
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs


"Hi," Marion said as she greeted Elros with a hug the following morning. Having rested for so long already after fighting Sirzechs, he was up hours before the next Rating Game had to begin.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he said, giving her a kiss. "Mmm. You just had chocolate, didn't you? Tasty."

"Good guess," she giggled. She kissed him again and gave a cute pout as she guessed the taste. "And you taste minty fresh. Yum."

"Glad you think so," Elros said, picking her up princess style. "So what's up?"

"Nothing much. Rias texted us all a while ago saying the next Rating Game is today. Are you ready?"

"Oh yeah. She wants me to hold back today, though. I'll be defending Gasper and Asia," he said.

"Who do you want to go up against?"

"Good question. I dunno, actually. Sairaorg would definitely be the toughest. Diodora… meh. I think I'd like to go up against Seekvaira's peerage, if anything," Elros said.

"So you can seduce her?" Marion asked as he began tapping her ass. Elros just laughed.

"Na. Well — if Rias allows it, maybe. But no. She mentioned that she wanted to utilize the technology created by Queen Industries, Wayne Enterprises, and Lex Corp. I'm curious what kind of power she uses, as well as the tech she already has at her disposal. She's the most interesting of the three," Elros said.

"All I know is that she's pretty tough. Has to be if she's up there with you guys," Marion said.

"Oh, I've no doubt about that. Whoever it is, though, I think we'll come out on top. Rias, Akeno, Issei, Kiba, Xenovia, and Koneko are all ridiculously strong. And Gasper and Asia might be the best supports anyone could ask for," Elros said.

"No kidding. We had a lot of trouble against them," Marion sighed.

"And now we're all friends. Alls well that ends well," Elros said. Marion smiled and hugged him a bit tighter.

"Mhm. Thanks to you," she said.

"I'm just glad you girls decided to go with me. Was it hard?"

"Only in the sense that we didn't know what to expect. With Riser, it was always the same. We didn't know if you'd try to take advantage of us or something," Marion said softly. "But you surprised us by giving us a choice. That was all I needed."

"I'm even happier that I gave you all a choice, then," Elros said, kissing her head. "Anything I can do for you, I will."

"I know," Marion said, stopping him and hopping down. She leaned up and gave him a passionate kiss. "I really like you, Elros. A lot."

"The feelings mutual," Elros said, kissing her back. "So, there's something I'd like to ask you. You and Bürent, actually."

"Oh? Let's go see her, then. You can just ask now," Marion said, opening a portal and pulling him through. Bürent smiled as she saw the two and leaped on Elros, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Hey. What's up?" She asked as she and Marion pulled him to the bed. Elros grinned and kissed them both lovingly before falling between them. Bürent took his chest while Marion rested her head on his shoulder, caressing his face.

"Well, I wanted to ask you both something. You two know that I might become an Ultimate Class Devil soon and that I'll be starting my own peerage," he said.

"Mhm. Congrats," Bürent said, proud of his accomplishment.

"Thanks," Elros said, caressing her cheek. "Well — I wanted to see if you two wanted to join my peerage when I get my king piece?"

"Really?" Bürent asked, surprised.

"Seriously?" Marion asked.

"Yup. I trust you both for one. And you already have experience, so you might be able to show me the ropes as well. I'm not quite sure what to expect, to be honest," Elros sighed.

"Are you sure? Don't you want someone… I dunno, stronger?" Marion asked uncomfortably. She remembered how quickly she and Bürent had fallen to him.

"You two are plenty strong. I'm just a freak, as Issei so kindly put it," Elros lamented. "No pressure, though. It's completely up to you. I had already asked Bella, but I don't think she's to keen on it."

"She'd definitely be a good choice," Bürent mused. "Mmm… I dunno. I like it because then I could spend more time with you. But…"

"Being in a peerage really lost its luster with Phoenix. You're nothing like him, but… I'm just tired of fighting, I guess. I don't mind helping the girls train but I don't really want to get into official matches anymore, honestly," Marion said.

"That's fine," Elros said, pulling them both a bit closer. "I'm not going to force you to join or anything. I just wanted to put it out there. If you ever want in, you've got it. Otherwise, I'm just happy to be with you."

"Do you have an idea of who else you want to join?" Marion asked.

"I've no idea, to be honest. I've asked you two and Bella and that's about it. I think I'll just take it slow, honestly. I'm not in any tremendous rush to build my peerage. Never know when I might get called away, anyways," Elros said.

"I think Mihae would join if you asked," Marion giggled.

"No kidding. She's got a huge crush on you," Bürent added.

"Ha. Maybe, but I don't think I'll ask her. She's still pretty young. I just want her to enjoy life like Gasper, Koneko, and Asia," Elros said.

"That's sweet of you," Bürent said, kissing his cheek.

"What about Isabela or Xuelan?" Marion wondered.

"Hmm. Maybe. I think they might be in the same boat as you guys, though. Xuelan I'm almost certain won't want to. Isabela might. And Lala's with Kiba, so he'd kill me if I even considered asking her," Elros said thoughtfully.

"What about one of your Lantern friends?"

"Nah. Most of them have other responsibilities back home. They couldn't make a sacrifice like that," Elros said.

"Hmm. Maybe you should try checking out the Gremory territory or other territories? The land size is about as big as Earth, so you might come across someone that interests you," Bürent suggested.

