
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

New Devil Part 2

As soon as Elros knocked on the door to Azazel's apartment, the door opened. Azazel greeted him wearing a blood red robe as well, a pipe being smoked comfortably between his lips.

"Ah! The man of the hour! Welcome, welcome, please come in," Azazel said as he ushered Elros inside. As Elros stepped in, he took a bit of time to admire the living room. There were a few paintings on the far wall, with an entrance on the left that led into the kitchen. There was a sofa and love seat adjacent to each other, a small coffee table in front, and a 55" TV hung on the wall where the entrance was. Azazel comfortably collapsed onto the sofa, while Elros sat on the love seat.

"Would you like some?" Azazel asked as he held out his pipe to Elros.

"Indeed I would. Thank you," Elros said, taking it. He put the stem between his lips and took a deep, deep inhale. The smoke circled his mouth and throat for a moment before Elros exhaled it out, contorting his mouth ever so slightly to create a ring with it. As he passed it back to Azazel, the Fallen Angel laughed.

"It's good to see that at least someone in Rias's peerage still has their balls. I like Issei but the kids to straight-laced. You've got to live a little, you know?" Azazel said.

"Well, so long as I'm not doing blow off a hookers ass or something, I don't think Rias will have a problem with it. Besides, I should be safe from cancer now," Elros replied with a chuckle of his own.

"You know, if I'm being honest, I'm surprised that you joined her peerage so quickly. I would've thought you'd think about it for longer than 24 hours," Azazel said.

"Well, they had a convincing argument. Living for millennia might be nice as well, I suppose," Elros said.

"Is that it?" Azazel asked with an eyebrow raised.

"What can I say? They've got a hell of a health plan. Besides, you don't often get an offer like this. You only live once, right?" Elros asked with a grin.

"Sake?" Azazel asked as he held the bottle between his hands.

"Not for me, I'm afraid. Coca-Cola, if you have it, would be nice," Elros replied. Azazel quickly got up and stepped into his kitchen. On his return, he had a glass bottle of Coke that he tossed to Elros. Upon catching it, Elros lined the cap on the edge of the table and smacked the top, popping the cap off. He took a hearty swig - it had been a while since he had tasted the nectar of the Gods.

"You'll take a smoke but not a little wine?" Azazel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's been a while since I've had the greatest drink since water," Elros replied as he held the bottle eye and observed it with reverence. Azazel couldn't help but laugh at that.

"On a more serious note, Rias told me that you had a run in with two Fallen Angels when you landed," Azazel said.

"Indeed. I had just crash landed; pretty much that one scene from Independence Day when Will Smith welcomes that alien to Earf', although in this case I didn't have a ship and wasn't greeted by the Fresh Prince. I was mostly out of it when it happened, though - I vaguely remember killing them, but I thought it was a dream until Rias told me. Were you acquainted with them?" Elros asked.

"They're Fallen Angels, so they were in my faction - but I was unaware of their presence here in particular. Just like not every human knows each other, nor do Fallen Angels or Devils or Angels. While the population sizes are overall smaller, there are still a significant amount of each. It is troubling, to be honest. From what Rias told me, she didn't place their exact presence until they were within striking distance. I might be Governor General of the Fallen Angels, but I'd be a fool to assume things like this didn't happen behind my back, even if it's in my backyard," Azazel said with a sigh.

"What exactly does your title entail?" Elros asked as he took another sip.

"A few things. I serve as a voice and representative for the Fallen Angel faction. In line with that, I'm usually the one that's doing much of the negotiating with the other two factions, especially as of late; we're trying to create a sustainable peace, but of course there are those who would rather have war. Of course, I'm also the one that gets blamed for things when they go wrong," Azazel said with a sigh.

"So I take it you're high up on the food chain?" Elros asked.

"I suppose I am. However, there are plenty that don't agree with my policies, like I said," Azazel replied.

"Perhaps you might want to show a demonstration of your power to the rest of your faction? I mean, you're obviously strong - I could sense that when I saw you," Elros said. Azazel smiled at that but shook his head.

"Unfortunately, any show of power could easily be countered by another - and that'd lead to the destabilization of an already precarious peace. These things have to be handled gently, or they'll topple like a house of cards. There's going to be another meeting between leaders of the Thee Factions soon. I get a feeling that you might even be a topic of conversation," Azazel said as he leaned forward a bit and analyzed Elros.

