lazed around on the bed with a book.

"Ugh, can't you be a bit more lenient?" Rias grumbled.

"Nope. If I do, then I'm the one who Venelana is going to scold. I'd rather she just do that you," Akeno replied with a giggle.

"Some friend you are. At least that means you have to stay with me as long as I'm working," Rias pouted before doing as she was told.

"I'm sure I can get Venelana to cover for an hour while I go have some fun with Elros," Akeno said happily, eliciting another grumble from her best friend.

"So what do you think about having his party this week?" Rias asked as she wrote down a few things.

"I think that's a great idea. We've already delayed it so long," Akeno sighed.

"I know. But with everything that's happened on Earth, then the training and now the Rating Games… it's just been so packed," Rias said.

"If we're going to do it, we should stick with it. How about the night before the Rating Game?" Akeno suggested.

"Yeah, that works," Rias agreed.

"Alright. I'll start planning it," Akeno said, closing her book and pulling out her phone. She began clicking away while Rias kept her nose to her book.


"Elros?" a voice from behind rang out.

"Barbara! What're you doing here?" Elros asked in surprise.

"This is Gotham Mall and I live in Gotham," Barbara told him.

"Oh. That makes sense. I guess what am I doing here is the more apt question, then," Elros said with a laugh.

"Yup. What are you doing here?" she wondered.

"Just doing a bit of gift shopping for my new friends. No place better than the Gotham Mall. Care to join?" Elros wondered.

"I'd love too," Barbara said with a smile. The two headed towards an escalator, where Elros stretched gently, flashing charming smiles here and there towards other women he came across.

"For a guy who's dating so many girls, you would think you'd be less flirtatious in public," Barbara sighed.

"I can't believe you said that! That's core to my being!" Elros exclaimed.

"Don't I know it," she giggled.

"Oh, you'll never guess what happened during my first Rating Game," Elros said excitedly.

"Those are the tournament style fights they do?" Barbara asked.

"Yup. Get this. Someone actually stopped my attacks!" Elros whispered, leaning in.

"What?!" Barbara exclaimed in shock.

"I know! It was amazing," Elros said giddily.

"Wait - someone stopped your attacks?" Barbara asked, taking Elros by the hand and leading him towards a secluded corner.

"Yup. One of the girls I'm dating - Tsubaki. She's pretty strong to boot. I won in the end, but it was really surprising," Elros said.

"How'd she stop them?" Barbara asked.

"She's able to conjure up mirrors. Light and mirrors don't work well, as you well know," Elros replied.

"That's… interesting to hear. Mirrors, hmm?" she hummed.

"Yup. They can reflect my attacks back at me as well, as I found out when I tried something else. Exciting fight, overall," Elros said.

"You should probably think of ways to counteract that, now that you know. You might go up against something like that again in a less ideal setting," Barbara frowned.

"You're right… as usual. I'll get on it. Soon," Elros sighed.

"Why doesn't that fill me with confidence?" she sighed.

"Come on, Barbie. Hey, wanna help me shop?" Elros asked.

"Sure. And please never call me Barbie again. I hate that nickname," Barbara grumbled.

"I know. That's why it's gonna stick," Elros said cheerfully.

"Ugh. Now I know why you get on my nerves sometimes," she said, punching him lightly.

"It's part of my infinite charm," Elros said, slinging an arm around her and pulling her in. Barbara smiled at the gesture and leaned in, touching his hand with hers.

"It's been a while since we've done this," she whispered.

"I know. It's good to see you again, Barb," Elros grinned.

"Likewise," she said.


"That's quite the selection you purchased," Barbara sighed as she and Elros relaxed on a bench by a pond with some ice cream.

"I have a lot of people to please," Elros said cheerfully.

"Not having any difficulties yet?" Barbara wondered.

"Not thus far, no. Let's hope it stays that way, for my sake," Elros replied.

"Mmm," Barbara hummed.

"What?" he inquired.

"What?" she replied.

"… What?" he laughed.

"Sorry. Just thinking. I'm curious how you're doing with everything else," Barbara said, nodding her head at a billboard. Elros sighed as he saw it; his and Clarks figures were on it with a tagline that read 'Gods Among Us?'

"As well as one could, I suppose. It was pretty sudden, but… can't do anything about it now," he said.

"No one else has come out yet, but they will. I think we can be assured of that," Barbara said.

"I know. But that's just as well. I had thought for a moment that everyone would be coming out of the woodwork immediately. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case," Elros said.

"It'd take the spotlight off you," she said.

"Yeah, and shine it on someone who might not be as ready. This is fine," Elros said firmly. Barbara let out a deep exhale as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're not alone," she reminded him.

"I know. Thanks, Barbie," Elros chuckled.