"Oooh, that's a good idea! I hadn't even considered it!" Elros exclaimed, bewildered at himself. He had already spent so much time in the Underworld, yet had stayed cooped up in a few places the whole time. He made a mental note to begin exploring all it had to offer.

"I wish we could give you a tour, but all we really know is the Phoenix territory. And I don't really want to go back there again," Marion said uncomfortably.

"We will if you want us to, though," Bürent added hesitantly. Elros smiled and pulled them a bit closer, kissing their heads.

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't really want to go there myself. Something tells me I won't exactly be welcome. There's plenty of other places, though," Elros said comfortingly. "Now, that's enough serious talk. I say we take a qui—"

"Bürent and I have to get to work, honey," Marion giggled.


"Yeah, but we want to," Marion said.

"Sorry. We'll see you at the Game, though," Bürent said, kissing him.

"Ugh, this is the second time you left me high and dry! I expect proper recompense for this, Bürent! I know you know what that means!" Elros exclaimed, shaking her gently by the shoulders.

"Well, I do have a couple of things in mind that you might like," Bürent said seductively, tracing his hands. "I think you'll love what I have planned."

"Oh? Does your plan factor in Marion?"

"Of course," Marion giggled.

"I'll be honest with you – sex with girls in maid outfits? I've totally dreamt of it," Elros admitted, sliding his hands down her back. Bürent let out a delighted sound as he squeezed her ass and spanked her.

"You're disgusting," Marion said.

"Thanks, babe," Elros said cheerfully.

"Glad we could help make your dream come true then," Bürent laughed.

"With many more times to come. Maybe even a little role-play next time, hmm?" Marion said seductively.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit; Allahu-Akbar; praise Yahweh; thank you Buddha, Shiva, Vishnu, and the other Hindu gods; Zeus, Odin, Janus…" Elros continued until he stumbled a bit thanks to the headache.

"Don't hurt yourself over us," Marion laughed as she helped him back up.

"Oh, I'd put myself through Heaven, Hell, and black holes for you two," Elros said seriously. The two blushed and smiled.

"Thanks," they said, giving him a kiss on either cheek before leaving.


"Hey, Rias," Elros said, hugging her from behind.

"Hi. You got up early," she said.

"Surprising, isn't it? You and Akeno really worked me out last night. Goddamn, if that isn't the greatest night of my life," Elros said, squeezing a breast.

"Happy you thought so," Rias said, putting her hand on his and guiding it to her heart. "So, are you ready for the Game?"

"Of course. We'll see to it that our King progresses. After which, this Pawn will escort his King to her bed, take off her royal garments, and make her scream so loud, the Titans of Tartarus will awaken," Elros said devilishly. Rias kissed his cheek before snuggling close to him, her hand slowly descending down his chest.

"Her Majesty will be very pleased if all those things happen. She looks forward to her favorite Pawn taking good care of her," Rias said seductively.

"Will this Pawn's Queen also be joining?" Elros asked as Akeno came in, buttoning up her shirt.

"Mhm. This Queen has a few things she needs her favorite Pawn to do for her. Then, if he does a good job, she'll reward him. Lovingly," Akeno said, kissing and biting his neck.

"This Pawn looks forward to seeing what his Queen has in store for him," Elros said, kissing her atop her head. "The Pawn having sex with such beautiful ladies of the court. How utterly, totally, completely, scandalous. What will the Court think?"

"Would our Pawn like Her Majesty and the Queen to stop?" Rias wondered. She smirked as Elros pushed her against the wall, kissing her with love. Rias wrapped a leg around his waist as she let him take control for the moment.

"This Pawn would like to bend Her Majesty over and make her scream his name. Don't even need to get her naked," Elros whispered in her ear.

"My Pawn will have to wait until Her Majesty is satisfied with a win. Her Majesty is accustomed to getting what she wants, after all," Rias said, pressing a finger to his lips. "Then – and only then – may he satisfy her. And she will reciprocate, of course."

Elros burst into a vivid green, eliciting a laugh from Rias and Akeno. "BRING THEM ON!" He roared. "Oh, whoever it, I'm going to literally destroy them. I can feel my willpower overflowing. I've never felt this way before! WAIT TIL I GET MY HANDS ON THOSE BASTARDS! I'M GOING TO TAKE ONE OF THEM AND SH—"

"You know my orders, sweetheart. But I'm happy to see you so excited," Rias said, hugging him.

"Ready to go, then?" Elros asked as he slowly calmed down.

"Yep. Let's get this done," Akeno said, taking his arm in hers.

"So, how did you two like last night?" Elros asked.

"Can't wait to do it again," Akeno said, kissing his hand.

"We should ask Marion and Bürent to join next time," Elros said thoughtfully.

"Don't you think that'd be too many girls at once?" Rias asked.

"You kidding? Not even close. I assure you I can handle everything you've all got!" Elros declared.

"Pervert," Akeno sighed.

"Thanks, honey," Elros said, kissing her cheek.

"That wasn't a compliment," Rias said.

"Really? I thought that was code for 'you did a fantastic job, babe, and I can't wait to fuck you again'," Elros said.

"In part. But mostly, it was meant to be insulting," Akeno teased.

"You're so mean, Akeno. I'm gonna punish you next time," Elros said.