"Think I'll be allowed to sit in?" Elros asked, knowing full well the answer.

"Probably not. From the little I've gathered on your powers, they're something that I don't think anyone has seen yet. The fact that you became a Devil - particularly one in the service of Rias Gremory and her household - might be troubling for some. There's always a fringe group in every organization that tries to gather just a little bit more power than the others," Azazel said.

"Do you think that Rias is on the fringe?" Elros asked.

"No, I don't. I don't think any reasonable member does," Azazel replied.

"You said it might be particularly troubling. How so, do you think?" Elros asked.

"It might be at the point where a split off of a faction might try to attack you, or her, or the peerage," Azazel said.

"That far?" Elros asked in surprise.

"Indeed. Not too long ago, some Fallen Angels tried to take Asia's power, Twilight Healing. Issei was a target just before he became a Devil; in fact, a Fallen Angel managed to kill him be-," Azazel began but was cut off by Elros.

"Hold on a minute! Killed?" Elros asked, the shock evident on his face.

"That's right. I'm surprised Rias hasn't told you yet. He was killed by the same Fallen Angel that killed Asia… Actually, now that I remember it, Asia was killed as well. One of the powers that a High-Ranking Devil like Rias has is the ability to Reincarnate another person as a Devil. Now, it's possible to do that when a person is alive - they simply sign a contract and the powers of an Evil Piece are transferred to them. However, there are cases - such as, in this example, Issei, and Asia - where a person is killed. In these cases, if the High-Ranking Devil thinks they might be a good addition to their peerage, the deceased will be Reincarnated with an Evil Piece and inducted into the peerage," Azazel explained. He leaned back in interest as he observed Elros's face; there was a vastness of emotion playing amongst it from surprise to awe to disbelief and back again. It was a moment before Elros spoke again, his voice smaller than usual.

"So… Necromancy?" Elros asked.

"If you want to think of it as such, certainly. However, in this case, the effects and limitations are far different. With standard Necromancy, anyone with sufficient knowledge of magic can begin to use it; they can communicate or raise the dead, but it often takes a toll on the physical and emotional being of the person using the spell and oftentimes, the deceased are little more than a husk of their former selves. The stronger the caster, the more in line with their original self the deceased will be unless they're only going to be used as say cannon fodder. The biggest upside to Necromancy is time; virtually anyone can be raised at any time, regardless of how long they've been deceased; of course, if you're going to raise someone who's over a millennia old, you won't get anything more than bones," Azazel explained as Elros listened intently.

"I see. I knew that much, however; Necromancy, in general, I suppose I know of. But what about when it comes to a High-Class Devil?" Elros asked, getting to what he really wanted to know.

"Well, this should really be Rias that's explaining things to you. But, I don't really see anything wrong with me doing it. A High-Class Devil - Rias, in this case; or like Miss Sitri, also at your school - is given 16 chess pieces; one king, which is the head of the peerage; a queen, who is second in command; two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. I'll let Rias explain the particulars of each piece, but to answer your question: when a king chooses to Reincarnate someone as a Devil, they offer one or several pieces to do so; so, in total, they can Reincarnate up to 15 people. There are limitations, however; if the person wields a Longinus, such as Issei, they take up more pieces; or they could take up a higher level piece, like Asia. The Reincarnation process also has to be conducted in a short time frame; you can't, for example, Reincarnate someone who has been dead for several years. The death has to be recent and the body left mostly intact for it to work," Azazel explained.

"I see. That's amazing. And the Reincarnation itself - how else does it affect the person?" Elros asked.

"Each piece has its own power that it can imbue within the Reincarnated, or it's something that works better on people with particular proclivities. For example, the Bishop enhances magical abilities - such as healing and other supports - which plays in well with Asia's Twilight Healing. Issei couldn't use it as well as Asia because his Boosted Gear is much better on offense," Azazel said.

"Interesting. I wonder what piece I am? I suppose I'll have to learn about how I can best use my abilities as a Devil now," Elros said as he looked at his ring and himself in interest.