"Oh God… it tastes like Death," Elros cried, spitting out his drink.

"I told you not to get it," Barbara sighed.

"Whose bright idea was this?! Chile Mocha?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Elros demanded.

"You should've just gotten your usual."

"I know. You can never go wrong with hot chocolate."

"Want to trade?" she asked, offering her Pumpkin Spice Latte.

"Na. I don't want to subject you to this. I'll man up," he grumbled.

"Just get another."

"I spent $4.92 on this!"

"Aren't you really wealthy now?"

"Barbie, just because you have money doesn't mean you should waste it! I'll show this drink whose boss!"

"Ok, ok - calm down, Mr. Lantern," she giggled.

"So where to now? We could head over to Brucey's or something?" Elros suggested.

"I don't think so. Let's just find another place to sit," she suggested.

"Back to the pond?" he wondered.

"Na. There's something I want to talk with you about as well," Barbara said uneasily. Elros smiled and nodded, having an inkling.


"So…," Barbara trailed off, wondering how to approach the subject.

"You dug into everyones past, didn't you?" he asked with a sigh.

"Guess there wasn't any need for pretense," she said.

"I know you, Barbie. It's not my place to get upset on others behalves, but you could've just asked me about them. I'm happy to introduce you all," he said.

"I'm… not sure if that's a good idea," she sighed.

"I'm sure they'd love you, and I know you'd love them," he said.

"Mmm. Anyways, do you want to hear it?" she wondered.

"No. That wouldn't be fair to them," Elros said firmly.

"Are you sure? There's nothing really bad there," she continued.

"Still no," he said.

"What about Tess Mercer?" Barbara asked.

"You looked into her as well?" Elros wondered in surprise.

"I did. Nothing outwardly terrible, but I wouldn't underestimate her. She's no slouch," Barbara said.

"Don't I know it," Elros said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Hey, Barbara?"

"What's up?"

"Thanks. For everything," Elros said seriously.

"Don't worry about it, E," she said.

"It's not that I'm worried about it," Elros said, turning to face her. She was surprised to see how serious he looked. "I really appreciate everything you do for me. You keep an eye out for me, make sure no ones getting to close to finding out, and a bunch of other stuff that goes over my head. I seriously don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd do the same for me," Barbara said, smiling.

"I would," Elros said immediately. "I'd do anything for you, you know. You're really important to me."

"I know," Barbara said softly, leaning in. "You know, we haven't really done anything together in a long time."

"I know. You wanna go out towards the end of summer?"

"Sure," Barbara said, smiling. "Just let me know when."

"Will do," Elros said, kissing her cheek.

"I don't think your girlfriends would be happy to see that," she said.

"They wouldn't mind. You're one of my oldest friends, after all. I trust you with my life," Elros said.

"I know," Barbara said, smiling and leaning a little closer. "Remember when we first met?"

"Do I ever. I remember the second meeting vividly as well," Elros grinned.

"Your girlfriends really wouldn't like that," Barbara smirked.

"Still wouldn't change a thing," Elros grinned, kissing her cheek again.


As Elros returned home, he had stored everything he had bought in a pocket dimension. Upon his return, he immediately ran into Akeno, who was smiling wide as she hugged him.

"Welcome back," she said, kissing him.

"A very nice welcome at that," he said with a smile as he picked her up and began walking back to their room.

"You and I have a little while together before Rias is done with her studies. Let's have some fun," Akeno giggled, beginning to work her magic. She nibbled his ear, going down to his neck and biting him gently as she paused at the base. Elros immediately quickened his pace. It wasn't long until he had her on the bed, working his own magic.


"You never get tired, do you?" Akeno asked, breathing heavily as she lay on her stomach, drenched in sweat. Elros was off to the side, laying on his back and breathing heavy as well, a grin on his face.

"Comes with the territory. I need to keep in tip top shape so I can fulfill my duties. This is the cherry on top," he said, turning to face her and bringing her in. She giggled and snuggled close to him, her hand going down and continuing to gently stroke.

"Good thing I'm part Fallen Angel. I'll be sure to keep you… physically active," she said, leaning closer to his lips but still keeping them inches apart. Whenever he tried to close the distance, Akeno would dodge and giggle.

"Ugh. You're terrible. I'm sore; stop making me work for it," he finally grumbled.

"Don't blame me for your being so slow," she said. Elros quickly moved, pinning her down as towered over her with a smile, a few grunts of aching escaping him.

"If I can't use pinpoint accuracy, then I'll just apply some overkill," he said said, leaning down and kissing her neck.

"That works too," she giggled.

"Oh! Before I forget, however - I've got something for you," Elros said suddenly. In all his excitement, he forgot his gift for her.