"Oooh, that sounds fun. Maybe you should use your ring to tie me up like when we got back from training," Akeno said, clicking her tongue

"Oh, I will. But I've something even better in mind, to. Don't worry, Rias. I've got something good in store for you too. Oh, I am so going to enjoy this," Elros said in a low voice. Rias giggled and jabbed him again in the stomach, eliciting a painful cry.

"I look forward to it. Just remember that now I know your weakness. Bruise you while we have sex then give you a little punch," Rias said happily.

"Oh, such a cruel, cruel mistress. That said, it does get me a little hot. God, I hope I'm not becoming a masochist," Elros grumbled.

"You'll be in good company," Akeno reminded him.

"That much is true," Elros said, kissing her head. "I love you."

"I love you too, Elros," Akeno said happily.

"And I love you," Elros said, kissing Rias's head. She smiled and snuggled closer.

"I love you more," she said softly.


"Ready, little buddy?" Elros asked Gasper. As always, on the day of the Rating Game, Gaspers nerves were at an all time high. The little vampire gripped the gift that Elros had given him tightly.

"Y-yeah! I just hope I make you proud," Gasper said, despondently remembering his quick elimination by Sona's peerage.

"I'll always be proud of you, little buddy. Besides, I'm going to be backing you up this time. Anyone wants to get to you or Asia, they have to get through me first. I know you're gonna kick ass this time around, Gasper," Elros said, ruffling his hair. Rias and Akeno smiled as they saw the ecstatic look on the little vampires face.

"Who're we up against, Rias?" Issei asked.

"We'll find out once we get to Luciferd. It'll be either Seekvaira, Diodora, or Sairaorg. Diodoria and Seekvaira shouldn't give us to much trouble, but Sairaorg and his peerage might be more difficult," Rias said.

"Yeah, but we got Elros and his freakishness," Issei reminded her.

"You won't be able to rely on him to much this time, Issei. Elros is going to be focusing on defending Gasper and Asia, so it's on the rest of us to bring the win home," Rias said.

"I'm fine with it," Kiba said.

"Likewise. It's about time he take a break," Xenovia sighed.

"No kidding. Is it just me, or can you hear his joints creaking sometime?" Issei said.

"I certainly can," Xenovia said with a giggle. "Are you getting old, Elros?"

"I'm not an old man!" Elros grumbled.

"Still, she's not wrong. Even you need to lay back here and there. If you don't want to, just remember it's an order from your King and Queen," Akeno reminded him, massaging his shoulders.

"Ah. Well in that case, how can I refuse? Your wish, my command," Elros smirked.

"You guys are just evil. Like you're trying to make me jealous," Issei cried comically. Elros chuckled and slung an arm around him and Asia.

"Issei and Asia, sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g," he said cheerfully. The two turned a bright red, earning a laugh from the rest of the peerage.

"Not cool, man!" Issei groaned.

"It'll happen sooner or later. I'll move Heaven, Hell, and Earth to make sure it does," Elros chuckled. "Anyways, if you get a chance, help me out today. Still not feeling 100%, so I might need some help taking care of Gasper and Asia. I don't think I'll have much trouble, but just in case, I'm counting on you, alright?"

"Don't worry. I won't let you down!" Issei declared.

"I know. I trust you," Elros said, clapping him on the back. "How're you feeling about this, Asia?"

"I'm ready!" Asia squeaked nervously.

"You'll do fine, Asia. You and Gasper are our trump cards, after all. We've got your backs, alright? I just want you to do your best out there. Leave the rest to me. If they want to get to you, they have to get through me. No one gets through me," Elros said, giving her a gentle squeeze. Asia smiled and nodded, steeling herself for what was to come.

"You're pretty good at pep talks," Issei said.

"Learned from the best. Friend of mine off-world led a few armies. Guy could rouse the dead," Elros said, thoughtfully. "Huh. Literally in his case."

"Sounds like a badass, actually," Issei said.

"Oh, he is. I get all my best lines from him," Elros said.

"I hope he isn't as much of a tease as you," Rias said.

"Ha! Yeah right. He's way worse than me," Elros said.

"I find that hard to believe," Akeno giggled.

"Believe it, babe," Elros said. He rested a hand on Koneko's head and knelt down slightly, smiling. "How're you feeling about this, kiddo? Ready?"

"Yeah. I won't let you down," Koneko said.

"I don't think you could ever let me down," Elros said, hugging her. "We'll go for something sweet after we kick ass and take names."

"Sounds good to me," Koneko said happily.

"You all seem prepared," Venelana said, joining the group.

"You bet, Mrs. G! Are you gonna be coming with us today?"

"I will, sweetheart. How're you feeling now?"

"Alright, mostly. How's Sirzechs?"

"Besides his pride, he's doing fine," Venelana said with a smile. "You two certainly gave it your all."

"I'm just lucky I made it until Titania called it in my favor. Hey, Lady Gra Gra," Elros greeted.

"Ugh," she groaned. She allowed herself this one reprieve from her usual stoic manner. "Hello. Sirzechs asked me to congratulate you once again on your victory," she said, finally smiling. She thought it was a good thing for both of them; even when she visited him not to long ago, she could see the beginnings of a long training trek for her beloved.

"Is he gonna be there today as well?"

"The Four Satans will be attending the events a bit later," she said.

"Right on. Are you coming? What about the little guy?"