"I certainly recommend doing so. In addition to finding out your piece and its abilities, I'd suggest getting used to your wings as well; it would certainly draw less attention than using your powers. A green glow doesn't go unnoticed, unfortunately. Just as much, think about the kind of magic that you want to focus on and train for it. I can't recommend what you should try in particular, but something that would compliment your current powers would be ideal. That said, Elemental Magic might be the most versatile; Akeno could teach you that," Azazel said.

"I'll give it some thought. Anyways, you were saying something before I interrupted. Please, continue," Elros said nodding his head; they had gotten off track, but it was certainly an interesting path of conversation.

"Right. Like I was saying, Fallen Angels killed Asia and tried to take her powers; the same Fallen Angel had killed Issei to get him out of the way - the Spirit of the Dragon - I'm not sure how much you know - is considered to be an extremely versatile enemy. They figured with him out of the way, it would clear their path. It helped that he hadn't awakened his powers at that point, so it was fairly easy. If Rias hadn't stepped in, I'm not sure Issei would be here right now. But those two aren't it; Xenovia Quarta is a powerful player in her own right. She served the Angels and Heaven until recent when she became a Devil. And now, Elros Eärendil - a complete and total unknown with a power that no one knows about? There might not be much more that people can take. When a player becomes available on the board, rumors spread quickly. Rias's father told me that there have already been stirrings in the Devil community that Rias added someone else to her peerage so quickly after Issei, Asia, and Xenovia. It's been the same for the Fallen Angels - that two of our kind were killed by an unknown and that he's now a part of the Gremory Household. Heaven is so far still mum, but I've heard… interesting… rumors," Azazel said as he looked at Elros with a piercing eye. As Azazel said that, Elros couldn't help but smile.

"Interesting, you say? In what way?" he inquired.

"I have a feeling that you know. I'm curious about the interactions you've had amongst the Thee Factions. If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit?" Azazel asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"There's not much to say. Fallen Angels I had no idea about until extremely recently. When I talked to the others about Devils, Akeno or Rias mentioned something about various Circles of Hell. I have had dealings with them in the past through a friend of mine, but those Devils were… well, demonic in the traditional sense. Angels - there are a couple that I've interacted with, although I don't think I should say until they've had a chance to tell you for themselves. Plus, now I can't even be sure they're the same Angels we're talking about. I imagine if there are Circles of Hell, there are just as many Levels of Heaven," Elros said.

"I see. Well, that's good to know at least. I guess I'll put some feelers out to see what I can gather on my end. But, like I said, there will be fringe groups that aren't happy about what's going on," Azazel said, bringing the point back to his warning.

"If that's the case, I'd much rather that they focus their attacks on me. Anything against Rias or the others, however - then I'll have to show them what my power is all about," Elros said his voice ice.

"Are you really willing to bear the brunt of it all?" Azazel asked in surprise.

"Without a doubt. Of course, I'd much rather a peaceful solution. But, if not, I'm confident in my ability," Elros replied.

"You're either extremely sure of yourself or extremely foolish. Regardless, I'd rather not find out. I don't like fighting much anymore," Azazel said tiredly.

"I find that those with higher positions in the military usually share that opinion unless they have a financial stake in continuing the fighting. I suppose there are a few bloodthirsty ones here and there, but most would probably rather a peaceful solution. After all, war is old men talking and young men dying," Elros said as he craned his head back, looking at the ceiling. Azazel sighed in agreement.

"What's the point of more people dying - humans or Devils or Angels or Fallen Angels? One side might gain an inch or a foot after a few decades or centuries - but in the end, we know what'll happen. No one in the factions wants to admit it - but Fallen Angels, Angels, and Devil - are eventually going to die out. The population levels are so low, that even if they started to fuck like crazy, there's no way for them to keep most of their lines going. Even if they begin intermarrying with humans, that specific bloodline is going to dilute a bit more with every generation that follows. This is the Age of the Humans; we're just holding on for dear life, trying to extend it as much as we can," Azazel lamented. He felt that the writing on the wall was clear.