"What is it?" she wondered as he got up. She watched in interest as he opened up the dimension and pulled out a Tiffany Blue Box. Giving it to her, he went around and wrapped his arms around her stomach as she admired it.

"It's not much. If we didn't have such a short amount of time, I'd have gotten you something a bit more spectacular. Until that time, however, a little pre-birthday gift," he said. Akeno felt her heart flutter as she undid the white ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside was a stunning locket with A + E in a heart engraved into it. Akeno smiled wide as she turned it gently in her fingers before putting it on. She gave Elros a smoldering look before hugging him tightly.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Not at all. Added the engraving myself, so I apologize if it's a bit off tilt," he said, kissing her head.

"It's perfect is what it is," she said.

"I'm happy to hear it," he said, kissing her softly before laying back down, bringing her on him. As Akeno looked at him, she noted something she had often missed before. Taking his necklace in her hands, she eyed it with curiosity. It was a silver chain with a stark black jewel in a black casing.

"I've always seen you wear this, but I don't think I know why. Is it special?" she wondered. Elros sighed but smiled, flipping their position again so that he was laying on top of her, resting his head on her breasts. Akeno stroked his hair, holding him tightly as she patiently waited for him to respond.

"I don't have anything from my childhood. This is the only thing that I do. From what I know, it used to belong to my mother," he said.

"Really?" Akeno asked in surprise, her heart beginning to beat faster; Elros's mother was the only person she knew nothing about that was related to him.

"Yeah. At least, that's what my father once told me. I put it on one day then never took it off," he said.

"Do you ever think about what she was like?" Akeno asked.

"I used to. I haven't in a long time," Elros said.

"You never… visited her grave?" she asked uncertainly.

"I'm not sure where it is. I don't know anything about her, beyond what her name was,"

"Amarië Eärendil," Elros said.

"That's a pretty name," Akeno said. Elros looked up at her and smiled, leaning up to give her a kiss.

"While I don't know anything about her, I'm sure she would've loved you. I can't think of anyone that wouldn't," Elros said, cupping her cheek in his hands as he pierced her gaze with his own. Akeno smiled brightly and closed the distance again to kiss him before flipping him on his back and snuggling close.

"Let's take a little nap," she said.

"Happily," Elros said, running his hand through her as he quickly fell asleep.


"Hey," Rias whispered in Elros's ear, waking him up. He smiled as he saw and gently released himself from Akeno, following Rias to the bathroom.

"I see you two had some fun," she said as she slowly slipped out of her clothing.

"Yup. Your mom's keeping you busy?" he wondered.

"Akeno was no help at all!" she grumbled, hands on her hips.

"Ha. I imagine we're going to be together for centuries, so a few hours here and there won't kill us," Elros chuckled. She turned around and hugged him tightly.

"That's what you think. Whenever I'm not with you, I just don't feel like myself," she said softly.

"I'm here now," Elros said, tightening his hold as well. "Also, turn around again and close your eyes."

Rias looked at him oddly but did as he asked. A few moments later, she felt him put something cold around her neck, latching it behind. Opening them, she saw a silver locket resting between her breasts. She smiled as she opened it; inside was a picture of her and him, kissing passionately.

"It's so beautiful," she said, running her thumb over the picture.

"I'm happy you think so. There's a few others where that came from, but you're gonna have to wait for those," Elros chuckled.

"What are they?" she asked.

"Why would you even ask me that, spoiler?" he grumbled.

"Sorry! Fine, fine. I'll wait," she said, hugging him again, tighter than before. "I love you."

"I love you too, Rias."

"I saw that Akeno has a necklace as well, now," Rias said.

"A gift for her. Similar, but different. There's one other really special thing I want to get for you two, but I just haven't had the time. Don't worry, though; I promise it'll be worth the wait," Elros said.

"Now that I think about it, I recall you saying something about that after we officially became a couple," Rias thought.

"Yup. Asia, Xenovia, and Kiba as well; although, I don't think that besides Asia, they're into the cutesy romantic stuff. No, I need something badass for Xenovia and Kiba. They both like swords, so I was thinking of gifting them a couple," Elros said.

"To bad you don't have a collection of weapons lying around," Rias said.

"Huh… Oh. Right. Yes. Too bad indeed. Who'd have that, right?" Elros asked with a nervous chuckle. Rias paused before deadpanning. "What! Like I mentioned the night I landed, I'm an amateur historian. I've… a few things."

"I keep learning new things about you," Rias sighed.

"It'd be boring if you didn't," he said.

"I'm fine with boring," she replied.

"Good thing you're anything but," Elros said, kissing her before leading her towards the shower. As the warm water cascaded down on them, Rias hugged him close yet again from behind, letting her hands explore his front.

"And you call me frisky," he laughed.