"I will be. My son, however, must attend to his studies," Grayfia said.

"A moment of silence for our fallen," Elros said, shaking his head.

"Anyway, let's get going," Rias said, giving him a moment.


"Rias, Akeno - both of you are positively glowing," Venelana said, turning the two red. She and Grayfia couldn't contain their giggles as they figured out the reason.

"You two really need to stick to teasing just Rias," Akeno whined.

"Hey!" Rias complained.

"Elros is extracting my karma for me. This is justice!" Issei exclaimed.

"Ugh," Akeno grumbled. She and Rias had both teased Issei a lot before Elros came into the picture; she figured it was just desserts.

"I never knew you two to get this flustered before," Kiba mused.

"Kiba," Rias said sweetly.

"Yes, President?"

"You're getting punished after this," Rias said.

"… I figured," Kiba said. He grinned as Elros winked a him.

"Hey Kiba, Gasper, Issei — you guys want to go do something on Earth this week? We need some guy time. Away from all the cooties."

"Cooties? What're you, 12?" Rias asked.

"Hey, I'm at least a teenager!" Elros said, indignant.

"That much is true," Grayfia sighed.

"I'm down," Issei said.

"YEAH!" Gasper exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Kiba asked.

"Hmm. Could go to base camp and climb a bit?"

"How about hell to the fuck no?" Issei suggested.

"Ha. ATV'ing in California? Lots of dunes," Elros said.

"Uhh… I—I have a suggestion," Gasper said, meekly raising his hand. The others looked surprised; Gasper never suggested anything.

"What is it, little buddy?" Elros asked.

"T—There's a play going on in Gotham. I—I—kinda wanna go see it," Gasper said, turning red.

"A play?" Issei asked.

"Y—yeah. Zorro," Gasper said.

"It's decided, then. We'll go see the play," Elros said, resting a hand on Gaspers head. "Good choice, kiddo. If I'd known that was on, I'd have said it myself."

"Man, I fuckin' love those comics! Can't wait to see it live," Issei said excitedly.

"Good job, Gaspie," Koneko said, giving him a thumbs up.

"We'll do that in a couple of days. Today, we'll get some ice cream after finishing the game," Elros said, resting his hand on Koneko's head. She was delighted by the touch and sidled closer to Elros, who smiled and began to pat her.

"You ought to spend some time with Millicas when you have the chance, sweetheart. He really admires you," Venelana said, observing how Elros interacted with the youngest Devils.

"Sounds good to me, Mrs. G. Maybe the little guy can go watch the play with us? Lady Gra Gra?"

"I will allow it," Grayfia nodded.

"You two are so hard on him," Rias sighed.

"They can't let him become a degenerate like Elros," Akeno giggled.

"He's at an impressionable age, so don't get him into too much trouble," Rias said. She had an idea of how this might turn out; not many of the outcomes appealed to her.

"I'm not a deviant, you know," Elros grumbled.

"Oh yes you are," Rias laughed. "Just take it easy on him. He hasn't ever been to Earth, so really look after him."

"Your lips to my heart," Elros said before leaning in close. "And to my—"

Rias nudged him in the side — hard. Elros gasped but grinned, eliciting an eyeroll.

"Not in front of everyone else," she sighed.

"Sorry, sweetheart," he laughed, ruffling Gaspers hair. "Don't follow Issei and I to much, little buddy. When it comes to manners, Kiba's much better than us."

"We're not that bad," Issei said.

"Oh, yes you are. You're a bit better than Elros though, Issei," Rias giggled.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult," Issei grumbled.

"Don't worry, Mrs. G, Lady Gra Gra! Kiba and Gasper will make sure Issei and I don't get him into trouble!" Elros said.

"I trust you, dear," Venelana said with a smile.


"Glad you girls could make it," Elros said, giving everyone a kiss on the cheek.

"Doesn't it get tiring kissing everyone when you see them?" Kiba wondered. Quite literally every time they came across a girl that they even remotely knew, Elros would hug and kiss them.

"Are you kidding me?!" Elros asked against, closely hugging the girl nearest him — Akeno. "I'd spend my entire fucking life making out with them if I could! Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade of every century of every millennium!"

"Fun as that would be, you do have other responsibilities," Akeno laughed.

"Tell me to give them up and I will," Elros said, kissing her again. She smirked and pulled him in deeper, pouring as much passion as she could into it. The others giggled and blushed as Akeno pulled him against the wall, wrapping a leg around his waist. She squealed in pleasure as his tongue lashed against hers, tasty as ever.

"So not fair," Issei grumbled.

"You two can make out later. Come on, it's time to get ready," Rias said.

"Your wish, our command," Elros said, still holding onto Akeno, who began kissing his neck. "We'll Bang Bang later, babe."

"That's a pretty sexy song," Akeno said, biting his ear.

"Even better. I'll put it on a loop," Elros suggested.

"Sounds good to me. But she's right. Let's go, loverboy, everyone. Remember to give it your all," she said.

"We're really going to get back to training after this," Rias said.

"Haven't you said that like every week?" Issei wondered.

"Yes, but I mean it this time. Things keep coming up," Rias sighed, rubbing her head. "Would you ladies help us?"

"Certainly," Yubelluna accepted, kissing Elros once more before they parted. "Best of luck, sweetheart."