"I agree with you on that. But, each faction has the right to keep itself going as much as they can. If they want to try and seize power, it's their prerogative; just as much, however, they need to recognize that the same applies to the other side. Like I told Rias and Akeno - I don't know much about the cultural, political, or economic standings of the factions yet; I barely even know the history. About the only thing that I can confidently say - and this from experience - is that no side has a moral high ground to stand on if only because the morals of each faction are so different. I'm sure each think that they're right, but in the end, that's irrelevant to what actually happens; it's just he said, she said. The goal is to extend their lineage into the future and keep the population of their race going; it's base evolutionary instinct. As much as I might not enjoy the fact that so many races are constantly at war, it has to be accepted as a reality that that's the way it is for now," Elros said.

"I guess we'll see," Azazel said as he took another sip.

"I guess we will," Elros said, taking another as well. They sat in silence for a moment, reflecting on what they just talked about, before Elros spoke again.

"I'm curious - how exactly does an Angel become a Fallen Angel?" Elros asked.

"Ha. That varies from Angel to Angel, Fallen Angel to Fallen Angel. It could be for any number of things, but the most common reason is for having impure thoughts," Azazel said.

"You've gotta be kidding me. That easy?" Elros asked in shock.

"I'm afraid so. I fell because I had sex with a human woman," Azazel sighed.

"Worth it?" Elros asked.

"Definitely," Azazel responded with a laugh as he held out his glass. Elros happily clinked it and the two shared a drink in unison.

"So if you want to replenish your ranks, is it as simple as corrupting an Angel?" Elros asked.

"Pretty much. I suppose we're more versatile like that; we don't need Evil Pieces like the Devils," Azazel explained. He paused to take another drink before he spoke again.

"On to what I really wanted to talk to you about. Ever since I learned about you, I must say that I've been intrigued. I'm not sure if Rias has told you, but I'm a research fanatic - especially when it comes to Sacred Gears. But I've never seen or heard about anything that remotely resembles your ring. If you don't mind, may I?" Azazel asked as he stretched a hand, a glint of excitement in his eye.

"You can certainly try," Elros said as he took his ring off and handed it to Azazel. Azazel examined it with great interest and event put it on.

"How does it work?" Azazel asked as he pointed it at a wall.

"It's not a simple explanation, I'm afraid. To start with, the ring is alien technology - you haven't seen or heard of anything like it because nothing similar exists on Earth. There are 7,205 of these rings spread through the cosmos - and all were created on another planet that's far outside the reach of current technology. The ring uses light as its power base and focal point - it's an element that the ring can control and contort to its user's whims. I, as a Green Lantern, can use it for a variety of things - flight, force field, hyperspace travel, research, language translation, offense, defense, support, and more. These rings in particular - Green Power Rings - use the ring bearers imagination and willpower to create light constructs that can then be used as the wielder sees fit. This ring is bonded to me, so it'll only ever obey me until it passes on to the next ring bearer - a person with the ability to overcome great fear. Whether they'll be on Earth or another planet, I've no idea," Elros said.

"My God in Heaven…," Azazel said hoarsely. Elros's explanation had floored him almost entirely. He took it off and handed it back to Elros, a look of wonder on his face.

"I know. It's something else," Elros said fondly.

"What you just told me… do… do you know what it would do to the world?" Azazel asked.

"Who'd believe you?" Elros countered.

"That's a good point… but come on! There's already so much weird shit that happens; how could people not?" Azazel asked.

"People will believe what they want to believe, and they'll weigh what effect it would have on their personal lives. Aliens from a far away planet? First, you'd have to get them to believe that; then you'd have to have them sustain belief in that. So what if billions of light years away, there's a place where a weapon like this is constructed? What can the people do about it? What can governments, or corporations, or Devils, Angels, or Fallen Angels do about it? They can't travel that distance, even with their extended lifespans; they can't use the ring because it simply won't obey them; it's not like they can open a magic circle to a place that's in constant travel through space, that they have no indication of where even its general location is. But, say you get them to believe that - so what? It won't effect day to day life, except now they might have some hope of a future where that bridge is crossed. But just as many are going to be afraid - are we next? Are the big bad aliens going to come for us now? After all, why haven't Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels made their presence known to the world yet - fear of persecution? Fear of changes across the human landsape? I mean, there's seven billion of them; sure, with powers, the Three Factions could do some damage but against seven fucking billion? No, it'd be a slaughterhouse. What would the revelation of the Three Factions or aliens do to religious beliefs of nations? Maybe the economics and political structure won't change quickly - but the religious and philosophical and cultural structures?" Elros asked. Azazel looked at him intensely, a flurry of emotions flying across his face - surprise and shock, amazement and disbelief, thoughtfulness, excitement, thoughtfulness again. Finally, he spoke.