"Oh, you are. Wayyyy more than I am. But when we're like this, I can't help myself. Whenever a chance to tease you comes up, I'm taking it," she said, running her hands down before bringing them back up.

"You're a cruel mistress," he grumbled.

"Love you too," she giggled, kissing his back. She felt his hand hands reach back, gripping her waist before going up and down her smooth skin. Turning to face her, he quickly picked her up. Rias wrapped her legs around him, looking at him lovingly as she took his face in her hands, exploring it. She sighed as she traced the scar.

"I don't know why they won't heal. The Phoenix Tears should've done the job," she said.

"I don't mind; I'm used to them. Besides, chicks dig them. I can't lose them now!" Elros said.

"I'm sure you'd do just fine otherwise," she sighed.

"They add to my charm," he said, holding her against the glass as he lowered her a bit and entered. Elros smirked as Rias gasped softly, exhaling in pleasure as she tightened her hold. She began to whisper obscenities as he began bouncing her up and down, enjoying him as much as he enjoyed her.


"Good thing the matches are delayed. We can have a lot more fun," Rias said as she dried off with Elros.

"Anytime is the right time! That said, I hope you're not too sore. I might've gotten a bit carried away there," Elros chuckled as he gripped her ass gently, noting how red it was from the constant spanking. She winked at him and ran a finger along his neck, tracing her visible bite mark. She leaned in and kissed it before gently biting him on the same spot again.

"I'm the one who should apologize," she giggled.

"Kidding me? Go as wild as you want. I love it rough," he chuckled.

"Oh, I intend too. But probably a bit later. You have your duels coming up," she said with a worried look.

"Don't worry. I've got the fight with Yama in the bag," he said with a smile.

"What about the other one?" she asked.

"Ah. See, that's different - Lucy's gonna be in that one," Elros said.

"I think you can take him," Rias said confidently.

"I appreciate the confidence, Rias - I really do; but Lucy is no joke. Sometimes, he goes on a whim. If that's the case, maybe someone has a chance. If he doesn't however… well, we're in for the fight of our lives. That said, I've got three people standing between him and I; at the very least, I'm going to try and climb a few spots," Elros said.

"I thought you didn't like the duels," Rias mentioned.

"If Lucy wasn't number one, I probably wouldn't care. The only important ones were the last two," Elros said, caressing her cheek.

"You shouldn't have had to fight them, either. I admit that Riser would've given me trouble with his Demonic Powers. But I could've taken the other three. Maybe not all on at once, but you shouldn't have had to step in," Rias said, taking his hand in hers and kissing it.

"I was happy to do it," Elros said.

"I know. I suppose… that makes me feel guiltier. I do care about Devils and how we're going to proceed into the future, but some rules are just so stupid," she said angrily.

"I've no doubt you're going to end up changing some of them. The people of the Underworld really seem to admire you, at least. While it might get annoying, at the very least, I think some will follow your example. Others will fall in line eventually," Elros said.

"Maybe… I dunno," she sighed.

"Cheer up," Elros said, kissing her once more.

"I wonder who Sona's team is going to be up against?" Rias wondered as she put her clothes on.

"Oh, right. It's not elimination, huh? Dunno, but whoever it is should be ready. If we weren't on the walkway, I'm not sure how it would've turned out against Tsubaki. I probably couldn't have gotten free without doing a lot of damage," Elros said.

"So long as they aren't up against Sairaorg, I think they'll be fine. Sona can strategize well, especially if she's up against Zephyrdor or Diodora. Perhaps Seekvaira would give her some trouble; she's quite intelligent herself," Rias said.

"How do you feel about fighting your cousin?" Elros wondered as they exited.

"He and I don't talk much, so I don't really feel anything about it one way or the other. That said, he's a good person, so I do wish him luck," Rias said.

"Dude seems like a beast; it's pretty impressive," Elros said.

"Sounds like you've taken a liking to him."

"He climbed his way to the top. Hard not to respect a man like that."

"I suppose. Still, we've a week until that and whoever we fight, I can't do anything about it. I'd suggest training, but I don't want anyone to be injured before the fight," Rias sighed.

"Are you suggesting we go at it again? Because I am willing and able!" Elros said, reaching for the hem of his shirt. Rias rolled her eyes and smiled, stopping and shaking her head as they descended down the stairs.

"No, I d-," she began before they came across Venelana.

"Hey, Mrs. G," Elros greeted.

"Hello, Elros dear, Rias. Are you two free for a minute?" she wondered.

"Sure mother," Rias nodded.

"I heard that the matches were delayed for a week. Some of Elros's… suitors have asked that we move up the meetings as well," she sighed. Rias's energy cackled dangerously as the house began to shake a bit. Elros looked around in surprise before putting an arm around her waist, kissing her head softly. She sighed and leaned in, glaring behind her mother.