"Thanks, babe," Elros said, grinning. He kissed Mihae once more on the cheek before leaving with the others.

"You should make your move soon, Mihae," Bürent whispered.

"Bürent! Not you too!" Mihae squealed, pressing her hands over her friends mouth and blushing. The others just giggled at her antics.


"Alright everyone. We need a win today. Because otherwise, I won't get my fivesome with Akeno, Rias, Bürent, and Marion and I real–"

Rias quickly put a hand over his mouth and sighed. "Leave that to me. Elros is right, though. Remember to give it your best, everyone. You guys did great against Sona, and she was one of the tougher ones. Today shouldn't be that hard."

She had just opened her mouth to speak again when suddenly, she noted Elros's ring begin to glow. Her heart fell as she saw his face fall; Elros turned his back to them and walked a few feet away.

"Go," Elros said seriously. As he received the information, he couldn't help but sigh. When his ring was done, he scratched his head and turned around with a pained smile.

"A mission?" Rias asked nervously.

"Yeah," Elros said apologetically. "I'm really sorry about this, Rias."

"I know," she sighed, hugging him as he approached. 'Damn it. And right after his fight with Zechs! I swear, Zechs, if Elros gets hurt, I'm gonna kill you.'

"Elros! You're going on another mission?" Gasper asked, worried.

"I'll be back soon, little buddy. And with another gift for you and Koneko," Elros said, grinning as he kissed the two atop their heads.

"Be careful," Koneko said.

"I will, kiddo. We'll get that ice cream after I'm done. I'll try to get you a few more flowers from the world's I end up going to," Elros said, hugging her. "I'm sorry I won't be able to join you today. Make sure you notch a knockout for me, alright?"

"Alright," she said, smiling.

"Come back to me," Akeno said, hugging him tightly. Elros smiled and kissed her atop her head and cheek.

"I will. I'll be in and out in a minute," he assured her.

"If you come across a hot alien chick…" Issei began.

"I'll be sure to bring something extra special back for you," Elros said. "Hope you don't mind some extra appendages or something."

"Hot is hot," Issei grinned.

"My man," Elros laughed. "Later everyone. I'll be back as quick as I can. I know you'll kick ass today. Let Bella and the others know, too."

As he left, Akeno growled to Rias, "If he gets hurt, I swear I'm going to kill Zechs."

"So will I," Rias answered.

"Uhh…" Issei began, before Kiba put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head.


The week had droned on without any word from Elros. Although they had beaten Diodora in the Rating Game, the event had taken its toll on the team – especially on Issei & Asia. The two had begun to spend more time with each other; Issei refused to be away from her for to long, afraid that something else might happen.

Meanwhile, Rias and Akeno had a difficult time thinking of anything except Elros. While they had gone through this once before, it wasn't something they wanted to get used to. Not hearing from him took a toll on their mood, and it showed; their patience was shorter than usual and they spent a lot more time training than they otherwise would. The peerage had hardly seen Rias for a couple of days as she buried herself in her studies, preparing to head the Gremory Household.

"I hope he's okay," Mihae sighed as she, Bürent, and Marion prepared some lunch.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Mihae," Bürent said, putting an arm around her. "Elros is the strongest person here. There's no way he won't be fine. It's probably just really hard for him to talk to us when he's on a mission. He's got other things on his mind."

"I suppose you're right," Mihae said, although she didn't sound convinced.

"What do you think, Issei, Asia?" Marion asked as the two walked in.

"About Elros?" Issei asked. "He'll be fine. I'd be more afraid for whoever's trying to fuck with him."

"Not to mention, his Phoenix powers should be able to heal him!" Asia piped in.

"I almost forgot about those," Bürent said.

"How're you feeling, Asia?" Mihae asked.

"Better, thank you," Asia said, smiling. "I don't really remember much of what happened."

"Why do you guys attract all the weirdos?" Bürent wondered.

"I've been asking myself that every day since I joined…" Issei said morosely as he slumped away, Asia trying to cheer him up.


Rias and Akeno woke with a startle as they heard the massive balcony window break open. A green-tinted figure cut his feet on the glass as his armor dissipated from the floor up before falling on the shards, bleeding profusely. With a shriek, the two rushed over and turned Elros on his back. They looked with horror at the sight; Elros had glass embedded in him, but the bleeding, bruising, and burns seemed to be older. Besides the time he was gored by the three-eyed beast, they couldn't recall seeing him in such a state.

It had been a couple of weeks since they had last heard from him. Both had been on the phone with Carol for more than an hour everyday. Talking to her was helpful – as was knowing that Elros sometimes wouldn't talk because any distraction could lead to injury; it eased their worry, slightly – no news was good news. She promised to keep the two updated, as Hal still had his own ring and network.

"Hey," Elros finally breathed, opening his eyes. "I'm beat."

"Don't talk! Akeno! Get the Phoenix Tears!"

"NO!" Elros yelled. "No. Just… bed."

Grimacing, they two agreed and helped him up. Elros' feet could hardly support him as they walked him to the bed; more than a couple of times, he nearly collapsed.

"I'll go get Asia. Get that glass out of him," Akeno said, quickly leaving.

"Elros…" Rias whispered as she considered his state. She pulled out the larger pieces before turning the lights up so she could see the smaller shards.

"Hey…" Elros said, barely holding onto consciousness. "No worries, no worries. This is… better than… normal. Promise."