"You bring up some very good points. I'm going to have to digest this as well; I never expected this to be your answer, to be honest. I thought this was some Sacred Gear that I never knew about or some other artificial weapon. But real, honest to goodness alien technology… God," Azazel sighed.

"Are you frightened?" Elros asked.

"I don't know. I think I'm more excited than anything… but I suppose that yes, it is frightening. I've always known that the Three Factions and Gods have existed; I even suspected that amongst humans, there might be those with superpowers. After all, all those rumors about sightings of people flying or red and yellow blurs can't all be false - or they have some root in reality. But aliens… I never even imagined," Azazel said.

"There's more than you think out there. But, I suppose that when you think about all those questions, it might be easier to understand why I might be a target for the Factions," Elros said with a sigh.

"Alien technology in the hands of the Devils… and the Gremory Family, in particular. Yes, if that got out, there certainly would be much more interest. However, there would be just as much fear as well. You could use this to your advantage if you make it known. I don't know how many will want to attack you if they know you have something nobody else knows how to unlock or use," Azazel said.

"You make a valid point, but I don't think that's the way to go. I think it's better if I use the ring, but keep it's nature a secret for the most part," Elros said.

"If that's the plan, then why did you tell me? You could've just stayed silent. I'm almost 100% certain that Rias probably told you to not say anything," Azazel commented.

"I trust Rias; and she seems to trust her father, who seems to trust you. Why else would you have been sitting in her chair when I first got to the ORC? Besides, the others won't say anything - who'd believe them? Her father won't want to endanger his daughter or her friends. So if there's a leak, there's only one point where it could come from. Besides, like I said, it's aliens. Hard pill to swallow," Elros said with a smile. Azazel couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I guess you really put some thought into this, then. And what if I do leak it? Or try to get my hands on it?" Azazel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"As soon as you do so, I'm sure you'll be the first to find out," Elros replied coyly. Azazel laughed again.

"I think I like you," he said as he held his cup out.

"The feeling is mutual," Elros replied as he clinked it.

"And so how is it powered? Does it draw power in from your surroundings or is it infinite storage?" Azazel asked.

"Each ring is coupled with a lantern - you can see the embossing right here if you didn't earlier," Elros said as she held his ring out again and outlined the lantern, to which Azazel nodded.

"Got it," Azazel said.

"Anyways, the lantern essentially a power reservoir that I draw from when the ring gets low on power. I try to keep it fully charged, and usually don't let it fall below 10% power - a baseline I use so that I can continue flying and keep a forcefield up for protection, as well as enough to usually get me through a given situation until I can find a safe spot to recharge from. It's also dependent on my own willpower; the stronger the will of the user, the longer they can draw its effects out. Would you like a demonstration of the power?" Elros asked.

"Definitely," Azazel breathed.

Elros nodded. Suddenly, a green hand extended out from the ring towards Azazel and gently took the pipe out of his mouth. The green hand brought it to Elros's lips and put the stem in. Elros took another deep exhale before the hand went back to Azazel, who held out his own hand. The hand placed the pipe gently in his hand and gave him a thumbs up before it retracted into the ring. Azazel roared in laughter at the demonstration.

"That is absolutely amazing!" he said.

"I certainly think so," Elros replied with a grin.

"Just when I think that I have a grasp on the world, you come along and shatter it. I love it. Absolutely amazing. I don't think I've felt this reinvigorated for a long, long time. Anyways, I think that that's enough for me for tonight. I need some time to digest all this. This was pretty monumental, so it deserves a monumental award," Azazel said as he ducked into another room and brought something out. 32 inches by 23 inches, Elros couldn't help but looked on in surprise as Azazel showed him the reward. It was an oil on canvas painting, with a deep and rich blue background that exuded a sense of melancholy and sadness. The subject was a woman, late thirties or early forties with a depressed expression. She wore what seemed to be a white robe - perhaps from a hospital - and her arms were crossed across her stomach as she sat down, slouching ever so slightly. She had dark hair that ran down her neck but ended at the upper back as well as a slender neck.