"Fine. So long as they're aware I'll be sitting in. Tomorrow. No exceptions," Rias said.

"I think that'll be fine. Sorry again, Elros," Venelana said apologetically.

"It's fine, Mrs. G. If that's tomorrow, however… that means you're free today?" he asked Rias.

"Yeah?" she said.

"Excellent. If you'll excuse us, Mrs. G," Elros said with a grin, opening a magic circle. Tilting her head in curiosity, Rias shrugged at her mother and followed him through.


"Are we…," she asked in surprise.

"The moon. Thought it'd be nice to come back here again," Elros said, creating a couch for them. Rias excitedly led him on to it and sat down. Elros opted to lay down, resting his head in her lap and letting her stroke him.

"This is so amazing," she said quietly, tracing his lips with a finger as her crimson locks fell gently around his face.

"I'm happy you think so," he replied, bringing his up and cupping her cheek.

"It wasn't that long ago when you took me up here for our date."

"I remember it well. Literally feels like no time has passed. We started off in the lobby and went to the Louvre…," he trailed off.

"Mhm. You pained me and then we went back to the hotel and to the balcony. You made me put on the blindfold and next thing I know, we're on the moon. You had a dinner prepared for us - up here - and then we made love," Rias finished with a wide smile.

"Talk about a wild night… or day. Always hard to tell here," he chuckled.

"I just know that it was perfect," she said with a definitive tone.

"I'm happy you think so," Elros said, taking her face in his hands and scanning it. She closed the distance and kissed him before continuing to stroke his features lovingly.

"So are you really ready for these meetings?" she asked with a sigh.

"Not really, no. Is this seriously how Devils do things?" he wondered.

"Unfortunately. Until an engagement or marriage is made official, it's all fair play. I remember when my parents told me about it," Rias said, her voice seething.


"Sweetheart, do you have a moment? Your father and I would like to speak with you in the office," Venelana communicated to her daughter. Rias sighed and acknowledged the order and headed over; she was already deep in her studies, hoping to get them out of the way so she could spend time with Elros.

"What is it mother, father?" she asked as she closed the door behind her, taking a seat. Immediately it reopened, Sirzechs and Grayfia walking in.

"As you know dear, we've been getting multiple requests for Elros. As he's a part of your peerage and by extension, our House, there are multiple clans that wish to enter into a union. They claim that until you and he are engaged or married, it stands to reason that he - at the very least - meet with potential… suitors," Zeoticus said, ending with a sigh. Almost immediately, the room began to shake as Rias's Powers of Destruction made themselves known.

"No," was all she offered in response.

"I understand your feeling, sweetheart, but you know it's not as easy as that. We haven't made the Ruins of Connection public yet, after all; we can't until it's done," Venelana said.

"He's mine, mother," Rias said angrily.

"I know he is dear. These are just meetings; nothing else. All he has to do is placate them," Venelana said, a surge of guilt going through her as she said it.

"He shouldn't have to!" Rias said heatedly.

"I know how you feel, little sister; I wasn't particularly happy about it when I had too, either," Sirzechs said.

"Wait! Does that mean that I…?" Rias asked, her anger cascading even further.

"Ah. No, it doesn't. Since his last match, the number of suitors vying for your hand has… dropped a bit," Sirzechs said, trying to contain his laughter.

"What? To how many?" Rias asked.

"Zero," Grayfia answered.

"Good," Rias said; peace at last.

"That said, for Elros they've skyrocketed. It's not often that a Reincarnated Devil gets so many; but with the friends that he has and his innate power, quite a few clans are more than willing to make concessions," Zeoticus said.

"… There's no getting out of this?" Rias asked.

"I'm afraid not, dear," Venelana said. Rias clicked her tongue a few times, trying to think of a response.

"Fine. However, as his King, I reserve the right to sit in on each of the meetings," Rias said.

"That… should be acceptable. Most probably won't be happy, but I imagine they'll go for it regardless. Better than no chance," Sirzechs said. With that, Rias quickly said bye and took her leave.


"Think they'll try and seduce me?" Elros asked.

"Probably," Rias sighed.

"Ha. Sucks for them; I'm not that easy to seduce," Elros said smugly.

"Surprisingly, I agree with you. You didn't even try to grope Akeno or I when we slept together for the first time. I don't think Issei waited that long," Rias giggled.

"Like I said, I'm a gentleman. As such, it is I who does the seducing," Elros declared.

"Mhm. See how well that works out for you tomorrow," Rias said.

"I'm hurt you think so little of me," Elros laughed as he caressed her cheek. "You know that I'd never hurt you."