"I don't even want to think about what your definition of normal is," Rias said. She moved aside as Asia rushed in with the others, each just as worried. Elros sighed in relief as the warm healing glow washed over him.

"Thanks, Asia," he said, ruffling her hair before patting Koneko. "Hey, kiddo. You've been training, huh?"

"Are you ok?" Gasper asked worriedly.

"Definitely, little buddy. Just tired. I'll tell you and Koneko the story after I get some rest," Elros said.

"Okay," Gasper nodded. He and Koneko both hugged Elros before letting everyone else get a moment as well.

"Meet any hot alien chick?" Issei asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Met a hot chick, but she's from Earth too," Elros chuckled. "I'll introduce you to her sometime."

"Sweet," he laughed. "Oh, wait 'til you hear how much ass I kicked."

"My man. I knew you'd be able to do it. Just hop–" Elros coughed roughly, some blood escaping. He quickly hid it before finishing, "hope you didn't Dress Break to many girls."

"Just a couple," Issei said cheerfully.

"You ought to get some rest," Kiba said.

"Probably a good idea," Elros said, feeling his eyelids getting heavy. "I'm… gonna talk to…" was all he got out before finally passing out. The others observed for a few more minutes, not sure of what to say. They had never seen Elros look so beat before; it was usually him providing the beatdown, not receiving it. With a few furtive glances, they slowly filed out.


When Elros woke up, he saw that Rias was asleep in a chair off to the side, Akeno sitting next to her. He couldn't help but smile at the affection they held for him. Slowly, quietly, he got out of the bed and stretched. He quickly put up a few constructs to make sure he didn't fall over before walking over to the window and basking in the suns glow.

'Fucking hell,' he thought to himself. His body was still racked with pain, bits of tiredness creeping in where the pain was slowly disappearing. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to stand.

'Better go wash up before getting back in bed,' he thought, looking over his body. He turned and gingerly made his way to the bathroom. Each step was like a sprinted mile, taking more out of him than he thought he could give. He activated his Phoenix power on his right arm; as the fire dissipated, he saw the wounds heal up well but as he tried to move it normally, he felt a shot of pain.

'I need more control over these. These and the Blue Ring. Fucking hell, Elros,' he thought to himself, grinding his teeth. Despite all the training he had done, he had little to show for it; he couldn't rely on his powers for the most severe needs just yet. There was still a ways to go.

He wasn't being as quiet as he could. Rias slowly opened an eye and saw him heading to the bathroom, obviously in pain. She felt her heart break at the sight; Elros was always strong and resolute. As he closed the door, she quietly got up and followed him in.

"Hey," Rias said quietly, hugging Elros from behind as he tried to sit down. Each time he bent, he shot back up; the pain and soreness were mounting.

"Hey, sweetheart. You probably don't want to be here right now. I'm pretty dirty," Elros said tiredly.

"Now's the perfect time for me to be here," Rias said, helping him take a seat. She quickly threw her clothes aside and began to rinse him down with warm water. Elros let out a relieved sigh and hung his head. He could see the dirt, grime, and blood pool around his feet before whirling down the drain.

"Thanks," he said softly.

"You're welcome," Rias said, pausing for a second to kiss him atop his head. Managing a small smile, she continued. After she managed to rinse off what she could, she knelt down and began to wash his back.

"Stay seated," she said, knowing that he'd probably offer to go to the shower. "I don't want you on your feet today."

"Alright," Elros said. Rias was surprised he gave in so easily but contented herself with it.

"Will you tell me what happened?"

"After," Elros said.

"Alright," she said softly. Rias paused and hugged him, kissing his cheek before whispering loving words to him, letting him know everything was alright now.


Satisfied she had cleaned him up as much as possible, Rias helped him up and led him into the hot water she had drawn. They got comfortable, Elros letting out an exalted sigh. He rested his head against hers, his eyes half closed.

"Thanks. For everything," he whispered.

"I love you," Rias said, kissing his head. She adjusted her position, moving behind him. She brought his head down on her chest, gently running her fingers down his neck and torso.

"Let's see…" Elros said quietly. "It was a planet not too far away. Pretty close by, universally speaking. They'd been having trouble with a twin planet. Resources, of course. War had broken out. Jessica was already on another mission, so it was me."

"Jessica?" Rias asked, surprised to hear a human name.

"Yeah. She's my partner. Another GL. I actually invited her to come see us in Japan in a few weeks. Hope you don't mind."

"Not even a little. I'd love to meet your partner," Rias said, kissing his cheek. "Is she beautiful?"

"Ah. Ha. She is, but no, it's not like that. I think of her more as a sister. It's been tough for her, but I don't think I'm comfortable saying more than that. You can ask her, if you'd like," Elros said.

"Alright," Rias said.

"I got there. It was pretty bad. War had already broken out. Couldn't even count the dead. Helped who I could with my Blue Ring, but then my position got attacked. Barely managed to raise a barrier. Continued to help who I could. Eventually, had to join the fight. Every race is different, though. The attacking planet was a warrior-caste. Strong wills; gave me hell, too. Think that continued for the better part of 2 weeks. Eventually, reinforcements arrived and we pushed them back. Blue Lanterns took over and started the healing process. I made my way back," Elros said. Rias listened quietly and intently. She had never seen Elros like this before. It was as though all the cheer was sucked out of him. He looked years older, the white hair running through his sides even more pronounced. Rias felt a pang in her heart; she didn't know what she could say that would cheer him up. She contented herself with holding him a little bit tighter and kissing his shoulder and neck.