"Femme aux Bras Croisés or Woman with Folden Arms; Pablo Picasso, 1902 during his Blue Period. Very nice. Bought in 2000 by a private buyer for $55 million," Elros said as he admired the beautiful work.

"Finally, someone in this damn town who knows what he's talking about! I like Issei, but the kids clueless on so many things," Azazel said with a chuckle.

"His hearts in the right place, though. That's important," Elros said smiling.

"Indeed. Anyways, until next time. I'm going to let Rias know that I'm going to be your regular. I look forward to seeing you again," Azazel said.

"The feeling is mutual. Until then," Elros said. With a handshake, he exited the apartment, made his way to the roof, and took flight.


Soon, Elros landed back in front of the ORC. As he entered, he saw that Rias had her face buried in a book.

"I'm back," Elros said as he walked in, resting his reward against a wall. As Rias saw him, she rushed over quickly and embraced him. Elros smiled and put an arm around her, drawing her into a tight hug.

"It's good to see you again as well," he said with a chuckle.

"How'd your contract go?" Rias asked with a bright smile.

"Pretty good. I like him; seems like a cool dude. Here's the reward," Elros said as he picked up the painting again and handed it to Rias.

"Picasso. Very impressive," Rias said, startled by the high-level reward; most Devils could do contracts their whole lives and not get something as expensive as this.

"I knew a private buyer had it, but I didn't know it was Azazel," Elros said as he admired it as well.

"Fan of art?" Rias asked as she put the painting against her desk before walking back to him.

"Of quite a few things," Elros replied.

"Well, Azazel called when you left. Told me that this was one of the best nights he's ever had and that he wants to be your regular. He also told me that you guys talked about what might happen as a result of you joining the peerage," Rias said, some hesitation in her voice.

"He warned me some fringe factions might try something; also that there's going to be some meeting in the future and that I might be a topic of discussion. I admit I'm a bit worried," Elros said as he and Rias walked back to the couch.

"Are… you regretting becoming a Devil?" Rias asked, her voice small. Elros had only made the decision today, and it turned out that people might already be gunning for him.

"Regret? Not at all. I'm not worried about people coming for me; I'm worried that I might've gotten you guys into trouble," Elros said with a frown as he put his arm around Rias again.

"Why are you worried about us?" Rias asked in surprise.

"Well, you told me that your servants are like family, right? I mean, it's evident that you guys love and care for each other. And now that I joined, that makes you guys my family. Why wouldn't I be worried?" Elros asked. Rias smiled wide as he answered and hugged him tightly.

"You're so sweet. But remember that it's our responsibility to take care of you as well," Rias said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"If anything seems off to you or anyone else, let me know right away," Elros whispered as they held on to each other.

"Don't worry, I will. Now you should get going home. It's been a long day for all of us," Rias said as she leaned back, cupping his hand in her face. Elros smiled and took it his own and brought it up, kissing hers gently. Rias blushed gently at the motion but smiled as she felt the contact.

"You probably should as well," Elros said as he stood up, taking Rias with him.

"I, unfortunately, still have some work to do. And my dad said he wants to talk about something as well, so I need to pop by really quick as well," Rias said with a sigh. Elros chuckled and wrapped his arms around her again, bringing her in for a hug.

"Let me know if your load ever gets too high, alright? I'm here for you," he whispered. Rias smiled and put her arms around his neck again, leaning into the embrace as much as she could.

"I will," she whispered back, still keeping her arms around him. They held the position for minutes, just taking in each others warmth before they both finally leaned back, smiling at each other. With that, Elros took his leave while Rias went back to her desk, her mind a flutter.


As Elros entered the apartment again he saw Akeno sitting on the sofa, a cup of tea in her hands and a thoughtful expression on her face. As she heard the door close, she put her cup down and rushed over to Elros, hugging him tightly. Elros responded by returning it, just as tight.

"How was the contract?" she asked, looking up.

"It went well. Azazel seems like a cool guy," Elros responded with a smile as they walked back to the couch. Elros took his own cup in his hands and sipped it, letting out an exhale as he let it fill him to his core - Akeno made the best tea.