"I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it. Maybe some of them might like you for being a good person, but I imagine most of it is on their families behalf. I suppose I can't be to angry with the girls themselves," she sighed, knowing she was in the same position with Riser before.

"I'm just happy your parents are so relaxed about that. They're good people," Elros said. Rias felt a pang of dread go through her as she had an idea of the underlying message.

"I love you," was all she felt she could say. Elros smiled and sat up, taking her face in his hands and giving her a kiss as he laid down and brought her on top of him. Rias gave the kiss all she had, running her hands passionately through his hair as she forced her tongue inside his mouth and began to explore. She felt his hands go down her body for the umpteenth time since they had gotten together; not once did the feeling bring her anything but joy and happiness, and she assumed that it was much the same for him. As they separated, Elros continued to caress her cheek as he looked at her with an intense gaze.

"I love you, too," he replied as he hugged her. Rias snuggled as close as she could, shivering in pleasure as he began to run a finger down her back. "Cold?"

"Nope. Whenever you touch me like that, though… I dunno, it feels really nice," she said.

"Happy to hear it," Elros chuckled before sighing.

"What is it?" Rias asked.

"I still have to do the second essay. Ugh… It'd be so much easier if it were just a fight," he said.

"You'll do fine, I'm sure. We still have a few hours to go until it begins, though. Until then, we cuddle," Rias declared, eliciting a happy laugh from Elros.

"Happily. However… I think I'll need a bit of motivation. You know, to get me going," Elros said.

"Mmm… I think I have an idea. How about if you pass this one, we can…," Rias smirked as she leaned up and began whispering in his ear. Elros's smile grew and grew until it could grow no further.

"Oh… yes," was all he said. Rias giggled and snuggled back close to him, biting her lip as her recommendations flew through her mind.


"Hello, Mr. Eärendil," the proctor said, looking up as Elros entered the room that was prepared for him. A couple of pens, plenty of paper, a desk, and chair were all that were supplied.

"Hi there. I'm ready to begin," Elros said, taking his seat.

"Please do so," the proctor said, resting his head on his hands as he observed Elros begin to write his essay.


"Elros doing his essay?" Akeno wondered as she met up with Rias in the backyard, two cups of freshly brewed tea in hand.

"Mhm. Two hours. Thanks," Rias said, taking her cup and leaning back a bit.

"He'll do fine," Akeno assured her.

"I know. I'm not worried about the test. More about the fight," Rias sighed.

"Yeah… I really don't like that Yama guy," Akeno said, brow furrowed.

"Nor do I. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it. There's also something else I need to tell you about," Rias said as she started to tell Akeno about Elros's suitor meetings. Akeno groaned loudly.

"That's fucking ridiculous," she said flatly.

"Tell me about it. I just want some peace with Elros. Is that to much to ask?" Rias asked no one in particular.

"I know. At least you get to sit in on them, though. That should make it go by quicker," Akeno said.

"I guess," Rias said.

"Enough about that for now, though. We have our next match in a week, right?" Akeno asked.

"Yup. Since Diodora and Sairaorg won their matches, we'll most likely be up against one of them," Rias said.

"Sairaorg is pretty strong, isn't he?" Akeno asked.

"Really strong. So is his Queen," Rias noted.

"Kuisha Abaddon," Akeno said.

"You know her?" Rias wondered.

"I'm your Queen, aren't I? I have to know all the others," Akeno smiled. Rias returned it before taking another sip.

"Yup, Kuisha. Extremely strong, but that's to be expected of my cousin. Diodora might've beaten Seekvaira, but I don't think we'd have much trouble with him. Sairaorg… might be a bit more difficult, especially if Elros and Gasper are handicapped again," Rias said.

"I'm pretty sure Elros can beat Sairaorg pretty easily. But I've been hearing that some of the Devils really want him to take on Issei - the leading king amongst the Young Devils vs. the Red Dragon Emperor," Akeno said.

"That… mmm…," Rias hummed, her thoughts trailing to what the outcome of that match might turn out to be. She loved Issei like a brother, but she wondered if he would be able to take Sairaorg on in a one on one fight. "What do you think?"

"I dunno. Issei is really strong, but Sairaorg might be on another level. However, Azazel mentioned to me at the party that Tannin told him that Issei worked particularly hard during his training session, so I can't really call it. Apparently Elros spoke to him on the day we all sparred," Akeno said.

"Spoke what him? What does that mean?" Rias frowned.

"I assume he gave him a pep talk or something," Akeno shrugged.

"This was during their training?" Rias inquired.


"That was after Issei talked to Elros about fighting Vali one on one. Elros seemed a bit worried about that," Rias said.

"I can kind of see why. Vali's pretty strong," Akeno said seriously.