"How do you feel now?" Rias finally asked.

"Tired and beat," Elros sighed. "Some of these missions end up taking a lot out of you. Good thing I've got that extended lifespan now."

"No more Gotham trip for you. Not until you're 100%," Rias told him. She wouldn't be denied.

"Alright," Elros sighed, kissing one of her hands.

"Get some sleep," Rias whispered in his ear.

"In a little bit," Elros said, closing his eyes.. "Right now, I just want to enjoy some time with you. 3 weeks without hearing your voice. That was the worst part."

Rias couldn't help but smile at that. She whispered "I love you," in his ear before beginning to kiss his cheek, neck, and shoulders, her fingers continuing to massage him along the front. One of her hands slipped down below the water and began to stroke.

"Take it easy," she whispered. "Let me take care of you today. Akeno and I both. Just… don't do anything, okay? Masters orders."

"Alright," Elros said, sighing in pleasure – the only that he had had for a long while.


"How're you feeling now?" Rias asked, laying Elros down.

"Much better," he said, caressing her cheek. "Thanks. I appreciate you taking care of me."

"You're welcome," she said, smiling as she took his hand and kissed it. "Now, I just want you to rest. I'm going to see if you can't skip the next Rating Game."

"What? Why?" Elros asked, surprised.

"Because I don't want to risk you getting injured right after coming back," she said.

"I'm fine, Rias. I'll hold back, I promise. I already had to skip one; I don't want to leave you guys hanging for another," Elros said, trying to get up. Rias pushed him back down and mounted him. She leaned down and kissed him before folding her arms on his chest and laying down.

"You're sweet," she said, smiling. "Fine. But if you try to eliminate anyone, I'll bench you the next game. One, we can't keep relying on you. I know you want us to, but I need to make sure everyone is able to carry their own weight whenever you're not around. Two, you're used to charging in in every situation. I want you to get a handle on support as well."


"Yeah, like Gasper or Asia. You took so much damage on your mission; I think it'd be helpful if you get better at strengthening your defense in a Devilish manner, as opposed to just relying on your Ring. It's strong and versatile, but you need explore your powers more. Your Phoenix Fire should've protected you; I don't know why it didn't," Rias said.

"Space," Elros said, smiling. "I'm not like the Sun or anything. No oxygen in space, remember?"

"Hmm… there's probably a workaround for that too," Rias said. "But back to the main point: support only."

"Alright," Elros sighed.

"Good," she said, giving him a quick peck. "Now, get some rest. You're resting this entire day."

"Your wish, my command," Elros said, taking her cheeks in his hands and giving her a loving kiss. "Before I sleep – how'd the last game turn out?"

"It's a long story," Rias sighed. She cuddled close and filled him in on the details. She felt Elros's rage intensify when he heard about what had almost happened to Asia.

"They're both dead now," Rias reminded him.

"Good. Otherwise, I'd tear them apart limb from fucking limb," Elros growled. "Next game, I'm not leaving Asia's sight. I won't fight, but if someone tries to get to her, I'm going to bash their skull in."

"I'll allow it," Rias giggled. She smiled as she ran her fingers down his body, frowning as she encountered some new scars. She lifted his shirt up and traced them before kissing him. "Elros."


"Maybe… you should consider retiring. Soon?"

"I don't think so," Elros said, managing a small smile. "Like I said, this is better than normal. I'll be tip-top before you know it."

Rias decided not to press the point for the moment. She smiled and kissed him before closing his eyes and leaving. As she closed the door, she bit her lip hard. Despite her worry, she had always thought of Elros as being almost invincible. He bounced back quickly from almost everything, despite getting a bit roughed up here and there. She resolved to take care of him more often going forward – as well as making sure that everyone would be able to pull their weight when the time came. They couldn't rely on him at all times.


"Hey," Elros said. He had just woken up with Akeno standing over him, smiling.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she giggled. "You're adorable when you're asleep."

"Thanks," he chuckled. "What's up?"

"Just thought I'd do something for you," she said, softly flipping him on his stomach. Out of the corner of his eye, Elros saw Akeno's clothes fall to the wayside before he felt her hands upon his back, slowly kneading up. Groans of pleasure escaped him as she helped dissuade some of the tension in his body.

"You're so tense," she said softly.

"Job hazard," he said, exhaling peacefully. "You're amazing."

"Practice. A lot of my jobs were guys who wanted me to give them massages," she said. She laid down, her breasts touching his back, and nibbled his ear. "None of them got to see me naked, though. None of them got a happy ending, either."

"I'm sure they were happy enough just to have you there," Elros whispered back, stealing a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to his position. Akeno smiled and kissed his head before resuming. After feeling comfortable she got every part of his back she wanted, Akeno flipped Elros over. She guided his cock inside her and wiggled around a bit before continuing to massage his front.

"A very happy ending," Elros sighed.

"I thought you'd like it," she said, leaning down and kissing him. "I won't be to rough."

"Oh, be as rough as you want. When I go, I wanna go screaming," Elros laughed, eliciting a giggle from her.

"Good to see you're still as disgusting as ever," she said, slowly beginning to ride. "I don't ever wanna go long that again."