"What about what happened back at the warehouse? Are you… alright?" Akeno asked, wanting to make sure.

"I'm fine," Elros replied as he moved closer to Akeno and put an arm around her. She leaned in and he began to weave a hand through her dark hair, making her moan ever so slightly in pleasure.

"I'm more worried about Asia, Koneko, and Gasper. They're the youngest… although, I guess we're all young relatively," Elros said with a wry laugh.

"I suppose. I think they'll be alright. Koneko is… mature for her age. Gasper and Asia, I'm more worried about; Gasper doesn't handle being around blood very well, and Asia is still… naive, I guess," Akeno said.

"I'll talk to them about it tomorrow," Elros said with a sigh. Akeno nodded.

"You did well in handling the Stray, regardless. Quick and efficient. I'm almost jealous," Akeno said.

"It wasn't that strong, to begin with," Elros replied.

"Don't sell yourself short. All Devils have the potential to be dangerous; especially Strays," Akeno said.

"I guess that could be said for anything. Sometimes all it takes is a moment of… your mind wandering and…," Elros trailed off, covering it up with a cough. Akeno didn't seem to notice.

"So what did you and Azazel talk about?" Akeno asked.

"He wanted to know a bit about my ring so I showed him; we talked a bit about the Three Factions and a meeting that's going to be happening soon. He mentioned that we might be targets because of Issei, Asia, Xenovia, and I joining in short order. He explained a bit about how people become Devils as well as that I should try to get a grip on my own powers," Elros, giving Akeno an overview.

"Got it. Rias texted about us being targeted already. Are you worried?" Akeno asked.

"I am. If you notice anything out of the ordinary," Elros began as he looked at her. She smiled as she gave him a quick hug.

"Don't worry about us; we can all take care of ourselves. But, I'll keep you posted. And you keep us posted, alright? We're like family now," Akeno said as she let him go, still resting her hands on his shoulders.

"I know. But it's no use asking me NOT to worry. If I told you the same, would you listen?" Elros asked with a laugh.

"No, I guess not," Akeno replied with a giggle.

"Thought so," Elros said as he leaned back into the sofa a bit.

"We can discuss that later, though; I don't think anyone will try anything soon. And if they do, I'm confident we can handle them," Akeno said.

"Agreed, but we'll have to stay vigilant. I suppose I should learn how to use my powers as well. But first, I need to find out what they are," Elros said thoughtfully.

"Oh yeah… we didn't explain it to you, did we?" Akeno asked with a slight gasp; how could she and Rias have been so aloof that they didn't explain to Elros how he could use his pieces, his wings, or anything else?

"It's all good," Elros said with a grin.

"We'll teach you more about it tomorrow," Akeno said.

"Sounds good to me," Elros said. They both sat in peace for a bit longer before Elros spoke again.

"Azazel told me about how some Humans are turned into Devils. I'm curious, what was your process like?" Elros wondered.

He immediately regretted asking the question as he saw Akeno's smile drop and the temperature of the room fall. It seemed as though a shadow was cast over her eyes as she looked down. Elros looked on in worry as he saw Akeno bite her lip. To his further surprise, he saw a tear trickle out of her eye. When she spoke, her voice was soft and weak, breaking as she tried to get the words out.

"I… I… it's…," she began but was unable to form a sentence. Elros shifted closer to her and put his arm around Akeno, worried. To his surprise, however, she recoiled at his touch - slapping his hand away as she quickly got up. Walking over to the sink, she put her cup away.

"I'm going to turn in early tonight. I'll see you in the morning," she said without looking at him, her voice colder than he had heard it. Elros looked as though he was going to say something, but decided against it.

"Alright. Good night," was all he said, his voice laced with worry. As she shut the door to her bedroom, Elros let out a deep exhale.

"Good going, Elros. Barely been a couple of days and you've already alienated her. Quite the genius you are…" he scolded. He put his cup away as well and took a seat on the sofa again. He figured that it was best for the night that he didn't slip into bed with her; it was obvious that Akeno needed some alone time right now. As he crossed one leg over the other, he slowly shut his eyes and felt the darkness overtake him; it was punctured only by the screams of the man he helped.