"I know. Like I told him, I'm worried about them fighting as well. I hope Issei takes it seriously. I don't mind his laissez-faire attitude, but against Vali or Sairaorg, he can't afford to bring anything but his A-game," Rias said.


As the two beauties went back into the house, they came across the brunette and Asia, both heading towards the kitchen.

"Issei," Rias suddenly called out.

"Hmm? What's up, Rias?" he wondered.

"Do you have a moment?" she wondered.

"Sure," he nodded, Asia standing next to him with a worried expression - as per usual.

"Akeno mentioned that Azazel mentioned that Tannin mentioned that Elros spoke with you on the final day of our training session with him. Would you mind telling me what he said?" Rias wondered.

"Oh. That…," Issei said uncomfortably as he remembered it. He didn't often see the colder side of Elros, but the Lantern could be cutting with his words if he wanted to be. They served as a wake up call to him during his two weeks with Tannin. With a sigh, he relayed what he said.


"Crap. I'm not good with that," Issei groaned. As he did so, however, he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine as Elros narrowed his eyes at him.

"Over the course of the last week, you've done nothing but complain at each and every chance you've gotten. How do you expect to beat Vali - or anyone else, for that matter - with that attitude?" Elros asked as he quickly got close and threw Issei over his shoulder and on to the ground. He landed with a thud and cringed before gingerly getting up. As soon as he did, Elros swiped his legs and sent him tumbling down again before circling him like a predator.

"You must have noticed that no one else complained half as much. It might be endearing to some, but not to me - especially not to that extent," Elros said as he waited for Issei to get up.

"What are you talking about?" Issei asked as he finally put his fists up.

"I just told you - your incessant complaining about this or that. You complain about climbing that rock face; you complain about running; you complain about making camp; you complain about going to sleep; you complain about having to wake up; you complain about every thing I can imagine," Elros said, his voice cutting. Issei cringed at how bluntly he put it, averting his eyes.

"And now you don't even look at me," Elros said as he inched closer, his fists in front of him.

"I don-," Issei began before Elros punched him hard in the stomach.

"You don't what?" Elros asked as he reared the dragon back and punched him again, sending him to the floor. Issei coughed but got up again, a glint in his eyes as he looked at Elros.

"Maybe you think I'm being too cruel?" Elros asked. Issei didn't reply as he went in for a punch that Elros blocked.

"Well? Am I?" Elros asked, blocking a few more. Still, no response.

"I'll take that as a yes," Elros said as he punched through Issei's attempted block, hitting him square in the face.

"You might have noticed that I took it harder on you than the others," Elros commented.

"What?" Issei asked in surprise.

"I said that I was harder on you during the others. Not for the first day, but the rest of the week," Elros said, grabbing him by the hair and rearing him up.

"Do you want to know why?" he asked before sending him to the ground with a suplex. Issei coughed as he gingerly got back up.

"Why?" he wheezed.

"Because I know you want to fight Vali. And the way I look at it right now, you're fucked. He's going to kill you seven ways from fucking Sunday. You do nothing but complain. You can't even raise your fists against me. How do you expect to beat him like that?" Elros asked. Issei physically cringed at the bluntness of Elros's response.

"You think that I put you guys through that training for kicks? Or that I derived pleasure from it? I've seen good Lanterns die because they thought that training was a joke; after all, they had their ring to save them when things got hellish. They didn't have the benefit of someone like Rias reviving them. They're just dead and fucking gone now," Elros said. Issei gulped as he felt the coldness and Elros's voice. Looking up, he saw the Lantern towering over him.

"The only reason I'm alive right now is because I've never stopped training. You've barely begun it," Elros said, not attacking as he let Issei get to his feet. He retreated a bit and scanned Issei, who seemingly stood a bit taller.

"I want you to show me how strong you are right now. Go ahead and knock me down. I won't even move," Elros said. Issei continued to look at him as he put his fists up and went in closer. Elros's hands rested at his sides as Issei suddenly began to go on the offensive. He felt the brunettes punches and kicks connect; and behind them, he felt Issei start to get a bit angry at him. No doubt he didn't appreciate the words Elros had for him. Regardless, Elros kept true to his word as the Red Dragon Emperor began to grow a bit more ferocious. It was a few minutes, but he finally had Elros on the ground, peppering his and face with punches. He kept going at it until he couldn't raise his arms any more. Stopping, Issei collapsed onto Elros's side, his breathing heavy. Bringing a hand to his face, Elros saw some blood trickling down his lip.

"That was better," Elros said as he got to his feet again.

"Why… did you have to put it like that?" Issei asked.

"Because I'm not going to get through to you any other way. I'm not sure what approach Rias has tried, but it's evident it's had no effect. So if the only way I'm going to get through to you is berating you, it's worth it. It's that or the alternative," Elros said.