"I'll make up for it," Elros said, his hands running up her stomach and squeezing her breasts.

"You'll have plenty of time to. Until you're 100%, though, I'm in control," Akeno said, taking his hands and pinning him down. "Consider this revenge for all the times you teased me," she added with a giggle.

"I knew that'd come back to bite me on the ass one day. Or the dick," he chuckled. Akeno smirked and leaned down, kissing him and biting his lips.

"Or the lips," she said.

"That too," he said. "I'm gonna need a kiss to make that pain go away."

"Fine," she said, obliging. "Better?"

"Much," Elros said, running his hand through her hair. Drawing herself back up, she reminded him not to do anything and continued to work him.


"Elros," Akeno said, tracing a heart on his chest.


"I know you love being a Lantern, but is there a time you think you'll stop?" Akeno asked.

"I think so," Elros said, kissing her head. "I don't think I'm going to be able to do this for the rest of my life. Like I told Rias a while ago, it takes its toll."

"I can tell," Akeno said, caressing the scars. "I hope you'll stop sooner rather than later."

"I might have to disappoint you then," Elros said with an apologetic smile. "I intend to fulfill my duties until I'm on the precipice of defeat."

"I know," Akeno said, kissing his shoulder. "I love that about you."

"You're not angry?"

"Oh, I'm furious. Still, I know what being a Lantern means to you. So long as you make sure to come back to me, I'll keep helping you," she said. Elros was quiet for a moment before replying.

"Thanks," he said. Akeno smiled as she sensed the weight behind the word.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you more," Elros replied, kissing her head before cuddling close. "Heroic boyfriend. That's hot."

"Mhm," Akeno giggled. "I could do worse, I guess. Probably even better."

"Ouch. That hurts, babe," Elros said, grasping his chest dramatically.

"Good. That really activates my sadism," Akeno laughed.

"I forgot about that," Elros chuckled. "I'll find a way to counteract that eventually."

"I look forward to it. It'll probably as much fun for me as it is for you," she said.

"I just remembered I got my fight coming up soon," Elros sighed.

"Do you think you're ready for it?" Akeno asked softly.

"I think so. Compared to this last mission, Yama should be a breeze," Elros said.

"He's a bit… terrifying," Akeno said.

"No kidding. Dudes a real monster. Still, so am I," Elros said, grinning. Akeno smiled and kissed him.

"Yeah, but you're a lovable monster. Just don't do anything stupid. If you need the Phoenix Tear, you really should take it," Akeno said.

"Better to save it for when it's really needed," Elros said. "Oh yeah – Rias mentioned Vali came in useful recently."

"Yeah. We owe him one for bringing Asia back," Akeno said.

"How was he?"

"You mean after what you did to him? Hmm… a lot more mellow, actually. He did ask about where you were; we just said you were back on the planet."

"Good excuse. Technically correct," Elros laughed.

"Glad you think so," Akeno giggled. "But I don't think he holds any ill will. He and Issei actually seemed to get along a little better this time. We also got a look at Great Red. He's huuuuuuge."

"Vali wants to fight him?"

"He & Issei both. We also saw Ophis."

"Rias mentioned that. What about her partner?"

"No sign of her," Akeno said. "We couldn't do much about her, though. She's powerful."

"Oh yeah. Gave me a tough time, too," Elros said. "At least everyone made it back safe. That's what matters."

"Yup," Akeno said, kissing his cheek. "Now get some rest. You should be a little more tired now."

"You've no idea," Elros yawned before moving down and resting his head on her chest. Akeno smiled and continued to stroke his hair until he fell asleep. Gently resting his head on the pillow, she cleaned up and headed out to meet with Rias, Sona, & Tsubaki.


"I'm just happy he's alright," Sona said.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner," Tsubaki said, running a hand through her hair.

"It's fine. You guys did well during the Game," Rias said, smiling.

"Thanks," Sona said. "We'll check in on him before heading back. But did you get the message, too?"

"Yeah," Rias said, pulling out her phone and reading the text Maze had sent each of them.

"Tomorrow night," Akeno said, a bit nervous.

"She wants it before summer is over, I think. The Ruins of Connection are going to be after Elros' fight with Yama, which is soon. If she wins, I have to tell him before then," Rias said, gulping.

"We knew it was coming," Sona sighed. "We'll have to do it."

"Are you girls ready?" Rias asked.

"As ready as I can be. She's gonna be tough," Akeno said.

"What're you going to tell Elros about tomorrow?" Tsubaki asked.

"He's still pretty beat, so I think he's just going to be resting. At least he better be. He was barely able to sit down," Rias sighed.

"I'll ask Marion & Bürent to take care of him tomorrow night. I think Koneko & Gasper want to spend time with him during the day," Akeno said.

"That works," Rias said. "Anyways, lets get some rest. You two want to stay over?"

"Yeah," the two nodded. Rias led them back to Elros's room. The girls smiled as they saw his resting figure. He was spread comfortably over the bed, his chest rising and falling with each content breath. The four of them got situated on and around him before falling asleep. As though sensing their presence, Elros contracted a bit, making sure they could all get comfortable.

"Good night, sweetheart," Rias said, kissing his cheek before cuddling close. She quickly fell asleep; she wanted to enjoy this peaceful night – the next one was sure to be sleepless.