"And what's that?" Issei asked, gingerly sitting up.

"Vali kills you. Riser, and those other two guys I faced relied solely on their powers to beat me. Neither seemed to have done a days training in his life. You won't beat Vali by simply relying on your powers. Your going to have to train much, much harder. I'm going to let you fight Vali when you want to, but I intend to make sure you have as much of a chance at possible. Because once it's on, I'm not going to step in - just like you and Ddraig asked," Elros said. He paused before speaking again.

"But I'm going to leave it up to you. If you'd rather I not train you, I'll step off and let you do your thing. If you do want my help, we'll start doing this more often. But I'm going to leave that in your hands," Elros said. Issei opened his mouth to speak but closed it again as he looked on the ground. The request he and Ddraig made to Elros just hit him. Vali was extremely powerful, he knew; and at his current levels, Issei didn't know if he stood much of a chance. Elros saw the gears turning in his head and spoke again.

"Take some time to think about it. Give me your answer once we're all finished with out training," Elros said. Issei nodded before getting back to his feet. Of his own accord, he put his fists back up and stared Elros down. Elros nodded and the two continued their training.


"I see. What do you think of what he said?" Rias asked.

"I… wish he could've been a bit nicer with his words but I understand what he was getting at. I'm gonna start training with him after the Games are done," Issei said with a surprisingly serious expression.

"Very well. Thank you, Issei," Rias said with a smile before taking her leave. As they were out of earshot, she sighed heavily.

"What do you think of what Elros said?" Akeno asked.

"I agree that he could've been nicer with how he put it. But I understand where he's coming from. Your thoughts?" she posited.

"I think he was fine with what he said, to be honest. I'm not sure he could've gotten through to Issei with being nice; he's a bit to hardheaded for that. I think the training will be helpful, though. I guess you'll talk to him when he gets back?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah. Mmm…," Rias hummed, trailing off as she thought of what to say.


As Elros got back to his room, he saw that Rias was laying down on his bed. He smiled and took off his shirt, slipping into bed with her and pulling up their blanket. Rias's eyes fluttered awake and she smiled, cuddling closer to him as she always did.

"Welcome back. How was your test?" she asked, yawning cutely as she traced the scar on chest.

"Passed, according to the proctor. Just one trial left to go," Elros said.

"You're gonna win. I know it," she said.

"Thanks for the confidence," Elros smiled.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something really quickly?" Rias wondered.

"Sure," Elros said.

"It's about Issei. You had a talk with him about our last day of training with you," Rias said.

"I did. What about it?" Elros inquired.

"You're really going to prepare him to fight Vali?" Rias asked.

"As best as I can, yes," he responded.

"What do you think his chances are now?" she wondered.

"Hard to say. At this very moment? If Vali isn't recovered, probably high enough that Issei could cinch a win. If Vali's in top form… well, he has a lot more experience than Issei. I think Issei would give him a fight, but I'm not sure if he could pull it off," Elros said.

"Do you think you can get him ready?" she asked.

"I'm going to try my best to do so," Elros said.

"Did you have to be so… umm…," Rias paused, wondering how to best convey her thoughts.

"Cruel?" he asked quietly.

"I wouldn't say cruel. But you could've been a bit… less harsh," Rias said.

"I disagree. This is his life we're talking about, Rias. Nothing is too harsh," Elros said. Rias didn't say anything but moved back slightly, looking at him. Whenever he frowned at her, she felt a certain sense of unease; Elros smiled so brightly and often, that anything but that just didn't seem right.

"What would you have said if he didn't want to train with you?" she asked.

"I wouldn't have pressed it," Elros shrugged.

"And when they do fight - if Issei looks like he's going to lose, what're you going to do?" Rias asked.

"Nothing. That's what he and Ddraig want," Elros said.

"You won't rescue him if he's about to be killed?" she asked.

"I won't. Like I said, that's what he and Ddraig want. I don't necessarily agree with their choice, but it's their life," Elros said, getting on his back and looking up. "But what do you think? Should I?"

"It's their choice. I don't particularly like it myself, but… it's what Ddraig and Issei and Vali and Albion want. Whether they really will fight it to the death, I don't know," Rias said.

"Mmm. Their egos are getting in the way," Elros grumbled, sitting up.

"All Devil's have an ego," Rias said with a wry smile as she moved and rested her head in his lap. Elros began mindlessly stroking her hair, staring ahead. After a few minutes, Rias sat up in worry and hugged him.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Mm? Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out for a second. Anyways, let's get some rest, yeah? I'm beat," Elros said, laying back down and bringing Rias with him. She clambered on top and rested her head in his neck, quickly dozing off. Elros, meanwhile, continued to stare ahead.

'Idiots,' he thought with a heavy sigh.